.vi RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF $ v. i j 1 AWVAVAV.VAViViV.V.ViViV.V.V.V.ViVAVV.ViV.ViW Make Your Home Cozy ij iiWH inrsMew; Do Not Woui Until Winter Is Upon You Prepare Now If your old heater-is not jjivina perfect satis facaction replace it with an ILINOY HEATER and be assured of comfort during this winter. It is the bit value in a heater that ou have been looking for it will give you so much satisfaction that you will be glad that you made the purchase. Handsome in appearance, economical in the consumption of fuel, strong and durable in construction, burns any kind of fuel. It has many other good points call and IH us tell you about this and other makes $ of reliable healers we carry in stock. $ GEO. W. TRINE f RED CLOUD'S LEADING HARDWARE DEALER : mB&mmkJ;m&immi A. V. DUCKER Democratic Candidate For Trr nsurcr Of I Webster County i: VOLMJ Vol JO Will IIi AI'I'ItHClATIM) i DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OYEK STATE BANK Red Cloud Nebraska Piism Tho old IM. Smith place of Ti.IOiicips adjoining town mi which will ho found one iimleui liotise, ten. limit house, big Imrii. city water, 1 irlitM, He. Pi ice, SMirt) with any H'llMlllIlldo tlTlllS. llMlllilC of W. II. IJoscnctnns or 10. (i. llohuuan, Lincoln. Nebraska The Truth Hbut PROHIBITION and MURDER MURDER is being committed in prohibition Kansas with' far greater frequency than in Nebraska. Official Prison Record: KANSAS- Sentenced for Murder in 2 years 85 NEBRASKA-Sentenced for Murder in 2 years 29 Eighty-five Kansas murderers convicted and sentenced in the short space of two years ending June 30, 1916, as against twenty-nine in Nebraska in the same period! The appalling murder record of Kansas carries a lesson of terrible import to the citizens of Nebraska. Under prohibi tion there has grown up in Kansas the inevitable "Alley Joint" evil. In these "joints" liquors of the vilest sort are dispensed to men and boys by dissolute characters, both male and female, spreading crime and debauchery to every part of the slate. (Excerpts from article in "Tho Topeka Daily State Journal" of August 29, 1916.) " "Of the 166 criminal cases docketed for tho September term of court, 1 06 are for violations of the prohibitory law. As a rale, about one-tenth of the cases brought charg tiiiZ violations of the prohibitory laiv are tried. Tliey cost tha county about $50 each." "Ona noticeable thing about tha criminal docket far tha September term Is that forty-six of the JOINT cases arc against women." If you are opposed to the Alley Joint evil and the increase of crime, vote No on the prohibi tion amendment. The squares shown below will appear at the TOP of the ballot. An X marked in square 301 is a vote AGAINST PROHIBITION. xcs 300 No 301 m Shall the above and foregoing amendment to the Constitution be adopted? ' The Nebraska Prosperity League OM'OSUD TO STATU PROIUMTJON. IN IWVOR Of LOCAL OPTION, HIGH l.ICKNSn President, L. F. CKOI-OOT Treasurer, W. J. COAD Secretary, J. 11. IIAYNES Send for our literature. OMAHA, NEBRASKA K NHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Ncbrnsktv ''OBLISHBD RVKUY THURSDAY intend In tho I'ijMMIUc at Mid ( loud. .Nib. ! ' AH Second ( Insn Mutt.r ' A H. Mr AKTIU'K l't IIMMIf.lt PR0SP II Y CIIK ONLY Ii:M()UlA'IIU I'Al'Mt IN WIMlSl UU Ol'NTY DEMOCRATIC TICKET rusident Wood inw Wilton; vlcu Picsident.... Thomas II MaisliHll U.S. .Senator (!. M, Hitchcock Governor Keith Neville Lieutenant Covornor. . . I'.dgur llownrd Kecietary of State tlms. W I't.ol Auditor L'uldle Accounts-V. II .Smith Tioasurer Uco. . Hull Sttpt. Public Instruction II. Clenimoiis Attorney (luiiutiil Willis Keed Colli Public IwhK itnd liuildlngs (. Ij. tshomwuy Hnihv.iy Commissioner.. Victor WiNnii Uegcnts of University..!' U. Hull. II. I). lindls Congtesstnuu Fifth Ilislilet.. .. A. C. .Shullenbcrgo U. !'. Pony zyfsuKmxsauBssitJsmit County ClwiU County Attorney. County Tieitsttrer, Mieiiir supciiiilctidciit. .. I .1 Mot.dnj . V. I bicker FianU HtillVr .