RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, ,,OHIF" a A r km $ I i SB NEWEST BkiH 1)3 bP mhhhhhhhhHBhfc i TMTf VnSBf 1 'lu,. fl 3 .- smmmmm w - C "k" t, fe" UNbERMOOD $ pjUfiDWOOD , itfcrti.Y.VU&V , This huge gnu 's 'lit' Intent lpo mid line nt tin- lurgct amis In ,nu lis. i In li.-nr.- It Is ultl to hi' Mipoilnr to jtny other piece al ordnance now used mi the huttlcllclds of lOurnpe li .inj of tin; waning powers. I'liotngrupli shows a sumll tinny of men moving thu monster Into position on the tiring line. COMFORTS K? . k)T scjl; " rt; f rfc- BSE -r V " i '. w W., "VI SiiJ' .A -v. "TT" H AAV "V 'T ' . ' l ' v x, - JBCL ".. .. ,,T-ir , ,wmm r- - Vk '""'' V.ilKE..AwAXV V..?....-:... y nil JKswin.. -1 a t-Tifc ." n... ,-. -. Vs-: " - " ' ' i IWilii Wll W ill' I "W-JW"', J 4 I I 1 I HcUM VFA XI ."I'W.v ' - ' -- " - '. k. I V T : !! ' " r 1 1 - fW J MSS25- ?IHffl.A. ..'XTTsV-tfiV M$i? Wbrt&zzzT -Tfcsa .y4fi,5iB&;T&mKiriii . -- ::HK&r& -s?jw&fea5cssi.--i ser-s V SiBtIIIIa KtBaLMX "i ..' I . J.A'J'J.-I-fL'WIWfc."V 'T'jrf.JS .; ..fc 'Jl'i-tv'.lVN ' LT ? This Kngllsli Toiniii hits lU'koii out an spul, , , s ..,,,, . , mi. hl i n n, to ial. u Mioo.e, lint nfti'l' tileopliiK on the hard ground hu has hccn unalih' to roslst tin- t'oiiiforts or homo that iho forliinos of war hno HiiihmI up In .such mi unusual uiimucr. Ills .snoozo Is Ihihlo to ho lirokcn tip al au inliiuU' h. the lliiiiulor of shell Hit1. "PRINCE OF PILOTS" NuiiKOhbi-r of thu French iiriuj tivlit .Ion corps nnd known us thu "I'rlnco of rilots." ne lins the illstluctlon of ImV inn yon all tho military initials. Ho ins been wottndetl mnuy tlmus. At tho beginning of tho wur, Nungesser wan a CRvnlrymun. As such ho wus promoted for distinguished service, but refused to nccept the promotion, saying that lie wished to learn Uylug, tie entered the flying corps, and with in thrco months had taken part In rU bombarding expeditious. What Did He Sino7 An Indlunapolls dentist, who In ad iltlon to tho accomplishment of drill Ing molars, can sing In u fine tenor voice, has u brother-in-law who is an undertaker. When the undertaker gets up against It for vocalists to slug ut funerals ho asks ills dentist relative to holp him out. This ho did recent ly when u bartender was to ho burled, "What shall 1 slug?" asked tho den tist "The family says either one of two Bongs will do," said tho undertaker. "You can have your cholco between 'Grossing tho Uur' and 'I've Reached Uio Land vi Corn and Wine.' " AND BIGGEST FRENCH i H'. A. , OF HOME ON THE BATTLEFIELD mnvntts . .-..J-MirTr. . . ,,vw-r,.-;j,. Ti Asss-i k" vafi '7,'"''jrttniw,j,.--v''j, -,! ?'jui"r7ai' ".- faTTrr mwwtv r7ii. i as " r. .rccTJ?.-eavs .t.'c- rii?fe.r'Tsrvjj,",jj-fi-riy -..-M.J. AW.. -- - I-- ..f. .f .... . - -'. .- r - NOBILITY DOING FIELD HOSPITAL WORK An Interesting photograph of liability doing Held hospital work in France. On the left tho Duchess of Sutherland ut her tent hospital at Itoubourg, France, Installed by her after her hospital In Dunkirk was evacuated. Sb bus lately reinstalled the hospital at Dunkirk. Standing at tho Mile of the duchess Is the Count do Iiulhluul, chief of a section of the Ameilcan ambu lance, who was decorated for his work with his section tinting the bombard ment of Dunkirk. lie Is now lu the American aviation corps. On the right Is the Viscountess Ilennlt d'A.y. who has done splendid work In Dunkirk during the bombardment. Her husband was the naval attache lu Washing ton during Hoosevelt's administration. AFTER A BLOODY BATTLE IN FRANCE Everyone if thes guns reprehentH u soliller dead, wounded or captured. Most pictures of stacked guns represent them as being on the night before tho battle. These guns tiro after the battle. They have been picked up on the bloody Held In a drlvo on the western front. POSTSCRIPTS