RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF t jh mm "f I B. toft1 I I s i s t B. F. PERRY Democratic Candidate for County Clerk of Webster County I have been a resident of Nebraska since 1879 and have never asked for or held a public office. Have had twenty years experience in the mercantile business and consider myself perfectly capable and qualified to handle this office in a manner satisfactory to all. I will APPRECIATE YOUR VOTE and ASSISTANCE. B. F. PERRY, Red Cloud, Nebraska IF YOU WANT A MOOTER OR A PRPR Hade Right, Lettered Right And Treeted Right SEE OVERlflG BROS. & GO. Makors of Artistic Monuments Red Cloud, Nebraska I IN THE TWILIGHT Dy DOROTHY DOUGLAS. This is The Place to Buy Your Fresh and Clean Groceries Your phone orders are given prompt service OUR MOTTO We buy as low as vc can! That's business sense! We sell as low as we can! That's progressiva sense! You buy as low as you can! That's common sense! You buy of us! That's dollars and cents for both of us. WALTER W. MARSHALL THE SANITARY GROCERY, IN RED CLOUD X A Brassiere? Yes yj Y0UK CORSET moulds me ngure below the buft the brassiere supports and shapes the bust and the shoulders. It is in reality a fitted corset cover, and costs no more. Warner's Brassieres are designed by the designers of Warner's Russ-proot Cor sets, who understand the re quirements of the figure and know how to design garments that fit correctly. Like Warner's Corsets, every Warner's Brassiere is thoroughly guaranteed. A-..wr Mrs. Barbara Pharesj; urn x ijrriHM w, Attend the Fanners' knstitute, Nov. 14 to 17. WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COAL ORDERS PLATT & FREES Dusky twilight wub creeping Blowiy down among the llttlo Hhops that comprise tho llfo of lower Orantou Htrcot. Soft shadows Lung their Blunting gloom Indiscriminately over prosperity and poverty alike. So im partial was tho distribution of shadow that tho passorby in tho llttlo shop ping district might not distinguish success from falluro. Patrick Malono, in his small butcher shop, know, howovor, that ho was ono of tho happy and prosperous dealers. Even In tho gathering twi light Patrick looked with pride on tho beef and mutton that woro al ready displayed to luro tho Satur day night shoppers. Hut only two doors up tho struct another shop accepted tho coming of darkneno as If it woro tho final shadow In a world of gloom. Ilchlnd tho counter Nora Gaines sent a swift glance of apprehension at her young er sister. "Wo havo failed," nho snld dis mally. "If wo don't do a miraculous trado tonight wo must closo up tho doors our father opened. It would break his heart-Mf he wero here to hco tho llttlo business ho worked up slipping away into bankruptcy." "You wero not intended for busi ness, ns father was," tho younger sister said with mora of tho brogue In her volco thnn Nora. "Anyway, I'll bo lighting tho shop boforo the shadows grow deeper In your eyes." Nora smiled as she watched Anna struggling to reach tho lamp that hung from tho celling. Then she glanced at tho now dark streots. "It's strange how late every ono is in lighting up tonight," she com mented. Hut it was not in tho least strange to ono who realized tho frantic con dition that prevailed In the little shopping district. Tho small traders wero In a state bordering on panic, for tho electric current had been dis connected. Patrick Malono did not poshpsb 30 much nB a candlo with which to lure hunrry mortals into his shop. Slid denly Patrick's eyes wero riveted on tho window of the rival butcher ncross tho street. In the dim light of a Hingln candlo tho man was lining n half dozen newly purchased lamps. Suddenly ho remembered tho small shop Hint ho had railed a junk shop, and a second later hn stood outside tho store in which Nora Gaines and her sister attempted to wait upon a dozen clamoring customers at once. "It must havo been father's spirit that tampered with that electric cur rent," Anne found tlmo to whisper hurriedly Into Nora's ear while