RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF TAKE BUI BANDITS TWO MEN WHO HELD UP COVING- TON (IND.) INSTITUTION TA. KEN AFTER OUN FIGHT. WERE SURROUNDED IN WOOD Robbers Attacked Cashier and Escaped With $2,000 Woman Employee Leads Posse In Chase Alter Pair Dozen Shots Fired. Danville, III., Oct. I). Two men fil tered the CltlClls' Statu hank lit ClIV- liiKton, Intl., east of here, on Friday afternoon, lii'lil iii thu cashier, H. I'. Orave.s, who wiih alone In the luml; lit thu time, mid, when they were sur prised nt their work by Miss Luru Wnnl, tlio bookkeeper, they grubbed p wlmt money they could Hud, ulioiit $'A0OO, mid run down un alley uml made for the country. They were pursued by Miss Wuril and n linstlly-nrgunlzcd nnd, nffr n buttle In thu woods south of Covington, In which more tlinii ii dozen shots were exchanged and one of the robbers Mounded, they were cnplured by thu chief of police mid members of the posse. At the county Jnll the men gave their nntneH ns Wllllnm Dickson of (Jiiniulu i Mtid 13. Walter Urcfcnt, Detroit, Mich. nickHon In twenty-six years old and Urefcnt Is but Heventeen. When cuptured, thu men had less tlinii JLIK) on their persons, but the greater part of the stolen money wan found along the road, between the bnnk and the woods. Thu cashier, while he wiih roughly handled by thu two men, Is not seri ously hurt. Strcutor, III., Oct. I). Hobhers dyna mited the Htate hank at Kiithiud, near here, escaping with $0,000. Thu robbers, arier exchanging shots with Fred W. Holier, escaped In an all tuinoblle. Thu Slate Hunkers' ussocl utlon bus offered a reward of $500 for the capture of each member of thu baud, which Is mipposcd to number five. Ottawa Ijike. Mich., Oct. 8. Thu wife In the People's Savings hunk here wkh blown. Hank olUcera report that $1,200 was stolen. KIDNAPER SHOT BY VICTIM Colorado Mine Manager Captured by Band of Greeks and Threat ened With Death. Oak Creek. Colo., Oct. 0. Kidnaped Wednesduy night by a baud of Greeks aud held for $15,000 runsom, Hubert Perry, thirty-live years old, manager of the MofTutt coal mines at Oak Creek, shot one of his captors on Fri day, wounding him seriously, nnd es caped. Perry, a bachelor, lived In onu of tho mine homes. The Ureeks broke Into his home Wednesday night. Posses sent out could not locate thu ilsslng man. Thursday night his fa ther, owner of thu mine, received a special delivery letter threatening bis son with dentil If $10,000 was not forth coming un Saturday night. The kidnaped man was taken to a deserted cabin In u canyon, 'M miles from here. Terry reached n ranch at Twenty- Mile I'ark, ten miles from here, and telegraphed word of his escape. Sheriff J. C. Frye and a passu from Steamboat Springs, began pursuit of thu other members of thu gang. Oue of the kidnapers was arrested and taken to Jail at Steamboat Springs, where he refused to divulge his name. U.S. EXPORTS ARE GROWING $3,435,969,212 Worth of Goods Shipped 1 Britain Bought Largest Amount Washington, Oct. O.Tho enninious extent of recent gulns In the export trade of the United States Is disclosed In statistics Issued on Friday by the de partment of commerce. Total exports to Uie vurlous countries for thu tlrst eight mouths of the calendar year were tn many cases millions of dollars great er than those of the entire fiscal year of 1014 uud very large Increases are shown In percentages. This vast ex port trade shows an apparent trade balance for the eight months of $1,730, 000,000 iu favor of thu United Stutcs, uud department otllclals predict that by thu end of the year It will exceed $2,500,000,000. Thu total exports amounted to $3,. 