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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1916)
iiHBBIWft'JWfciaBft WnWk .w . u.- BED OLOUD, NEBRAB K A , CHIEF . Even the Children Know the Fine Qualities of Our Bread Parents should sec that only the very BEST BREAD comes into the home. You arc not taking any chance when you buy KlCCn M aid It's fresh daily, delivered in sanitary wrappers Nickle for small loaf dime for large ME RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebrnaka. PUUIjISUED BVEKY THURSDAY Kntcrcrt In ttiu I'onttiflKe nt Hid Cloud, Ncli. as Htcumt Clam Matter II. McAUTHUK l'lJllUBIIKIt THE ONIiY DKMOCItATIU I'APKIt IN WKIISTKU COUNTY WALTER W. MARSHALL THE SANITARY GROCERY, IN RED CLOUD TANKS Our 2" Cypress steel bound tanks are the best on the market. They have double the life of a galvanized iron tank and are much cheaper. THE MALONE-AVERY GO. "TALK WITH US ABOUT TANKS" DEMOCRATIC TICKET President Woodrow Wllfton Vice Pieslili'iit ..Tliomiis K Marshall U. S. Senator (!. M, Hitchcock Governor Keith Nevlllo Lieutenant (lovernor. . . IMnr Howard Societary of Stittc Chns. V Pool Auditor Public Accounts-W. H. Smith Treasurer Geo. II Hall Sitpt. Public Instruction W. II. Clcmmons Attorney General Willi-. Ueed Coin Public Lands itnd HnildliiKs (I. L. Slrurnvvny Kiilhv.iy Commissioner.. Victor Wilson Ki-Ki'iits of t'nlvtisltv..P. L. Hull, II. 1). Landis CtuiKit'Ksiniui Fifth District . .. A. C. Shallenbcrgor County CJoik It. J Pony County Attornoy I" .! Mundny County Tiensiner A. V. Ducher Shoi ill Frank IlulVer Superintendent liertrudo L. Coon Cleikof District (Joint Edith L. MoKcljjIian Assessor Homy Cllham ( .John Kniiw. Hist. 1 Commissioners Win, I loll man, DM : ( A. 11. Ci bill, Hist 1 Wepii-sentativo C5 W. Lirulsey Stato Senator V K. SamueKo i Nonpartisan Ticket Distilet JuiIko L. II. Uhu'lclodtfo County Judgo A.I) Kmuicy i , i i i i - i i i That loud, 1utiii; noisw you heat is only Keith Nuvillti scoot irru over the statu and making friends and votes vhoioor ho kocs Nebraska Issue Tries To Damage Neville's Character A four-piio edition, labeled "The Nebraska Issue," Issued by the Autl Saloon League of Nebraska, edited by one II. P Car.son, leached our desk last week mid we noto that a tniattur p.itfe or mote of t ho .sheet is devoted to "throwing mud" at Kolth Neville, the democratic candidate for governor of the state of Nebraska. This space is given over to a picture, labeled in hirge black typo, 'Keith Nevllle'8 Sa loon ISulldlng at North Platte." It is also sharged that Neville rents rooms over the saloon for immoral purposes. If Carson or any of his followers will take the trouble to look into the matter, they will II ml that Neville bus never conducted a saloon, himself, and Is an abstainer, also that saloons no longer exist In North Platte, and the building is now used for other purposes Also it will bo found that when the court Investigated tho rooming house ca'o and evaminod several witness's, that the chaiges weio groundless, and decided In favor of the defendant. Keganllng the chaiges that Neville's campaign i.s being managed by a man, namely, Henry C. Uiehinorid, who is also working for the interests of the Nebraska Prosperity League, the facts are that the newspaper ud vet lining work ol Neville's pi unary campaign was managed by Richmond, known to all Nebraska editors as an honorable and able newspaper man. bitf after the primaries his connection with Ne ville's campaign ceased entirely The substance ol the whole mat ter is tliatlnisou publishes these mislead ing insinuations for the purpose ot prejudicing dry vuters against Neville Wo cannot set- where Carsorr Is gain ing any urourid for his party, as it is our opinion that dry voters are too bioadininded to take any soek in Car sons slurring remarks against Neville We also feel that Carson-, tactics will do more to hinder the c.iuso than help it. as there rue many supporters of Neville who are aWo in favoi of the amendment. iS r rztsz rscK: ?5HSK A$ i i ,. j . 