she tied up the last lamp In tho store and turned out tho last qunrt of oil for a customer. Nora sent a swift smile into Anne's eyes, then found herself gaz ing into tho anxious fnco of Patrick Malono. .... "I haven't a singlo lamp left." sho answered In a volco of regret to lila quick Inquiry. "Wo havo plenty of candles If they will do." Patrick decided swiftly, because two customers were demanding Illu mination of any kind. "Sure thoy will." he said, "and if you have candlesticks, glvo mo a couple of dozen " Hack In tho butcher shop, he lighted n slimle candlo and found that ho knew no more about the patent holders he had purchased than ho did about dressmaking. So ho rushed back to Nora Gaines for in structions. - . "I'm so sorrv." 'he said swiftly "J tJ10"Kht you knew liow to till tho holder. She glanced at Anne. 'Tan you take charge of the customers for a fow minutes? I will run over and help Mr Mnlone with tho lighting up process he la in difficulties." Patrick watched Nora as sho stood In tho glow of one candle and then on to tho noxt until his small shop looked like a Christmas tree, nnd deep In his mind was tho conviction that nn nngcl herself was Nora. "And I'll not tell you right oft wlmt llghtingup time has brought mo," ho said with a soft light In his bluo eyes, tt'opyrlsht, WIS liv the McChtro Nowspa- per Syndicate.) An Efficiency Recipe, Ho earnest, but bo calm, no matter what hnpponB. I havo seen a man treble his day's work by systematic' ally shutting out all feeling during office hours. What fatlsues and an noys us Is not our work, but tho men tal friction, nenous strain. :uu cular tension, emotional wear and tear, which wo allow to urconipnny our work A real man Is always a machine while on the job and never a ma ihluo at any other time. Itecipe for otllclency: He a plodder by day and a poet by night llo your planning, your dreaming, your resolving, when sllcnco and solitude open tho mind to great thoughts and purposes, then nppear to tho world just au ordinary business man, with nothing unique about you to rouse tho neighbors' sus picions. Edward Uarlo Purlntou, in tho New York Independent. Bits of Byplay By Luke AlcLuke Copyright, 1010, tho Cincinnati Enquirer Paw Knows Everything. Willie Paw, what Is the difference between fact and fiction? Paw Tho same dlffercnco that there U between a woman and her photo graph, my son. Muw Willie, you go nnd stuff some cotton in your ears. Fact. Though man on fortuno oft depend, And hts hopes nu'er diminish; Tho destiny that shapes our ends Won't let us sco our finish. Officer, Call a" Policeman "What nro long felt wants?" asked tho boob. "Weather strips," replied tho cheer ful Idiot. Oh, Sliiixl He thinks ho Is n. funny scout. Hut ho will como to woo. Said I, "Tho furnace 1ms gone out!" Said he. "Whero did It go?" The Wise Fool. "There's nothing aa tough ns having a lot of debts thnt you en n't pay," ob served tho sage. "Oh, yes, there Is," corrected the fool. "Then whnt Is It?" asked thu sage. "Having a lot of debts that you sim ply have to pay." replied tho fool. Ouch! 9uld Mr. Kannew to tils son: "You've been bail; Tou say thlnjj.M 1 know nro Untrue. Bo we'll go out to tho woodshed, my lad. And I'll paddle my own Knnncw." la That 80I Cincinnati has llo moving picture hotiM's. l!U hotels, SOI saloons. 250 churches. ;!3 hospitals. l.'JSHJ groceries and one Luke MeLulce. One's enough. We have to woik part of the time. Newark (O.) Advocate. Wo Could Write a Hoad on This, but Wo Won't. Up In Mlssouil MM Humnuigo has lately become the bride of Mr. Sale. One ought to be able to llnd 11 few little bargains .mound there In the course of time.