The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 07, 1916, Image 1
I - 9lRloHUlorlcM8flolilT 'I -.--r---' yww 8 y w e w jw kp m ir s& . ----:- -'.Tr-f -TV""- rfudi '.rM ..'a ..'ijeaA7i. w 'a .n.: u rik.F jL;4h.7 uium - . re i sa tiss .fr im v mm n-n r.v.'vv w - -- r wwu . - --- k rv t i ira.r A TO KM K3ir- tl S fUW J sWJ - Vffr X - .AfcJ i jntTuri "' - --- -' m a 8-f ittPm Ss' WUr- BS S $-1 if w I w , - i:; A Newspaper That Gives The Nevis Flftytwo Weeks Each Year For $1,50. VOLUME -M RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. SKPTILM MKU 7, 1!H. NUMBER 3T THRIFT motfly. tjinnit provides lor tne present and lays aside for the future it recognizes the uncertainties of old age as well as taking into consideration the earning days of youth. jjThrifty people know that a Savings Account help them to sa ir a certain amount from the income of each month. Start a Savings Account, today, at this bank. Deposits in tins bank are protected by the Depositors' Guarantee Tund of the State of Nebraska. WE PAY FOUR PER CENT ON TIME DEPOSITS Webster County Bank RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA cwpitaIj ah srui'M's s:ti, )() OOZC'XOZCUCOD&Z'gODZZODOXT 8 Wftif) cR i Ksrvw;i TTf ii i , rSvKr- A IV wg fexXTjCCOj CQinZ3OZmr&DODZ23jDDtt A BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF CUT GLASS for a Weeding Gift, is the proper thing to give. Our stock will please you. J. C. MITCHELL THE JEWELER WHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER THAN PRICE' 50333-0300103333300020023 rfc Krrnrcnr njjjmzzazcmpzjjttnjcn r. Vacuum Just received another Hugro Vacuum Sweepers Combined Vacuum and Brush Has three eleven inch bellows: metal box; all seams are soldered, making it air-tight, giving it more power, and you can buy them for the price of a carpet sweeper C22 Will sell them, while they last, at, each W Come in and let us demonstrate them to you ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer : oc..w...... is the using of advan tages and opportunities 4 as well as v. rldly goods For the accumulation of ! V 1 ov'--w'--:-W'C'' .:: m rm. A : Sweepers shipment of the Famous Furniture Dealer J AjA. M taa h ZlZX3IJj Indians Scalp Three Teams Kifil Clouil (lufvulfd tho UohluiuU lu.itn ut Hotvii'U last Thitrsdny In u i-luvi'ii tniiltiK khiiil' by si si'ntoof 1.' to II (hut was full of heavy hitting und tin ills Zeiss, (Sin bur utul Ulllon pitoh od and 1'olnlclty was IiuIiIikI tho but for the IuimIs while (iiovi-s url llodfjcs pitched for ltostwiclc. Musters who played sho it for the locals, was the heavy hitter getllii,' 1 hits out of (1 times up Seoie: K II K Hostwiek 1 0 :i 0 -2 I 1 00 0 ) 11 10 1 Rod Cloud u it :i o ii o 0 1! o i - r,' ir :i Piiday iifteinoon (iii the local dia mond the home team iif,'iun defeated Hostwiek by a score of 7 to 0 in a taat jjHine. Alasteis pitched for Red Cloud and held the Mostuiclc team safe alter the fourth inning. Diamond of .Man liiito, ICus , who plti'heil tor Hostwiek was wild and hit haul at times when hits meant i n us. Hilling of Amou Dillon ol the locals was a foatuiu (jet tinjf tltiLe lilts out of thieo times up. :ooio: i U II i: llostwiulc .' 