The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 09, 1916, Image 6

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Omen Building by Civic Frainin
m the schools
Prof. Wilson Gill pro
poses to prepare our
native and foreign
born children for the
duties of self-government
so that we may
have a nation hon
estly and efficiently
and justly conducted
lit'! presence of huge numbers
of foreign workers in many
purls of tin- United Slates
persons ulio ilo not understand
our laws, our language, our
forms of government In city,
state mill nalloii- -Is full of
danger for Iho country. The
luck of Interest In civic alTalM
liy u huge proportion of our
own educated Auieilcuti pnpti
Intloti Is another big danger, taken especially In
ri'lntlon to Ihc presence here of the outsiders.
Many or the Industrial towns iiml cities In Now
England mill In other pail.s of Hi uritry linve
popiilnllotiH almost linlf foreign. There Ih fro
quent rioting with ntteniliint loss of lives mid de
Htriicllnii or properly. The splill or moli Inwloss. of this Hurt seems to lie spi ending In many
On the other hand, we find dishonest govern-JiH.-nf-i.lnln
graft, lav iiihiilulsfriitlnu or law, rep
resentative olllcluls who !. not represent the mass
f taxpayers In pracileally every eiiy nil .statu
in America. .Many agencies have sought the
Jiiiimc or thlH Ntnte or arfalrs and are hunting ,. -remedy.
The elder cause or the foreign unrest mid law.
It'Hsness appears to he Ignorance. olv M verv
Ismail percentage or (lie rough lahor vvhlch has
come to us from Europe can vpeak or iii.der.strii.d
, he language of the country. Practically none
Jii.s any Idea whi.tever r our laws. ur standard
,or living, our governmental met hods.
And the great cause of dlshoneslv In govern
HH'iil In our towns, cities and states appears to he
'the Indifference or the great mass of Into'lUcent
.prosperous American citizens lo what goes on
light tinder lliclr noses. They don't u. the trou
hie (o vole. They don't take the trouhle to par
ticipate In primaries and conventions and see to
It that good men are nnmlmitcit for olllce Thev
leave It. all to the politicians, who are In ("he
crnlng huslness -so called- not hecause or their
Illness to administer laus. spend puhllc money
deal out Justice, etc.. Tor the good of the com!
.mtltilly. hut strictly and purely for what Kiev can
' 01" ,,f " '" Kraft for themselves and" their
friends. r
Civic Training in Schools.
In ti recent article in the Philadelphia Public
Ledger. Prof. Wilson ,. om, io was put In
.charge of the school system of Culm during the
lAinerlcan occupation or that Island arter the Spanish-American
war. offers a single remedy Tor hoth
these dangers to the peace and happiness and
well-being or the United States.
"Educate." he sus. "p.iilld citizens by giving
tliem civic training In the si bonis. Iteglnning with
the tots In the primary grades, tench the hoys and
girls how their school, their town, their county,
their state, their nation Is conducted. Teach them
to vote and decide tin; little problems of their
dully lives In the schoolroom by methods em
ployed In government.
"Make each sehoolrc i, for Instance, a little
town. Let the pupils under the teacher's super
vision elect n mayor from among their number
and have all the others compose a board of conn
cllmen. Put tip to them problems of school, town,
county, state, national tuiinagement. to he de
cided on the principles or Justice mid the safety
and well-being or the majority.
"A. proper appeal must be made to the pupils."
Professor dill says, "and they must be enlisted
"This Is easily done, for we have good material
to work with. Nearly all boys and girls are essen
tially good. This Is true, oven If. by reason of an
unfortunate environment, n child has developed
nome very bad habits, even those or dishonesty.
If the appeal Is properly made to them, they can
lie counted on definitely to stand for that which Is
Inmost, 'fair and square,' clean, generous and
Teacher's Part of the Plan.
"Personal and printed assistance must he given
:o them for carrying on their government In the
spirit of American Institutions and In accord with
correct clle forms, to maintain order and develop
co-operation and olllelonoy for every good purpose.
