The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 23, 1916, Image 1
HUlorlcM Socl-iV qtito ) ' ( 'v M Z ,7- S X"rT-Lu -: - ss-sso fjfStS gtgggriBgBgisSa5a aaJUBIWy taj 5r-.5Si5. W !SS,."iU''!liLl vwfcrrtirk m-jsS' MEPi T iTmWm lift " Wry nsiCrr1! MHfffiBBMMrBiMWffnTaTiWw 4 Newspaper That Gives The News FITty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. VOLUME 44 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, KOVEBEMR H3, HUG. NUMBER iS -x-w-XKK-r-w-x-t-W":": Save A Dollar Now And Then! DUT IT IN A BANK WHERE IT WILL 1 BE SAFE FROM LOSS by burgulars or fire, or the temptation to spend it. You can save a dollar do it and your account will grow then in times of need you'll have it. Start a Savings Account, today, at this bank. . Deposits in this bank arc protected by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. : Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V Y Y V Y Y Y Y Y V Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y :: X I Webster County Bank S RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITAL ami SURPLUS 8U 1 .OOO Band Elects New Officers A meeting of tho Hand was hold Monday, November '20th, at tho prac tice room and tho following ofllcors wero elected: Howard Foe, Manager, Uoy Ilasslngcr, Ass't Manager. Hobert Blaoklodge, Secretary. Phil Sherwood, Treasurer. Clayton Holmes, Librarian. Upon motion it wan decided that n regular business meeting shall bo hold the first Monday of ovory month be ginning with Monday, December dtk. It was also decided that the funds should bo kept under two heads: That solicited of tho business men for tho purpose of hiring a f'lrector to bo kept separate from that earned by the Hand bojs for the purpose of unifoims and tho i mining expenses of the Hand. The meeting was concluded by the agreement to support the band, boost for more .members, and as a result make a better band than Red Cloud has ever befoie known Hobert Rhtcklcdge, Secietaiy. Best of Its Kind in the State l-C'-""TT--T"- -..-..--- DON'T FORGET That n MUSIC STORE ia the BEST piece to buy Pianos,. Ta'king Machines and ull Muuical Merchandise. Ad CHRISTMAS IS COMING the tm-t np,)rprltu preeent for our Family ia a Piono or TALKING MACHINE II CALL AND SEE US We handle only the BEST. H PACKARD, DRACIIMANN, IIADDOKF, JESSE FRENCH, J LAGONDA and CLAKKNLM'N PIANOS - -- ii DON'T FAIL TO HEAR I! The Wonderful DRACHMANN PLAYER PIANO H (Key Control) ggrWHEN IN TOWN 'J The Marvelous Aeolian Vocalinn Talking Machine, most perfect reproducer of Music, Victor, and Grafnnola Machines and :: Records, &c. The PACKARD Piano most beautiful in tone and appearance. The Best Pianos ever sold in this vicinity at the PRICE and H QUALITY. " " ' ! Cash or Easy Payments Sheet Music and all the late popular Music, Strings, &c. if We have had a lifetime experience in MUSIC. ?: A Line of Art Goods, Willow and Pottery. :: :t :: H :t ;.t :t :: :: ix :: u n it it it it :: :: :: :t :: :t :t if a a a :: :: ii :: n tt if it w l if tt :t u tt .t Celejbrate Golden Vedding Upon their nuival homo fiom a meeting of the Relief Coip, on Satur day, Mr. and Mis J. W. llogonrlef ncruMirprihed to find about fifty of their fiielids iib'-einbled there. In outer to eclebiato tho golden wedding of Mr. and Mr. .1 W. Hogeurlof. After enjoying a delicious i cpast, the even ing was spent in visiting, a reading by Mrs. Woods of IJurr oak. Khiishs, and it .short address by Rev. Yallcrof that city. Mr. and Mis Bogeuiluf were piesentod with a handsomo sugar and creamer and a bon-bon dish as a tol: en of lemembraneo. The out of town guests woic their daughter, Mrs. Ferguson of Oberlin, Kansas, 'Rev and Mrs Walker, their son and wife of Burr Oak, Mrs Woods ot Run- Oak, and Mr.. Ligott of Jeil'eison City, Iowa. Purchases Feed Store A Souvenir for Everybody. CALL and get one. it "The Music Shop" LEROY MUSIC CO. $ Peterson Building . RED CLOUD C. II. Miner Dr. S. H. Dcanlorf, M. D. C. Manager Veterinary In Uhargo C. H. Miner Serum Co. rnouucinis Anti Hog Cholera Red Cloud, Nebraska Institute Committee Recommend