The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 21, 1916, Image 1
t 1 voiiU"M: i i ro THRIFT money. Thrill proides Tor the present and lays aside Tor the future it recognizes the uncertainties of old age as well as taking into consideration the earning days of youth. CjThrifty people know that a Savings Account help them to sav a certain amount from the income of each month. Start a Savings Account, today, at this bank. Deposits in this bank aic protected by the Depositors' Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. WE PAY FOUR PER CENT ON TIME DEPOSITS Webster County Bank RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITA I. ami SlMll'liUS KSII.OOO :::.:...:..:..:..:..:. o '.: Vacuum unman gjaar siBBrqggBgHaas Just received another u.$r 25 cwnsTnrrruMrrf3XMCnctnirvaiTTC,D V v acuum nctruM 5 weepers Combined Vacuum and Brush lias three eleven inch bellows; metal box: all seams are soldered, making it air-tijjht, giving it more power, and you can buy them Cor the price of a carpet sweeper fioFOO Will sell them, while they Come in and let us demonstrate them to you ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer : For the Cream of the Day Big Ben TWO a in. Inky dink Hut's when bin Hen starts tin- milk man's tiny. Out of bed like it boy on the Fouith nil Ig.'s I tin- lien to a hush-takes up tln tuno hi whissles to work. Vnu'vi) lii-iinl tlu1 puttor of nimhlu ft'ft tin) clink of hottk's in tho svlio tiny iho rat tlu of biii's. ot (Miisuiul it'o tho yid diip tin whft'ls I h e merry tune nil mindful of tliu wot I'd nt s.ot'j) Yon'vo wondeiud Tiy Hie H'ii youi-olf ;i littlo Ofirlier. Soc hoss ho'll hrinu' you tho utfiitu of HicMinj rioh inorn int,' houis Hint start you Held hikI stretch out till nielli with iminitus iiplenty for ovory task And you'll take up his tuno und smile thiuugh the day. J. C. Mitchell I Jeweler 8t Optometrist ShUo HUtorfcal SjcIi ty ....:.....:..:..;. is the usinp; or advan tages and opportunities as well as w "rldly goods Tor the accumulation of v Sweepers vafiasmxT&xx shipment of the Famous mjt. i-j iin last, at, each 4l?w Furniture Dealer J Jurors for October Term The tollowiiitf natiii'd juioi.s huvu lioGii dinwn for the October term of com t commencing the nth. .Iiuois summoned to appear Oetoher 10, liuti. Adam Alher V.. S. Ulilber lollll Mt'tillllf A no-it M. U-hor l.o'ils A II lie r-c ii William Dene li mii Wo idianl Chi is Ktuiku Win Kuuhii Ciuo. Kuvliiia Alliorl K'oit .lolin N'itel A K. Kaladen I'kull Demurs Ceo. U. Hodly W. C. I'lahui .1. A. Ualtou 11. U. Wolfo .lolin. M Kyim Henry Ki ftiiini Nick Thoiuiis 11 irve Km iilinui' (ierhitid Ulmstciul, Jr. ,Iohn lluti'hliin I NeW M E MinisterS At the M. IJ. tonfetelice held at Hasting the follow lug weiu uppointod to (ill the Methodist chinch pulpits of Webster county f()r tho eiiMiiug year: j Ash Creek --II. II. Millard Ohulen-O. T. Moore. Ulue Illll To bo supplied, Fowler. C'owies J. II. Hounds. Uuide Hock J. (J. Stuiianl. Juiirale A. A. King. Hed Cloud-II. H. Milhird. H. A IMcwsinpcr That fihcs The Rets nMfmtiMM RM1 CLOUD, XBHItASKA, sKPTKMliHli J1, HMO. A. C. Hosmcr Laid to Rest Sunday Afternoon On lluirsiluy night, sit clght-thiity, lll'llll IClllOcd 1 1 inn out- inliKt, ono ot ' (iiu most popular atidlhclnvcd ciliens, Allied C Husnier. Tho past three years , .Mi. Ilnsmci liml boon in poor health everything possible had been done to pi olung his life; the best medlcil skill . had been employed and many health loMiitb had been visited in hopes that he could i ciiin his health. Alficd C. Hosmer was bom in Kuclld. Dlilo, February I. IS1I lie was a son of Luther and liunu (Ciinimliis) llos tner, lioiiiL' one of iwclvo children. The deceased was i eared on' it fat in and nl t ho age of Ivvvlvu enteied the olliee of the Lorain Count News, pub lished at (iberllu, Ohio, solving Ids appteuticeship in that olliee, after which ho was employed in the ollleu of the IJiyan, Ohio, 1' llonesl went to Clinton, Illinois, whoic he held the foietnauship of the Clinton Public for eleven yeais. Leaving lliuic he camo west, located in Ked Cloud and pur chased the Chief. I.ater. disposing of tills piopeity. boeiuie editoi and piop