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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1916)
- K - ' RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ft. Y' ijf '-v ' I "::'Xmm:..:..::..:..:..:..:..:...:..::. AS TOLD TO US ? : .?. -:m-:x:mx::.m..:::..:.:..:..:. Ihiy your1tooerio. of Miner Pros. (Jo ,. Come to lied Clou,! uml ilo jour trail- Will Fruit loft Mondiiy for Alliance. !)r, Ashor of Rivertoii vis In town Sunday. IJeorKo Harris went to Omaha, Weil-neilay. Olen Ireland was down from Cowles. Sunday. Jake Orider, of Hubbel, was in town A! on J ay. lit-orge Corner was in Uluo Hill. Saturday. Sec those jiow School Ginghams at Albright's, atlv Mrs. C. H. Cross was in Hustings, Wednesday. James father went to 0foni, Sun day evonlng. IM lturr ofliuiilo Hook was in the oity Satutday. John Ilakor of llliie Hill was in the city Saturday. Kenneth Wilson went up to MeCoolc. Sunday evening. Jake Kllinger shipped a ear of eat tie to St. Joe, Sunday. Chester Maker went to Grand Is land, Monday morning. W li Montgomery went to Craw ford, Monday morning. Hair cut at 2.1c per head at Slieeley ,t Shutl'iiit's barher simp. Dr. C. IS. Cross spent Sunday in Franklin with lelatlves. Woestier V Koontv. shipped two ears of hogs to Kansas City, Sunday. Fred Fearn went to Hlue Hill, Wed nesday, to work on a plume line. Mark McCoukov has resigned Im position as street commissioner. For a lirst olas- hair cut or shave go to Sheeley Shall nit's barber shop. Kev. Myei.s is in Hastings this week atteuding the Methodist confeietiee. Attorney It. W. Stewart returned home Thuisday evening from Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Hunter, of Ina vale, spent Sunday with friends in the city. Mrs. .1. H. Jones, of Franklin, spont Sunday with her father, C. N. Lover check. Cecil l-Nsig of Ilappyville, Colorado, arrived Tuc-day to visit relatives and friends. Sam Sherniun and George Austin went to Kepubliean City, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hltnor Simmons were down from Cowley, Sunday, visiting his mother. Mr. und Mis. George Topliiini of Illuc Hill weie the guests of Ids par outs, Sunday. Miss ltlanehe Doner left Monday for Peru, where she will attend the State Normal. Miss Katie Fox left Monday for Ardmoro, South Dakota, where sho will teach school. It will be Worth Your While when planning for your New Fall Suil to call and inspect our stock. Whether you wish something inexpensive, or clothing of the "better quality" we have patterns, fabrics, colors and styles that will please you. The Styles Whatever your taste, you will find the one you like the same styles you will sec dis played in show windows of the city stores. The Fabrics include the very modest patterns, the solid colors always popular and some bright color ings. A wide range of qualities. The Workmanship The clothes we sell are made by the very best tailors in the country, who make a specialty of style, fit and durability. ( The Price is moderate. We have a suit to please your fancy, and at the price you wisli to pay. New Fall Hats, Caps and Shoes ) Our new fall stock of Hats, Caps and Shoes ' has arrived. The young man, the older man and the boys will find just what they want at our store. The same lourtesits ex tended to those isio mine "AW'" i. i. ix tended to who come to "i'ij:" 8 PAUL STOREY I f) THE CLOTHIER f) W ) "Clothes ror Young Men And i 3&93S3S$S Frank Starr icturneil homo Tuesday evening. Douglas Calhcr was in Hastings, Tuesday. Mis. F. 12. Mauler was in Hastings, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Detour return ed to Guide Hock, Tuesday. A lino Clutter left for Denver this uioruing, wheiu he will attend sellout. Don't forget that Albright's Cash Store aves you money. Investigate! Miss Zellu Taylor departed Sunday for