439,909,'.! H!. an Increuso of Jl.'JOn.OS!, 010 over the same eight months a year uro. The largest gain was In exports to the United Kingdom, which took nearly one-third of all. goods exported. These exports amounted to $ 1,1107,75 1, 030. France, the second best customer of the United States, took goods val ued at $M4,-17B.OOO. Hussla took $1100, :XS2.U'.!U worth. Hxports to Germany uud Austria have almost ceased. Steel Earnings Immense. New York, Oct. 0. Directors of the United States Steel corporation will meet on October III to take notion on Uiu dividends. The latest estimates on the eorMirutlon's earnings for the September quarter are $113,000,000. I. W. W. Riot nt Chicago. Chicago, Oct. . Nearly 1,000 per Kins part Id put etl In 11 riot nt Taylor street nnd Marslilleld avenue on Frl day night when lleujamin Heltman and other 1. W. W. lenders attempted to held u "sap-box" meeting, ANOTHER LITTLE STUDY v mm( i' JM' &zg2 h '3" wiMikntf 4$ir ? ?A "--w Pa SLAYER IS GIVEN LIFE MICHIGAN MAIL-ORDER MURDER ER SENTENCED TO PRISON. Scott Mausell, AII.16 James C. Allerton, Pleads Guilty in Court Pro posed to Many. Grand Haplds, Mich.. Oct. 0. Michi gan's mail-order murderer was taken to .lacksou pilson to spend the re mainder of Ids life, lie Is now sixty four years old and In Coble health. Scott Mausel of Mauceloiia, Mich., a former lumber-rump worker, Is his name, although lie was arrested as tnuics C Allerton. Thrr hundred women, scattered all over thu United States mid Canada, will thank their stars that they did not heed his urgent wooing and sell their property to beconiu his wife. Mausell has confessed that be killed Mrs. Anna St. John of Klmirii, N. Y ami West boro, Wis., aged llfty-llve, aud Is now believed to have murdered his son at Manceloua ten years ago aud his two sisters In thu Fust eight years ago. When arraigned, Mausell pleaded guilty before the court put the (pies tlon. Then Judge McDonald as speed ily sentenced htm. No time was lost In bringing Muus sell to Justice, lie married Mrs. St. John September 10. killed her Septem ber IK!; was arrested October '.!, and sentenced October 4. GERARD NOT PEACE ENVOY Acting Secretary of State Polk Says Talc of Message From Kaiser 16 Unfounded. Washington, Oct. 9. Acting Secre tary of Statu I'olk announced that lie did not believe there was any truth In the story published by thu Nuw York Hvonlng Post, that Germany bus de cided to request President Wilson to usu his Influence to bring about peace. "I do not believe there Is any truth tu the report," Mr. Folk stated. "Certainly nothing has been done, aud there are no Indications that any part of the report Is true." Mr. Polk reiterated statements that Anibassndor Gerard, who Is en route to the United States, bus no message from the German kaiser for President Wilson. The New York Post's story claimed "on a trustworthy source" that Am bassador Gerard was the bearer of a personal message from thu kaiser. EX-SENATOR WARNER IS DEAD Overwork at Recent G. A. R. Encamp ment in Kansas City Causes His Death. Kansas City, Mo.. Oct. 0. MnJ. W11 Ham Warner, Missouri statesman and former United States senator, died on Wednesday at Ills home. Major Winner suffered n breakdown n few days after the G. A. It, encamp ment closed In Kansas City. lie tool; an active part In the encampment uud overworked himself. lie wus seventy yen m old. Ills son, n daughter, Mrs. Corn Wil bur of Washington, D. C, aud a widow, Mrs. Sophia Warner, were at the deathbed. Cars Crash; 5 Dead, SO Hurt Cleveland, O., Oct. fi. Five were killed and fll?y were Injured on Tues day night when the north spun of the West Third street brldgu collapsed under thu weight of two heavily loaded street cars. Maine Militiaman Killed Ijtredo, Tex., Oct. 1). Corp. U'opold I., lovell of K company. Second Maine Infantry, stationed here, wit. shot nnd killed Tlnnxla.v night us he walked from a store. Investigation hut. not developed who fired thu shot. To Execute Mexican Bandits. Mexico City. Oct. O.Tho govern ment prepared a decree providing for thu denth penalty for robbers, band its uud those convicted of holdups. The decree Is similar to thu onu is sued by Henlto Juarez. BULGARS IN RETREAT POSITIONS ABANDONED IN BROD RIVER REGION. Rome Dispatch Says Mackensen Or ders Evacuation of Turtukal and Silistria in Dobrudja. Purls. Oct. .". Thu Hulgurluns have abandoned sewrul positions In the Sturkov, Grob uud (trod rlcr regions Tin entente ullies occupied Sovlcli, Pctoruk, Vcrhcnl and Jcnll.ol, north eust of Floiluu. In spite of the secie reverse ex perienced by the troop: of King Fcnll miml In the llci'iiiiiunstudt (Trnnyl caula) buttle of September 'Jti-l!'