RED CLOUD, NEBRAIKA, 0 H 1 3B li rmm CI p I El H h I'V I, AP 4fWVWWyVWVWrtrWW .'V('rw gi ' . .-ii MTaa, to.,-,... t . '.i WLi Pit J. rfi., .. '. PsmwmwBmmmMmwmF'Bmmw5EmmmimwnbM&awm Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse ED. AMACK "UNDERTAKING (LADY ASSISTANT) THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nebraska. fCJULISHED EVERY THURSDAY intorcd In thu l'ontofllce at ltcd Cloud. Nob. as tjccond CIihs Matter A B. MoARTllUR 1'um.iBiiKit CUB ONLY DEMOCRATIC PAPKK IN WKIlHTKlt COUNTY 5 ALL THE PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB. $ i cG&& :.fVrF" SSY mg&c RHEUMATIC REMEDY Don't wait until you suffer tor turesat the first twinge begin treatment with this dependable, efficient SANTOX alkaline prep aration which stimulates digestive secretions, prevents the accumu- Tlils being tlie day fict aside for giv ing thanks for nil blessings tlmt lms been bestowed upon us by our Maker It is the diitv of every one to offer up thanks to Him. As n community we have lnueh to feel thankful for, lu the way of a bountiful harvest us a reward for our sonson of toil. As n nation, thut wo nre at peace with all the world. On tho north wo havo Canada, who has given her sons and fathers to light for her ruler. Ou the south wo have Mexico, in1 thu midst of a revolution. Its roving bands murdering their fcl low citiztns and destroying their pro perty. Across tho ocean tlie entire continent is at war. Missery, sullcr Ing and death where ever you go. In the good old lnnd of the freo we have plenty, and many of us iillttlo to spare, to relievo tho bufferings and wants of our follow citizens loss fortu nate In life's battles. We have our fathers, brothers and sweethearts nt our iiresido and n t on the battle field or in n soldier's grave. None of us have received so little that we have not some thing to feel thnnlcful for. Lot us hope that for many of those days to come that we may find our selves enjoying a liko blessing. r v- Tir.i ..Sui nrZirt V'VnlW' :UV iyW Youf Money Back If Not S.tUfied 'flkii lation of intestinal toxine3 and neutralizes acid deposits which cause rheumatic troubles. Its formula ha3 long been the favorite prescription of many leading physicians and is unexcelled for the treat ment of Acute Rheumatism, Sciatica, Gout, Uric Acid Diathe- sis and affections of a similar nature. Thanksgiving Dinner Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day. Think of tho turkey, ernuberiy sail co, miuce pie What? You sny you "dread Thanks giving dinner" owing to stomtujh trouble. Can't enjoy Thanksgiving dinner! That is to too bad! There is a cause for your stomach trouble. Somo of the nerves lending to the stomach Hrejbeing pinched, owing to n subluxation of vertebrae. Havo tho C.Uisn removed by taking Chiropractic Adjustments, then "Bo Thankful"' wheu Thank-giving Day arrives. R. E. CAMP, D. C. BLADEN Cloyd Ureeno was In Edgar, Thurs day, Cy Jennings left for (.'hosier, Mon day. John Hull emtio down from Law rouco, Saturday. Eli Cox was down from Lincoln several days last week. C. W. VanMotor and wife loft for Oxford, Thursday evening. Etnmott McLaughlin returned to Beatrice the first of tho week. Mrs. Prank' Room ha been visiting her former homo at Uitner tho past week. M. Diol was down from Hastings last week visiting at the home of Ira Walbnrn. Glen Phelps returned to Ong, Thurs di( morning, after a short stay at his home here Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Hendricks and daughter, Jtinott, wore visiting in Blue Hill, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Cunningham and son, Ivan, visited relatives in Blue Hill, Saturday. Lisle Hobart left for Glenalder, Khe sas, Thursday morning, where ho will remain for several weeks. Mrs. Hobart left Thursday morning for an extended visit with friends and relatives at Moreland, Okla. Mrs. Krai returned to Hastings Friday, after u short visit with hor