The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 19, 1916, Image 9

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W- SA Q'-. QV .
Rt Coatentf 15 Fluid Druehms
AVcgclnlilc 1'a'pnralionforAs-siniilalinllicFoodandhYOiiln-liftli
Ihe Stomachs and llowcis of
ncss mul Rcst.Confiiias neither
Not Narcotic.
StffouDr.svnu mtnut
fiimUi" Slid -AtxStnna
Anutt &4td
(IrtartKnoliScdf i
Ctarilitd Sugar
utrfrtn tUtvr
A perftel Remedy for Coiisfipa-
tion. Sour .Sloinneli.Dhirrlmca.
Warms, rcwrhhucss uiul
t pnt
facsimile Stnnlnrv of
Tin: Ckntauh Company;
Every Woman Wants
DiMoIred In water for douche tops
pelric catarrh, ulceration and inflam
mation. Recommended by Lydia E.
Pinkhara Med. Co- for ten years.
A healing wonder for nasal catarrh,
ore throat and sore ayes. Economical.
Hu mttMMOtimur deaniin. and oermuVal rvtwtr.
ISainU Fim. SOc. all dnirguta, rr patpaid by
Vwl. ThwPtrtanTcart Conway. Borron. Man.
Your Liver
Is Clogged Up
That' Why You're Tired Out of Sort
Have No Appetite.
will put you right
in a lew days.
They d
their duty.
Cure Con
Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache
Genuine must bear Signature
U no more necessary
than Smallpox. Army
experience has demonstrate.
the almost miraculous tltU
'Ctcy, and banolextntn. of Antityphoid Vaccination.
' Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and
yoat family. It is more vttal than bouse Insurance.
Ask yotn; pfaytldari, druggist, or send for Hit
youhtd Typhoid!" telling of Typbold Vaccine,
result from use, and danger from Typbold Carrier.
Prva'Mlaf Vaeclae and Email aadir U. 8. LlMilM
The Cuttar Laboratsry, Btrtilty, Cl., Chliaie, ML
Exact Ccpr of Wrapper th eiirraun ccwHny, NtwvoimerTV.
alasasasasasasasaW "V.
ojaav- IVbK
Take Iron, Says Doctor, if You
Want Plenty of "Stay There"
Strength Like an Athlete!
Ordinary Nuxated Iron Will Make Deli
cate, Nervous, Rundown People 200
Par Cent Stronner In Two
Weeks' Time, In Many
New York. N. Y. Most people fool
ishly seem to think they are Rolnj; to
get renewed health nnd strength from
Homo (rtiiuulutliiK medicine, secret nos
trum or narcotic drug, snld Dr. Suuer,
a specialist of this city, when, as a
matter of fact, real nnd truo strength
can only como from tho food you cat.
l!ut people often full to get the
strength out of their food because they
haven't enough Iron In their blood to
enable It to change food into living
mnttor. From their weakened, nerv
ous condition they know something is
wrong, but they can't tell what, so they
generally commence- doctoring for
stouinch, liver or kidney trouble or
symptoms of some other nllmcnt
caused by the lack of iron In tho blood.
This thing may go on for years, while
tho patient sulTors untold agony. If
you are not strong or wull, you owe It
to yourself to make the following tost:
Soe how long you can work or how far
you can walk without becoming tired.
Next tnko two five-grain tablets of or
tdlnary nuxated Iron three times per
lriy after meals for two weeks. Then
test your strength ngaln and seo for
yourself how much you hive gained. I
have aeen dozens of nenoas, run-down
For Infanta and Children
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Yeers
Fall Run of Distemper
(CnfCtt A (malt outlay of money bring, 'very great
arUlllla rendu. It In a auru cur nnil a preventive If
you uati It na per directions. Simple, safe nncl aure. Thr fl alij
In twtrr thn quantity nnd an ounce more thnn thr (Or, .lie. (lit
yrur horror In brat rontllton for late full nnil wlntrr. All drug
itlatK. hnrnrr. dialer, or mnniifncluri'rs
At Bridge.
Hrldgo Fiend You tniKht to ho able
to write lino comedies, Mr. Serlli.
Mr. Scrlb You llutter me, Miss Bea
trix. Why ought 1?
Bridge Fiend Because you tnnko
such ntnuslng plays.
Mr. J. M. Sinclair of Olivehlll.