rletorof the Nebraska Kansas l''iumcr. lie cstablisht-d the Comtiiercial Adver tiser in August l!'01,wlileh ho publish ed until May 1st, of this year. During the entile time he edited iiuw'hpupeis he piovetl Idmselt to be mini of uood jud(jeuietit und busiiiohs abilitj, al was having the tnteiosts ot the town and e immunity at heart an 1 iisin It's iiillueueo to secure oei, enteipiise for the tfonil nt til" ptliilie He was a mi mlii of tint Republican p.nty and alw.ijs remained true to its poIici'Si in til the last. lie was a inenibei of the Methodist uhiiteh ami tuf a numboi-of jotus touli active pail in the fsini'l.iy school work of that ehiiich. I lie helped to found the 1. of 1. 1 lo lye in tins ciiv, beim; it past cliuli- t'llnrof that older, a llit-t last muster ) woiltinan of the A. O U. W., iukI ku ULlive member oi the I.O. U. I''. While i iislillny In Clinton, Illinois he wa-i united in m inlitffe to Miss Alice fc. Moie to this union were born two j ehd lien, Hairy and IHhul, i.ow Mis 1 Ciias. Wiiiniker, w 110 Willi Ills wife. ji o iiistei i.ud tun! brother :ue left to ! mom n hit, ilemUu. I Kiinei al s,. vif-'5iitiie eoinlneteil a' tliu .Mo.IiimIi tclnuch, on Sunday tittoi ! noon at two o'cluek. l.v. U. W. Iliim ' mel, a life loiitf fiicnd ot the deceased pleached the funeral sermon. Uev. .1 h. lietbe o!lccd pi.ijt-r mid levd u shut un of the life ol the deccuht'd. A male quaitotle. composed of Mts-eis Uuttiiif,', l'liday, I iioinas and Walker, Miirnished tlusinjfiii(,'. Inteimont was nudo in the eitj cemetery, ltev. Iteebe and IJ. W. htewait eoiiductcd the Odd Fellows' iuipressdve lunotal fcervices at the grave i lie casaet wa-coveied with many beautiful lloial oirciinys, and these together with the largo number of people whoattouded the .services at test the high esteem in which the deccuscd was held by his fellow citieiw The Chief, along with tho newspaper fraternity and the iiiany fiionds of the deceased p.xteiuls sympathy to the be reaved wife, chlhlion und lolatlvcs, - . Mr. and Mrs R. A Cielghtoii, Lloyd Crow, Oeorge Tilne, T. K McAitltiir, 0. I) Holiiuson, Olher I'owell, F. II. Cassll and A Shaipmick, and Misses nil siiiport will be thrown to tlie new Voina Trine, Lydm Tiout and llolle town foot, ball team of which a call Is Spanogle, und Messrs., f 1. W. Holllstor, in the paper olsewhoie. . Flaye (Irice, IJ I. . Grimes. C. A .Solid-j . . Ink, Dr. H. V. NVhnbon, Harvey Hick- j i'uv. j. i n0obc uiiltul in mallillgo, crson, Wjoth Fogel, .Joe Fogol, Her- ciias Fogerly. of W.itt rtown, Wiscon-! ' mini Uurdeii, Hobart HiaulUe ), Clay- hin, and MIhs Anna .lensoii. of Inaviile, ton Holmes, Williitin Mclli..... Hrnestj soptember '20th, ut .'1 id p. in. Hie Newhouse, Kobeit mid Clilfoid Popo, ( wedding declined at the homo of Kay and John Ileaton, Ohorlo and Hay, mliow .Fcii-.on fathor of tho bride ' K'oont, Hairy and Lester Yost. A number of fi lends and udathes' iialelgh Lawience, John Tliiockiiimt- WB1.0 ,it outtt. A sumptuous wedding on, Hny Hust, Nelson Andoison, Ha oh ,. , , ,, , llainngton, Flovd Provost. H. J Kin-' ,n""Bl' ttl,s hi,VVil1 "'"' "ll Vrcul on eaid, Low Walleis, .lames (Jilbert,, joyed thy occasion. Mr. Fogeity will Amos Mlksch, John Smith, Don Fulton inovo to .lainestovvn, S. I). These ' Fairl Hall. Ned i-utton, TIjiIp Slmpsou ,youiiB pnoplo aii well qtiitliUetl for a and John Person took in tho ball gatno ,i it m- at Hlue Hill. alternoon. I "l,fui "' '"H'PJ' . j I (Jet your k-mtvciI tickets for' 'Polly ot the Ciicus" at Cook's drugl Jos Fogel Is now driving u Dodge stoie or exchange vour fiOu tickets forJiiiitomoblle which ho puiclinsod of tho .same. DO IT NOW ' Hed Cloud Auto Co. 'W Flftytno Wcnks Each Year For $1.50. Slanser Amack Awarded The Overland Automobile TIuiimI.i), Kcptcmhi r I I'll, inatlied tlit rliiM- nf tlu' big automobile con test un.l tlit weekly cash piue diaw lugs, whi.di had been inaugutiitcd n few imnitlis ago by the Ked Cloiui Mer chants for the put pose of advcttisiug the, uduiiilago of ti.uling with these meit'hauts, u1mi foi the piuposti of pin moling a mom fiUndl. feoliugbetweeii the meehaiits and the eltietis of this, couimiiiiity. J lhe piogiam of the day consi-ted of two ball games, fiee admission to both theatres, it liheial 'supply of popular mils-lc, by the Hod Cloud Couci it liatid and an addiess by it piomlueiil "ilij ' speaker I'lomptly at lour o'clock Rev. Heche, master ol eetemouies, and the commit tee in charge, mounted lo tho platfoim whereon was placed the huge mler, also one used for tho employees ticketH. The employees ticket weie dtawn and those sectiiing the cash weie llaiiy ost, SIO; 1!. (' sdmll'., I0; M K. Ouigloy, '.0. .1 H Hutlor. 