RED'CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF J. ft ARTILLERY HORSES GET A QUICK DRINK 9 1 I F' -w"J .&rrjf 11 laaaaT' B r "s. il k i " sj Olllelal photograph taken during the ilrl o In l-'niuec, bhowlug artillery horses drinking ut u quickly erected canvas drinking trough behind the battle line. FUNERAL OF AN ANZAC MAN IN FRANCE. SAW ADVERTISING IN SONG' Concert Committee Dalked at Suoqcs- tlon Mnde by the Close-Flsted Coal Dealer. They wtrv getting up a charity eon rert In the small proxlnelnl town, and the cnuimittce ilelct tallied to work hard to make a gicnt success of It. The local magnates and tradesmen were called on, and to one of the hitler a conl nieicliant, whose place was somewhere In the Noith, an up i priil wtis diil iiuide. ' ".Mini ci soirx." was the conl uier chunl's leplj to the colllliilllce's rep resfiiliitlve. "hut Ah's slopped sub-.seni-ln' tae a' these things." "Udl. ou'll glo us an aider fori an advertisement on the piogintu?' I .suggested the culler. j 1'lie coal merchant shook his head. Then a sudden Inspiration .seized him. "Ah'll tell jo what Ah'll dae. though." he hidd, "Ah'll get nut dochter tae sing for c." "Klght you lire," suid the other. "What will 1 put her down for?" '"Keep the llnnie 1'lres Ilurnlng,'" "Can't he done," declined the con- cert man emphatically, folding up his papers. "If you won't subscribe I'll take Jolly good cine ,iu get no free udci Using on our program." London Answers. KC tiitcail. For light, wholesome cakes, biscuits and pastry, use K C BAKING POWDER Alwa3'ssafcand reliable. If it isn 't all vc claim your grocer will refund your money. JAQUES MFG. CO., CHICAGO -,rr???&.. Ln.ih'J fcS , Cl ivM FOR HAIR AND SKIN HEALTH Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment Are Supreme. Trial Free. Menial Labor, rutin r was tt.vliiK diplomatically to (jet Johnny Interested In aillhnietlc. "Sin el j Jim want to learn percent age," he Mild. "That leaches nu how to tluure the aciiices of the baseball tenuis mill players," "What do I care?" ictoited Johnny. "The fellers that play the naine don't hae to do that. They hire some cheap nkate to do It for 'em." Abyssinia Is mi Important cattle breeding country. Prepared. 'I saw a perfect love of a library table at (iruniblo's this afternoon." . "Hut. my dear, we don't need a li brary table." "I know, love, but there's no tell ing when we will need one. slnco I'liele (iconic gave llltle (icorgle that tool chest for Ids birthday." Twelve Held parties will contlnuo this year the government survey of tho mineral resources of Alaska. Canada In llir mined $m.U:iU.117l worth of gold. Hrnxlllnti coconut palms are believed to lle rutin (MM) to 7(H) years, and tho date from "00 to :iOO years. Those frngrant, Biiper-crenmy cmol llentn keep tho nkln fresh and clear, J the scnlp free, from diuidnin, crimu and Denies nnd tho hnnds soft nml white. They are uplemlld for nursery mid toilet purposes mid ure most ceo liomlcnl bocatiHi) most effective. Freo Bmuplo ench by mall with Hook AihlreHB iiostcnrd, Cutlcura, Iept. L, HoBton. Sold everywhere. Adv. DlUii This ollicial photograph, taken during the British ud'tincc in In battle. Thcf-e troops from Australia and New Zealanl, who record on the western front. the west, shows the burial of an man killed fought bravely In Calllpoll, are making a great IN A CAPTURED GERMAN TRENCH MAY JOIN FRENCH FLIERS mmRSS Making a Dad Matter Worse. It Is a daiigcioiis thing, when you hae let slip an unfortunate remark, to try to cover up the blunder. Mrs. ;. was talking with the wife of Judge 11. about bur son's choice of a profession. "I don't want him to be a lawyer," she said. "Why not?" salil the Judge's wife. "1 think there Is nothing much liner Hum the legal profession for a bright l boy." "Well," said Mrs. C, bluntly, "a lawyer has to tell so ninny lies." Then It dawned on her that she was talking to the wife of a lawyer; mi she hastily i added, "That Is er to be a good law yer!" Youth's Companion. Handicapped. First Stranger (to second stranger, who Is sporting a massive watch charm) What's the time, friend? Second Stranger Can't tell, Just now, mister. First Stranger Can't tell mo? You've got n watch, ain't you? Second Stranger Yes. I've got n watch, mister; hut the blamed thing stopped about n month ago, one noon time, an' ever since I ain't been able to tell whether It's right unless I hear the twelve o'clock whistles blow-In'. W. L. DOUGLAS itrur ourtr that uni nr. im SHAPE" inu onuu i"" w . $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.60 & $5.00 Save Money by Wenriim w. I- ijoukius hoes. For nlo by over OOOO hoo denlurn. Tho Beat Known Shoes in tho World. W. L. Doucluname and the reuil mice U tumped on the bot tom of all thoei at the factory. The value ii guaranteed atij the wearer protected aainst high prices for inferior hoc. The retail prices ue tiie sime everywhere. They coit no more at ban FranctMO than they do in New York. , They are always wottlt die price paid for them. t The quality of V. L. Douglas product is guaranteed by more than 40 years experience in making fine shoes. The smart stiles are the leaders ifi the Fashion Centres of America. 