daughter. Mis. Robert Thompson, here. Clias. Tiirnbaugh'nnd Harold Reed left for Denver, Thursday evening, where they will take positions on the railroad. Mrs. Purely returned to Strang, Saturday, after ii short visit with her mother, Mrs. Worley, aud other rela tives hero. Mrs. J. Hughes and daughter, Wel da, returned on Monday to their home at Hebron, after a visit with Rev. nnd Mrs. Moore. . Leonard Burr returned home Thurs day from tho northwestern part of tho stnto where ho has been working the past few weeks. Sam Hogate and wife with their children, Wilnm and Wilton, arrived from Arthur, Xebr., for nu extended visit with Sam's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hogate, and other relatives and frionds. The Chief Sl.liO per year. " Read it. a The Best Christmas Present Thnt is what many write in, who innko a gift of u Youth's Companion subscription to n friend or relative. Thousands can recall the Hist Christ mas that Tho Companion came into tho house, and how it ivni passed from one to another sis a most pre cious thing, and the beauty of it was that every week it was looked for, and pounced upon and devoured, and ev. erylhing else put aside for It. You can bring that same senao of delight into any homo by-sendiug the Youth's Companion to it for n year S2.00 only four cents a week Tho Companion Home Calendar goes to', overy new subscriber ami to every everyone who makes a gift subscription. You can, if you wish, tako advant age of The Companion's special ar rangement with McCall's Magazine, nnd by sendlug 82.10 get both publi cations for 1017. This makes two Christmas Presents for the price of one. Every one taking advantage of, this oiler has the choice of u free Dross Pattern sent by McCalls Maga Kino sent on receipt of a 2-sent stamp. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, St. Paul St., Boston, Mass. Local Farm For Sale Well improved quarter section, Jj mile north from corporate limits and 1 mllo fromceuter of business center of Red Cloud. All first nnd second bottom. All readily tillable excepting creek channel aud timber. 20 acres first bottom, 100 acres low second bot tom. 110, acres in cultivation, .10 acres pasture, and timber, r5 acres finest alfalfa. This farm Is most attractively locat ed ou main-traveled north road into Rod Cloud. Can easily have nil the conveniences in lino of mail, tele phones, electricity, schools and church os of this city, and is no farther out than the remoter districts inside the corporation. An ideal homo, dairy, feeding station, stock and grain farm. Excellent soil and good producer, with running water and shade, well drained and sheltered lots. Quarter measures out 1G1 acres. llfis farm is priced to sell and $0000 cash will handle it. Satisfactory terms to purchaser. Daniel Garber Owner and Operator ' RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. nnn'' i?A;i x GAA ASUAl t A CHI. Ml Ji the Speciat Program for Thanksgiving 'The Fear of Poverty' IN FIVE ACTS The Great Thanhouser Play most This is a life story which of us has to contend with. This is a a regular 1 5c pro gram. On this day the admission will be 5 c and 1 Oc. Matinee at Orpheum at 3:30 Night at Tepee at 7:35 Corn Show Jan. 15 to 20 II I I BHM, A corn show is to one of tlie big features of Organized Agriculture Week at the University Farm", Lincoln, Jan lfl to 20, when twenty-eight agri cultural societies meet simultaneously for annual sessions. The corn-show is to be held in connection witiivtlio apple, flower and potato show, both occupying the city auditorium. Tho homo economics association is arrang ing to havo an exhibit at the university farm campus. Special attention is to be paid to Ne braska youngsters who nre growing corn. Separate classes will bo provid ed for boys who have grown their com without help from adults, and for boys who personally and independently select the ears they wish to enter from