The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 09, 1916, Image 5

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v. J
Huy your Uroeories of Miner llros.Uo
Couio to lied Cloud and do your trad-
A. T. Walker spent Monday In
Father Fitgeiald nh Superior,
I'M Chaney was up from Superior,
Clias. N'orris of Cowles, wns in town,
Mel Sherman was in Inuvulo lliollrtt
of tlia week.
K. I), Moritz of Lincoln, was in the
oity, .Monday.
Hoy Suttlcy, undeitauor-nuto
in connection.
Attorney L. II. Hhickledgo was In
Orleans, Monday.
II. C. Wright of
town Wednesday.
.luinos Hubuthu
llosetnont was in
was down from
Uladen, Saturday.
(!eo. Delph was down fiom Kearney
the first of the week.
Frank Yetter was down from Ulad
en. Tuesday, to vote.
.Mr and .Mrs. Frank HartunuU spent
Tuesday in Hasting.
Miss L'va Foster spent Tuesday in
Hastings with fi lends.
Miss Hello McUallum went to North
I'latte, Tuesday morning.
Mrs. l'oto Hati'-en spent Tuesday
with relatives at Superior.
Mrs. A. A LoUoy went to Hebron,
Tuesday, to visit relatives.
Uoorge Corner was a passenger to
Omaha, Wednesday morning.
(ins Ilolmgruiu was down lrom Hur
kett, Tuesday, to cast his vote.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Mitchell of North
Brunch, were in the city Monday.
Willis Fulton of Hatnestou is in the
city visiting relatives and friends.
Lew ICenney left for his homo at
Washington, D C , Tuesday night.
The Misses Faith Koontziiud Marie
Ilarwood spent Tuesday in Superior.
Harold Uopleu and Thorval Jensen
'pent Sunday evening in (iuide l5oeU.
Mosdunies 0. C Cox ami Clare Co.v
went to Cowles, Monday, to vi-it rela
tives. dim Uthcrton, Cherivl Room? and
Hay tleaton spent Sunday in Uiildo
The Funnon,' luslitnle will bo in
full swing next week, lie sure and
attend it.
Lowoll Kobblns, who is working at
Muysvillo, Missouri, wns home Toes,
clay to vole.
.lolni and Howard lloinillou und Kd
Crury of tiuido Uoeu wore hi the city
Morton Smith, returned to Ulue
Hill, Monday, where ho is working on
the bridge gang.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Walters spent
Sunday with tholr son. Ed Walters
and wife nt Amboy.
Kov. I'couu was In Guide Rock, Sat
urday afternoon where ho spoke at
the prohibition rally.
(5uy Zeiglor bus joined tho ranks of
motorist.. Ho has purchased Hun Mc
Farland's Chovolet car.
Mrs. tieo. VunCiiiiip came down from
McX'ook, Tuesday, to visit with Dr
mid Mrs Itobt. Iiamerell.
Mis. Susan Ludlow of Franklin
cimo down Saturday to visit her
daughter, Mrs. Curt (ieor.
Mr. and Mrs. C N. Ounu-y left
Saturday via nutoniobilo for Pav d
City to vhii Mi-s Alice Fogg.
Abe Kuley roturned to his homo at
Lincoln, Tuesday, after spending sev
eral days with relatives hero.
Mr-. F. II. C'nssil returned homo
from' Alma, Monday, whero she spent
a few daj'H with her parents.
Cluis. Ston'ons ret tuned homo Mon
day evening from Urand Island, whero
he had boon visiting relatives.
'I his olllce has installed an electric
motor and now our trials and tribula
tions with u gasolene engine ato over
Tom Auhl of Omaha, v. a in the oity
tho flistof thu week visiting friends
and also to cast his voto on 'Tuesday
Mr. and Mis. Fronhen of Waitings,
were tlio guests of their daughter,
Mis. J. A. Bradford and family, Sun
day. Miss Lucile Coplcn returned (o her
home at (luido Rock, Sunday, after
spending a few diiyu in the city with
The regular mooting ofjtho W. C. T
U., for tho November l.lth Is postponed
for one week, on account of tho Farm
ers Institute.
