The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 14, 1916, Image 8
RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIEF I imaai 17 arrf joafr,.T;aTgrrrJiranT3TrT3rr -. YXxxstxTCMmtavyri'xnz3rsttccarissctfsv3T7xj snvzetJivmarex'a3zr y ,n I llNi V nijj i ... -...,. - --"-""j.iUi;JIA.. ilajJULV-lAlfcJlJMrtiiTIfJLa.ZltvartJfcJriikiHlB I i I : ; ! i lb h ; it i i'' ! II U I ,n nil i i - ----- - iiiii m in i , AMHMiniwMiim 11" a '"w At Inavale Stock Yard kj5wjjl COMMENCING AT ONE O'CLOCK, SHARP 101 Head of Cattle 89 yearling heifers, 7 yearling steers, 5 yearling bulls ms: ;:t M. ML Snyder Cols. J. H. Ellingcr, Essie Craven, Aucls. S. R. Florence, Clerk i 3 a H..iinlf.-tiM1'.cl C .ii.l. h mutiny. 3 ft K) fH Py Bw tiP Rw H H Sf Q i'A P B Ira P'S I : Irnri- List TIiurdn and nfier tin- M . j ''';,rr;;:r::,r,:::::;lr I B!G combination 1 i Ki-il t'lollll, Snlllttlay lllllt. M ,mjl3s. mn 1 Cm "MB BH M, m H IB ATTLE SALE I lis wlfo K ru-tlii'' us l TiTfnmiTi i mob "-m- h i"""""""""""rl Coming to Red Cloud Thursday, Sept. 21 Mr. Mini Mis Clms. Hunter went in Hastings Tuesday. Will Wonderly spent Tin-Mlny in Red Cloud I '. m l (r Chiuncc llnrtfcss left Hi Sunday tiitfht for Denver wln-re ho will enjoy mi ontliiK'. I'oitinlstress Miss lUhcl HtleUney, who hns lion ('lite sli'U for si-u-ralldnys, Is better The Kensington ladies met with Mis. Jvil'et it'H, Tuesday. Mis. S II Until ley Is spptiiHiic n few iliis Willi her uclce, Mrs. U WTophatn .Inch W isee.irvtr and family letuined the llrst of tint week frtim Colorado. Claude I'otiloy nl fiimily spout the hist of tin- week nt Spring Unnuli. The M. 1'. liinllos Aid inut with Mis Delhlcy, Wednesday, mid elected olllu ers for tho ensuing your l!ro Rob piotichcd two very good setinotts at lliu Christian church, .Sun day. Mrs Will Ciitpentcr is some hotter I his week. Forimost, Grandest, Biggest, and Btst of all GOLUVIARROS.i GREATEST OFAMERICAN SHOWS Jut'''' Wl-t r"tafl).---- " " tA So Greatly Enlarged and Improved Since Last Caaen'iT'AcTn f MnUfrCTAMn ?"XT "TUL" " UCA iV o1the:cibcusbusiness1in)aperica.1' . s fcll'fc kfatiMMMl More Capltaljnvesjcd than any other Amusement tnicrpriso on taring nsrfi y :r..AM r s? iTTTWInilMll hi li i m mil inmiiim pii , I .c AK J 1 raw M?!co-rFi& :'S niiitXliiaiMilix'dMam lluniClUIKZ.U 9E CIVtH DY SCO UOf! ID. FAMOUS PEnrORMERi IM 3 RINGS, ON 3 STACES, ON THE GIG HIPPODROME AND IN THE ENORMOUS AERIAL ENCLAVE Mote Casts of Will nml Traund Animals tlien Any Oilier Show on Earth riFKOi iiciu ni i icpiums (.onccicii The All Nilllr.'. II. ..I n.l U.l.l II...... Ck tlutd anil Made to I'ciluim A Ills Collection Contdinme all the Odd Creatures ol , Uenlton liver loo Hew, bfinalioiul, and bui posing llitli-C'laji Acts , ., , A CIRCUS MORE AWE-INSPIRING THAN EVER SEEN BEFORE i'lescnlinc Uveiy Morning at Ten O'clock the Most tolo.sal, Gorgeous BIG FREESTREET-PARADE Ecr Seen Iv Human Eves. Iniucuratinc Altolutelv the Hifft Shnui nn r.nh Two Complete Exhibitions Daily, at 2 and 8 pm!4 Doors Open One Hour Earlier. iiuiuis)iun -v f vuiiuicu uuuer t icars oi ngc, iiaiiTiicc, r.prri&itnvu n&TF FYriiRinNc nu an nnnnne'y lBBBMmmsrumianxxwut.jnnE'jiatBTWiummajmjeim Funny Clowns With Gollmar Bros. Circus It would not In) it circus without the Kuiinlc old Clowns. 'J'ho tiling tin-small liny want'j to know is have you KOt any Clowns? Ws, (iollmur Uios Aiuorica's llroatt'st Sliows liuvo nor fui'Kottt'ti tin- Joy for Iho little folks 'i'li'-y havo Clowns, all kinds of Iheui and all funny ones too, and they Ikim- u lot of tutiiii'd Shelland ponies, ll'lle Klepliiints and hit; i'.lephants, lots of I'uiiH'ls ami two It.ihy camels that won't have their liisi liiuliduy (l.iuiO!