They must he shown how to solve the problems of
their dully Intercourse, and, as their teachers help
them to become Independent In solving the prob
lenm In arithmetic, so their teachers must help
them to heroine Independent la solving their dally
problems of social and eivle relations. The teach
er's part In the use of this laboratory method of
moral ami civic tttilnlng Is the sumo as In mathe
matics. The teacher's authority and responsibility
In hoth cases are to encourage and help the pupils
to keep up enthusiasm, to become Independent
and Judicial In thought and to arrive at clear-cut
decisions. At that point the old educational proc
ess, tin n mathematics, ends, but In this now
laboratory work, dealing with the nctual practical
problems of dully moral and civic life, there Is
' nnotlier most Important step, which Is Immediately
to put these decisions Into execution and to co
operate for the good of all.
"What Is needed for introducing democracy In
"Elrst The right method- there Is one. the
laboratory method, and there cannot he another.
"Second Practical plans there can he hut one
right general plan, but of this there may bo In
numerable variations.
"Third A person skilled In Introducing the
method and supervising the use of It.
"Fourth Authority for such Introduction and
i w I
A trinity of evils, closely allied, that afflict
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The experience of thousands is a safe guide to what it may be ex
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Liquid or tablets both tested by the public and approved.
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Save Money by Wearing W. L. Dougloii
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Tho Best Known Shoes in the World.
W. L. Douglas name and the retail price is stamped on the bot
tom of all shoes at the factory. The value is guaranteed and
the wearer protected against high prices for inferior shoes. The
retail prices are the same everywhere. They cost no more in San
Francisco than they do in New York. They are always worth die
price paid for diem.
Tphe quality of W. L. DougUs product is guaranteed by more
than 40 years experience in making fine shoes. The smart
styles are die leaders in the Fashion Centres of America.
Tlipv a?s mail in wlf.niiinrArt firrsru 9 Hrru-L-rrsn Mtt
by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and fftMV
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determination to make the best shoes for die price that money
can buy.
Auk your nhno denlftr for W. I.. Dougln. tmm. If lie ran.
not nipiily you with tlin lilml you rniit, tul no ottior
mnun. ruo ior iimreiinc oookioi explaining now to
crt .iioeKnf tlm hlclM-Ht .tniiilnrd of o,ullty for tho prlco,
by return mall, iotn;o froe.
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LOOK FOR W. L. Douglas
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tamped on the bottom.
1 "tot-Fywmm
(VI3H bcware or R
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Boy.' Shoes
Gett In the World
Educated Rooster.
".Sil.ZL'i'lnkunn" Is tin odd nunio
uven for a rooJir, hut this rooster Ih
no ordinary fowl. The bird cointw
from a strain of Hurrcd Plymouth
ltocl;s, was liiilchcil last May and
weighs MX pounds. Ilo is owned by
E. K. lteiinett of Hartford City, who
refuses to part with his prize-winner
at any price. Judges at various fairs
where he has been shown, have told
the owner that he is a most promising
bird, and this Is borne out by the fact
that 100 has been ottered for hlin.
"Kpizzerinktum" is also nn educated
fowl. One of Ids chief delights is rid
ing the seat of a specially constructed
wagon and holding the reins over eight
boys who act as steeds for him. lie
drove this team In the centennial pa
rade at Hartford City. Indianapolis
Formalities Discouraged.
"Politeness Is always desirable."
"It used to be. Hut now when you
say 'please' you are simply wasting
the telephone operator's time."
Incorrigible Flirt.
A newly married couple have Just
moved into a bungalow In what the
real estate people call "a new develop
ment" near New York. The benevolent
land company runs an electric car from
the property to the railway station.
This car, which (like the Toonervllle
trolley) meets all trains, is manned, as
usual, by a conductor and a motor
man, both of whom are naturally on
very friendly terms with tho patrons.
The other day the bride's mother caino
to visit her. She noticed that her
daughter often waved a greeting to
ward the electric car as It passed the
house. "Why, Gladys," said the old
lady, "do you know nil the conductors
on this line already?" Exchange.
Even Up.
"Did the doctor pay a visit?"
"Yes, and the visit paid the doctor."
A gasoline engine driven machine,
has been Invented ti hale hay or straw
in cylindrical bales.
"Elf tb .Missionary work to arouse u popular de
mand for citizenship training In schools mid to In
duce school authorities, state legislatures and tho
lnlted States congress to do their part in this
The Right Method.