Messrs. and Mesdames (!. W. Hutchi
son nnd .loo Fogel departed -Tuesday
via automobile for Norman, Oklahoma,
where they will visit relatives.
Missos Helen Johufcon, Laura Hedgo
and Francis Nolan, who are teaching
school near Iuavale, speut the .week
end in the city with home folks.
At tho Orplieutn, Saturday, Nov. 11,
Charlie Chaplin in "Tho Fireman".
Matinoo at 2. SO, admission 5 and 10c
Night 7:15, admission Wand lie.
Delmoro Doty was In Oxford, Satur
day. I'd Ilttrr of Guide Hock, was in town
Mrs. Hmtna Scrivner was In Cowles,
Iloy Sattley, undertaker auto hearse
in connection.
John Uutledge was down from Iua
vale, Saturday.
W II. Cloud of lnavale was in i
tittii. Saturday. E. Mcllride speut Saturday
in Republican City.
Frank Cowden was in Hlooinlngton I
the lust of the week.
Mis. ltradshaw went to Ulue Hill.
Friday, to visit telatives.
Cecil Hudson relumed from Guide j
Itoek, Saturday evening. '
.lohu Kobarie of Hustings, was in '
the eity Saturday evening I
Walter l'opc returned homo from
Cowles, Saturday evening
Mr. anil Mrs. Clias. Hunter were
down from lnavale, Friday.
For Sale A base burner, in good
condition. Will Mountford.
A. J. Archer and I). L. Cook of .
ford were in the city. Friday.
Engineer Gorlev and wife of W.v
more wero in the oity. Saturday.
Mrs. Joe Paveliek returned home
from Fail Held, Saturday evening.
Matt Hoyle of Amhearst, is in the
eity visiting relatives and friends
Glen Fearn spent Friday in Eastings
with his brother, Oris Fearn and wife
Fred Mcl'hetters of Kansas City,
was in tho city the of the week.
Mr. andMrs E W. Coplen spent
Sunday in Guide itock with relatives.
Mrs. Francisco of Franklin, was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Curt Goer, Fii
day. Kcv. Kates held services at Frank
lin and Itloomlngton tho last of the
Miss Lena Until jen and nieces went
to Guide Kock, Saturday, to visit rela
tives. Mrs Fred Hooper of Smith Center
spent the weekend in tho city with
Sain Saunders of Grand Island was
visiting friends in the city the llrst
of tho week.
Leonard ltei'.ior attended the Nebraska-Ames
foot ball game at Lin
coln, Saturday.
Ilishop needier 'of Hastings held
Horviees nt the Episcopal
Thursday evoning.
If you want to sell or trade yoi.r
real estate call on C. A. Sennits'., hide
pendont phono '.MS.
On Sunday, Woosuer ,V Kooutz and
nolMiey Item, each shipped a of
hog- to Kansas City.
McmIuhics West and Harvard wont
to Franklin, Thursday evening to visit I
relatives and Iriends.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Zeiss wont up
to Mef'onk, Friday, to visit her son,
Clias. Milligau and wife.
Fred and Charley Arnold, Paul Pit
ney and Mr Etlirego wero down fiom
lnavale, Sunday morning.
Editor and Mis W. I. E Ison spent
the weekend near Mindcn with his
fa her, Hev. 1. W. IMsou.
Mrs. M. Geor of Diller arrivod in
the-city, Saturday, to visit witli her
son, Cm Ms Goer, and wife.
Editor W U, Smith, of thuCommcr
eial Adveilisciv spent tho weekend
witli his parents at Denver
I'hil Sher.vood and Kenneth Wilson
tttleudod the Nebraska-Ames foot
ball game at Lincoln, Saturday.