Tenn., writes: "I strained my back,
which weakened my kidneys and
caused an awful bad backache and
inflammation of
the bladder. La
tcrK I becamo so
much worse that
I consulted a
doctor, who said
that I had Dia
betes and that
my heart waB af
fected. I suffer-
Mr. J. M. Sinclair. e(j for four yeai8
and was in a nervous state and very
much depressed. Tho doctor's medl
clno didn't help mo, so I decided to
try Dodds Kidney Pills, and I cannot
say enough to express my relief and
thankfulness, as they cured me. Dia
mond Dinner Pills cured mo of Con
stipation." Dodds Kidney Pills, 50c. per box at
your dealer or Dodds Medicine Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y. Dodds Dyspepsia Tab
lets for Indigestion have boon proved.
60c. per box. Adv.
Clean Record.
"What makes Jinks ho proud of Ills
ancestors? 1 never heard any of tht'm
did anything."
"That's exactly Hip point. So ninny
persons' ancestors did do things which
got them Into trouble with tho police."
Illclunoud Tliiies-Dlspnteh.
people who were nlllng nil tho while,
double and even triple their strength
and endurance nnd entirely get rid of
all symptoms of dyspepsia, liver and
other troubles In from ten to fourteen
days' time simply by taking Iron In
tho proper form, nnd this after they
had In some cases been doctoring for
months without obtaining any benefit.
Hut don't tnko the old forms of reduced
iron, Iron acetate or tincture of iron
simply to save n few cents. You must
take iron In a form that can be easily
absorbed and assltnillated like nuxated
Iron If you want it to do you nny good,
otherwise It inny prove worse than use
less. Many nn ntblctc or prize-lighter
has won the day simply becnuso ho
know the secret of great strength and
endurance and lilted his blond with Iron
before he went Into the affray, while
many another has gone down to Inglori
ous defeat simply for the lack of iron.
NOTR Nuxated Iron recommended
nliovo by Or Bauer, Is onn of tlie newer
orgnnlc Iron compounds. Unlike tho older
InorKnnlc Iron products, It 1b eifllly assim
ilated, does not Injuro the tectl), make
them nlnck, nor upset the stomach; on thi
enntrnry It Is a moat potent remedy In
nonrly nil formH of Indication, na well
ns for nervous, run-down conditions. Till
MnntifnrttirerH have HUeh i;rcat confidence
In Nuxated Iron Hint they offer to forfilt
J100.OO to nny rluirltablo Institution If tin y
rnnnot take any man or woman uncr
sixty, who lacks Iron and Increuso their
strenKth 200 per rent or over In four
woeVn' time, provided they have no Herl
cus organic trouble. They also offer to
refund your money If It does not at least
double your atrenfjth nnd endurance In
ten diyn' time. It Is dispensed by most
drtiffKlsts. If your druggist or general
storo Is without a supply, ak Own to get
It tor you. Adv.
(lly K. O. SIM.I.KHS, Acting Director of
Hunday School Course, Moody llltile In
stitute, Clili'na.o l
tt'npyrlcht. HI. Wialrn Nmamprr t'nlun i
I.nSRON THXT -Acts VI (vv. I, 24-3:).
UOt.miN THXT- I who not dlxolicdlent
unto the lituiwnly Irion. At In M;I9.
It Is possible to use the ltlblo elthet
as a music box or u telephone We
should let It speak the words of tho
Lord .Testis to us nnd our pupils. This
lesson occurred probably A. P. fl), per
haps In August, the day after last Sun
day's lesson. This was the same hall
where Agrlppn had heard the people
calling him a god (Acts 12). Paul,
the center of nil Interest, Is chained
to Ids Itotnnn guardians. The prisoner
has been M'hemently licensed us one
worthy of death and liutl appealed to
Caesar, but 1'Vstiis, not being well ac
quainted with Jewish laws nod cus
toms, could not make nny dellulte
charge ugalnst lilm before the ltouuiii
court. Hence he turns lilm over to
Agrlppn, who wiih well uciiualnted
with matters of Jewish law.
I. Paul, the Preacher (vv. l-'i'l).
This was 0110 of the great occasions
In the life of this great man. Paul
was preaching to u king and a woman
of great Influence (a sermon which
little changed their lives evidently),
and also to the coming uges. This
king and ipieen were wedded to their
Infamy. Iod had In mind tut that
tiny' an audience In comparison with
which that which Paul saw faded Into
oblivion. Notice his urgutneut. (1)
Ho begins with his own experience.
In these verses there are over forty
personal pronouns.
Men do not need so much light ns
they do need heat, and Paul was
speaking out of the hot throbs of his
personul experience. Paul stood be
fore them a living miracle, an Incar
nate argument. We might tremble at
the doctrine of the resurrection. He
knew it was n marvelous thing that
God shoul 1 raise the dead, but that
change had been wrought in him
which was equivalent to the miracle
of raising one from the grave.