310. This was immediately lollowed by the drawing for the automobile und other pi i a s Sta'isui Ainaek seemed the Ovii laud; Mis F. Hallow, the Nhetland pon; .lou Ciow.SJii Mis..). II. 1'oimiii, Slr, Cluis. Ailes, S.-.; Al. Heeis, c.'; Fied Sliubachcr, ii; 11. Wilson, f 2; Hud Way maii, ?,'. Mis A. Metl.tll, SI; Alles.Sl, (iuuge ll.Oveilng, , SI; Mm A. D. Woiideily, tl 'I'll. blKfouti .st closed with the best ot Idlings existing on both sides, the uieii'liants being ratislled with the re sults Hint they ha I obtained and the public with the fan, husiutSs like manner in which the iiiatlti was handled h the mei chants. The. meiehaiits wish toeNpns, iheii thanks to tlie genet al public foi their pillontige, their at the drawings nil 1 trust luatthn lliuinlslnp and 1 lyalty exhibited dining the entile time tliu s-eries ot drawings wis in j progiess. will continue t exist be- tweeu them and the geneial public ' and assilie the public that the s.tiuo c.juitesics will lu oUll'lo'l to them at. a.l Hin, also thai th-y will continue lo oii'er tht in lel.abio lilt ich iiidlst .t ( ate in keeping with tliuj ipM'ity of uutii'li.iitl a so'd by t!u n . m j Last Bail Games of the Season On last Thin sdaj the Hluu Hill and local team croseil bits til two games iWTrT.Si.'TL'Jl . Do You Believe hhorty O'hoig ol Ui.mpbell twirled for lllue Hill and when he wasn't (Tabbing was hit at will for two, llucciiud tour! base hits. Zeiss wasielieed by' ollins in the iiinl the lllue Hill bo.s' caplilied live runs olV Collins befoie he. got to woiking and tlie game was i; ill-' ed lor dinner at one o clock. In the afleinoon Masters pitched fori the locals und held the Hluu Hill team to tour hits and shut them out by a t-eorit off. to 0. Ditlius fur Kluo Hill was hitbaid and the locitls weri'iicm In danger ull loosing the game On Sunday at lllue Hill theie was a dilloiont stoiy to tell. Masteis blew up lu the tlfth Inning and IjefoieZiiss could stop the botnbaidmeiit olien M-oies had been counted und thus wo lost the htbt game of the season Nt ' ow i-KMMFTWHi.'viiiw ii1 i iiiiim'yiiigawHiwiriaCTiiwiww.wiJiwww Dont Strain your Eyes you may Kuin them If I 1 I IF YOUR EYES ARE "BOTHERING" YOU DO NOT LONGER DELAY IN COMING TO US. YOU MAY IMPAR YOUR EYESIGHT AND BESIDES IT MAY LEAD TO NERVOUS DISORDERS OR SOMESERIOUS TROUBLE. WE DO NOT MEAN TO SCARE ANYONE, BUT YOUR EYES ARE YOUR BEST FRIENDS-USE THEM WELL, FOR YOU NEED THEM OFTEN AND A LONG TIME. WE WILL GLADLY EXAMINE YOUR EYES AND IF YOU NEED GLASSES WE WILL FURNISH THE KIND YOU NEED TO CORRECT YOUR PARTICULAR TROUBLES AND SAVE YOUR EYESIGHJ. WE MAKE "OUALirY" RIGHT; THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist 3$C. U. (U Q Watch Inspector bm3uaz.32ra ?!SSr2233!aKES2rcflZ Cold Weather Mights DEMAND W arm KM'rsraDJiKfiasMwrawwKa The bitter cold nights we will soon be having will be robbed of their terror by these cozy, comfortable blankets. Buy several of them now and BE PREPARED. Grey and tan collon blankets, select stock, standard quality a regular $i. 25 value for - $1.00 Grey and tan cotton blankets, extra weight, 70x80, for $1.50 High grade, wool finish, extra heavy weight blankets, large size, grey and tan, worth $3.00 ' - $2.50 Plaid blankets, wool fleeced, blue, pink, (an, brown and gray, all very desirable patterns, for $3.00 All wool blankets, very pretty patterns, at $5.00 to $15.00 R. P. Weesiaer k. Co. The Store of Good Clean Merchandise WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COAL ORDERS PLATT KUMllJClt " Come to Us for Comfortable New Glasses ; ,;: rf, ' IflLtf B oianxe sw: o:a53Ra'gaiKara.c In Preparedness' ts BrnwTM-iwrwfflww.gapga & FREES ) r 1 s aid m .i I I 3 "J $