Mrs. C. M. Smith hu returned to hi r
homo at Eckley, Colorado, after visit -
.in ivttlt lim' I ivn iln nrrlt I in c luta
" b ' '"'"
Mis. ;A. E Holes returned home
from Franklin, Saturday, wheie she
spent u fow days with her parents.
Mrs. M. Carmony, who was called
hero by tho death of her brother,
Claio Cox, returned to her homo at
.MCi ouu, aiiiuriiny.
Jvev Drulirior and G. W. Ilumti el
wero in lnavale, Thursday ovoulnir,
where tho former goutloman conducted
u proliibltlon rally.
The Misses Mui,u Itallev. ,!n,
Spauogle, 1 Initio K alley and Minnie
and Maiy Cliilstian were in Guide
Koch, Friday evening. '
Mr. and Mrs. Kouiko rut timed to
Alma, Thursday evening, after spend
ing several days witli tho Ilausermun
and Kct.mau fainilioH.
We are in tne market for 100 to 12.',
pounds Shouts at market price deliver
ed at Serum Plant. Will pay for do
livery to plant. C. II. Minor Scrum
Mrs. Fred Merten and Mr. and Mrs.
Pete Merton, Jr. returned to their
home at Hlue Hill, Friday, af tor spend
ing n few day with Mr. and Mrs. Ed
A mack.
Mrs. C. H. Potter and daughter,
Mrs. Dot othy Wilson, loft Saturday
morning fo. Hustings, From there
Mrs. Wilson will go to hor homo in
Mrs. Frod Wiltwer mid daughter.
Miss Nannie Wright, returned home
,,.,.., , ,. ,, ,,
eiliiesilnv rnnriiltur mm Mm lum
Missouri, whero they hud beo i visiting
The m$C Store
The San-Tox Nurse on San
Tox preparations guarantees
tnolcclion in medicinal worth.
The San-Tox line is the coining
line. 1 larmlcss, safe, very ef
ficient in curative value.
Wp nic m;pnl lor tlir Sin-Ttx lim
Rcniuliri and toilet pirpatAltoni riimliinril.
Let tit tell nu mote nlj.nittlir Snn-'l ii Niinr
C. L. Cotting
Joe (iiirni'v was down from Inavalr
A. W. Sherman was in Hasting,
N. II. llarvev was down fiom Frank
lin, Tuesday.
County Superintendent Gertrude
L. Coon and Mises Luiiiia lVterson,
I May Diekersou mid Helen JoIiiishi
went to Omaha. Tuesday, to attend
the state teacher's meeting
Dr. Wai'iiek, the specialist, will meet
oye, ear. tioso and throat patients and
those neo ling glasses propel ly lilted at
Dr. Damerell's olllce. Wodnesda.
Nov. UJ. Hours 1 to r. only.
On Thursday afternoon. Mrs. F. II.
Oassil entertained tile following ladies
In honor of her mother, Mis. Shuip
naek: Mesdames Iliiuseinian, Heche
Uotinnn, Hildebraudt and Kemke.
Last week our reporter got his
wires crossed and stated that Mr. and
Mrs. Joo McCallum were the parents
of ii baby girl and it should huio
read Mr. and Mrs. Kobt. McCallum.
On Saturday night, Mr. and Mrs.
James Doylo entertained a large num
ber of friends at a dance which was
held in the new barn which Jim ie
eently ('looted. Everybody present
repoits Mr. and Mrs. Doyle us roal
entoi tinners.
According to tho Statu Hoard of
Agriculture, there wore 2.10,IHHI less
neres of corn produced, thirty-eight
' million bushels less corn in Nebraska
than in 191"). Tho yield per acre this,
year was ?s,'2 as against 3''.t last year
On Ft May afternoon, the Hud Cloud
High School and tho Esbon High
Seliool fool ball teams met on the
Ivmittz Held and displayed tin iv
science In the art of playing foot
It was a hard fought hnlllo
and our boys won by a scoro of 7 to 0.