"Sihce citizenship and government are matters
of action, as well as of knowledge, the method of
leaching them must be the laboratory method, by
which the pupil learns how to don thing by doing
ft. In this respect citizenship Is like swimming,
which must he learned by practice In swimming;
or carpentry, which must be learned by working
under the direction of a carpenter. Citizenship
must be learned by performing the right actions
of citizenship nnd by maintaining the right -ulrlt
of citizenship, as well as by learning academlially
the facts of the subject.
"The llrst essential of a correct plan for teach
ing American citizenship Is that It shall be In ac
cord with the spirit of American Institutions,
which is expressed by the Golden Utile, In the
Declaration of Independence and the Constitution
of the United States. Eor Instance, It must as
sure eipial rights and Justice to all, and, of
course, must not give special privileges or estab
lish class distinctions, as In ancient Uome and
(J recce, strong traces of which still remain in our
own country.
"The second essential Is that so far as the
school government Is developed, It shall be rea
sonably parallel wlih some correct form of Ameri
can government among adults, and give no wrong
Ideas to pupils, with the thought that they can be
easily corrected later. It ought to follow, as near
ly as practicable, the plan of keeping reasonably
heparate tho legislative, executive and judicial ele
ments of government. What the form of govern
ment Is, if It Is true to American civics, may not
be a serious question. The most sfinple form Is
that In which there are three olllcers. one at the
head of the legislative department, another of the
executive, and the third of the Judicial. To these
three olllces may be added those of clerks, li
brarians, health, peace and other olllcers.
Schoolroom the Unit.
"it Is a good practice to consider the school
room, under the Instruction of a teacher, as the
unit of organization, rather than several rooms
under tho principal of the school. The former
plan tends toward n permanent and thorough use
of tho method, the latter to the dropping of the
method in case the principal falls III or leaves tile
school. The schoolroom government may follow
the plau of the locality In which It Is situated.
If, It Is In a city, It may be well to follow the gen
oral plan of the city, with n mayor, Judge and
president of the council, nil the pupils being the
council, or legislative body, though It would be
undesirable and Impossible to reproduce all the
details of a large city government. If the school
Is In n town, the schoolroom government should
In form be that of a town; but as towns turn
Into cities, and people go from towns to llvo In
cities, It Is good practice, where town government
Is used part of tho year, to use the city form the
other part of the year. It is desirable to have
elections as frequently as four times In the school
year, that as many ns practicable may enjoy the
moral nnd educational benefit of being elected
aud of carrying tho responsibility of the ofllces.
In many cases It Is desirable to have elections
much more frequently.
"Several schoolroom governments may be
JoIiiimI In a school state nnd several states In a
school national government, to look after matters
width pertain to the whole school. It Is possible
and practicable to go still further, and Join these
school national governments In a federation. As
has been said previously, let us reiterate: The
teacher helps the pupils lo become Independent
In solving their social and civic problems us bo
does the problems of inntheinatles. Each pupil
Is continually eercscil In Independent thinking,
Judicial conclusion and Immediate action. To take
the Initiative soon becomes habitual. Co-operation
for every good purpose Is developed and
team work becomes the ordinary practice. The
teacher's authority Is not weakened but strength
ened by the co-operallou of the pupils In their
democratic republic.
Teachers Should Co-operate.
"If we were to look upon this matter as If It
were 11 mill, the mill would serve no purpose mi
I s It should have grist to grind, anil In this case
il grist Is the government of the children's con
duct to suggest useful and constructive activi
ties for the good of each child nnd the communi
ty of pupils anil of tho entire community of which
the children are n part. The pupils time, minds
and energies being fully occupied doing right con
structive things, the nmount of wrongdoing drops
to nn almost negligible quantity. What there Is
of this Is dealt with by the children In their own
courts much more effectually than Is possible by
any other means in die reach of the teachers,
even If corporal punishment Is permitted, which
Is prohibited by law In some places.
"It Is not to be supposed that the children can
himdle these social nnd civic problems without
the same kind of Interest and assistance by the
teachers that Is necessary for success In nny
other school work; nor that the teachers can
make the best use of this laboratory method of
moral and civic training without the co-operation
of the children's parents, und. until the
teachers have become well accustomed to the
new method, they need the suggestions of one
who has had large eiu rlence In Its use.
Co-ordinates With Other Studies.