.), the Hoiiuianlniis continue to haiiuuer their foes with terrlllc blows. Kcrllu admits that the Teutonic foiees Id the north of Fogarus (Tran sylvania) have been compelled to fall buck, thereby continuing a Vienna statement of the retirement of central powers' columns. Home reports that, us a result of the Houmanlan Invasion of Hulgurlu, Field Marshal von Mackensen, commanding thu Germau-Ilulgiir-Turklsh army In vading Dobrudju, has ordered the evne untlou of the fortresses of Tutukal and Silistrlu on the Danube. Houmanlan troops having accom plished the passage of the Danube (near Hahoo, 18 miles north of Host clink, the Hulgarlau river stronghold, Sofia reports), threatened thu entire army of Von Mackensen. Hucbarest In Its report of the Do brudja battle, which lias been raging many days, said thut the Itusso-Hoii-mauian forces bail attacked along thu whole Von Mackensen front, repulsing assaults of the enemy's center and right. The Koumaulnns, In addition tn forc ing a Teutonic retreat In the Fogaras region, ure attempting to regain thu Hothenthurm pass. Herlln admits this. PRIEST KILLED; BISHOP HURT Father Shannon Also Seriously Injured In Auto Crash Near Prince- vllle, III. Peoria, 111., Oct. 0. Father Schauta wus killed and Hlshnp Dunne ami Fa ttier Shannon seriously injured In an uutoinobllu wreck near Prliicevllle, 111., ten miles north of here on Wednesday. The three clergymen were on their way to a continuation at Prlnvecllle. An niitomoblle coming toward Peorie nt high speed caused Father Schuetz, who was driving the bishop's car, to turn out of the road, permitting thu speeders to pass. It was when Father Schuetz tried to drive back Into the road Hint the car turned turtle. Hlshnp Dunne wus thrown from thu car, but escaped with minor scratches BIG FIRE SWEEPS TOWN Entire Business Section of Mendon, Mich., Destroyed Loss Est). mated at $400,000. Mendon, Mich., Oct. 0. The entire business section aud many Hue resi dences of this town were completely destroyed by lire on Wednesduy. Tho loss Is estimated nt from .'J.'ttKI.OOO to $100,000. The lire sturted In the Hoyer meat murket nnd, funned by a high wind, spread to both sides of the main street. Hhlnelnnder, Wis., Oct. 0. Two hun dred men fought all day at Phelps, near here, In a successful attempt to save the town from destruction by lire. The loss was 000,000. Boost Wages 45 Per Cent Pittsburgh, Pn.. Oct. 7. The Pitts burgh and Allegheny Telephone com pany lias granted Its central ollice op erating forces 11 wage Increase of 45 per cent, according to an announce ment made here Mexico Can't Pay Soldiers. Atlantic City, N. J Oct. 7. A new eleuit-u' has been Injected Into the discussions of thu American and Mex ican commission by 0:o Inability oi the Curruuzu governmft to pay lu soldiers. OFFICE IS ABOLISHED UPHOLDS TIBBETS LAW ABOLISH ING COUNTY CORONER GOVERNOR'SJ'ROCLAMATION Items of General Interest Gathered From Reliable Sources Around the 8Ute House. WtBtetn NewtrpuDfr Unlan News Servlc. Tho supremo court has upheld the TlbbctB law abolishing the ollice ol county coroner as It now exists. As a result after tho first Thursday aftet the first Tuesday In Jnnuary of noxt year county attorneys become county coroueiB and will perform all of the duties of that ollice without extra pay, but tho law permits (ounty attorneys to delegato to sheriffs that part of thi duties as now p scribed by ntatutt which