lr .x 1 tT VI . lt I1W C ..- -.' si' KS A fc K3 jfe .-,. . tffSi " " - - . .,-f '"' ;v K 1& SS W w xr "W3 . r. - i . rMftfew r tii y.i w.T is.ew uv r.i irjtnmi&L. -r wvr mim - - - i - - . iamr-r- u. t ir.i v.- u f k .in -v'T-B' r iit 'ii .- r.j nit.jiii - . mm-. Bon $4M IW SJr IS I I K M w iff - rAK a - - . EST. m ws3 B wk ia e2 e ss S Ri L5s Ir . --. ,f& 1 -- , a. a a. r -m;i3if,: mvm m uu kthirv- w ite l,., --& t'-i (4 m tit. WL t,v jesr-ji'iAi mMdklm' SLiy-a nwoSSwHK WZ&&ir &&&&.- if irmmiW tMliiifMiMgHllBilTlTiyi --TT VOLUME 1 1 W"H-::X":X"X"Mmm:o THRIFT """ for the accumulation of money. JThrift provides Tor the present and lays aside for the future it recognizes the uncertainties of old age as well as taking into consideration the earning days of youth. tJThrifty people know that a Savings Account help them to save a certain amount from the income of each month. Start a Savings Account, today, at this bank. Deposits in tins hank arc piotcctcil ly the Depositors' Guarantee Tumi of the State of Nelnaska. t WE PAY FOUR PER CENT ON TIME DEPOSITS ! Webster County Bank i RKD CLOUD. NEBRASKA ; '.;. CAI'ITAIi WD Sl'UI'MN rt'JI.OOO ! xi . 'v 8 f 5D y IS 55it Wfi i f--.--iiri i ii IL. r DQjQCaXCC'ZDX-jQZQDQOCDZCOZOXiO A BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF CUT GLASS for a Wedding Gift, is the proper thing to give. Our stock will please you. J. C. MITCHELL7 THE JEWELER "WHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER THAN PRICE" jocpcgcdxcj oa oxjJDvl:c.-ca:ozc-j..r --.-. -op Mi: ECQDZQCD3CQXrO,JCOXCO2OD32DZQ0CCO3ZDCI3SXn Vacuum Just received another Hugro Vacuum Sweepers Com?3ined Vacuum and Brush lias three eleen inch bellows; metal box; all seams are soldered, making it air-tight, giving it more power, and ou can buy them for the price of a carpet sweeper tffcfQj Will sell them, -while they last, at, each ttyxtf Come in and let us demonstrate them to you ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer -:- Furniture Dealer JltWIlCI "' IB! I' - jTTrtr - "VJSiJi Amli1.- . iv.'K 7T - JM--! t . W" Tl . . .jJ " II nl ' 11 1 I ii 1KS BB rr - --r -i i j-jjj wy?f .. - 'v 'A. jj jr; tJVf.A1:-cuwr r TTijutcrLdi M-Vi .r" i:y iMikJ. h t t n tjhtti n Tiafi ni-rirr n jr- -t?-- .?. . 'M"irr- VL .' " l',I... T ,t.r.A."" 1ftM-VLYHM MT H m a L T A II ,rO iJ - h 1 '- m 1 1- II ..iBT" U ITllT'r'TnMiaMilfBTfc '-TMTrri ! " " " T r" MBim - -". ' ' f.t . ini siK :- -rvjYrA ?iaaHffiitt Pmza kfj. : v r friitwiriT'.yttrihtri-TT'riif - - -tit v-ri -- s -,eri- -v. " j j o i -.i atHBt. ibui jvxn'i i..nii li i.r i v liua r- r r- i i ! iii i iiiimiiii ii mpi i hi imm i in i i i vwvw ? ? I f V i I is the using of advan tages and opportunities as well as worldly goods ilwiMri e u ajxnrXT.Hrxi a --.v.yrrj . in w "n a r,,l.V :w rt'MJ'rf W . 1 i-. K M VA R ui ;-vs;s n JftJHL. Vi'&JK'.KuiM D fij'-sssS'eftsJy ir-ittft-unsiii 5aWi!V5-- m-7-& rrr IB Sweepers shipment of the Famous J MM III 1T1 M,L , j W A Newspaper That Gives The Hems KMD CLOUD, MSKRASKA, SIOPTICM HKU 1 1, 1JH(. Will Call Special Election The Council mut in tin adjourned bcr niun Tuesduy evening. Ktptf intior 12th. Mujor UHtnurel and all the coinicllmen ) csent. A petition i)f 150 cit z mis of U Cloud uskitiK council to call a npcciul election to issue Hcwtrnnc honds was presented. Tht firm of Grant and Fulton was en KKt'(l to furtiibli thu pluiiH and olimute of ?iild eystctn. On motion the council (lucidud to hold mi election on October 17th, to vote :i $20,0)0 newer hond isiiih. The Council idjiiiirred to inetL Si'p tetnber IMrit. - - - Local Team Loses Game t The llusVitix InileptMHlL'iilsili'feati'il the loi'.tls hoje last 'I'lnu-xLiy liy n