Paul's plea was for the Itomnn ns
well as the Jew. Considering his per
sonal testimony, he declares that he
Is n true Jew of the strictest sect (vv.
4-8), nnd as such he lived In the
"hope of tho promise" as predicted by
Isaiah nnd Daniel. That promise has
been fulfilled in Jesus, the crucified,
who rose again from the dead, and
Paul otitis, "I have seen lilm, for
which hope's sake, King Agrlppa, I
am accused of the Jews." (U) (vv. 0
15) Paul tells the audience that he,
himself, wus once n zealous perse
cutor of the Christians, more so than
those who are now persecuting him,
"being exceedingly mad against
them." Ho then relates his Damascus
Journey uud the conversation held on
the road with the risen Lord.
Tho gospel Paul preached was to
lead men into the kingdom of God
that they might recelvu forgiveness
of sins uud an Inheritance among
those who were fitted for that Inheri
tance, who were the sanctltled. For
this cause t'ie Jews went ubout to kill
II. Agrlppa, the Doubter (vv. 24-32).
Five ways tire suggested ns to the
reception of Puul'u message. Thu
high priest's way was to hate him and
oppose. Felix's way was "go thy way
this time. When I have n more con
venient season I will call." Festus'
way (vv. 24-20) waa to charge Paul
with madness. Much learning (literal
ly, many writings) was turning him
mad, making him a lunatic, a dreamer,
one who lived In the utmospheru of
wild imaginings. Paul's reply wus
not harsh. "Most noblu Festus" (Am.
It.) "I am not mad, but speak words of
rtohcrnesB," words of eternal life nnd
spiritual life (of Hound sense) that
were truo and earnest. Paul thereupon
appeals to King Agrlppn to confirm
his fctutements (v. 2-0). Tho crazy
man Is ho who lives for this world
rather than for eternity. Tho devil
has cheated many a man out of eter
nal life by the method which Festus
.followed. He has also cheated many
u Chrlstlnn out of tho larger life in
the same way. Paul's appeal to Agrlp
pa (vv. 27-29) Is very suggestive.
Some people believe that the con
tents of the prophecies nre of no pres
ent day value, nnd some are trying to
break their force. Some dccltajo they
cannot bo true, yet these prophecies
nro the ones that declare that "Jesus
Is tho Christ, the Son of God." The
literal translation of Agrlppa's answer
Is, "In u little thou persundest mo to
bo n Christian." It is said that Agrlp
pn said this In sarcasm, but, liko many
unother attempted jest, It rcvculed tho
real state of the heart.
Agrlppa saw the cost of further con
sideration of tho claims of Christ and
was unwilling to jmy tho prlco (vv.
S0-."2). Thus Agrlppa's boul was lost,
and yet hu was within one step of
eternal life. Paul with great dignity
took advantage of Arippif's ambigu
ous expression, and said: "I would to
God that whether with little or with
much, nut only thou but also all that
hear mo this day might become such
as I ntn except (raising his fettered
bands) these bonds," (Am. It.).
Paul was willing and glad to suffer
anything for tho sake of Jeuua Christ,
hla Lord (II Cor. 12-10).
And It Was Difficult Not to Call
Either Spouse by Other's
Pnltsvllle, Pn. With large, some
what pearly tears trickling down her
pretty face, Mary Vollen, as constant
u bride as ever rushed to nnd from an
altar, has confessed to Alderman P. J.
Martin that she had married two men
within u year and was still their fond
and thoughtful wife. This seemed a
great deal to tell an utdcrumn, but the
fact was ( tint u hearing was being held
before that olllelal Into the life ami
loves of Mary Vollen.
The ioung woman told, between
sighs .nil snlllles, of how sbr had lived
a double life tin u single block, at tho ,
ends of hlch were the Iioiiich her i
Told How She Had Lived a Double
loving husbands kept for her. Her
husbands, Matthew Karacltls and Vin
cent Vollen, were both In court regis
tering amazement and uncertain
whether it would bo advisable to light
a duel or burst out crying. They left
the room through different doors, still
stunned, before the hearing was half
Mary told of how tllfllcult It had been
to rush from homo to home ami never
call either husband by the other's
name. She had mnrrletl Vollen In
March, 11115, and, according to Kuril
eltis, had proposed to him In May last.
He, flattered, bought n ring and Joined
the matrimonial syndicate.