Chicago wliero she will attend college. Attorney L. II. Ulaokledge went to Waterloo, Iowa, Tuesday, to attend to some legal affairs. Miss I2va Foster left Sunday morn ing for Hill City, Kansas, where she will visit friends. John Yost shipped two eats of cattlo to Kansas City, Sunday. He ohapor otied the shipment. Karl Osborne left Monday for Alii mice and Oklahoma, whete he will work in the beet Holds. Mr. nnd Mrs. Kilgar Cowdeli and Mis. II, C. (Jellatly returned home Fil day ft om Heaver City. Mrs John Cueen returned to Hast ings. Saturday, after spending a few davs with relatives here. Marion Mercer, II. S. Foe audWycth Fogol are in Oberliu, Kansas playing witli the Lebanon baud. Miss Margaret Fogel, who is teach ing school near Campbell, spent the weekend with her parcits. Ivuseno father of Lander. Wyoming, arrived Tuesday to visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs C. 1'. Cutlier. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hobcrtson, of Dounellson, Iowa, are visiting with her sister, MUsTillio Cook. Mrs. W. 12. Williamson of Denver ar rived this morning to vihit her son, Kditor W. 13. Smith and wife. Jesse. Letnmon went to Chester, Monday, and from there ho will go to Nelson to attend the county fair. Kditor W. I). KiNon, President of the Kepubliean Valley Kditorial Associa tion, was in Alma. Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Drlct.ler of St. Joo anived Monday via titito to visit with Mr. and Mis. Frank Kllinger Chas. HruhaUcr lias completed the election of a new icsidcuco for Ja. Doyle who resides southwest of this city. Chester Sheeley and Oliver SliaJYuit have opened up a barber shop in the rooms under the Hildchiuudt meat market. A good rain fell Monday in this vicinity which will put t lie ground in good condition for the sowing of wint er .wheat. Aaron Hedge accompanied ids sister, Miss Laura, to Innvaio, Sunday, where sho resumed her duties as tcaoher in district thrco. We arc in the market for 100 to 125 pounds Shouts at market price deliver ed at Serum Plant. Will pay for de livery to plant. C. H. Miner Serum Co 8 Men Who btay Young" s SS$3S3936S Chas. derrick was in Hastings, Mon day. C. A Schultz was a Hastings vlsdlrr Friday. Mrs. Will Antit spent Saturday In Hastings Warren Thomas is in Itird City, Kansas, this week. Lester Yost and Horace Hrown spent Friday in Hastings. Vesta Kinick was u passenger to Grand Island, Tuesday. Mis. C. L Myers leturned homo Monday evening from Lincoln. Follot Fox went to Marscland, Mon day, where ho will teach school. Mrs. Xeleigli Potter went to fihelton Friday, lo visit Mrs. Wesley Aitshuto. Mr. and Mr. J. II. Hanson spent the weekend in Iiiverton with friends Miss .lennic Miner wont lo Omaha, Monday, whore she will attend college Miss, Ue.d imoo MoKoiglian wont to Guide Hock, Friday, to visit relatives. Miss IMythu II ei tick loft Monday fir Hastings whete she will attend o ill ego. Frank Sutton ot Waukoeuey, Kan sas, is spending his vacation here with rjlativos. Miss Fay I eel went to Lincoln, Mon day, o resume her studios til (lie state university Miss ; Minnie Trout departed Monday for Naporvillo, Illinois, whole .she. will attend school. W. (1. Hunt and son, liowuid, or Kivcrloti spent Sunday with his son, Will ami wire. Glen Foe was in Orleans, Thuisday evening, where he assisted the baud i i their concert. .Mrs. C. II. Minor and daughter, Miss Jennie, returned homo Saturday "even ing I loin Omaha. Mrs. Lula Fuller of Lincoln is visit ing her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. John Potter, this week. Mis. J. M. Iturgcss went to Kivertoti, Friday evening, to visit her daughtet, Mrs. Karl Danker. Mrs. 1-2. A. Creighton spent Monday in Uluo Hill witli her sister, Mrs. C. F. IJuntl and family. Mr and Mrs. Lew Peers of MeCook spent .Sunday witli his parents, Mi ami Mrs, Al Ilcors. Miss Krma Haiiney went to Lincoln Mondiiy, where she will attend the Cotucr University. Miss Alice Cuitis, after visiting with Miss 1211a Stouebreaker, depicted Fri day for Now York City. Miss IMolle McKeeby of No.v Port. Aikansas, arrived Saturday to visit with .Mis. Carrie McKeeby. " '" Mr.s. W. K. Montgomery icturued home from Schauppe.s, Fridu; , where she visited her son, Dale. