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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1916)
I 1 I IF t T TV " K ., VOLUME II ED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, S KPT ISM UK 1? 'JS, 1!M(. THRIFT KM money. Thrift provides for the present and lays aside for the future it recogni'es the uncertainties of old age as well as taking into consideration the earning days of youth. JThrifty people know that a Savings Account help them to save a certain amount from the income of each month. Start a Savings Account, today, at this bank. Deposits in this bank arc protected by the Depositors' Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. WE PAY FOUR PER CENT ON TIME DEPOSITS Webster County Bank RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITA!.. At HUHIMit'H SIM.OOO -hk-x-.:.h. t. acuum !3BI!KraDK3BraW(3E3RW! VStK Just received another shipment ol the Famous TOa ugr irt3iorcyKnwsaTmji'tr"Trtfjt'OC3rnw Vacuum jwwiiiimiiwiniimi'miimiiimi Sweepers Combined Vacuum and Brush Has three eleven inch bellows; soldered, making it air-tight, can buy them for the price of Will sell them, while they last, at, each.... Come in and let us demonstrate them to you ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer mm for nmrnn PLACE the money we save you in a saving hank and you will be surprised how much you will have to spend when Christmas time comes. Our large trade makes it possible to buy in in langc quantities. We arc here to serve the people and want you to have the Best for Less G rape Nuts 2 pack - Q C ayes for if.sJlr ctiZ.r. Toe Catsup, regular 25c nn now ..&i"ie Flour, any hujh e fj oo grade, per sack.-.v fi 7 bars white Russian c soap for fc3 Lye per can Kg w SVC . 0 G. Turnure & Son is the using of advan tages and opportunities as well as vrldly goods for the accumulation of Sweeoers TOWTOWJWlvWEeWiVW metal box; all seams are giving it more power, and you a carpet sweeper $5- Furniture Dealer tho Gaming FRUIT LHZPAFIYMZNT Leaf Lettuce every day Peaches. Colorado Elberta g zs Peaches, per crate V ", Will have bushel -basket peaches Saturday. Genuine Rocky Ford, Colo- rado, Canteloupes. each... 2 '"& California Quinces are here tytflp Extra nice, per dozen . .uww Blue Prunes, large basket. -fin per crate. 4 baskets-S 1.90 Jersey Sweet Potatoes, very nice, per lb w A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1,50. Council Lets Sewer Contract! On Tlmi-Mlny morning, Jio City Council mot in an adjourned meeting fur tlio purpo.-o of opening the bids for the construction of the mniii sinveri for which bonds to the amount of $10,. t()0 were voted by the eltlzmis of this olty on Tuesday, Antist 'JiHh and to dispose of these said bonds to the sue oossful bidder Tlio Klkhorn Construction Company, of Fremont, being tlio lowest bidder, their tlgeres reading S!,811.00, wore awurdod tho eontraet and the gentle, meii announce that they will begin work on the same tho llrst of the month and nntielpato completing the job by the llrst of December. Tho Couucll then, after looking over the bids for tho purchase of the sowor bonds disposed of them to the Webster County Dank at pur value with accrued interest, the bank agreeing to furnish the bonds and to pay tho city flOOu on November first and SlJoOo on December first. A Citizens Committee, headed by At torney R K. Maurer, and composed of seven, appeared before "the Council, their object boing to indues this mi hi body to secure leal defence in the tiii.OOO elinnago suit recently instituted by B. Uoyd Smith. After due cousin" oration the Council refused the rcijuest Will Show HereNext Week rjlsewlicrc in these columns will ho found the announcement of tlio ap pearance of the well known Win. 1' Lewis Stuck Company mid to the show goem of Ueil Cloud this moans a whole big wei 1c of new clean plays and the very best, and latest in vaudeville, as Mr. Lewis carries people especially engaged to put on the vaudeville nuiii beis, making practically two .slums for the price i.f one. Thy opening piny, "The tiypsy Outcast," is a play that you have never had the pleasure of seeing belore, lis Mr. l.mvi.-. has leased thu Western producing rights on nil the plays he is using this sen son, thus guaranteeing you a line of brand new plays, whatever yon do, whether jou have been to a show this sca-on or not, bit sure to see tho open lug play, and it is pretty near n uiuuh that you will go the rest of thu week See display hi! for date and prices. Marie Fuller takes the part of "Barefoot Juno" in the four act stajjo attraction "The Trail of tlio Lonesome 1'ine" which will be presented to tho theatre going public on next Saturday night. Tho pictures on this dute will be run at the Tepee theatre and the llrst show will commoneo at 7. 