(eitrttdc L. Coon t'loikof Dlstiict Coutt Kdltli I.. MoKoighan Assessor ileniy Uilhain f John ICniggo, DKt 1 Commissioners- Win llollmun, Dist (A. II. Unhid, Dist. I Slate Senator C H. .siimuelson Nonpartisan Ticket District Judge. . , County .Judge.., I L. II. HlHekledge ( II. S. Duncan A. I) Katiney The voters of this, county have the oppoitunity at the general election to faxoru candidate, Mr. L II. Black ledge, of this city, who is nspiiing for the oillce of District .lodge of tho loth judicial district on the nonpartisan ticket, Mr. lilnckledgc has practiced law for several years and also was county attorney of this county two tonus. As this county hns never had the honor of having ono of its citizens eleced to this oillce now is the oppor tunity for tho voters to cast a vote for u homo mini as tho picsont judge has served two tei ins and the oil! -o should bo passed aiound. Pi The value ot good example has been clearly demonstrated in our eity. Kecet tly, one of our lucichaiits not ing the fonjested condition of the stneVs during the busy diijs, decided upon a plan to leliovethe existing condition. Cousliloiablu surprise was epiessed upon seeing bis Koid paiked ill the center of the stieet the follow, ing iiiiiriiinc, nevertheless, others took the hint an 1 did likewise. This en terprising met chant is to be coinpli mentod, for by paiking c.us in tliis iimnner, it is now possible tor aulos and teams to diie up to the cm h and their owneis to tiuiisat't tlit.Ii busi ness without dodging thioucli fiom one to live lints of c.us and other ve hicles, as has been the case heietofoie III cj c e iii'ii g md toller slmtiug on tho walks and ciossiucs of tho citv has gone so'tar that It has liecoino a nuisance, iiiiduieiiace to thcaft-tv of pidistians.f; In one jiait d the city, a little giil was inn ilnnn bv a bicy cle ndcr '.and iiijursil, the udernot even thinKiiig it woith his while to see if the'girl wusinjuicd. Althoiiirli sown ul cltiens hae thieateucd to tike steps to stop this matter, and and the niaisluill has notified man) of theiidcts. in a gentlemanly way, to discontinue this piactice, the viola- tots still continue to occupy the walks. We would Migu'cst that mi evample be made of u few of the olVcmiers. by Inning tin in aiiesttd and lined. V. aic of the opinion that this would do considerable towards putting a slip to Ibis piactice. It might be well foibic.clo nders to become bet t r ncipminted with ordinance No. i), piohibiting the tiding of bicycles on any sidewalk within the city limits and providing a tine ot not to exceed livo tlolhiis for such ollense. The Ht'tiiiifiiitlu volois of Pleasant Hill l'leeuiet will hold a caucus at the I'leusant Hill sehool house on Friday exening at T p in to nominate a town ship ticket -NOTICE- TV OW is the time to buy that Crenm Separator that you are in need of and be sure it's a DeLavaff then you know you have the Besl Separator money will buy. You can now receive a liberal al lowance on your old separator, taken in trade on a new DeLaval. After November 1st trade allowance will be discontinued GEO. W. TRINE Red Clouil't Leading Hattluaie Dealer F the three billion dollars worth of business transEided in Omaha this lasl year only three millions came from the whiskey businessac cording to Secretary Parish of the Omaha Commercial Club. How does this compare with the cry of economic destruction if prohibition carries in Nebraska? VOTE NEBRASKA DRY! CJ. W. lliimmol, candidate for coun ty assessor, on the Republican ticket, through tho columns of this paper, wishes to announce to the volcis, that he will be pleastd to receive their .sup port, regardless of their party allllla tlons. He is one of the best knuun men of tho community, having been a resident of the county for forty-four years. He possesses all the qualities of a gentleman and good citizen. For nmny years he has served in the en- paclty of a minister of tho gospel uniting the hands antl heaitsofa large number who desired to enter the mar ried state. lie has also brought con solation into the home? of many, wherein death has entered, having been called upon to perform the obse quies of his fello.v man. Ho has serv-' ed