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Thompson of North Phut arrived Friday for a visit tit the homo of Geo Liudsey Glenn Foo left Monday for Jltistings and fioni there he will go to Lincoln to attend the state university. Miss Mjrtlc Kaley returned home from Lincoln, Friday, where she lias been visiting for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Havel and Mr. and Mis. Jack Wlsccarver returned lijuic Tuesday from a trip to Colorado. Mr. and .Mrs. W. T. Pony of Harvard spent the last of the week in the city witli his son, li, F. Perry and family. Miss Maggie Graham of Abington, Illinois, arrived Friday for a visit at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Ueezley Mis. Cora Cutter returned the liist of the week from Janesvillc, Wiscon sin, after visiting with relatives for several weeks. C. D. Jlobinson, Oliver Powell, S II Floratice and II. S. Foe were atteud ing to business affairs in Uluo Hill, Friday afternoon. on don't need to cut your hair at homo now as Sheeley ifc Shali'nit have opened up a barbershop and arocharg. ing 2r cents tor a hair cut. Misses Velmo, Jessie and Edith Itoby returned to their homo at Nel sun, Sat unlay, after visiting with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Huluor. Miss Alison Cowdcn departed Friday for St. Joo wheio she will attend college. Sho was accompanied by Mis Hay who had been visiting at the F. W. Cowdcn home. Dr. Warrick-, the specialist, will meet oye, car. noso and throat patients and those ueo ling glasses properly lilted at Dr. DamoioH's olllcc, ;Vui u cs da y, Aug 27th. Hours I to 5 only. Mr. mid Mis. Chas. F. Webli-r and Mis. Frank Taylor of Witchita, Kan sas, a utoed to Ked Cloud, Friday, en route to Gotheuberg. .Mrs. Taylor iu uialned lieio for a w.sit at the G, J. Warren homo. ThcMIss.cs Helen Iteilier and Mirth Walker, and Messrs. Howitid Y l, Laird Potter, Vcrlin Taylor, I!ym'.iid Turnuie aiul Ciiailes Sherer wei.t to, Lincoln, Tuis Jay, whore they will at tend the state unlvoisity. J, O. ( aldwoll, ai'ootnpanied b his Hktu's, Mn. J. 11. Fi nine of Now Y rk ! City and Dr. Cuinullu A. Walker ofj Kinsas City, Mo., loft Friday for the latter's home whore he will tako treat- merit in hopes, of benefiting ids health. Howaro of Hour prices ' Peerless high patent l 80 and Norton Special S1.70-M. A. Albright. adv Oliver Wright was down from Iiiver ton. Sunday. His wife accompanied him back to that place. C. W. Maloiio, of Hoaver Citv, spoilt the weekend in tho oity with his daughter, Mis II. f. Gellatly. Koy Sutton has accepted u positiiti as prune juggler in the grocery dopait inent of Minor Hros. Co. store. Mis. Win. Shoemaker and children leturned home Tuesday from Orleans whore they had boon vlsltlnu relatives. Miss Anna Ferguson, nftor visiting with her .sister. .Mm. U' i: IIumiIIi.,., and family, returned to her homo at Guide !!ook, Tuesday. Mrs. Thoda Moranvillo departed Sal hi day uioruing for Minneapolis. Kiuisis, whore she will make her home with her sister, .Mrs Hill. J. II. Uiiiloy returned homo Sunday evening from Kxeolslor Springs, wlioto lie spent a few days with Ills wife and leports that she is Improving in health. Chief Yeoman Stouer, of Omaha, who is a recruiting ollleor for the U. s. Navy, was iu tlm city. Saturday. Ilo was here making arrangemonts for two otlioors who will bo hero Sept. '.' I, to oxatnlno those wishing to join tliu Navy. A new fashion for llio Fords; Ladies with babies, instead of holding tlioui on their laps, hang u little hammock from tho bows of the car over the back scat, and it makes a line place lor baby to rido, Tho hammock is in the center of tho car, and tho seat remains plenty roomy for two.