The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 07, 1916, Image 5

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    w 3-ws,
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Saturday, Sept. 9th to
Thursday, Sept. 14th
Biggest SRiN.
Soap Sale VvAh
A large assortment to sclccl from,
some special prices. This sale will
include Bath Brushes, Sponge;, Bath
ing Mils, Sprays, Talcum and every
thing connected with the Bath,
C. L. Cotting
Come to Hull Cloud juid do your trntl
i'JJ,'. See those new School Ginghams at
Albright's, mlv
Miss Isabello Mnynurd went to Oniii
ha. Tuesday luortiitif.
Miss HirelOverlci'sc rot ui nod lioino
from Itlvortoii, Saturday.
J. It. Bailey wont to Kxcelslor
Springs, Tuesday morning.
J. .1. Sliipiunu left Tuesday for
Whatoheer, Iown, to visit lolntives.
Has your subscription expired? Seo
date on address of this week's (Jiiti:r.
Miss Ilellu Mclutyre went to May
wood, Saturdny, whore she will teaeh
Will Conner of Dallas, Texas urriv
cd Friday, to visit his bister, Mrs. L.
II. Hum.
Mis. C. L. Myers accompanied Miss
Clara Warren to Omaha, Tuesday
Mr. .I..I. llyan of Oroeloy Center,
ai rived. .Saturday evening, to visit
relatives here.
Miss Nettie Springer went to Inn
vale, Saturday, wheio hhe will teaeh
school the coming year.
Mr. c. li. Miller and daughter, Miss
Jennie, left Tuesday for Lincoln ami
and Omaha to visit friends.
It. V. Cadman and family, of Me
Cook, pent tlie lust of the week with
his aunt. Mrs 1. (. Walker.
Beware of (lour prices.! Pernios
high patent Sl.&O and Norton Special
51.70 M. A. Albright. adv.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hall and Mr. and
Mrs. Cliet Sheeley atitoud to Lincoln,
Monday, to attend the stato fair.
Mrs. O. J. Perkins returned to Lin
coln, Friday, after spending a few
days with her mother, Mrs. Card.
Miss Barbara Iluuck, of Fairbury,
arrivedFriday evening to take up her
duties us teacher of the fourth grade.
Mrs. Frod Taylor and children jenme
down from Uiverton, Saturday, to visit
lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. tieo Smelser.
Miss Martha Able returned to Me
Cook, Friday, to resumo Iter duties ns
teacher in tlio public .schools of that
Mrs. Delhi McCallum returned to
her home at IJIadcu, Saturday, after
visiting a few days at the home of her
Mrs. C. E. Cross and children re
turned Friday evening from Central
City, after visiting a few days with
her brother.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Hall and Mr. and
. Mrs, J. E. Butler nnd ton, Meredith,
autoed to Lincoln, Tuesday, to ruteml
tlie State fair.
Miss Ella KoonU returned to her
liome nt LaJnro, Colorado. Friday,
after visiting several weeks with her
uncle, Sam (shuck.
Wo are in the market for 100 to 125
pounds Shouts at market price deliver
ed at Serum Plant. Will pay for do
livery to plant. U. II. .Miner riorum
II. E, Buird, of Formosa, Kansas, ar
rived In the city, Saturday, to take up
his duties, that of teaching Manual
Training and Agriculture, In the High
Mis. C. A. Norman and daughter
returned to their homo at Council
Bluffs, Iown, Tuesday, after visiting
(it thu home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H
Miss Ceeile Thornton, aftor spend
ing her summer vacation at Lincoln,
returned to this city Friday, to resume
her duties, that of touching Domestic
Science in tlio High school.
Mr. and Mrs. August ltrlnkman, Ed
Lewis, M. B. Coiner and Miss Ireiio
Pegg, lien Pugg, Win Weosnor, John
Wittwer, Ernu&L Ilasklns, Kuco Me
Niece, .James Siiegley, .John Crans,
(Jims. Hilton, D. II. Larrlck and Jacob
Wuipkey went to Lincoln, Tuesday,
to attend the statu fair,
Buy your Groceries of Miner Bros. Co,
Plan to be in Hod Cloud, September
Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Cnssll spent Sun
day in Alma.