"Does this not add another burden to the
teacher's already too heavy load? No. It en
gages (he co-operation of the pupils to help the
teachers bear their burdens. Poos It take the
time of a recitation each day or once a week?
No, but It co-ordinates with other studies such as
English, civics and history, and Is that good spirit
which proves to be a lubricant for all recitations,
for all the machinery of tho school, nnd releases
the teachers from police duty, enabling them to
give their whole time, strength and nervous force
to teaching, uninterrupted by misconduct nnd In
nttention. Uellevcd of the ordinary pull on the
nerves and drain of one's vital strength, helping
the children to develop their own character and
to use the tools and processes of education for
their own salvation, the teacher's work becomes
exhilarating and a Joy."
To Live Long!
A recipe given by a famous phy-
xlrlnn for hill!? life wns: "ICoon llin
I kidneys In good order! Try to elimi
nate through the skin nnd Intestines
the poisons that otherwise clog the kid
neys. Avoid eating meat as much as
possible; avoid too much suit, alcohol,
tea. Drink plenty of water."
Tor those past middle life, for thoso
easily recognized symptoms of Inflam
mation, as backache, scalding "water,"
or If uric add In the blood has caused
rheumatism, "rusty" Joints, stiffness,
get Anurlc at the drug store. This Is
a wonderful eliminator of uric acid
and was discovered by Dr. Pierce of
Invalids' Hotel, Ituffalo, N. Y. If your
druggist does not keep It send 10 cents
to Dr. Pierce for trial package and you
will know that It Is many times mora
potent than llthln and that It di.v
nolvcs uric acid as hot water does
Omaha. Nebr. "Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery built mc up and
strengthened me
very much, the
Eavorite L r e -scrlptlon'
me of nervous
u ess, a n d t h e
'Pleasant Pellets'
have always act
ed satisfactorily.
I consider Dr.
Plerco'.s m e d I -clues
to be the
very best. I have recommended them
to others and they have all been very
much pleased with the results." MUS
E. W. PEl.STEIt, 102.1 South lOlh St.
These herbal tonics are made up
without alcohol, In liquid or tablet
form, und can be obtained in any drug
Send Dr. Pierce, Invnllds' Hotel, Uuf
falo, N. Y 10 cents for trial package
of Eavorite Prescription or Golden
Medical Discovery Tablets. Adv.
Vanishing Trick.
Two local friends of a noted magi
cian wore his guests at dinner.
"You do some wonderful things on
the stage," one of the friends observed,
"but I am Inclined to think you are
handicapped when you are away from
your apparatus."
"To an extent, yes," the magician
admitted, "but there are many things
I can do anywhere on a moment's na
Hce." "Let us see you do something now."
"All right, take for Instance this
steak, the llrussels sprouts and the sa
lad" "In a very few minutes we will cause
all of them to entirely disappear."
A Lover of Truth.
"George Washington never told a
"I doubt that. Hut he was too truth
fill a man over to glvo his personal In
dorsement to thnt story."
One burlesque show will keep the
average man awake longer than a doz
en sermons.
Confirmed Suspicion.
Uncle Jlose was one of those omnis
cient persons who always refuse to ac
knowledge either astonishment or Ig
norance. When the circus and the
sideshow came to town and tho pros
tldlgltntor called for someone to go up
on the stage, Mose was pushed for
ward. Presently the magician was tak
ing vuiious wonderful articles out of
Moso's garments. Lastly, he extracted
a pair of white rabbits from Mose's
bushy wool.
"Weren't you surprised at tho rab
bits, Mose?" asked his master, after
ward. "No, .sab," .Mose answered. "Fact Ls,
sah, I'd been suspectln' dey's some rab
bits up there fo' some time."
Difficult Problem.
"There ure some sinister Influences
behind the boom In this aviation
"That may he, but how do you pro
pose to get after the innn higher up?"
We like or dislike persons, not so
much for what they are as for what
they radiate.
Buy materials that last
Fully guaranteed
For tale by dealers
at reasonable riricei
oeneral Roofing Manufacturing Company
n'orW larval manufacturer oflloofinj and ButWino ft.jxrt
Ask your Lumber Dealers to buv Ccrtn.tA PrAAnt f,m
Curtis, Towle & Paine, Lincoln Distributors
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