relate to viewing dead bodies and serving papers, except that In cases where it may become, necessary to serve papers on the sheriff thu county attorney may delegate such duty upon the county clerk. Tha rtn PAUL SHAW Son of Mr. and Mr. Fred Shaw of Pleasantdale, who scored 98 In tho Better Babies show at the state fair. county attorney shnll be reimbursed for all uclual necessury expenses tn currcd by hlra In the performance ol his new duties. Governor's Election Proclamation An official proclamation announcing uiu Kuuuriii election 10 no ncm rsovem- 1 uer 1 nas oeen issued ny uovcrnor Morehead. It covers the election of eight presidential electors, United States scnutor, six congressmen, gov ernor nnd othor stnle officers, members of tho legislature, chief Justice nnd three associate Justices of tho supremo court, and thirty Judges of tho district court. The proclamation nlBo calls at tention to the vote which will bo taken under the Initiative and roferendum on tho question of state prohibition and on tho amendment giving tho food commissioner n six year term. Lincoln County Wants to Pay Up Stato Auditor Smith has made out and forwarded to tho commissioners of Lincoln county an Itemized statcmont ns requested by Ihem. of the county's unpaid Indebtedness to the state of Nebraska for old Insane fund tax ac crued prior to 1801. Tho total amount due in $n,C99. The statement rocs back to 1873, and shows that the last payment to the stnte wns In 188C whllo tho tax continued to be levied until tho lnw was repealed five years later. Lincoln county originally owed $11,956, but Mr. Smith found that payments had been made from time to time ag gregating over J.1.000. . C. A. Remy of Curtis, recently ap pointed as dental surgeon for tho Fourth Nebraska regiment on tho Texas border, has been declared by tho war department to be Ineligible. Tho regulations require a man not more than 35 years old, whereas Remy Is 3G. Fred C. Maloney. of DoWltt. appointed dental surceon for tho Fifth regiment, has had his commission ap proved, but has not yet been sent to join the troops. Net Receipts of State Fair Net receipts from this yoar's stata fair will bo In tho neighborhood ol $7,000, and this added to tho surplus loft over from a yoar ago gives thfl state board of agriculture a fund ol $25,000 with which to proparo for noxt yoar's exposition, according to Secro tary Mcllor's estimate A considerable oxpendlturo Is nee- J ossnry eacn year in auvance of tha fair, as there nro alwnys somo ropalrs nnd Eenornl Improvements to bo mado, besides the running expenses of tha organization to bo iuoL Tho manage ment plana always to havo enough cash lu resorvo so as to guard against ' a possible dellclt If tho weather dun Irig fair week should cut down attend ance. Total receipts, as horotoforo given out by Secretury Mullor, wore betweon $101,000 and $10l',000, whllo tho ex penses of tho fair wore In tho nolgh borhod of $95,00. Roscoo Ozman, former city clerk ot Lincoln, is In chargo of tin Nebraska Y, M. C. A. at Camp Llano. Ho has chargo of sovoral classes In tho school. MMfjBsttt'' &!& StBBBBsf H bbbbbbbbbbT bLLLH BBBLE. BH WAP Claim Discrimination Will Result With the lallroads declining to rr tlclpato In a hearing (ho stale railway commission Inst week took up tho ap plication of thu carriers demanding tho commission to substlluto rates made by tho roads In place of rates made by the commission In place of rates innde by the commission in order No, 19. Tho commission declined to obey this demand several days ago. Tho railroads have applied to the federal court for an order requiring the com mission to keep Its hands off while thoy enforce higher rntes, but no ac tion has yet been tnken In that court. Tho stato commission counter uttacked by obtaining from tho supreme court of Nebraska a tomporary restralnlns order to prohibit tho carriers from put-. ting into effoct the higher