Alderman Martin held the young
woman In $5,000 ball, uud she Imme
diately communicated with her hus
bands. A courier pulled the bells nt
the homes out about n yard, but there
was no response. It seemed as though
there was no onu tit either residence.
Housewife Supposedly Tries to Make
Adjustment While Standing on
Damp Basement Floor.
Clcvelnnd, O. Standing on a damp
basement floor while using un electric
Iron, Mrs. Augusta Tlchorowskl was
electrocuted here. From un investiga
tion by the police it Is thought that the
woman tried to adjust the plug at the
huso of the iron without shutting off
thi current.
While doing this her hand evidently
came In contact with the live end of
tho plug wlro und tho current pnssed
through her body Into the damp floor.
Her two children ran frightened for
aid. When neighbors urrlved they
found Mrs. Tlchorowskl unconscious,
her hand clutching the ping end of tho
The Young Folks Tell Clerk Permit
Was Destroyed by Mistake, So He
Gives Them New One.
Cleveland, O. A little heap of paper
fragments was placed on Marriage Li
cense Clerk Frank Zlzelmnn's desk
the other nfternoon. A girl of nine
teen ulteruiitely smiled and blushed.
Her companion blushed, too. IIl
yes, tho escort was of the opposite sex
pointed to tho bits of torn paper.
"I we we want another mnrriage
license," the young man stammered.
Visions of a lover's quurrvl Hashed
across Mr. Zlzclmnn'.s mind.
"Hut they were all tlressed up and
thoy looked so radlnntly happy I didn't
have thn heart to ask them," tho li
cense clerk said later.
"It was an accident. I tore tho li
cense up In mistake," snld tho young
man, turning to the blushing girl at
his side for corroboration.
Mr. Zlzelman examined tho hits.
They were tho remnants of a llccnso
ho had Issued to Itobert H. Jones and
Julia H. Iturtn. A new ono was Is
sued. Nearly Drowned by Big Fish.
Greenville, Pa. W. S. Greene, n
Greenville merchant, almost lost Ids life
lit Van Huron point on Lake Krle re
cently, when he hooked n 50-pound
uuiscallonge while trolling for bass. A.
II. Holding was In tho bout with
Greene, As Greene was reaching over
he side of tho boat the muscullongo
darted suddenly to the bottom und
Ireeno was pulled overboard. Al
hough both men were thrown Into the
vater, they succeeded In landing the
)lg flsn.
Jk 9 ,ii
In the Museum.
Mannger What's the matter with
the "lltinian Ostrich r
Assistant Swallowed a fishbone at
hroakfa-t this morning.
Million In Sand nnd Gravel.
Oceusloually u man balks at doing
u thing merely becnuse someone he dls
likes epei Is lilm to do It.
Cupid ensnares with liken bairn.
"the 8hoe that holds its shape"
$3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 & $5.00 a8V&
Snvo Money by Wcnrinn W. L Douglrtn
ahocn. For oala by ovurOOOO alloc dealer.
Tho 11 cat Known Shoo in tho World.
W. L. Doughs tume and tlie price ii stamped on the lot
torn of all shoe at the factory. Tlie value ii guaranteed aiut
the wearer proterttJ against high prices for inferior irWs. The
retail prices are the same everywhere. They cost no more in
Francisco than they do in New Yotlc They arc always wotth tlie
price paid for Ultra,
Tic quality of W. L. Douglas product is guaranteed ly more
than 40 years experience in making fine shoes. Tlie smart
style are die leaders in the Fashion Centres of America.
They are made in well equipped factory at Urockton, Mass.,
ty tlie highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and
supervision or experienced men, all working
determination to nuke the best shoes for tlie
can buy.
Ark your ahnet denier for W. T tougln alines. If tin rnn
not supply toii with tlir Ulncl joii wmil, tnko no other
tunkr. rlii fur Intereatltiir booklet roitlitliilnir hoiv to
cut alioeiiof tint highest stHiKlnrtl of juallty fur tho prlco,
vj rrumi man, jmmigo iroo.
LOOK FOR W. L. Douglas
name and the retail price
tamped on the bottom.
Quick Progress. I .li'l'ini Is to have n new Iron foundry
Only 41 years ago the llrst uewspn- to be bucked by Itoo business men.
per was founded In Japan. Now t hern
are 2,000 of them In that country. Viiueotixer, H, ,'., In August stuil
HulTalo Times. ed new buildings valued nt $020,871).
Buy materials that last
Fully guaranteed
General Roof ing Manufacturing Company
iVorM' Uitval munuAif f urcr
niy (Vnr rvM.tfki. cu.l l
MiflM ai.Mp.u. suit. Hi; a.tiua
Ask your Lumber Dealers to buy Certnin-teed Products from
Curtis, Towle & Paine, Lincoln Distributors
Londoners and Zeppelins.