'i ilfei WMt - .qTwiwiu m iii ill liiiiinri wMf MMUM) wmm !!l'M!'lil!,i .... II II Ul Ml ' ' 1 UH M 'mC u aw rii.ii.ii $1$?M Vs'- .r- M 5f S NEBRASKA PROSPERITY LEAGUE liA A Stale Me, Nonpartisan Urbanization of I'ax- paiers VICEPnCCIDnNTB WE1LEV P. AOK NS OUTH OMAHA John ALnertTOON MERCHANT, PrNOIR DH. C. C. ALLISON -t lunaioN oaonan antil - INVKSIMtNTS. SkAIR Z. M. I1AIRO - HARIINlJTOMj J. L. nAKcn . 1 UANUrACTUM J, VV. DCNDCn 1 FARMfR, HUMPHRIY ALFN.EC) OHATT . -'1 INVtbTMINTS, atNOA CMA9, II. nnowM 1 RIAL K9TATI INVKSTMENTS W. J. DUnOLSI -4 INVrtTHIMT HADMY V. tlURKLSY ( PRINTIR W, M. DUIIIMAN I sronAif ALtlCNT CAHN manupactukih loui . occts STOCKMAN, RIAMN IV l. M. FAinrULO BIAL UTAH INVItTMINT JOHN N. rntNZcn BIAL li!At NHTMIHT D1 N OILMOntt , rHTdCIAN ANO (UKaiON T. V. GOLDEN CAPlTAtUT, o'NflLk riNDINAND HAARMANN MANUPACTUKI J. J HANIOHIN . CONTRACTOR PRin O HIJNKSI1 ATTORNIY, VftT POINT FRANK JOHNSON , OMAHA PRINTING CO. C. J KAHIiACH INVIfTMINTt HON J, T. KKKLIY VALINTINI P. J KTLLY t MERCHANT. NIOSRARA IT1ANK U. KKNNAHO t CAPlTALIlT JACOn KtriN MIRCHANT, IATRICI UD LATTA RANCH OWNIR. THAMAH (. M T. LkPLANtl l CAPITALIST a. W. MiaiATH f COAL OPERATOR JOHN A. MOMKfiACHU 1 INVIRTMINTR. WTMORR OPIIUS r. NtBLB PURLI1HIR PRANK A NIM1 rumi. rit cut J. J. nov ANKfR, WILRIR J, J O'CONNOR ATTORNIY oconot PARR , MIRCMANT NRAKACIT HON, WATBON U. PURDY LAND OWNIR, MADIAON THIODORK HEIMIR3 STOCKMAN, rULLIRTON CARL ROHOK I1KID MIRTH. COIURIVI JOHN O. ROUICY ruiuiMtR J. C. ROTH INVISTOR PRIMONT JOHN SCHINDLLR STANTON W H SCHMOLLtH JOBSIR TiuoDont M. Bfnx STOCKMAN, NIL10H a K. CHUMriT MANUPACTURIR MARRX r. GIMAN WINSIDI PAUL r, SKINNTR MANUPACTURIR A. r SMITH . . JOBSIR N. A bpicsdcrcjeh WHOLtSALIR Hon p r. eTArroMQ 1 HOHPOLK WILLIAM 6T0RK IhVISTMINTS, ARLINGTON NOULFir C, bTRCHLOW i CONTRACTOR atonsr n Tvurn i IHVISTMINTS. HASTINOS A J VIEKLINO PfltU PAITON R VICRLINa IRON WOBHI J THCOOORC WIDAMAN " S'OCK SUYCR. AURORA C, D WILLEY -1 ATTORNEY, RANDOLPH N WOLBACH MIRCHANT, ORAND ISLANO R M WOLCOTT MIRCHANT. CINTRAL CITY HON. OTTO ZUCLOW MAYOR, kCMUTUR MR. FARMER: Read this plain talk on how PROHIBITION Would affect YOU Theso facia were fmrniahed by a neamber ol the Omaha Gram Exchange. According to U. S. Government statistics, Nebraska pro duced 213,000,000 bushels of corn in 1915, of which 20 was shipped out of the county where it was grown. This means that 42,600,000 bushels of Nebraska corn were sold for shipment in 1915. Official reports for the year 1915 show that about two thirds of the amount shippe'd, or 28,000,000 bushels, was soft corn. This soft corn was not available for elevator storage on account of too much moisture in the corn, A small portion of such com can be dried, but the bulk of it was used for. 