schedule, ol . rates which tho roads claim was or-1 dered by thu interstate commerce com mission to bo enforced. In the meantime the stnte commls ' bIoii deeded to bold a henrlng on the 2iirrlers' demand for approval of high jr rates. The carriers decline to pnr llclpate In a hearing on HiIb question aut they are willing to have the mm . mission pass on their request that all of tho rates In order No. 19 bo can celled, to the end that discrimination which will admittedly nsult on ac count of the enrriers' proposed ratei between Interior towns that arc no) jobbing towns. Bent Money for Prison Band Warden Fenton, of the penitentiary. Monday Inst recelverl n IpMnr fWiir the Public Service club of Hrokcn How which contained complimentary refer once to conditions at the penal Instl 1 tutlon nnd n check for ?10 to lie op ' piled to the prison band. The lettei I was written by Mr-. K. F. Hush, secro tnry of the Hroken How Woman's Pub He Service club. The action of the club, the writer explains, was the re suit of a detailed report by Mrs. ('. II Englcnil, president of the club, of her visit to the prison. "We arc greatljl Interested in the work you are dolnc,' nnd things you have accomplished We desire to extend to yon our appro elation aud our best wishes for future success In your efforts towards help ing nit nkind," she writes. Vlany Autos In State Secretary of Suite Pool IpsumI 3.444 automobile licenses and 100 motor cycle licenses in September, making a total of 9C,7.")0 automobile licenses IB sued since the tlrst of the year. As 577 of those were issued to replaco alleged lost numbers, the total num ber of automobiles in operation In Nebraska Is now fill, 17.1. The expenso of the automobile department for Sep tember was $6,423.84, but $5,560 of this amount was paid for automobile number platos for use next year. The fees of the secretary's office lu Sep tember amountei to $4,113.07, the greater part of which was for the fil ing of articles of Incorporation and foi corporation permits. Case Taken Under Advisement The injunction suit of tho stato rail way commission against the railroads was heard beforo tho supreme court last week and the case taken under advisement. A temporary rc.tralnlup order issued by the court expired Mon day evening, but the court i.ontlnued this order In effect until further or ders. Tho railroads objected to the Jurisdiction of the court and also r slsted the railway commission's nppll cation for n temporary injunction to prevent the putting Into effect of rates higher and other than rates estab llshed by the commission In ordei No. 19. Twelve Granted Conditional Paroles Tho stnte hoard of pardons hoard sevonty-flvo applications for parole dur ing a two-day session. Slxty-thrro were sont back to tho coll and twelve were promised conditional freedom Tho paroles will go Into effect this month and next. Those to gain the freedom of outdoors will go back to the farm. Many applications have como to tho boaid from stock feeders and farmors. The latter want corn buskers lu tho near future. Many ol them are willing to pay a man to stnj until husking tlmo. Cattlemen hav applied for men to enro for fcedcrt during the mlnter months. Will Recognize Populist Party Secretary of State Charles V. Poo) says he will recognize the populist party as n live political party, not withstanding Lieutenant Govcrnoi Tenrson's announcement that tho or ganlzation expired legally In July bo cause It did not hold a state conven tlon and adopt n platform ns required by tho state law. Wants Record of'Forest Reserve Stato Surveyor Iobert Harvey ol the stato land commissioner's office it trying to get from tho government forest Bervtco n corrected record o tho acreage of forest resorvo In No braska. The last certificate Issued from tho stato superintendent's o(llc shows 198,646.65 acres of govorntuenl forest resorvo In NobrnBka. A formei statement plnced this