The contrary way In which the Lon
doner takes his Zeppelin raids has
often been a mutter of comment. He
not only entirely refuses to be fright
ened, hut, olllelal Instructions forgot
ten and disregarded, he erowtls Into
the streets at the smallest hint of a
raid, scans tho sky eagerly, uud claims,
us 11 matter of course, and Is accorded
In the same spirit, the help of the local
police force to the best posslblo view.
Then, when It Is nil over, he must
needs go nnd see all that happened.
Ami the railway companies and tho bus
companies and tho tramway companies
curry him In thousands, uud the po
lice direct lilm, mid Instruct lilm, und
tell lilm of thu Inst trains home. And
the street venders, even before the
news Is In tho papers, are selling lilm
With Cutlcura Soap and Ointment.
Nothing Better. Trial Free.
Dntho tho affected part with Cutlcura
Soap and apply tho Ointment. For oc
comas, rashes, Irritations, plmples.dan
druff and soro hands Cutlcura Soap
and Ointment aro supreme. Nothing
better, cleaner or purer than these
upor-creamy emollients nt any prlco.
Froo samplo each by mall with Hook.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dopt. L,
Doatoa. Bold everywhere Adr.
Unearned Increment Measured In Crop.
Tho average value of farm land
throughout the Unlteil States In 11)10,
aside from buildings, was $.'12.40 an
acre, according to the census. In 1010,
according to the department of agricul
ture, this value had grown to ? 15.50,
an Incrense of 40 per cent. Slncu the
total value of farm lands, aside from
buildings,' was returned In 1010 us
128,475,000.000, the totnl Increment
since then must be more thnn eleven
SL Louis laundries have unanimous
ly raised prices.
I Hunting I
I Rifles
When you look over
EE and see an animal
EE like this silhouetted
H against the baclc
5 ground, you like to
feel certain that your
equipment 13 equal
to the occasion. The
j majority of success-
ful hunters use Win-
Chester Rifles, which shows how they are esteemed.
They nro made in various styles and calibers and 2
Ak for and Get
with an honest
price that money
Doya Shoe
Beat In th World
President O
$3.00 $2.50 & $2.00
w. 1.
llonglu. shoo Co., UrocMon. Mima.
For ale by dealer
at reasonable price
0 UooJutf ami JJuiioiriff luper
n.ii.a riiutarfi nir.u a., rn.,1.. n.H.a.u
L4i.ata.iu iuu !,. .t il.ui. !.
Ladder Needed.
Lady We nlways keep tho hose
ready In case of a Zeppelin mid.
Visitor Hut, surely, my dear, It
would never reach them at the height
they lly. Loudon Punch.
Chicago has bought six monkeys for
use In studying Infantile paralysis.
Worries Bring Aches
Life today bring many worries and
worrying liringH on kidney trouble, no
the doctor say. Kidney weaknet re
veal itself in backache, pain when
stooping or lifting, dizzy headaches and
urinary disorder".. He cheerful. Stop
worrying. And, to itrctigthcn weak
kidneys, uso Donu' Kidney Pills, the
kidney remedy that I used and 'recom
mended the world over.
A Kansas Case
Mm. J. H. Ail- rn,
ldHHoii, CI. Marnu- LtO
churettH fit., An- I"
1 u o n y, itnnHur.
riiyn: "l MlfTiMod
from liacluiolm
tluit hiinilU'iipiicil
tno In iIoIiik my
hoimework, I felt
tired n u it run
down nil tho tlmo
nnil liml trouble,
with tliti klilnoy
HocrctloriR. Dunn's
Kidney I'IIIh liml been used In our
family with kooiI remits and finally I
tried them. They cured me, too."
C.t Doan'. at Any Slera, SOc a Boa
'" frAhkEft't "
A toll.t tirrwratlon of merit,
nlM to M-fllcito dandruff.
ForR.tlorlna Color and
Beauty toGr.r or Fad.dll.Jr.
KM. mi SI 00 at lru-t:Ui.
Watlon B. Oolnman,
.tern i,uwjDr. tvaininaujii,
O. AcHlconnrt boon lre
lUtes reasonable lllghiial references. Iteataenlo
W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 43-1916.
AK for and Get
36 Pktf Recipe Book fat
1 toi. cyio
l.ui?t2dBsssssl MWAiir or lYJ
L r? isssssH "utiiUTU tV7