In the Farmers' Institute premium
list which was printed some time ago,
the following was loll oil" in tin- hog
department: Lot No S, best sow
any age, sweepstakes $3; Lot SI, best
hour tiny age, sweopstakes, Is All
exhibits except baking for iliy. Ladies'
Depart uient will close ill six o'clock on
Tuosduy, Nov. 1 lib
On Saturday, November lih,.ioorgi
U ashingtoii McCoy, aged 7'J joins, 0
mouths and 11! da,s, passed away at
his home iiorllu-nsi of the oily after
an illness of hevci id mouths dmatiou.
lie was born In Olno ami also was an
ol I soldier. A wife and several child
iv 1 1 aro left to mourn his death. The
funeral services woio hold Monday at
the Highland I'. It. ehuieh, Lev Mill
' or olllciatliig. after wldoh Interment
1 tuok place in the Cora cemetery.
Kobt Avory. who for u number of
mirs lm0 Leen associated wlrti the.
i lrUi nl- Malone AveryCotnpanv, lum-
j l)ei. !U ,.oll .lealers of this city, lias
disposed of his Interests in the busi
ness to Ma!ono and Gellatly, and tho
business will bo conducted u ider thu
, namo of .Malone ,V uollally. All or-
' duis will icceivo the same earoful nt
tonttnii as heietoforo The chango
' was oirootive o i Monday of thU week
. At tho present writing, Mr. Avery has
' not decided upon any doflnlu- plans
for the future.
Local Farm For Sale
Well Improved quarter section, )
mile north fiom corporate limits and
I mile from center of business eouter
of Red Cloud. All first und second
bottom. All readily tillable excepting
creek channel and timber. 20 acres
first bottom, 100 acres low second bot
tom 110 acrs In cultivation, so acres
pasture, and timber, .15 acres lluost
This farm Is most attractively locat
ed on main-traveled north road into
Hod Cloud, Can easily have all the
conveniences in lino of mail, tele
phones, olcotrlcity. schools and church
es of this city, and Is no further out
than the remoter districts insldo tho
corporation. An ideal home, dairy,
feeding station, stock and grain farm.
Excellent soil and good prodmier, with
running water and shade, well drained
and sheltuted lots.
f Infirt .,,. tmtuLiiriik ult 1 HI fit.-..,.
This farm Is priced to hull nn 1 50000
, L-ashwi'l handle it.
Sat s actory terms to purchaser.
" '
Daniel Garber Ouner ami Operator '
W 'lfflBriW'
Br urif i vH Hr
mfX 91
m Mil
1 1 1 ttitt.i lift
1 II..iritf Kiin-mliclmff aist vnurcn incws
(Chinch and Parsonage opposite Court
House, west, F. M. liriilinur. Minister)
"Lot brotherly love continue.''
Dr. Martin give us a lino Hospital j jj
sermon last. Sunday motuiiig. I it
"I. el him that is without sill east1::
the llrst '.tone at her." ! j;
We uie trying to got the church i j:
recnid hlraiglikeucd up: will all lio J
aro on probation' please bo at thc-
morning seivieo Sunday.' We1::
Would like to rrcelvo tllf.Mll into full
membership, or arrango to do so. ' U
i :
All the idd cnrboii light bulbs (hat
wero in the chinch auditorium tune
been tcpl.uvd with now lights wo now
have one of tho best lighted rooms in
tho town.
Tho Ladies' Aid Society will bo on-
iitU-riioiui oi thW week by Mosdann-s
llalley, Clnrber, (Iveiinan, Harrett,
Drulliier and Mist Ltllie Potter: iuiieli
will be served; everybody is cordially
invited to attend.
All tho services of our I'hureh net
Sunday lit the UMial houri beginning
with Sunday School ut K):UU o'eloel. ;
si'i'iiiuii tliomos, "Tho Parable of the
Net"; for evoning, "A Vision of t!od".
Lpwnith League at O:!'!).