Russellvlllo, Ark., Is enforcing Sun day laws so rigidly that even telephon ing on that day Is prohibited. Chinese ship eggs long distances In good condition by coating them with n paste made at sen salt, vegetable ushos nud water. GUNS .vtv.NVtkvtStn, '.wwmivam; ,'u wm JA -. .A .' - - 11 til of minitower stalks, which U about ten times lighter than cork, Is extensively used In Hussion llfe-savlng apparatus. Fuel-savlnu' Is the purpose of n re cently patented ring to bo placed around the burner of a giiH or oil stove to protect lis llama from drafts nnd concentrate Its heat. ,. , . -- . ..&s 60 DOWN IN BATTLE SHEKIFF'3 POSSE AND I. W. W'9 IN DESPEHATE FIGHT HAS SET NEW HIGH RECORD nesouices of Nntlonnl Unnks Have Passed Their Own Mnrk. D.indlts Mr sort to Bnrbaric Methods. WfMMin N(..iNp,.r Pnlini'MmNi Sarvlcs. Hvorolt, Wash At least live men were killed and forty Injured Sunday in a pitched buttle at the Kveielt tlty wharf bet ween J.'.u members of the In dus! i hi I woikets of tlie woild, who cuine here front Seattlo on the steamer Ven mi, mill a posHo of Kill citizens heai'ul by Sheriff Don M Hue Shetlff Mi line Is among the serlouslf wounded. After Hie shooting, in which about 1.000 shots were exchanged, tho Ver mm uracil mound and started bin k to Seat th'. Manj tnen weie seen to full mi tho deck of the steamer .md otlni'H, panic stricken. Jumped over boutil Some wore taken fiotn tho water but others disappeared and It is belnned they worn diownetl. nrb.-irlnn Methods of Bandits M I'hmi Villa liuuillts are cutting the ear.i from captttied f.tiniii.a sol dins and then sentliiu: them hack to their commaiiiU us a uumiIiik to oilier Canitmi soldleis, sulil a Mexican civ ilian lelugee who reached here flout Jin ine. ('hihii.iliuii. He cuiuo to CI I'a-o b way of Toiteon. Co.ihulla. and ftoin there to K.iglo l'nss, Tex. as tho rvi -1 .in Centtnl railroad wtis cut ho tw.eti .llmltiez and Clilhtiahtin t itv He claimed to hae seen slxto"ii Car ran 'a soldiers at .limine with their eais severed from their lie.uls. SET NEW HIGH RECORD Resources of Notional Danks Have Passed Their Own Mark Washington The rcKouices of the national bunks of the t'nltcil Stutes lime passed their own highest mark nt'in boosting the previous hlnh roe oid of May 1 by $21(1,000.0(10 Reports to the comptioler of the treasury. In response to the lust hank cull, show that resources September 1- lotulod 111.411,000,000. This Is mi Increase of $ISfi,000,000 over tho ,1tiue HO report and of $2,144, 000.000 over tho September. 1015. re port. Total deposits were $ll.:ifl'2.000. 000.000. which Is $227,000,000 moro thnn ever shown before. It Is moro than two billion dollars above tho total of n year ago. Ames Lost to Cornhuskers. Lincoln Neb -Nebraska won from Amos Saturday afternoon It to 0. Tho Cornhuskers fulled to stint anything except In flashes and thoy really were ltickv to escape a tie game Amos had h little tho holler of tho breaks in that penalties didn't go her way often and In that slio had I bo wind to her buck when It was absolutely necessary to punt. Hut tho farmers played the gumo for all that was in them. Tho lino wub stubborn both on deleuse and of fenBo anil tho Cornhuskers looked list less in comparison. Russia to Establish Blacklist. Petronrad - A blacklist similar to tho one In force In f 5 rent Britnln and Including the names of most of thu fot elgn linns trading with enemies of Russia will soon he published by tho ministry of tiudo nud Industry lu ac cordance with a decision of tho conn cjl of ministers, which needs only the signature of the empnror to become a law. Greeks Sending Reinforcements. London. Router's Athens corre spond nt snys tho Oreok governmont has sent reinforcements of Infantry and ar'li!ry to Knterlna. The corro ipondnnt mills that Admiral Du Pour not, commander