at 206,074 acres Tho reservo in Grant county Is nc longer a reserve. " Tho government has added to tho acreago of reserve from tlmo to tlmo, but tho record! thus fnr furnished to Mr. Harvey still leaves a discrepancy of about 6,001 acres. Ho Is endeavoring to find where this additional reservo land ll located so that r. correct record manj bo kept for the stnte. Tho last reporl showed resorvo ncroago as fallows: Blaine county, 10 510; Cherry, 115, 903; Thomas, 79,505; total, 200,074. Both tho Fourth nnd Fifth reglmcnti now on tho border have boon ordered to pack up and ship to Fort Crook Omaha, all their extra supplies. Thl Is one ot tho Indications of tho Imma dlato, demobilization of the boys. lllllBilillllll A New Delight fts chin Carne Uiflv tm Haunt tisnt nt rtlKtn. fi atii iwi - j vm fcj- w !' made tltet Uie rel ma lamcxn men can formula. The K-aKmicf, ii mott piquant a ztttlul tatty dth anywlitic any time. Libby, McNeill &Libbv Chicago Look fot the triangle ll" POSTER CAMPAIGN IS ENDED England Used Over 500 Kinds of Pic torial Appeals for Men to Join tho Army. The blinds have been drawn nnd tho doors closed at the Publicity depart ment, Central Recruiting Depot, White hall, London, thus concluding what wus perhups the greatest poster and advertising campaign In history. How many bundle's of these war pos ters havo reached America It would bo Impossible to say, for one of the joys of the souvenir hunter In London has" been the collecting of these Msters to sell lu America, big sums lelng asked for complete sets. From the humble origin of on Mini 1 1 IMister, Iord Kitchener's appeal for HH),(KXl men for the w;ur, moru than ."(H) different kinds have been Issued since. One popular poster showed un 11s sortinent of headgear, with the query, "Which will you wear?" the khaki cup being In the center. One of these was stuck outside 11 hatter's shop In tho Fast Km), and the enterprising trades man having printed tho price under each style, marked the khaki cap "free." It Is not on. record whether a certain billposter had n sense of humor or not. but the fact remains that he placed the Invltntlon, "Wnko Up. Knglund! Join the Army Now," on 11 graveyard wall, which so tickled n certain major passing to the war ollice each morning thut he Insisted on It being left there, nnd part Is there still. Wlmt will always rank as the great est achievement of this largo output wns the night of the king's own appeal, when -10,000 posters appeared on Ion don walls between tho hours of G p. m. and fl 11. nv Forty-live men were em ployed. Many people hnvc said "What n waste!" but when one comes to con sider thut the new armies were raised to a great extent by this method of appeal the question arises, "Was the money spent on posters Unit got H.OOO, 000 men nil waste?" The Bluff That Failed. "No." said tho fair, but frigid mnltl, "I wouldh't marry any man on earth." "I get you," replied tho practical youth. "My trusty nerophine Is an chored to the trusty lightning rod, und n friend of mine who Is a sky plIoL will gladly tic the knot ntxivc tho clouds." And seeing thnt her bluff was call ed the fair one struck a match to tin Iceberg pedestal on which sho wus posing, aud fell Into his waiting nrms. We Get You, Madam. Nephew I tried to get n raise to day, aunt, but the boss refused It. Mrs. Illunderby Too bad, Dicky. Perhaps you didn't npproach him at the zoological moment. Adds to the Joy of Living it isn't alone the deliriously weet nut-like taste of Grape-NuU that has made the food famous, though taste makes first appeal and goes a long way. But with the zestful flavor there is in Grape-Nuts the entire nu triment of finest wheat and barley. And this includes the rich mineral elements of the grain, necessary for vigorous health the greatest joy of life. Every table should have its daily ration of GrapeNuts "There's a Reason" dim m mm Ml 10' .nir fjmsfc Libby's gBjSBiBBBBn