si-i lie of il to .1 Vance of the Colum bus A. A leauue team piteheil for Hastings iiifl tlio hit fur -een sallies pitelied a (.'noil "iiuc Dillon stalled fu the Keals ami ielieed by Masters in the llfth Inniiw lllltlne; of. I i!asernuil II. Uillon ot the loe.ils and Molt, of Hustings fnitun'd. The 'Uiiie was fust uml elean iiud alJ en ed by the eniwd. Seoie: K II 12 Hasting.. o o ;, 0 n I I 0-(i 11 t! Ited Cloud 1 0 (I U I I I) U 0 :; 7 1 li.ittviles VaiU'caii'' Mejeis. Kitehie: Dillon, M.isteis ami G.irbnr. (Jmpiie Oshlon ol Council Hlnll'i, Iowa. Former Citizen Passed Away In Washington Vim follow imr was taken fiom the Seattle, Wasliintoli. !'ost-Itilee;i!ie-ei of August (ith. i fCiinliue; the Ii of Kihvaxl V. 1'eiii-, ot .Mount Ver nun, a brother of Miss Mollie l-'enisof this city, who moved Irom tbii eily about twenty si. yensiiKii to.'lhat place l'Mvaul V. Perils, postmaster of .Mount Vei nnn, and pioneer of hl.Heit county, died of pneumonia at Ills home here early today alter an illness of ten days. He was liiyeais ol I. He-,.sur-vived by a wife and two children. Puueial sen ices, In elitruu ol the Ma-onie I.ode, v. ill be lienl at the I. unity home Miiiduj afliinooii. -Mineral Point, is., was .Mi. I'Vrtib' blithplaee. Hoeauie Wt'ht tt Mount - -I Vtrnoii in lb!:, t,iiuiititiK fliit in tlio j lumber hufilnei-s. For twentv veins ho servod lis eourt stenographer here, said to lie a reoord for the st.ito of Wash, inntoii. lie was aetive in ciril ntTaiis, setviiiK as president of the Mount Vurnou Commercial Club and as mayor of the city, lie resinned the latter position in June, Will, to iiccopt from liov. Lister the appointment of state forest er and lire wanlon, and wliile engaged in this woik beeamu luiown all over tho state. On Apt il 1, of this year, ho Misnppolnted postmaster of here. Mr. Ferris was piominontly Identi fied with nearly every movement for I the development of Mount Vernon and 'the suiroundlnK tenitory. fie was licit Unmvn in u political way ami considered one of tho most piomlnciit Democrats in N'oithwesteiu Washing ton On Tuesday evonine;. the eei:utle loaidof tho Cliiimhni of Coinmeiee held a tueetliiKitnil endorsed tho pio position of calling a special election to vote Wo.lOo for the pioposod seweiage system. They ulsj made elaboi.ite plans to entertain tho Kepublican Valley IMitoilul Atsoolatioii width Will be hell IniioinOeto'.er also talk cla little about the r. I question, after which they allowed u lew claims. Mis. Veiiinda Lut, aged 77 years pisstd away at the homo of her son, Uoss Fenifl, in Walnut Cieelc j pi eeinct, Saturday, after an illness of afow days dinatlon. .She was an old settler and was well and favorably known. Seveial chililion iiud ielu tlves me left to mourn her duuUo. I Tho funoial sirvlces weio held Mou-1 day inoinliiy nttlie homo Hev. Points oillei itinjr, nfier which Interment was made In the l!eJ Cloud cemetery. Fifty - two Weeks Each Yenr For SI.50. Webster County Made A Good Showing The following is a list of otn eiliens mid thu hi tides which they won pre miums on at the Mate Fair L. Peisigei, hdvor Mull, 1st. .1 A McArthur: (iui man Millet. 1st L'hll Tiout: Penis, 1st. (coiKoCluwsoir Plums, 1st C. M PiiiiU: hate 1 1 ish potatoes. .Id. K llhkiier: Mangle Wert el lleeln, Vtid. tl W. I.ind-ey Vellow dent corn, llh. V. .V LdwmoIiccIc Yellow dent eoi n, Jiul: lllue gins, j 1 1 1 1 . Win. I'owen: llloody Uuteher coin. Mil. W II l.nmbieclit: Vellow dent coin, Ith Mis (! W llumimd Tomatoes, 1st. Tetellln, 1st. (! W Hummel: Muall yellow eoi n. Dili; White Hint i I, llli. N ellow pop corn 1st; Alt.ilta il.l. llrst cutting .'ml. third cutting, 1st: K illli coin, id. Ciali apples. 