Ed McAllister was In Alma tlie last
of tho week.
?. W. Lludsey went to Lincoln'
Friday morning.
County Attorney F.J. Munday was
in Hastings. Fr'day.
Frank llartuuek returned homo from
Beatrice, Friday evening.
Attorney and Mis. F. E. Altiurer
spent Friday in Hastings.
Cecil Barrett wont to Lincoln, Sun
day, to attend the state fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kaley returned
homo from Boulder, Sunday.
Dolauey Bros, shipped a car of
hogs to Kansas City, Sunday.
Mrs. Chas. Ludlow wont to Lincoln,
Sunday, -to attend tlie state fair.
Don't forget that Albright's Cash
Storo saves you money. Investigate!
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Tiel and daught
er, Miss Kay, spent Friday in Hast
ings. Miss Lclia Woods departed Friday
for Lodgepolo to resume her school
Mrs. Henry Stnbouaugh and Mls
Marguerite Men it went to Blue Hill.
I'ri day.
MissWlluia White went to Harri
son, Friday, wiicro she will teach
Miss Florence Kellogg went to Kear
ney, Thursday, to attend tho state
Mr. and Mrs. (Jeotgo Harris return
ed homo Saturday from their trip to
Stickney Coombs departed Friday
for Dayton, Wyoming, to resume his
school duties.
Miss Carrie Shute, of iManhatton,
Kansas, was in tiie city Saturday
visiting friends.
Aaron Hedge made his usual weekly
tiip to Bostwick, Sunday. What is
tho attraction, Aaron V
Miss Pearl White went to Lebanon,
Thursday evening, where she will
teaeh school this year.
Miss Margaret Ileal departed Fri
day for .Schuyler whore she will
teach school this year.
Miss tiraec Slierer went to Ilosc
inonl, Saturday, where she will teaeh
school tho coming year.
Miss Anna tiilhatn loft Thursday
for Cari. izo, New Mexico, where hhe
will teaeh school this year.
Miss Nina Simmons returned from
Bradshaw, Thursday, to resume her
duties in tlie city schools.
Miss Flossie McKiminey departed
Friday tor Edison where she will
teach school the coining year.
Attorney L. II. Blackledgo was in
Hastings and Holdregc the last of the
week looking after some legal all'airs.
Dr. A. E. Boles spent the last of
the week in Hastings with his wife
who recently underwent an operation.
Marion Mercer went to Lincoln,
Tuesday morning, whore he will play
with the Suporior band at the state
Miss Marie Hollister went to Kenc
saw, Friday, where sho will teach
Domestic Science in tlie public school
at that place.
Mr. and Mrs E. L. tiiiincs returned
homo Saturday from Boston, where
ho attended the National convention
of llcxall druggists.
Miss Flossio Smith returnod to
Eckley, Colorado, Thursday, after
spending several weeks here with
relatives arid friends.
George Corner was in Blue Hill,
Saturday, where he demonstrated the
trood points of tlio Bull tractor to
the farmers of that vicinity.
Herb Ludlow, A. A. LeKoy, C. A
Kohellak and A. T. Walker attended
the Bed Cloud vs liostwiclc ball game
lit tho later place, Thursday.
.mis. u. a. aoueiinu anu children re
turned home Thursday evening from
Hastings and Grand Island, after
spending several days with relatives
Miss Knthrync Burke, aftor spend'
iug the bummer vacation at Walnut,
Iowa, returned the llrst of the week
to resumo her duties as teacher of
the iif ill grade.
Miss Louisa Schumacher, aftor
spending the summer vacation at
Orleans, returned to tlio city tlio llrst
of tlie week to resumo her duty as
teacher of the llrst grade.
Shoiill' Hedge took Ernest Berry
and John Uobarle to Hastings, Friday,
where they appeared before the Court
of Chamber for seiitonce, The form
er was .sentence I from one to two
years in tlie sUlo pcuetcntiary while
the latter was brought back to appear
in the next term of distilct court.
