RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIE& t We Want You to Buy the "Best Range Made- DEFORE PLACING IT FOR SALE IN OUR STORE WE COMPARED IT point for point with all OTHERFIRST-CLASS RANGES and fount! it be THE BEST. We want you to have the best range, and we guarantee that range to be t iliii?lbiilr The 'Walls Are 3-Ply TL SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE All-Ways Preferable Range The Oven Is Air-Tight -too many to mention THERE are Many Reasons why it is the Bcst- i . . . . . . . i .11 - ijcic, so wc mviic you 10 come 10 our store ana we will show you the range and point them out to you. You will recognize them as points oi advantage as quickly as wc did. Wc com pared the range very carefully with others before we decided to offer it to our cuilomcrs, because we cannot afford to sell anything but the befl. It is a beautiful range It is an excellent baker j It is a great fuel saver Made of materials that will last a lifetime with ; proper care. OME AND SEE IT. FURNISHED IN EITHER CABINET OR LEG BASE GEO. W. TRINE RED CLOUD'S LEADING HARDWARE DEALER INAVALE Mrs..Sllvoy was In Itoil Uloinl, Mon thly. II. It. HolilretfO is iiK.iin iiliK' to snv iioiio.' (Jon, Morrow anil wlfo niuMit Hiimliiy In Itiverlon. Uliiiicli Murker Is siumiiIIiik u wi'i'k with lior parents. Dr '1'. ti. Moyois whs a passenger to HnstiiiK", Monday. Tin- M. 13. I.inllos Ah! mt't Wodnos dny for woiU at the church. Mrs K A. Harwell spout Sat unlay at Wumer with Mis Vantlevoit Itev Muriels will hold horvieos s hi day nitflit at the M 12. Cliuroli. (too. Klsher and family of Ktvorlon. spout Sunday with lleit FMii'r and family. Mrs. Denny of Superior visited over Sunday with her sister. Mih Will C arpoiiler. Miss Mablo Carpenter left Saturday morning for Cowles to visit relatives for it few iliiyi. Mrs. Cellu Saunders Iuih boon Mill oiititf with tioiitalhi the past week, lint Is bettor now. Art Meyers had his wheat thrashed this week and had tho misfortune to have one stack burn. Charley .Martin left Sunday morn liHjfor Houtrice to work for Mr. !a. veka at carpenter work. (Joo. Has' tugs and wlfo and Walt Hastings ami baby were pnssoiiKors to Hastings on Friday of last week. Mrs. tiny ltarkor ami diuihter, Mayotta, spout Tuesday in tho coun try with Mrs. Will Topluiiu mid family. llert Fisher and family left Sunday mornliiK for tlieir now borne at Cedar lllulfs, Kansas. Mr. Klsher is foreman of a section at that place. i'OB Sale The old Ed. Smith plaeo TV 40 acres adjoining town on which 11 be found one modern house, ton nt hoii'-o, bli bam, city water, litr, etc. Price, St)0 with any nonut e tonus. Inquire of V. II. ienerans or E. (J. Hohanan, Lincoln, brnska. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVEIt STATE BANK Red Cloud I I Nebraska wstmu WANTED Horses Mares Mules wz$3k1ankw3Zm2X&W&?rk &afllflBflRHflMHBflMRflV'JMKtfc!i42 iorses and Mules 4 to 10 rrs. old, 1000 to 1800 lbs. lilies 4 to 8 yrs. old, any size Vll Stock Must Be Fat ted Cloud Saturday OCT. 28 BAILEY'S FEED YARD I will be in your town on date named to buy all the fat orses, Mares and Mules you lead to me fit for the market id pay you all they are worth. Lead Thm To He I do not come to town to invoice, find fault with stock publish bids I come to buy. Lead them in on the .te named. rank Adam: BLADEN Cloyd Groon was In Edtfar, Friday. Tracy Kniithoit was in Red Uloinl, Friday. Win. Morrow left for Superior, Wed nesday. Voi Us Hilton was over from Hluo Hill, Sunday. Miss Anna .Johnson was in Innvale thu past week. Mr. and Mrs. S. 1 (ireen wore in Hustings, Thur.sday. Chas. TurubaiiL'h left for Denver," Colo., Monday evening. Miss Mabel Obertf was a passenger to Hastings, Thur.sday. Miss Ilavt Morton was a passenger to Holdrege Frltlay evening. Joe Khea was down from Hihlreth from Saturday until Monday. .Mr. ami Mrs. W. U Khea were in Hoi liege the llrst of last week. Mrs. M. Morton lert Friday for Curt is to visit flieuds and relative. .Mins(, Hilda .lohiisou and Nettie Mnrymee were in Itliie Hill, Thursday Ed IJi'lher ami son, Leonard, of Ked Clou. I, attended the oaltlo sale hole Saturday Mrs. C.'uli eli. is visiting at tlie home of her daughter, Mrs. 1'. II. Saylor this week. II F Kumbaugh returned to Lin coln. Monday, after a short visit at his home hero. Lloyd Kigg'ns left Wednesday lor Sweetwater for a isit with his uncle, Win Kiggins. Mrs. 1). (i. Klein of Lincoln, is visiting Iter daughter, .Mis. Chris Fuss ier, tli is week. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Harlow i,l Ked Cloud, were visiting at the homo of Claude Cramer, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ittolliarof Ft. Collins, Colo., who linvo been vMtliig relatives here, left for their home Mrs I). O. Bonnott was in Lincoln last weok as a delegate to the conven tion of the I), of II. Lodge. Mrs. Arthur Morey is enjoying a visit from her mother, Mrs. Welch, and bister, (5 race, of Davenport. Mrs. Joe Krai returned to Hnstlngs, Saturday, after nu extended visit witli her daughter, Mrs. Robert Thompson. Max Rusohko went to Grand Island Thursday, where he remained until Sunday, the guest of Lloyd Eusterly. Mr. and Mrs. Qlcn Fiokle and daugh ter, Fern, of Oakland, Iowa, have been visiting at the home Geo. Fickle the past week. E. A. Banks, who bus been visiting at the home of John Hanks, left for his home at Colo, Iowa, the latter part of the week. Mrs. Swlgart of Hastings, who has been visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs O. A. Wbelan, left for her home, Thursday. Lowell Rlgglns of Hazard, who has been visiting at the borne of Tbos. Biggins and family the past week, re turned home Monday. Mrs. West and Miss Elva Rath went to Hastings Saturday to meet Mitsea Ruth West and Blanche Rath who are down from Kearney for a visit. Howard Hall, who has been visiting at the borne of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Hall, the past two weeks, left Friday for St. Paul, where he is attending the St. Thomas Military Academy. k s&$ flj KEITH NEVILLE Democratic Candidate for Governor A NATIVE SON A practical man of thu people who has madu a buccuss In business and to whom thu tricks of tho nmbltlotis politician uro unknown. llo offers n constructive program that will beni'llt tho people of Ne braska and his eandldaey Is In har mony with the strong Democratic plat form adopted by bis party at Hastings. llo helloves that thu hlghost duty of any public, servant Is to carefully bco to It that thu will of thu peoplo, as expressed at thu polls upon all questions, Is carefully carried out. Tho two Republican newspapers In North Platto arc supporting his candi dacy nnd tho vote of nearly (lvo to ono given him nt thu primary election by thu peoplo of his home town, among whom he was born and raised, Is proof nbsoluto that he Is a man of character and standing and a safo ono to ha entrusted with thu business affairs, as well ns tho enforcement of tho laws of tho stato. Voto for n homegrown mnn nnd a continued, economical and business ad ministration of state affairs. A. V. DICKER Democratic Candidate For Treasurer 0? Webster County VOLMJ VOI 10 Will He AIM'KIOCIATIOD j! Mr. Farmer, just how :j much of your soft corn j did the distiller buy? Last week the "League dope'gave statistics to : "prove" how woeful would have been the loss had "i not distillers bought Nebraskas' soft corn crop. A rorincrnovminuMit iJiiJitfer. lontf employed in monsur- ' intf (he output of the Peoria plants, Inutihs at the story. :: "In the lirst place," he says, "soft corn doesn't yield en- ' otmh aleahol to make its use desireable in (lisl'ill'mur. In " the second place the quality of the aleahol made from it '. is very poor. And lastly, the slop from soft corn is not 'l ood onoutfltfor IVcdintf cattle. All these conditions keep '. the distiller from using soft corn at all. except when they ' get some through mistckes of their buvers." ! FUKTHKKMOKK. everyone knows that starch factories S; oiler the best and only markets for soft corn. H; So you see, Mr. Fanner, tho Nebraska brewer can't got 5 our voto by this soft corn line of talk. It. lacks argument. ' VOTE I NEBRASKA DRY! I v.v.v,vvv.v.v.vv.v.v.v.vAv.v.v.v.vvvvAVA WW 'v.v.w.v.v.v.v.v.w.v.v.v.v. .v.v, I A Brassiere? Yes- yOUR CORSET moulds ; the figure below the l buSl the brassiere supports I; and shapes the bust and the P shoulders. It is in reality a ; fitted corset cover, and costs ;I no more. Warner's Brassieres ' arc designed by the designers I of Warner's Russ-proot Cor- !; sets, who understand the re- ;I quircments of the flour? and l know how to design garments that fit correctly. Like Warner's l Lorsets, every Warner s Brassiere is thoroughly guaranteed. mm it 'ifiTrncrit Omtitt Mrs. Barbara Pharesi; I" . . ! iiui IHKK.N I'AI I1:.KN1 " WV.V.V.V.VJAV.V.VAVAVVAV.VAV.V.V.V.W Kj j j i in in r ru'!l fw irrrrr-'"f '" I WH Bkl l' 'I I . l mt L7r c"0lf I' I LiBl E The Greatest 2i i Quick Meal 'Quick Mrtl' in llit lic.uliful pricilain rnimtl finiili Porcelain Enameled Coal Range Display Ever Held in This Countv Come and See the Only Real Rust Proof Range we win nave a special and competent representative from the factory to demonstrate the high qualities of the celebrated 'Quck Meal' Range. If you will visit our store on any of the dates mentioned below, we will show you why it takes so little fuel; how it operates so perfectly: why it lasts so long and why it is the correct range for any person to buy. Don't fail to have our salesman show you the Porcelain Lined Rust Proof Inner Flues of coal range. A Satisfied Customer Always Comes Back Thats Why we sell the QulCk McmV Ranges. ' Every Lady will be Presented with a Souvenir This set of I!! plocfN of Genuine Plymouth Chlnaware will lie tflveii Abfioltituly Free to every purcliHHur of it 'Quick Meal' IlaneodiirihK this demonstration free: For One Week Only October 23-24-25 26-27-28 iAJam I Wt i BIB' I la V lie -li. 1 BBflH kLi tMW" 1 m! . i 1 MORHARI BROS RedClMd Nebraska ' fi