of the allied fleet In tho Mediterranean, has sent notice to tho Greek harbor authorities Indicat ing n danger zone for vessels entering or leaving Piraeus harbor. Marshfleld, Oro. Three doad and two injured was tho result of a gas ex plosion which occurred 3,000 foot bo low tho surfaco In tho Reaver Hill coal mine near hero. Only ono body has been recovered, nn black damp Is impeding rescue work. State Irrigation Meeting Rrlilgeport, Neb - Tho seventh an nual convention of tho Nebraska State Irrigation nspoclatlon will bo held hero December C, 7 nnd 8, tho Miller Opora house being tho headquarters. Kvery Irrigation canal will huvo nt least one roprcsontatlvo at tho convention, If tho invitations aro accepted. Tho an- nouncements say tho exocutlvo com- in n ice ucionor n oiiinnen mo progrnm and mndn tho convention plans. This Is a "legislative year" and many amendments to tho Irrigation luws will io proposod. Austrian Fatalities During Year Oenova. Austrluns have lost 850,000 men since tho beginning of tho year, neenrding to autborltatlvo Information Of this numbor, 450,000 nro prlaonora In tho hands of the Russians or Rat ions. When Rumania declared war, Austria had forty-six dlvlsloun on thn TttiBHlon front, thlrtyono on tho Italian front and two In Serbia nnd Albania, From those forces alio withdrew eighty-eight bnttallann to send against tho Rumanians This forco was lator augmented as fighting grow less v!o lent on tho Russian front, HFUJ'W'.'iM.i. JIfVs hiiiiiwiii i s 'wi'i Kvti m ;3st5'i -:' "i . . lt.PdH ml,. IN 1 ...l...... o IUM1 I'.fKT AVotSclnt)!cn-cpnxationfors tlntiUicStomtdtsnrnl lkww I?1..- 5".Ut 'fj Tltcrcby IVomoilnvinivicslIonV m?i i:ot W i Cheerfulness (uin iksvii . in,Mniiim Mornhinenor Hnnl.NoTNAnoTic jttaune.s.vtLanrJBi a i.),r.iii.Vim'il for ConMlpaUonnmlDlnnhoe.; ami ivvcnsiuu-.-.-. I,ossorM;if' rciiiltimjniorefromtiUMancj Fnc Simile SijnMlof ( TiiBCnfTAvn0ow,ft KNOCKOUT FOR MR. BROWN His Better Half's Story of Experience With Lottery Certainly Not Flattering to Him. .Mrs. Hrown has a ipei lul horror of lotteries, nud at all times ami places hhe embraces eery opportunity of holding forth with chcmoncc concern lug tills pet abomination. Her Indig nation will therefore be imagined when, one evening, her worthy spouse came homo and proudly announced that he bail Joined a goose club, I'm something like an hour she poured the vials of wrath on her unfortunate hus band's bead, while he endeavored meekly to bear It all. At lust the warmth of the attack proved quite too much for the long-en-during John, nnd lie decided that the time hud come for him to lire up In re turn. "I siippns.0, my dear," sulil h, en deavoring to be sarcastic, "you were never lu a lottery, were you?" Hut, alas for the speaker! Mrs. Hrown turned upon him with wither ing scorn. "Once, .Inliii, unit only once," said hhe. "They suy, as you know, that nuirrlugo Is u lottery. Well, I went In for that, and I mself won a goose l" London Tlt-Illts CUTICURA COMFORTS BABY Buffering From Itching, Durnlng Rashes, Eczema, etc. Trial Free. Glvo baby a bath with hot wator and Cutlcura Soap, using plenty of Soap. Dry lightly und apply Cutlcura Oint ment gently to nil affected pnrta. In stant relief follows and baby falls Into a rofroshlng sleep, tho first porhnps In weoka. Nothing moro cffcctlvo. Proo Bamplo each by mall witli Uook. Address poBtcard, Cutlcura. DopLL( Boston. Sold ovorywhoro. Adr. Surprised Dinner Party. In a recently published book Sir Henry Lucy has a charming story of the Into Canon Alnger. The ennon was very fond of children, and set out one night to attend a party given "by children for children." "Don't announce me," he snld to the servant. Leuvlng his coat and hut downstairs, ho iiuletly opened tho drawing-room door, whero the buzz of voices an nounced the