corn grown on land operated by n rela tive, entries limited to boys from 10 to 18 years of age inclusive. ViV.V.V.V.ViV1V.VAVAW.V.V.V.V.VVvA Stock Sale! WWUUVUVWUVk g i C. L. COTTING The Druggist RANGE COMFORT That will Last a Lifetime a mm JTiiiMJlfi TTtwmmKB . C-'-TT pn 9 Lnjouuf JflVf-ereHl I. K.Bf.'S1 lmi5M I mm vll SB 111 tjmjF" '""'i P' Lunch COR the sake of a few dollars now why buy a range that in a few years will need repairs and in a few years more will be worn out entirely? Add a few more dollars and buy a The Soutli Bond Malleable ALL-WAYS PREFERABLE Range The Range that'll give per fect satisfaction in every way and with a little care will last a life time. When buying a range, buy the best? Come and see it and let us tell you all about it. It is o beautiful range It is an excellent baker It is a great uel saver mmm satisfaction The Big Value In A Heater that you have been looking for. Economical in the consumption of fuel Handsome in appearance Strong durable in construction Burns any kind of fuel The ILINOY HEATER is one that will give you entire satisfaction. Let us show you all its points of advantage. Come in, now. GEO. W. TRINE RED CLOlJD'S LEADING HARDWARE DEALER i -ssmmmmmmmmmWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm -: HMHHHm i r lafeaasyr .. . ..MiVLB -: 45 ks'vi.vv".'; H; mmmmmmt IIIIHr m9HI t JHITbtItItItBItIvItB mmmmmWmmwBmBkr mWm immmmWk ! mmmWLmSm mmM r mmmmmWimmmMmmSmmmmms Mm3Bfm z mmMsMniWmtmBd jhBHmH' mmm9m4mMWs3mWm m . .. .Swyfe v i'!' 'mv-mMmmmmmmmK-mmmff1., vv?; . w-f """ FLOYD JOHN HVAN3 On the Amboy Jlill Farm, 3 ml. east of Red Cloud, 1 mi. westof the Mill Tuesday, Dec. 5th Ileglnning et 12 o'clock, sharp, the following described property. Head of Holstein Cattle 45 4 pure bred Holstein cows no papers 4 to C years old; 7 high grade Holstein cows; H high grade Holstein heifers, 1 and 2 years old, all with calf to pure bred Holstein biill; 17 high grndo Hoolsteiu calves, heifers and bulls; 3 2-year-old steers; 4 year ling steers; 2 pure bred Holstein bulls, 2 years old. All the above cows are dary broke und good milkers. Head of Horses and Mules 21 3 teams 4-year old broke mules, wt about 2200; 3 teams 3-yertr-old mules, broke to work: I'tcatn (i-year-old brood mares, wt 3000, 1 bay horse 4 years old, wt 1150; 1 black driving horso, '.I years old; 1 grey mare 7 years old,'wt 1200 One Set Double Buggy Harness by the Amboy Ladies Aid Society Terms: All sums under S10, cash; over tlmt sum a credit of ten months time will bo given on notes with .approved sreurity bearing ten per cent interest. Mo property to be removed until settled for. Amboy Milling and Elevator Company TOM SWAUTZ, Auct If E 11 KHISBIE, Clerk It. T. "LODDS 3 m VVV-VV.V.VVV.V.VV.VV.V.V-V.V.V.V.V..V.V.VIVWV.VV.W Floyd John Evans, Evangelist, who Is in our city conducting Union Itoval Mcotings Informs us that ho is mooting with success aud that tho attendance nt each sorvico is increasing. Tlo total attendance during tho Jflrst llvo dnjfl wns 2110. This is indeed very encouraging and he trusts that tho interest now being taken will continue during the entire tlmo he U here. Dr. Evans will lecuro'to men only, at the orphoum Theater, Sunday after noon, beginning at throo o'clock. Miss Anderson will address (ho women at tho Congregational chinch, nt the same hour. '' Hamilton -Cather Clothing Co. Wants to Sell You Your SUITS OVERCOATS HATS UNDERWEAR SHOES AND ALL OTHER FUSNISH INGS FOR MEN AND BOYS 'OU NEED GOOD, WARM CLOTHES because winter is here. We can sell them be cause we have them. 1$ Come in and see (or yourself. C'We also want you to see our Complete Line of Sweaters and Mackinaws they are just the thing for this kind of weather. ! Buy early before prices advance. Hamilton-Cather Clothing Co. 1 K I ft ''. "Si "'. t rW Iih. 'J.H Is. U.L yl) J "Ctwssjrxt: i.M.W.M ,UX.A1&JJvWli.ifcW'Ajfc.J iaLLiM&xxzxxzxttawi&'$ irarewwwBjaMaam'wafgaiTit