'distilling purposes. According to government statistics, the estimated farm value of corn for 1915 was 61 cents per bushel, an average which could not have been maintained had' it not been for the fact that the soft corn was bought by distilleries at prac tically FULL MARKET VALUE of grade corn, deducting only for difference in moisture. Had there been no distilleries, there would have been next to no market at all for the $of t corn of 1915. The soft corn would certainly have sold for about 20c a bushel LESS than grade corn, provided it could have been used at all. This would have meant a loss to Nebraska corn growers in the year 1915 of the enormous sum of $5,600,000! The Nebraska Prosperity League f orrosnn to statc rrtoiuniTioN. in iwvok of local option, high licunsc Trcsldent, I.. F. CROFOOT Treasurer, W. J. COAD Secretary, J. R. HAYNES Send for our literature. OMAHA, NEBRASKA m BS s?l ov: I ; M s 8 r. (Sn U , gfc. Just 1& X. V. PICKER Democratic Candidate Far Treasurer Of Webster County YOUIl VOTIO Will lie AIM'I?i:ClATi:n Concrete Granary Floors Cotietetl Ilnm4 for tr rfintipt ntwt om.i -- n .' """ II I crlh will not cause iiiin to become musty if the concrete is allowed to diy out for two or three months, accord lnc; to investigations carried orr by the nirrlriilturiil engineer lrir depai trinuit of the College of Ai,ileulture, Lincoln , Once the concrete becomes thoroly dry it will not absorb moist lire fioiii the soil and transfer it to the giairi. Tlris coiielusiorr was reached as it re sult of correspondence with Cm farmeis who have had expeiieiice with concrete doors Irr buldinis for storing (,'ia.n. Wc have them call ot once Free crochet instructions for users of Klostor Crochet and Embroidery Cottons. Soo our now stock of beautiful ahados and permanent white Kloster Crochet and Embroidery Ccttons. Ask for free in- struc' -if. The Miner Bros. Co. General Merchants Red Cloud Mr. and Mr. Kd Lewis, M. u. Cor ner, tiRiist Hiinkmaii, WilliH iMeans and Irene IVtfi,' and Kaunle Miltsch, JolrnWIttvver, ,Iolui Doyle, Joe Foel John Crnuo, Amos 2lilsch, Jacob Whip Uev and Clm. Hilton returned home Fiidiy from the slate fair at Lincoln Just Received sec them in the window Latest IPopwIas" Songs IQc PER COPY L -WE ORDER ANY MUSIC :- Pianos, Talking Machines-Victor, Grafanola, Vocalian Victor and Columbia Records THE LEROY MUSIC CO. EVERYTHING IN MISIC Peterson Building Fourth Ave. Red Cloud Pianos and Musical Merchandise UNDERTAKING LKDY HTTENDKNTI Calls Answered Day or Night ED. AMACK i ALL THE PHONES McFARLAND BUILDING mmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm '.VI How Long Have You Had That Old Range? ICOitZlj iSSSlS&3v Tk SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE All-Ways Preferable rONT YOU THINK it is about time to equip your kitchen with the best range in the land. An old, worn out range or stove burns up twice as much fuel as it should, shatters nerves, and all you get out of it is poorly cook ed food. Good cooks do their best when they have the best range to cook with. We want you to have the bost range, and wc guarantee that range to be The Oven Is Air-Tight Range 5 The J Walls I Are : 3-Ply J TT' 'kRE are Many Reasons vvliy r) is the Best loo many to menlion I 1 here, so we Invite you to come to our store and wc will show you ; lire range and point them out to ou. You will recognize them as points , ol advantage as quickly as we did. e com- ; pared the range v cry carefully w ith others before S we decided to offer it to our customers, becauje ! we cannot afford to sell an thing but the beft. . It is a beautiful range : It is an excellent baker "; It is a great fuel saver .; Made of materials that will last a lifetime with proper care. COME AND SEE IT. j FURNISHED IN EITHER CABINET OR LEG BASE. I GEO. W. T ;. Red Cloud's Leading Hardware Dealer Itstail Mrk, Jr. J, y& Modi I '1 y )r vvvv.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.vv.v.v.vv.v.v.vv.v.v.v.vv.vv. " nwm