-Ks. 1'ouSw.t: Tim old Kd. Smith place of 7 MO acres adjoining town on which will be found one modern house, ten tiaiil house, big barn, city water, lights, etc. Price, SSr.tiO with any reasonable tortus, Iuiuire of W. II. It isotiorans or K, G. Itohauati, Lincoln, Nebraska. imdm.jKiMxMm-E3uj!SiymiM'iSitwmi2i'imd r& l tfUtitfk Jr.W a J,m2w ing fullness, large roomy sleeves, generous collars and cuffs. Others will select belted coats, hanging full and loose in the back: in some models belted only in front or on the sides; in other models belted all around. Here again large collars, deep cuffs and full lines are among the style features. The third type of coat hangs straight and loose from the shoulders and gives a graceful long line from the waist to the bottom of the coat. Attractive buttons, large and small, and some fur trim mings, embellish many models in both coats and suits. Our Early Showing XVE are now exhibiting a limited number of exclusive fall models in smart coals and suits. These models we are showing have been shipped to us in advance of the season and for the woman who appreciates exclusive, yet authoritative styles this is an event. Come in, we will be pleased to show you these choice NEW STYLES which are priced conservatively in keep ing with the qualities. LJ""J ...."... i k 'a a NEW FALL Hats and Caps Now showing all the New Fall Styles and Colors LOOK EARLY and be sure you are hat led right if you buy of us No Advance in Price FALL SUITS are here loo better see them now All Suits now in are guaranteed Genuine Dyes The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. "ALWAYS RELIABLE" lL imnni i For sale or for cash lent -well im proved fi'.'o aero farm Finn house and barns, Known as the I, N. Drown fai in Ti miles south west of Inavalo Will iiuike let ins for cash buyer. II A Altinan. lllTi Prospect Ave. Kan sas City, Mo. vance Showing Many New Notes in the Styles for Fall and Winter IN SUITS NKVKll before have the styles been so becoming to all figures. Suit models come in great variety, includ ing three major types the plain tailored eflects, the out ing or sports designs, and the dressier models. Jackets of suits are either single or double breasted. In many of them there is a pronounced flair below the waist. The sports or outing suits are very charming with their high collars and simple sleeves, and with their pleats, shirrings and belts at the waist line. Some of the dressier models posess large collars that either button close or lie flat; when open, these collars give a shoulder cape effect. High cuffs, fancy cuffs of the bell variety and partial belts are other features to be found in the new suits. IN COATS A wide range of types make the coats for esttng to every nyure again are three approved appear to give equal emphasis to all three. many women win cnuusu the loose type with sweep mm i RJ na u3 GENERAL MERCHANTS A Mighty Safe Place To Trade THE STORE THAT SELLS WOOLTEK. 'a a"a"a"a a at i m m 9 i ,VJ "sv,. cm Li AT HOME nxpncT YOU km i vunu -jo 1 IUI.L j:m all AnouT 'OMAliA'SFUN r7,----3- VISIT CEHfnE." THE TZJ-W IT Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville 5tii (limt Fllltd with rrillr Glili, Funn;Cloini, GI9UI Fqiilmii, SrllllKit Senile Enilionmint LADIES' DIME MATINEE EVERY WEEKOAY Everybody Gooat Ask Anybody II WITS THE BIOOCIT HID BUT SHOW WEST OF CWCIS0 all inter- anu every personal! ty. Here effects. Fashion a uthorities s (0R Mw zJvl $ i .- IflHUnnMHBHf