- iiulil next April 'l'licy hae ni.d;.'ets and (iiants, Itttnds of .Music, twn (aliopes, and nuuiliers i the II tie it lloisus i ver set'ii with any eir , ii-, the lar'el llippupotainiis in I up (nil). Tunned wild animuls (inline I'lieii-.tie Mijf Aeiiul nets, inelndin tin llui(,' liheis, who twiee dail shake liee with dealli and shim the luililei ot eternity, ami the world i eh.inii on Linly aiut lieiillemen bale h n-li inii'is, Cow fiirls ami Cow liny uipe hpiiitn is, liioi.L'i husti'is uiiii 'eii llllllj,' you Would (piel to -if in it lenity hij:li elass en ens pelfuim aiue siieh as ii ivfii liy Collinar Uio-. uiel en's Ci'e.itoii hliows in Ueil Cloini on h-p'. '! KKMLMl;i:i:. I'll i:ki: auk no i'akiijs, (iiiaki i;i(usiu)i;i' ciiax .i: Aiirinis, ii.t)ui:n uri.t an AUDUMi Nil. I. Nl'U i I I.Y .MoUAJj SlIOW.s To Our Advertisers ( niiiiiieiiuiii next Wednesday. Sej t .'Obii . i i ! ipy toi display aihct-tisiiie, liuisi i, .Ii tills otllee liy Wfiinesdin mioliot i icli v.ieU to instii'i' puhlieii t on. I'm nod atti-r t dali we wtl not ae -i ,it .id-, .ifiui 12 o'eloel;. TO BE HELD AT BURR'S BARN IN GUIDE ROCK, NEBR. Monday, Sept. 18, 1916 This Sale Will Begin Promptly at One O'clock 63 Herefords, Shorthorns anil Polled Durhams 63 As Follows: 31 highly bred Shorthorn cows, all young. 13 of these have calves at side, balance will be fresh soon. About 70 Hereford steers and about 15 Shorthorn steers coming 2 years old. 10 extra good Hereford heifers and 25 Polled Durham and Shorthorn heifers coming 2 years old, all to bring calves in the spring. 1 Shorthorn bull coming 2 yrs.; 1 Shorthorn bull 3 yrs., wt. 1600, both pure bred- T m ''it m "m f C" MP t,,a" W4' ""V,V,1 to" "; tin hiu heller lhan the awr.o herd. 1 them all through, they are ,, evlra KOOl lt of feeders ai.,1 stoek ,,,ws and heifets. Her,, i. ,,.,0,1 phuv fo an, , erson wisl,i,, to st trt a henl of hih Wra,le e.t.le All stee.s and ,..!, all heifeis have heen del,, r ,1 Terms: A credit of G months will bo iven. purchaser uiving bankable note with approved security bcannii 8 per cent interest from date of sale. No property removed until settled for. n ROD -rt it iai nail wis am inmmmi Carter i mmereU owners beorffe kcu i.ioua, eo. Superior, Neb. COL. G. G. DENNY, Auctioneer S. G. SOMERHALDER, Clerk MaMHMaBBBaiiBaaaaa 5i !l aW vVv; m. v i .v JTj?vrK. x?zsm& TtJtJcvVT.&y V R fe, auiEfc.vwvV-A . is. i v acKiEGEZKnnu Cheap Farm Loans If you want a ehe.ip farm loan, si e me I make loun that no othei CVmpany will male, am) I uarantte the cheapest uicii"y in the state, mid the quickest lettntis. I have sonn private mo i-y, and live loan iilausi tv ehoo-e f i run oiliee over 1'anl Store .1. II UAII.KV. ' Notlr.p. to Crrtlitors. in tin oinit.v t nurt of U e'isti r fount) Nt inii-l. i In Hit in ittcr if tin e-t'itL nf mi kil sorsi son. Iki east it. i rt.llturH ol mM i-tatt will t-il.i nuilit, thitl llietltue IIuiiim) tor in iitutlon and lillu.' ( t lallllsuulllllit s.lld st.lti It s, ,!i ni bi r'isili, mill, inut fur ilie ifiy incut of tie its 1 U"ini .Mill 'n7 tlmr I win si -u thecunnt. cniirt room In s-ilil eiiiiut) on tin Jiiti l:i u sepleinljor. . I) nun, lot nnuni, lit:ir'nii.i lllftlf fill ..l.ll.liu .III It fllr.l o I.I. t. .. -a .. .1.. t ... .'.. ,.......-i...i,, in... dim. ii ,ur ii nmi in secmui lieu u,i ni said estate, nml on ttio 'hit It diyof MatLti, IUI7. to auili e, Inar, nllou and ulliist atleliilinsniidolije. Unnsuf m'lioi at ertitllurs dulj tllnl. Dan a Hits .him day of Aiiust, a. H , nun. te.ll) A. 1. It invm, Count .Inilgi !!-!. A.SA.1 JlfW t sjV- p ul -- Dr. A. E. Boles OSTEOPATH Physical Olnitnosls Lnbnmtory OSsl !. TlnS M I'.S MJSIU1N 11.1 i (s cop it 'i i''e ': Meu.