Judge Albeit J. Cornish, of Lincoln
was in the city Monday slinking hands
with tlio votots. 'I he gentleman has
been Judge of the District Court of
Lancaster county for over twenty
years nnd it, n candldato for Supremo
Judge this fall. He is .well qualified
for that nillce and tlio voters of this
county will make no mistake by cast
ing a vote for htin,
iel "I
Today : Thursday
Two double-reel stories of the
Series of Complete Stories with
' Jack .Saunders in the
Loading it. ilcs.
'The Underworld'
and 'Fate'
Master plots showing the real sido of
humanity, a set of stories that aro
having a big run in tlie eastern cities
raraiuouut Program Presenting
in the
'Running Fight'
Draiuatiod from tho book by
Wm. Hamilton Osborne.
'A Stranger
in New York'
Frank Vctter went to Llnccoln, Mon
day, to attend the state fair.
Mrs. E J. Gingrich of Kiverton was
shopping in the city Monday.
II. C. Gellatly spout Sunday in Beav
er City Willi relatives and friends.
Lee MeAitliur went to Lincoln,
Monday, to take in tlio sights at the
state fair.
Miss Estolla Shute departed Friday
for Welllleot where sho will teach
sciiool this year.
Miss Lorrluo Hansen departed Fri
day for Hire where she will teach
school this year.
Jas. Mcintosh and sons, Edgar and
Frank went to Lincoln, Monday, to at
tend the state fair.
John McGuiroof Kiverton spent Sun
day in theselty with his brother, Jas.
Mciiulic and family.
The ladies of the Baptist church will
servo a chicken pie dinner in thoM. W.
A. hall on Thursday, Sept. 1 1 tit. l'rico
2:e. Come!
Mrs. .lames Mcintosh returned homo
tho last of tho week from Powell,
Wyoming, after visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Isotn for several weeks.
Attorney and Mrs. Bernard McXeny
and daughter, Helen, returned home
from Estcs Park, Colorado, Tuesday,
where they had been enjoying an outing.
E. S. Garber, ho sells wall paper in
ton lots, paint by the gallon and can
wire any building from u skyscrapor
down to a garage, was on tho sick list
Fred Maurer, tho pension attorney,
advises us that a widow's pension of
312 per month lias been granted to
Mary F. Houchin widow of Francis
Fon Sale Tlie old Ed, Smith place
of 77.10 acres adjoining town on which
will be found one modoru house, ten
riant house, big barn, city water,
lights, etc. Price, Mr.00 with any
reasonable terms. Iuqulro of W. II.
llosencians or E. G. Bohanan, Lincoln,
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Hendrickson,
Lloyd Pogg, Clarence Johuston, Hoy
Kicker, and Misses Katie Fox and Fan
nie Mikseh, nnd Messrs. Frank Mcin
tosh, John Myers, Chris Jensen, Joe
Fogel, Amos Mikseh, Luther Crabill
and W. E. Montgomery went to Lin
coln, Monday, to attend tlio state fair.
Saturday, September 2, was the last
of tlio series of weekly drawings, for
cash prl.os, given by tlio progressive
Red Cloud merchants. It was well at
tended, as has been all of these draw
lugs. Prof Whitehead was master of
of ceremonies. There woro four prizes
and they were awarded to tho follow
ing: Miss Iono Albright, $10; Bort
JohnUon, S3; Mamie Stone, S'h Frank
Smolser, i'i.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elllngcr, Lloyd
Crow, Frank Mcintosh, C. I) Hobin
son, Oliver Powell, Fred JCuehn, and
Messrs. Joo Fogel, Riley Hayes. Junior
Bailey, Earl McKlmmey, James and
Arthur Gilbert, Cieoie Oolilo, Kenneth
Wilson, Will Mountford, Will Pegg.
Raymond Koout, Harold Coplon,
Wyeth Fngle, George Hollister, W. 'A.
Slid' won 1, Garry Z-'iss, Ei mil Nil
Sutton, W. G. Hamilton, T. J Dia
mond, Clare Wolf", Lew Walters,
Iluraco Brown, Will Storey and Uui
Jcruuoig attondod the ball game lit
Campbell, Sunday afternoon.
Lolaud Caldwell Is in Lincoln this
week attending the State Pair.
Mrs. Sarah (Sard wont, to Mankato,
Wednesday, to visit her brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sat Hoy nutood to:
Lincoln, Tuesday evening, to attend'
tho state fair.