Officers Inn. B. Scanser, Charlca Gurney and Geo. E. Coon of the Farmerh' Inatituto Committee on Nomination have maclo Wire or Pltonc at Our Expense: U, S. Veterinary License Ko. 45 KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:. A Full Line of Supplies ROLLS DEVELOPKD-lOe HAIL YOUR ORDER TO US c ' the following rtcommtnclattonc: Preeldunt Geo. W. Hummel. Vice President Fred E. Maurer. SecretaryHenry Gilham. TreaHurer J. W. AulcJ. C. J. Piatt, Joe Crow, C. U. Steward, J. U. Ellinger, Frank Bean, P. W. Cowclen. T. W. White, F. E. Payne. Frank Frishie, Henry Johnson, Dinimr tho past week a dual was made whoicby .lake Potetsnn of Hast ings, becomes the owner of the Amuck & Baines feed anil produce bu&iuess in this olty. The new proprietor took posession ou Monday morning of this week. For a number of yeait. Mr Poleison had been in charge of tho Beatrice Creamery Company', affairs at Hustings and latter held a position as foreman of tho Indepen dent Produce Company establishment in that city. These many years of experience has given lilm a thorough knowledge of this business and his pations are assured that their wants will receive thorough and careful at tention. Mr. Atnaek will remain with Mr. Peterson for tho present and Mr. Barnes Informs us that at tho present timo he has made no definite plans for tho future. Popular in the East Tho following was taken from tho Evening Capital of Annapolis, Mary land, and shows tho interest tho East Is taking in our new governor to bo: "In tho lifting of tho smoke after the battle last Tuesday throughout the country, it must not be forgotten that tho Democrats have elected Keith Kiu'llli. CJnvoriiot' of Nebraska, a nrom- .. .- ,- . - inant studont at old St. John's College I this city some eleven yoais ago. I Governor Nev.lle was familiarly known at St. John's as "Punoh" Nov ! illo He graduated in 100.") and took an uutivu part in everything of inter est at the old historic college on tho hill." Within tho bounds of Webster coun ty there hns been for the pleasuro of our cltieus, cvory known means of entertainment, from a county fair to a circus, but the headltner of them all was the Punnets' Instltuto hold here Inst wook. Speaking of attendance, well they wore hero from every nook and corn er of tho county and many from Kan sas also. To stand and gaze down old Webster street, one would think thoy wore in a city many times tho si70 of Rod Cloud. They camo via or steam, gasolono, horse and even mule- power. It 1-. putting it mildly when wo say it whs largest crowd ever in tho city. The exhibits in the llvo stock, farm produe , school and ladies' depart ments woio so far supeiior to thoso of former veins and tho large number of entries evidenced the interest shown by every one, even tho childion. Tho crowning feature of the evont was the big paiadc on Fiiday. Tho olllcets ot tho association, dtawn by a ptlr of prancing blaek hoises, woio iu the lead, followed by Piof. LoRoy and his aggregation of ablo musicians Then oaino the bchool children, at- tiied in the gatb of Webster county's Hist, inhabitants, the Indians, the Pmltnus, IJantel Boon and his follow eis; those who faced haidships and even death to place the flag of the nation in this locality, tho ploneeis, the tillers of the soil, tho housewife, tho business man, future voters and atlielt.1 and tho first dairy. Tho floats representing tho Godess of Liberty, mid tho btales of tho Union wero exceptionally well displayed, iu fact, the promoters and all thoso who assisted in peilccting. tho arrange ments as well as all those who took part in the this parade, are deserving ot much credit The stock Includod iu tills parade was also worthy of note, as It nave evidence to the fact that our country tanks among thu Hist in the raising of btock. Iu all, the Institute was a grand success and It is hoped that tho spliit of onthusinm will continue bo that wo may make tho 1917 Institute even gio.Ucr than the last. ftVAVVAV.VVV.V.V.VV.V.V.V.V.VV.V.VVVWVV 4. L 6 We can helo : .iffVift XZ.WHw. von clprt thnco .1. Wl'VllfJ " " -- Xmas i i z-"a .. AM?. VV Aft w. VLrfVvX'WW k. v.x. w r Sri u.vwi .iu i in m Mr ssmwmik,. CGifts IF OUR LONG EXPERIECE AND KNOWLEDGE OF THE JEWELRY BUSINESS CAN BE OF ANY AID TO YOU IN HELPING YOU PICK OUT YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS THEY ARE YOURS FOR THE ASKING. COME IN. TELL US THE PRICE YOU WISH TO PAY; WE SHALL FIND YOU A SPLENDID PRESENT TO FIT YOUR PURSE. WHEN IT COMES FROM US THEY KNOW IT IS GOOD. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT: THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. E. H. NEMHOUSE jl Jeweler and Optometrist V E2T C. B. & Q. Watch Inspoctor V.V.V.VAV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VV.V.V.V.V.VAV.V.V.'.W BHSMHBtfHWHBKIBBJHBHfl 8t evens Bros. W. J. Lippincott, Clarence Johnson, S. C. ' v Lutheran Church Services Sutton, Henry Keoney and Tom Swarlz Ludiea' Auxiliary MeBdameB Frank Friable, G. W. Hummel, W. II Thomaa, T. W. White, F. Maurer, H. E. Thoraim, W. J. Lip pencott, William Wplfe, Max Mizer, D. 11. Kuley nnd MIbb Mollie FerriB. The f nmmlt t on rpcnmrncnded that the ladles nlunl thnlr nnn officoro No SuildllV SOllOol SUlldllV. NoV.20tll. W i-hall Hiidoavor to nubliah in our "Furthermore: Saturday, Nov. 85th, Fiiday issue tho names ot thope secur- loxinning at 10:15 a. m. catechetical inn premiums at that grand buccosu the InstruutlonB will bo given at the J. 1916 Farmer's Inatitute which came to Herburgor residence. u closo on lost Friday. ' " ainmnimur. English Kv. Lutheran service Sun day, Nov. 20th, with communion. Confessional sorvices begin at 10;lo a m.. regu'ar servloi with communion begins at 10:45 a. m. Announcements accepted for com munion at the .1. Herburgor residence, . . jji XT nmLl. biiTuruay auoruoon, isuv. -am Tho following aio tho names of thoso who woie awarded premiums ut tho Institute: HOG DEPARTMENT Poland China Boar 2 years old and over 1st, .1. M. steward A; Son. Boar 1 year old and under 0 1st, J. M. Steward & Sou '2nd, Ancil CraUill. Boar over six mouths and under 1 yenr 1st, J. M. Steward & Son. Boar under 0 mouths 1st, Joe Uiow 2nd, J. M. Steward & Son. Sow 3 j oars old and over lbt and 2nd, J. M. Steward & Son Sow 1 year old and under 2 years 1st, Aucil Crabill 2nd, J. M. Steward & Son Sow over 0 months and under 1 year 1st. J. M. Steward &Sou and. Joe Crow. Sow uudor U months 1st. Joe Crow 2ud, J. M. Steward & Son. Best sow and litter 1st, ). M. Steward it Son Champion Boar Joo Crow. Champion Sow J. M Steward & Son. I)uroo.Tcr8oy Boar 1 year old and under 2 years 1st, u. i.. uamey, ir. Boar over (! mouths and under 1 year 1st. C. W. Johnston and, Frank Sutton Boar under 0 months 1st, C. W. Johnston Sow a years old unci over Kt. d. XV. Johnston Sow 1 your old and under 2 years 1st, O. Vj. Ramey, Jr. "ml. Kinnlr Sutton. i Sow over 0 mouths and uuder 1 year 1 1st, C. W. Johnston I and, O E. Ramey, Jr. Champion loir . I O. W. Johnston Champion Sow O. E. Ramey, Sow and Utter ' 1st, Frank Sutton Berkshire Sow 1 vear old and under 2 years 1st, Will Kont. Sow and Utter 1st ,VI1I Kent. Champion tow ,. iTEMNKSeVIN ?tt Cff If wj SSS3S2S3SlXmSSS2JSXSaSS We will be prepared to furnish you with the most complete line of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables For Your THANKSGIVING DINNER The new Navel Aft-ROc Oranges, doz ULl The large white pnfi Malaga Grapes, lb.fc" Red Emperor Grapes i Er per lb Iqb 25c Large Bananas per doz Large bunch Pascal I Hr riolorv. rifir hunch UU -, w. w r ' - Large bunch Leaf c I n. T.nttn hiinnh W" UU W VWWVf --- Fancy trimmed I C. nuliflnwftr. lb OC Hot House Radishes bunch 5c Large Cape Cod fl n Cranberries, qt i H Holly Brand Cranberries, qt 8jc Large Hot Houss Cucumbers 25c Fresh Tomatoes Market at Price Extra fancy highly col ored Jonathan Apples special for Thanksgiving Also Grimes Golden, Black Twigs, "VVinesaps, Ganos and Ben Davis Apples. Fresh Carrots bunch 10c Parsley, large bunches 10c Rutabagas, Parsnips and Sweet Potatoes I Phone Your Order Early 1 " ' ' ' t R. P. Weesner & Co. iSale Bills? Sure, We Print Them ,l "t' S W