1 hey are mauc in a wen niuintu i.y .p...... ...., iw hv the Insliest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction ami J0o 1 " f ' -II I.!... ...r.l. ... Ln.t I llbn, supcrvuion ot expericncru men, an wtinuiig wuu wiui determination to make the lest slioos for the price that money can tmy. Ak vnn mine driilor for W.I.. Dmiijln. tmr.. iriinrnu not .iiiiplv ymi "llti Hi" klixl jrmi wnnl, tnbfi mi oilier umtii'. rllo for liili'rilliiit ImciUIrt titnlitliiliir lui ti crl ktiiiKvot tlin IiIkIikkI ktnnil.ini of qilHllty fur tho prlio, Vi irtiirn mall, iiimtiliin firr. LOOK FOR W. L. DouBl. HLjJLa name and the rutnil prico ' .... 7. T W. I.. Iloiisjlw. thou ' ron mkn . AND WOMEN MM k msmmsi'y I 'W albatv 4t 1 rmg'-y ' ' ii i i Aimxrviu&rA IVvm?3I KWAar or U7J tamped on the bottom. Boy.' Shoes Rt.l In the World $3.00 $2.50 & $2.00 Itrni'ktnn, Miihh. wmcmsrm In the recent llrltlsh advance on tho western front the llrltlMi captured ninny Ccrninn trenches of unusual construction. The trench shown here Is evidently a product of (lerninn elllclency as shown by Hie ready-made steel guards. Hugely as the British soldiers shown are enjoying themselves, they have not neglected to don their steel shrapnel-proof helmets. SPEEDING UP THE GUNS IS HOT WORK v s i YSm a j. t-i, i . i .. ji Mrs. Waldo Tierce, phottigraphed In her aeroplane In which she has suc cessfully passed all tests nnd obtained the distinction of being the only li censed ntnateur woman air pilot In the United States. Mrs. I'lerce, better known by her mnlden nnme, Dorothy Hire, Is the daughter of the lute Isaac L. Hlce, a well-known Inventor of New York. Her husband Is now with the American ambulance corps In France. It wiw with the Idea In mind of Join ing him at the front that Mrs. I'lerce llrst took up aviation, and she may offer her services to the French avia tion corps. Too Much for Him. "I was nt the department store the other day when nil the lights went out," said 1-lghlllngered Jim. "What luck!" chuckled Ids pal. "What did you get?" "Holten! I was In the grand piano department." Joy and Borrow are next-door neighbors. W In order to hold his Job a diplomat must hold his tongue. Hammerless Shotguns Model 1912 F.xirn Ught Welfiht Made In 12, 16 and 20 Gauges' Therc'3 no need of carrying a heavy gun. Winchester Model 1912 shot Kuna are made entirely of nickel steel, and hence are the lightest and strongest guns on the market. Be sure to dec one before buying. Sold by all dealers. THE REPEATER PAR EXCELLENCE mm aajafrtrt.v"...'" &Mim ,' TVils shows one of the smaller guns In action during the Ilritlsh olfeiislvo nn the western front. There Is not a minute's let-up In the work of the eiuiiller guns. It la n hot Job for a summer day. New Norwegian Wireless Station. A new wireless station, the erection and equipment of which represent an amount totaling $110,000, Is being erected by tin1 Norwegian government at Uorsater. The station, which will have musts HOO feet high, Is Intended for communication with the large Ku ropeun wli-clcfs stations. It Is also proposed to erect a small station for shipping. It is expected that the new station, which will he equipped on thro mimic principle as that at Naiieii, near Berlin, and Is being erected by a (Jer man company, will he ready for opera tion a few weeks hence. Imps. "I'll bet my dud can lick yours." "I'll bet he can t." "Uow're you going to prove It?" "I'll tell you. I'll hit you In the eye and you hit me In tho nose; then we'll both run hum. and tell our iIiiiIk about It; and then they'll both get land and start a scrap and you and I will stand by and see which of them wins." ' Wet ConttnU Fluid Drachwsj fiT7Y71lll?lllL4 UtkUlMJAiiiiMk Jim . . .mini -." nin CENT. AVjcikIeoarationtrAi isssasssa Children Cry For 4 IS Promotes Disoai'- SinJJoipUMnwWn,f4 Not Narcotic. . ' . . Z-'riUlWlfttOMM. Z2Z2 33fiff "SssofSi ncSlmksknaJo! t-sSK'1 jmtjgstt iyk 111 ;l Wl What is CASTORIA Cantoria Is a harmlesy nl)stltnte for Cantor OU, Pnre- corlc, Drops and Soothlntr SyrnpH. It Is pleasant. 16 contain neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotlo enhflUuico. Its nt?o Is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays FeverlHlincss. For more than thirty years It lias been in constant use for tho relief of Constipation Flatulency. "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, aflslinllutcs the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of CL&ffl&&M. Exact Copy of Wrapper, In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THI OINTAUn OOMPANV, NW YORK CITY, h u 1 ) c fl i . I ii EEZS2