-e of Healing ly liist n.Mit." Woitd l A I' .OFFHIE OYtt! Ml iiUtll to the UP, A. ! IsTi fit MIOE SlOliG LEWIS H. BLAGKLEDGE, Attorney RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA CANDIDATE FOR DISTRICT JUDGE TENTH DISTRICT Adams, Frnnklln, Harlan, Kearney, Phelps and Webster Counties. Dorn In Ohio, 16CB Admitted to the Oar In Nebraska, at the arte of 20 ve.tra. PinetlLe(l In HltiheoeU rountv. 1899. Twice elected Lountv Attorney, Practiced In Vebster county, 1UJJ to 1916. Twice elected County Attoi nty. President Do.ird of Education. Red Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures E. S. Gaurber Dr. S. S. He.udorf. M. I i.e. Vetulnnrj In I'liaruo 0. II. Miner Maunder C. H. Miner Serum Co. -I'ltODK i:hs Anti Hog Cholera Serum Rod C'lcuilf Nebraska Wire or Phone at Our Expense t. H. Vctrrlniin Llcunsc No. 45 i itolll I'llilMs ;i i I.lil p. MUJK I Cloud City Jjchools, 1910, 191o THE ALA!?M OF FIRE i insuruno. ICvei.v tune he sees the eiijjmis raeitit; alont; his he.ut conies, up n his tliroiit if the the is anywheio mM' his place What folly, what nils tnKin cuiioiiiy THE COST OF is ao small tlmt it INSURANCE need hardly be i-in.ideied. The freedom from worry alone in worth it many times over Have Ub insure you to-day. 0. Co TEEL? Reliable Insurance. r-asi-iffl B E. CAiPB l Chiropractor Phcncs ( lid epi lull lit Ul Uell lied I HI Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED "S'Oiiiii: 0n; A i in'iiiiiT Siori: I "A pubfc office Is ,i public tiust" The olficc of Diotrlct Judge has to be held by some qualified lawyer, It should ' be open, after a reanonablo time, to these I vho nny a&plit to It i From the organization of the prtsent I Tenth Judicial Dirtnct In 18J1 (exc pt I the preient tunc), no Juclno has been a (andldate for te clei-tlon after the se-ond term. raUi of them was olven two terms. Tho present Judge has had two terms and nil added year, nine years In all. I can make as good a Judqe, and I want the chance to try. I will appreci ate your vote. I JVWW.W.' IS COL. J. H. ELLINGER 1 -I AUCTIONEER ! )J Ihlliiw t ' plrt i MH r Mlt d.i'ti,. i Asl am one as to my lunliilcnilnuti j ,' fur wliniu I Iiiim erlt-l H-ilth. Iinlept I " .It nt pil nn Sn 1 1 Writ, wlrt or etl I " Ki D, Ni iik. VVVVi" HENRY COOK, M. D. lit 1 I I! 1 DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES 1':-mm The Cliurch and the Railroad Subject Sunday Night : United Church 3 l This is a great moral as well as economic question. The church! should be right on this matter as well as on every other pubiic issue. A non-partisan address. W" m mm J "19M t DR. CHAS. E. CROSS OCNTIST evLt; ;iAU a.v.Mt Red Cloud " Kebraslta KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Dc eloping. .:. A Full Line oC Supplies ROLLS HI VKLOIM.P 10e hail voun w.mi 10 l)S One Way Fare to the Pacific Coast Soptemcer 24th to October 8th If you iieot to ifo (.'.ilifornlu du.itij,' tins hilef nt'iu tierlo.l of Jow faies von shoull arrange e.uly to join tlte lturliut.i'i s I, initially t'onducted Tonr st .Sleeper Pirties to California via Denver, weenie ' n!ui,idoniiil Halt Lulte Viy day liK'ht. Summer Excursion Fares Through September lou ean get the henefit of the low, siniunei aeution fares until Septeiuhor .101 h foi r.asteru tinii'o, for Heenle Cnlotado and IM.s i'ailc, the beautiful U hit-It Hill-, tlie I'.ieillc I'oast, or .Moiiutiiiii tours. .September is an ideal p'easiire-t.1 .t el inonlh, with resoit i eiioiis less crowded. U tliuie is yet n eliauee f.n you to h'ot away, let me bhow you wliat a splendid tour jiou ean lalto la HuiliiiK'ton tliiouli-tiain service loutes W. WAKELEY, General Passenger ActU lnOl I ainain Street, Dmahn, Xebr. N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb. mmtmm L y Stevens Bros9 K .Jjui-arjrcavssjraasro -.. y-MiyiJi t-..3ji