-Fort Smith (Aik.) TimevKco ord. Names Is Names. Khodii I'oid. Henry Grieves Mnry Helps and I. Steel all live In Spring Held. O Ho Looko Like Napoleon, Only Worse. Dinr I.ul.e: Is I.uko Mel iil.u a li indsomo man? IJoia ho irscinhlu ilcrlc or dulco? This Is what v. o wint to know Just how does okl man I.uko McT.uke? Anxious Thlngi to Worry About. Tho blow fly has a strong bense of Binell. i James Hubatka I Candidate for (i County Commissioner of Second District of Webster County f) on the Democratic Ticket, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the late W. G. Hoffman. C3C3S3C3CC3C3C3g3S3e3SS - . .. IT. The Time is at Hand When We Will Be Having Some Cold Weather PERHAPS you will need '. A NEW BED MATTRESS OR SPRING OUR LINE IS COMPLETE in Styles and Prices of These Articles and We Can Supply Your Needs. Come in and Let Us Show You These Beds WE CAN Make You a Price That Will SAVE YOU MONEY We are Always Glad to have You Come and Look ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer Furniture Dealer Helpl "Thcro's coin In raising bees," said I To my friend, Mr. Young. "Oh, no, Uiero ain't!" was Ids reply. "I tried It nnd koI stunK." Our Daily Special. ' It doesn't tnke a white llo long to get tilt ty. " in ' "il Lrrrrff T f A Mass Meeting SUNDAY NIGHT at the ORPHEUM The children of the schools un 'er the direction of Miss Minnie Christian will have part in this service. Men's quartet will sing. Rev. J. L. Beebe, Clarence Eshelman and others will discuss the question J HOW TO VOTE Sale Bills? Sure, We Print Them Again the Professor. "What was that terrible noise last evening?" Inquired tho star boarder "That nhsent-mlnded professor ngnln," replied the land'ady wearily; "ho found a paragraph upside down In the newspaper and tried to stand upou his head to rend It" JOHN C. MARTIN Central City, Nebraska Candidate tor Election on the Non partisan Judiciary ballot For Supreme Judge M". MAHTIN la r.6 years of nee, woi born and ro.ued at 1'ittwbuiK, li , where ho jond law for four years prior to comlni? to N'nbr.ttkn. Ha was ei uniicu at Woostnr I'liUeinlty. Wooster, Ohio, und Iafautti) .ilWe nt K.iMon, la llH eanui ti. .N'pti.ikn In 1W nml Hist JouitiMl at Colunil'UH, iera ho prn 'tlt-ed Inw until ISSo when ho moved to Mcnltk County. Noh lift hn iit.viitA.t ,!.! iii.,uu time nnd cueiKy to tho practice of tlif law In tills Htuto oxer Nlnce. cceptln, during tho yc.iis 19! and 1H00 when he was lecal advls-ir of the uudltliiK dep.ut mont of tho United States located at Havana, Culm, under tho military occu pation of Cuba As ovliloncu of his conception of the duties of the olllco to which he aspires, nnd for the mimosa or mlviMtnt- Mia electors of Nebraska as to his conduct In that office If elected, he announces the , PLATFORM Kqunllty before tho law. ltemnve the Iiiw'h vexatious dolus a. Substantial Justice unhampered by technicalities. Purify tho courts by severe punishment for perjury. No politics or favoritism known on the bench. "To do the rljrht as Ood ntvea rn to ere the tlKhU" Would Appreciate Your Support and Will Strive to Merit Your Confidence, GO SOUTH THIS WINTER All the principal Southern Gulf and Cuban cities tire included in thu Ijoueral arrangement of attractive Winter excursion fares. Many circuit tours of the hUtorlo South are olVorcil that include Washington, D. C, in one diioct Ion. A scheme of diverse route tours enibraclnn u most compiehunslve tour of thu wholu Southeast is effective during the Winter months, Then theio is always Southern California. Ahk tho undeisiRiicd for the Iturlington's Winter Kxcnrsions leaflet and Southern ltusort literature. llurllnirton hili class train scrvlco from tho West and Northwest to any of tho Southern gateways St. Louis, Kansas City, Chicago. BIG FOOTBALL GAMES MuKiiiilcent football, Lincoln: See one or all of these great 'Vaisity games; November 18th, with Kansas Unlvorslty (Orads Homecoming); Novem her aotli, with, fatuous Notre Dame. I2gg L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent loOl Faruam Street, Om ihn, Nebr N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb. T A N KS Our 2" Cypress steel bound tanks are the best on the market. They have double the life of a galvanized iron tank and are much cheaper. 1 THE MALONE-AVERY GO. TALK WITH US ABOUT TANKS" If 1 (i -. -iHvrt;j$4 " 1-