Hvci v time you hoar the truth ninl
roNist il, ou liecoiu.) stroneer in
ability ton-dst the Irtith. (Sod iiu.ll:: r i' 1" 11 -s t i i
Heaven ami cnivm-y and ii..- (Jreat ' 1 A bonvciiir lor lvcryuody. CALL and gel one.
lute Thruiie and .leusand I If Hi 1
Spirit. Muiul ilc fouled before lite i ;ln
del of the human will
A Statement in Regard to
-h. a
I. TIlO I! "Ut- ill liol.l thel!
tegular vm i 1 tii nng for stml and
iiiiiihi'iiii'iii ni 1 ue-diiy evening "l
each wetU from i p. in. to j:V) p in
ut thu Hoy Scout club room.
'J. No boy will bo allowed to become
or lomalu a mo'ubor of tho Seoul Club
without the uiitluu consent and co
operation id' the parents.
I). All cards used for gambling also
swearing and Hie use of tobacco JvmII
bo positively prohibited.
I. The aim of this movement shall
bo thu moral and social development
..r.i... i I .... I... I i....!
ill buu uuj iiiii, in; wwy iiiiiiui iwi'iti,
j earn of age -hall ho edmillod to
5 Tho amusements will be only
such us nic approved by the Y. M, C.
A. and tho chinch. And the aim of
these amusements shall bo to supply
the social need of tho boy without
vicious lulluuuco or association,
G. Tho paronts aro invited to at
tend any and all meetings of the
Scouts and thoy can be. assured that
no sectarian or detrimental teaching
will bo tolerated.
Very .truly
Acting Scout Master
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shorpimek of
Alma, wero visiting with their daught-'
or, Mrs. F. II. Cassll, tho last of the
Farm Loans
I huvo the cheapest rates and best
nnlljin In I lul kf till. ivtMl kiiVliritl riltinG
Hie bOV OCOllt Movement'!: I'ctcrmin Hiillilin
s,.s,s.rT..s,ilet.lls Do Your Job Printing
We Want Your
Clothing Business
Wc arc entitled to your clothing business
if Fair Dealing and Good Merchandise
count for anything
We sell and guarantee Kuppenheimer
and Cloth Craft Suits and Overcoats
This statement should .'carry great weight as
these two lines aro America's BEST Clothes
Kuppenheimer or Cloth Craft
Suit or Overcoat $10 to $25
Boys and hildrens Suits
and Overcoats $3 and up
We carry a big line of low priced, high grade
Hats, Caps, Shoes, Furnishing Goods
and invile your careful inspection
The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.
When ynu comu to tho Fann.-r'rt Institute that a MUSIC STORE
is tho IHiST place to buy Putum, Talking Machines and all Municul Mer
Ad tho me-t appropriate preni'iit for your Fiimilv in a Piano or
T A L K 1 N O M A (' II I N K
We hai die or I) tin- m;ST.
The Wonderful DRACHMANN
(Key Conlrol) tt'WIIIJN' IN TOWN
1 1
The IWarvcIous Acolinu Vocnliiui TulUing .Machine, iuohI perfect
icproiluccr of Mimic, Victor, und (Miifaiiolu Alnchiiics and
Records, vV;c.
'I ho P A C K A K I) Piano most hcuutlftil In tone und appearance.
Tho lli'Kt PianoH over sidd in
Cash or Easy Payrrvents
Sheet Music and all the Into popular Music, Strings, iSLc.
Wo have hud a lifetime experience in MUSIC.
A Lino of Art Goods, Willow and Pottery
Fhe Music Shop"
Attend the Farmers'
iMifejrifuuwwm r.iKnnjKuwBiuHvuinr
ilr " 1
9 V WM
" .nn m,Wi i 1
I llAnnv ;nitMQ
this vicinity nt tho PRICK nnd
music co.
mm cloul)
institute, Nov. 14 lo 17.
Cloud Four Nights, Commencing
Wed., Nov. ISth
Ideal Stock Co.
"His Honor, the Mayor"
Ten People-Special Scenery
Vaudeville Features
PRICES 25c 35c 50c
Reserved seats at Cook's Pharmacy
-gfT" . . -. . . .
. I