presence of company. Dropping on ids hands and knees lie entered, making strange noises distinct ly resembling the neighing of a horse. Aware of a dead silence, lie looked up, and found the guests assembled for an eight-o'clock dinner regarding him with disgust not unmixed with alarm. The children's pnrty was next door. Youth's Companion. Too Much of a Strain. It was little Martha's bedtime, and hbo was being tucked In, but she was Inclined to delay tho process by some thing she hud to tell her mother. Sev eral times sliu attempted to tell her mother, hut each tlmo was told to close her eyes and mouth tight and go to sloep. Klnally In desperation, "Hut, mother, I want to tell you." "No, dear. It Is time for you to go to sleep. You can tell me lu the morn ing." "Hut, mother, I Just can't hold It In my mouth all night." Pimple, boila, carbuncles, dry up nnd iltDinpeur with Doctor I'lercVd Golden Medical Discovery, la tablets or liquid. Adv. Disappointment. "What niudo the limn kill the gooso who laid tho golden egg?" "I can only guess at It. Mitybo food was costing bo much that ho got re sentful because tho bird kept handing him old metal Instead of regular eggs." rSiMNct Contents trFluid Dmohrnj rm$m I Emi ,r mmh I y 'I I L llTl 1 1 ! M 1 jL7li I ;CASTQRIA Exact Copy of Wrapper. GASTQRIA For Infants nnd Chlldron. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMt OINIU OMPNT, MIWTOKHOITT. She Countered Neatly. Three joung chaps were eating In the (lining room at ono of l'lttshtirgli'H pleasure parks, mid Incidentally wero tiwlng to lllrt with the pretty waitress. After devouring everything In sight they decided to have some Ice cream ami cake. "What kind will you have? Devil' fond, plain or nut cukes?" asked tho waitress. "Hlvo me deUs food," said two of them, ami the other asked for walnut cake. "Two devils and one nut," cried tho bright young girl. Easy Instruction. "What are niuiilllccnt people, pop?" "Why, they're the ones who am milking munitions, son." Gave It a Dose. "You naughty child! Why did you pour your tonic Into the clock?" "Cause tint was run down, too," Nebraska Directory THE PAXTON HOTEL Omihi. Nebraska EUROPEAN PLAN Iluoins from $1.0) II ) nl utile. 75orntn up iloubla. CAFIC PRICES REASONABLE TANNING' Robes-Coats See ' local agent or write for FREE CATALOG National Fur & Tanning Go. 1921 S. 13th SI. , Omaha, Neb. BEST MARKET Poultry, Butter, Eggs Write (or price lUt and tags. x Consolidated Poultry It Ego Cf. Omaha and Council Bluff IlefrrcncFNi Oumtia National Dank, Council IllutTx Having Hank, Dunn ami Ilrnilatreet. ir RADIATOR YOUR IB V1107.KU OK LKAUS BEND :t TO ua. F.F. FINK, Auto Tinner 317 S. 20lli . OMAHA. NEB, ALSO I.AMI' AND ITHNDErt ItEPAIltlNQ. 3 Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine time3 in ten when the liver it right the stomach and bowels are right. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently butfirmlycom pel a lazy liver do its duty. Cures Con. tipation, In digestion. Sick Headache.' and DUtreit After Eating'. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature niii-iigra STOPS 'i LAMENESS from a Bono Spavin, Ring Done, Splint, Curb, Side Done, or similar trouble and gets horse going sound. It acts mildly but quickly and good re sults are lasting. Does not blister or remove the hair and horse can be worked. Page 17 in pamphlet with each bottle tells how. $2.00 a bottla delivered. Horse Dook 9 M free. ABSORBING, JR., the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Painful Swellings, En larged Glands,Wens, Bruises, Varicose veins heals Sores. Allays Pain. Will tell you more if you write, ft and $2 a bottle at itiltn or dtllrcrcJ. literal trtil bonle lor lOe iuoj. W.F.YOUNO,P.D.FflOTaililLSprlno1UI4,Mtsi. M A ffcjJA "..intDTPD KzM ITTLE HpBV BJIVC.K 4fBttvtm ta iii-i W JjEe i 2