nine years as super isor, five years I as commissioner and one tcini as state senator. The manner in which ho per-1 formed tho duties of each and every' public oillce he has held, proved en-' tii fly satisfactory to hIi, and should he be successful in securing the ollico ho is now seeking the genual public m ij test nssmed that they will receive only the best elloti- ol a man Mho is in eveiy way capable ot assuming charge ot the olMce. Cheap Farm Loans If von want a cheap farm loan, see me. I can m ike loans that no other Company will make, and I guarantee the cheapest money lu tho state, and the quickest returns. I havo some private mo icy. anil tlvo loan plans to choose from OHIce over Paul Stoiey. .1. II. BAILEV. r EAT ALL I WANT TO NOWl Notice to Stockholders Theunnuul mi cling of the Stock liti'ders o( tin- Farmers Independent Telephone Co m ill mit at tho Coutt house, satuii'av aftoiiiunii. Oct Iltli. I Hi 'I, at 'J o'clock A full utt i.d nice U di-siied. U. i . 'JYI.L Sect t Nu y No More Gss on the Stomach or Sour Stomachl No More Heavy Feeling After Meals or Constipation I Tl'o want cveryono in this town who liaa Ftoni.icli or bowel trouble to Jut try ONi: bottlo of almpJo liuclcthorn Imrk, Klymrlne, etc., ns compouiitpr In Ailler-I-Ua. You will bo surprised nt the Ql'ICIC ACTION! The Vnr.Y FIRST DOSH rlinws re sults and a short treatment with Atller-!-lca may mako you feel better than you ha o for years. This remedy tends to nntlfirptlrli.s tlio Intcetlnal tract and to draw off tho Impiiiltlcs. A SINOI.i: PO-U usually rflltvca pas on tho Homo Eour stomach or constipation QI'ICICLY. V'o do not liosltnt" to snj -t1 at Adler-l-kn ! the ii:?T liowel emj ktomaLh itnady mfo lmo cvtr aoM. C. L. Getting THE DRUGGIST It is not at ii I mi -sunt lulu 1 the iihoit) hoinelj I ut g.'tiinl K0),i mitiired pin as it vii n,. ,t -ugitiA.! byeei man woman and tlild m this section mi. 1 by nearly nery one in other pat Is of Kiniiklin county, but for fear Telescope t cadets in other sections may not so easily tecognie it, we will iiiftum them tlmt it is Col C 10. Samuelson, dcmocr.it ic cnn.ii. date for state senator fiom the twen- tteiii tlistdct, oim of tho leading mor chuulsof Illldlt.th.wlll.ro he low ,.,. sldel tor the past twentv-tln. or thirty j ears and is an all-round irood fellow. Tho Telescope does not now and never has agreed w ith Mr. Samuel son politically but having known him intimately for the past twenty years, mo recognie in i,m , of'sterlin.,' integiity, an ecepticnally good biisb ness man, public spiiited and pi ogres. hive, Mud hearted and liberal, btoad minded in his views and probably as well posted on tho needs of tho com mon peoplo as any man In tho dlstiict If Fate should deci co the election of Mr Sainiielsoii to the iley to which he asplies. wo bcllovoho will concioits ly perforin the duties of that oillce, without tear or favor, abiding in all instances by the expressed WiU of his eonstituotits.-Thc UildretU Telescope LS)t ' WFJy ?m 'Am ii,... iWi ' rfWBWft ic :r" ftfe WWS, j"" J 1 mm IIEIT NEVILLE Democratic Candidate for Governor A NATIVE SON A priutltal man of tho people who has luiulo a biictess in business and to whom tho tiitks of tho ambitious politician nro uuknowii. Ho olfers a constructive program that will honeilt tho peoplo of xc. hraska and ids candidacy is in har mony with the Bttong Democratic plat form adopted by his party at Hastings. Ho bellovos that tho highest duty of nny public sorvant Is to carefully see to It that tho will of tho peoplo, ns expressed at tho polls upon all questions, Is carefully carried out. Tho two Republican newspapers In Noith l'latto aro supporting his candi dacy and tho oto of nearly tlvo to ono given him at tho primary election by the peoplo of his homo town, among whom ho was horn and raised, is proof absolute that ho Is a man of character nnd standing and a safo ono to bo entrusted with tho business affairs, aa well as tho entorceiiiont of tho laws ot tho state. Voto for a home-grown man and a continued, economical -nnd business ad ministration of state affairs. i I ,