'Jml, W utei melons, 'Jnd, Chei -C piimpkins, 1st. Kt'as l''inehei ( u-tor lleaiis, Nt - Wins Premiums At State Fair Again went e asMitodof the cllkieui'V of the Webster county schools The following piemlum II it is pi oof that our piogiessive ('unity .Sltpi'iin, (ieitriide 1.. Coon, with the uo-opeiatloti of her te.iehur- luisplaeeil the W ebster toiinty tiual solmols in the I'ift iiiiihs. The piemiiitiis won ate .1-. follow s: Two photo collections buildings, gioiiml ami modern niial sL.l(J,,iH county collections f 0 (Hi 1 seasonable woilf l.Oi) l)lt (I'i I leeljie book 1 Hi) ,'t 1 flee hand (Iriiwing.... 1 00 ' Mi 1 water color by I pupil l.i'U i 1 display appaiatiis .... a i o I 1 chin t for reading too " I'J 1 eol'tion by h'aminid'ed schools looi) " s," 1 eol'tion by stand. titled schools lo(ii) " H') 1 uol'tlon by i iirnl school lU.UO " 17 Secures Another Boarder On Piidny, of last week, Mierill' Hedge returned ti this city fioin Towner, Ninth Dakota, having in , custody ono (.5 rover Uuell, wanted to answer tho dun go of rape. Tho crime was committed on the lUtli day of lust July. His victim whs ii llfteen year old girl, residing in Oak Precinct, near Lawrence. The shot ifr had sent out ii number of cards describing the man wanted, and through this means succeeded In tracing him to the North Dakota town. About h week ago tho sheriff learned that his victim was in that vicinity and lelt tor that place Hbotit a week ago buell was lodged in the county jail, here, to await tiial at the October tei m of (lis tilut court. Corn Commandments Thou shalt test si kernels fiom eieiy ear of corn intended for plant ing. Tliou shalt grade thy seed corn for tho planter. Thou shalt haiveit and pioperly stoic thy seed corn befuie freiiiig wi-ather. Thou shalt Impioio thyspul c in by selecting the 10U best ems Thou shalt not import thy seed corn fiom a distance. I Thou Shalt rotate thy orop-. These commandments weie dwelt upon at foiiiu length by tlitir author, Prof. P. G. Ilolden and other looogin ed authorities lit ediicatloiml lecUies at tho International llaivcslei's Co. 'a Omiihii olllces. Tho piesent progi.un ispurtofii seilcs of agilcultuial e. tension leetuies being given by Pro fessor Ilolden and othoi recognised authorities at tho l.aivester nlants ovi r tho fount ty. They aie Intended to acquaint the salesinun with the tiue agrlciiltuial solenco that they may be better able to talk lo theaim- C16 i " V.V.V.V.V.VV.V.V.V.VV.VuV.V.V.VV.V.V.V.V.V.VAVni Uur lmiepieces are modem- ffife Keep correct timeA-H Ay too -Hi' i: i." WHEN YOU WANT A TIMCPICCC, WMCIIIR IT 15 A WATCH OR A CLOCK, COME TO US. WE HAVE ALL KINDS. ALL SIZES, ALL PRICES, AND YOU CAN RELY ON THEIR ACCURACY. OUR JEWELRY, TOO, IS "ON TIME;" RIGHT TO THE LAST TICK0K THE CLOCK IN STYLE-AMD OUR QUALITY-WELL, YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T BE DISAPPOINTED IN ANYTHING YOU BUY IN OUR STORE. GIVE YOUR CHILD A WATCH AND TEACH PUNCTUALITY. WE MAKE "QUALITY'' RIGHT: THEN THE PRICfc RIGHT. E. H. NBWHOUSB Jcwolcr and Optometrist Yai" C. I). & Q. Watcli Inspector I R. P. Weesner & Co. I HfflriXv Vito The Store of Good 'M"UMMMHMMMniMIMWHNMBBMaMMMMMMIWMHMHaHMMi Cieasi Merchandise anss3Kx: WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COAL ORDERS PLATT tdd Floranci) is now dtiving a Poid tMi" which he pin chased of Havel A. Uoi uer. NUMIJKU3S ,asm ICARN TO 0E ON TIME I New Suits and New Coats for Autumn 1916 A Wide Range of Attractive Fabrics Styles that are Au thentic and Distinctive Prices are Moderate zw&sisan & FREES Plunk Able of Campbell was In tho city Wediiojilny evening. f B I v w M n lCuMUwV1 UJ Wm.