Look for tlio ad of the Carter ,v Data
orell Cattle Sale which will appear in
fiis paper next week.
Miss Mablo Buckles loft this morn-1
ing for South Bond, Indiana, whore
she will visit relatives.
Kov. and Mrs. Hartinan of Chicago
arrived Tuesday to visit her parents,
Mr. and Mis L. M. Crabill.
Mr. George VunCamp loft for Me.
Cook. Tuesday, where she will join her
husband and make their future homo.
Mr and Mrs. L. II. Blackledgo and
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Mauior autoed to
t.Iiiitdltt titi.1 . .. 1 1 ,,.. . I it... . ... '
4kivmiii iumiiij,iu iiiit'iui inu hlllli;
Etnll Polnioky accompanied his sis
ter. Miss Mildred, to Harrison this
morning where ho will teach school
this year. '
J. M Burgess took itis horse to Gen
eva this morning whore ho will enter
tho same in the races at tlio Fillmore
count v fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carpenter
and Mosdiinies Will Mountford nnd
John baladon autoed to Imperial,
Tuesday, to spend a couple of weeks
with lolativos.
On Tuesday u deal was made- where
by, Grant Tinner, becomes tho owner
of tho transfer lino which has boon
operated by Earl Webber. Mr. Turner
will eonliuue to attend to the wants of
Mr. Webber's customers and they will
tie assured of the same jaroful attent
ion us they had received in tho past.
Ho informs us that ho will add further
ocUippinont, if nocossary, in order to
give tlio people of the city prompt and
ellioiont transfer service. We under
stand that Mr. Webber will go to fann
ing in tho spring.
KWBsemaaaiMsssmtHiszxsKSKMSDitSTS muMMimun3immiiMmxtmie.mH mmm. m
anv New Notes in the
Styles for Fall and Winter
Never before have the styles been so becoming to all figures. Suit
models come in great variety including three major types the plain tailored
effects, the outing or sports designs, and dressier models.
Jackets of suits are cither single or double breasted. In many of them
there is a pronounced flare below the waste.
The Sports or Outing Suits are very charming with their high collars and
simple sleeves, and with their pleats, shirrings and belts at the waist line.
Some of the dressier models possess large collars that either button close
or lie flat; when open these collars give a shoulder cape effect.
High cuffs, fancy cuffs of the bell variety and partial belts are other
features to be found in the new suits.
A wide range of types make the Coats for Fall interesting to every figuft
and every personality.
Here again are three approved effects. Fashion authorities appear to
give equal emphasis to all three.
Many women will choose the loose type with sweeping fullness, large
roomy sleeves and generous collars and cuffs.
Others will select belted coats, hanging full and loose in the back; in
some models belted only in front or on the sides; in other models belted all
around. Here again large collars, deep cutis and full lines are among the
style features.
The third type of coat hangs straight and loose from the shoulders and
gives a graceful long line from the waist to the bottom of the coat.
Attractive buttons, large and small, and some fur trimmings, embellish
many of the models in both Coats and Suits.
Our Early Showing
We are now exhibiting a limited number of exclusive Fall Models in
Smart Coats and Suits.
The models we are showing have been shipped to us in advance of the
season and for the woman who appreciates exclusive, yet authoritative
styles this is an event.
Come in, we will be pleased to show you these Choice New Styles which
are priced conservatively in keeping with the qualities.
Hats and Caps
Now showing all the New
Fall Styles and Colors
and be sure you are hal
ted right if you buy of us
No Advance in Price
are here too better see them now :
All Suits now in are guaranteed :
Genuine Dyes
The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. Sj
JEMis.s Bertha Uoylo wont to Hardy,
Saturday, whore sho will teaeh in tlio
public schools of that place this year.
John Havel and Jack Wisocarvcr de
parted Tuesday via automobile for
Colorado whore they will enjoy uu
A Mighty Sae Place To Trade
For sale or for cash rent well im
proved r,o aero farm. Kino houso
and barns, known ns the I. N. Brown
farm 5 miles south west of Inavnle.
Will make terms for cash buyer. II.
A. Altaian. 1 115 Prospect Avo. Kan
has City, Mo.
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