30 which will give everybody an opportunity of beelng both shows if they so desire. Holidays MCW ARRIVALS Fish Balls, Norwegian stylo . very nice fried or in'jg'j- cream sauce &Xtts Franco American Soups the hnest soup on the market, per can . . Chicken A-La-Kinf. ."resh chicken in mush- K rooms, per can JG Oscar Sauce, a very nice meat relish, per )K glass jar -. "-w Ripe Olives, bulk, cup Oc What Kansans Think of Dense The following was taken from the Harbor County Index, Medicine l.ode.0, K insiis, and will prove interest ii g reading for our readers: 'You have often heard of thunder claps out of n clear sky. They rare ly happen and many of us are skep tical about their happening, but if Medicine Lodge folk had heard one last Friday evening, It would have been commonplace and iiicousuipient al In comparison with a little drama which was enacted. It may not prop erly be called a drama nor yet a ro inauco but it was interesting. Our fellow citizen, as whom we knew as V. S. Maker, residing a milo south of town substantial, well on" for this world's goods and recognized a dandy good follow is the individual who has furnished tho material for this sensation. The story is brief, lio was wanted at Kod Cloud, Nebras ka, on the rather unsavory charge of wife desertion. The Nebraska sherill dropped into town uietly, disposed his mission to ShorilV Grouse and tho two ollluors drove down to the linker I farm, interviewed their victim, produc ed the warrant and took him into custody. The argument was brief and to the point, the accused man oll'iued no resistance or protest but us soi.n as confronted with the charge, con fessed his guilt, and was moved to teais. He came to town with the two ow ners and that evening ho and the Ne braska sherilV wero on their way to 'ted Cloud, wlwrc, the prisoner Mild, he would either make tho proper amundstohis lonely spouse or expi ate tho crime, at tlio option of tho Missus. Fur three years .Medicine I.mlgo i. now this man as W. S. linker, but it now develops that his real uiimo is W. S. Uenso. lio Is declined of Inn ing deseited his wife and two cliildicii three yeiusago, just before coming to' .Medicine Lodge. Tlio Ued Cloud I ollloials have searched the country far and wide ever since that lime ami tin- j ally their ell'urt.s wero crowned with success. They decline to divulge the name of the man who made the dis covery, but they made it plain that a former Nebr.iska neighbor located 'linker" here by the merest accident but will not permit the use of his name fo fear of meeting violence at House's hands. The Nebraska bherltl' said that Mouse was regarded as a dangerous man. This, also, was a ting prise to our people, for among us, ho was always a cordial, thrifty, well poised citizen. He was the last man to ho suspected of crime here. Wo trust that ho may bo able to atone for his wrong doing and yet re- j ileom lilmselr. lie lias the Halting of u good citizen." Good Opera Show Coming The 11)10-17 Itoail liow beanni will .open In this city at tho Orpheum , theatre next, .Saturday ul,'ltt with u . SueoVlu'r altr.ietloii "The Trail of I tho Lonesome l'ino". Nearly every; one lb familiar with this play. TIiIk ' play will ha presentttl liy a bttoii(,' ,eoatpaiiy of oiKlit pooplo which carries all itt own scenery and liKht elleeth Tlio nianatroinont will perEonally ic- coiiiuitintl thin company to tho public, and it Is absolutely tfuariiuteed. .. I Married Lu'jt ovenlni,' ut 7:10 o'oloelc, lit tho homo of Mr, and Mrs. Duckworth, In the presence of about thirty relatives and friends, ueemvil tho iuurrinf,'o of their daujfliler, Miss Ada Irene, to Mr . James Loltoy Ooble, Uev. tJ. W. Hum mol ollleiatlnj,'. The yotuiK eouplo wil goto hotihchcepln;: on a farm amongst thu well wifcliehof their many friends. Uev. and Mr.s. Druliuer and uhildreu arrived Sunday from I'lattsiuoutli und are moving Into the Methodist parson a(c this wool;. Uev. Drulinor Is tho new pnstor of tho Methodist church and wu earnestly hope lie will aeeotn pllsh much fjood during his stay among' us. i :v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.vv.v.v.v.v.v.v.vvw !: " flM.-1 Give our Silverware 5 WHEN YOU GIVE A PRESENT LET IT'-BE SOMETHING SMALL, ELEGANT AND "LASTING"--THAT THE HAPPY MEMORY OF THE GIFT AND THE GIVER MAY ENDURE. SILVERWARE OR CUT GLASS ALWAYS DELIGHT ANY WOMAN WHO RECEIVES IT. WHEN YOU SEND "OUR'S" YOU GIVE THE BEST, FOR THAT IS THE ONLY KIND WH KEEP. ADORN YOUR OWN "THANKSGIVING" TABLU. ASK YOUR HUSBAND WE MAKE "QUALITY" FLIGHT: THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. e. H. NEMHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist lit' C. B. &. Q. Watch Inspector '-"- I i " w a i jfafffljarna'aaEHarasrE i.n a y oia V woytnmwiunmm t t tanw rmutmu.iBM'Un-.n ivmtmm DEMAND Warm eat Do You Believe In Preparedness? The bitter cold nights we will soon be having will be robbed of their terror by these cozy, comfortable blankets. Buy several of them now and BE PREPARED. Grey and tan cotton blankets, select stock, standard quality' a regular $1.25 value for - $1.00 Grey and tan cotton blankets, extra weight, 70x80, for $1.50 High grade, wool finish, extra heavy weight blankets, large size, grey and tan, worth $3.00 - $2.50 Plaid blankets, wool fleeced, blue, pink, tan, brown and gray, all very desirable patterns, for $3.00 All wool blankets, very pretty patterns, at $5.00 to $15.00 D O MF B aP vi r. wfiesner g The Store of Good LmsEEmsKrAxaHcis WE VILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COAL ORDERS PLATT NUMBER 10 rather Nights I Blankets K L0 Clean Merchandise & FREES. iii'WPW"Wwyiri"iMwi V. ; If hi M gujaBOBBaaai: - h,lWWlM -.('."