0 U L' 0 0 0 uti-ii 7 t Ui'd Cloud U II 0 1 0 0 .1 0 l 7 ii S Itatteiios: Mastois and, l'alinei; Dia mond and I'uliicw, Sunday afteiuoou at ("amibell with about one luindml of the local funs in attendance our team defeated Camp bell's tast team by a scoiu of I to a. The Kftiue was haul fought and was only marred by unwuuanted dabbing and a tnalkcous attack on Manager L'owoll by a Campbell player which neatly caused a fiee tor all light I'lay was lesumod after n third umpiie was chosen and CampbcllS two hcoies benif,' gifts of pievious uniplios decis ions. Red Cloud was considered the fastest team thut has played in Camp boll In twojLMis and has given that team Its tlrst defeat this year. Mast el's pitched for tho locals ai.d had the Cainpbollitts at his meioy thruout the game while the much tooted Shoity Campbell wa hit at will, Powell get ting four hits out of (ho tiiuos up. hcoro. It 11 li Red Cloud 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 '2 0 .'! & r Campbell 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -' I! 0 5 Uiittvrics: Masters and R. Garbt.r; Shorty and Mudgreii (J in p i r e b MlUsuhaud hhuity 8' innings, Christy l4 inuing. m Schools Opened Monday School began Monday with au en lollmetit In the grades of 1121 and in high school of 210. The following is the list of teachers, their position and number of pupils classified. Lincoln 'School Grade 8tli 7th 0th nth 1th rtnl 2nd 1st Teacher Enrollment Minnie Christian, l'rln , '.'0 Irene McUuire Christine Patmore Kathrine liurlce Rarbaia Ilauck Venla HenderHon Alice Coombs Louise Schumaclier Sub-primary Edna Weekly Marie Pusipucr, Asslfitant. Nina yimmons, Music. Illdil SfllOOI, I. M. Whitehead, tjupcriatcndotit. Mabel Pope, Principal Gorman. Ustella Ducker Sclonco. Cecllo Thornton Uome&tlo Scicnco, Edna Ratiney Latin and IlUtory. Giace I'Vlsbie Mathematics. Helen Davison English. Alpha C. Peteihon Conimeiclal. II. E. Daird Agriculture and Man ual Tiainlng Weather Report for August Temperature: Mean 70 degj mum 107 deg on 3rd; mlulmum l(i deg, on 23rd. Precipitation: Total 1,25 inches. Number of days clear 22, partly cloudly 5, cloudy ,, Dates of Thundei storms 2,7, 11, 13 and 2S. Prevailing wind- Diiectloa S S 0 days Hemarks Hainfall bince Jan. 1st, 15 us inches Avcrago for tho last sovon yours, 21.7s iuches. Chas. S. Ludlow, Observer. September 14th, A Big Day ' Thursday, September llth, is going to bo "'ome day' a day that will sur pass all otliois in tl p history of IScd Cloud. It will lie u Hlg Day Tor Ked Cloud and a Itig Day for Uni Aside from the benellt.s you will de rive bvnntk'iputir.g jour future wants and supplying them through the Itod Cloud merchants, jou will bo enter tained by them fiee of charge On the progiam of eutoitaiuuieiil will bo' fiee admission to the Tepee and the Orphouui theatres, up to one o'clock. There you will see the oiy latest hi motion piotiues. Every one know.s' the reputation of these popular tlieat ' res, for high class picture programs, und ti number of ery tine subjects lime been secured for this occasion. At I to there will boa fiee baud con coil. I'rof. Li Hoy and the Itojs have spent much lime and ellort, in tho .prist, pi opining the piogiaiu fur this , and all those who enjoy popular and up lo-date baud music will have an oppoit unity to hear tho lust telect Ions obtainable Foul o'clock i tho time set fm the drawing for the piiui. The llislpiio will be a now lull!, "-passenger Over land automobile The second pilei wfll bo a thoioughbied .Shetland Puny and rfs a little beauty. $7r. in gold wIIIhIho be given away, divided us lol lows: Eiist.'iO; second, l."i, tlrlid, 810; lour th, .'; live three-dollar tiles; three two-dollar prizes and tour one dollar pries. Plan to be In lied Cloud on that date, and briri your friends with you In the mean time do jour tiading with l'ed Cloud meichaiits and secure as many .of the jellow tickets as possible, as everyone has a fair and equal chance to secure a pi ie. Dorr't foigot the date and teh your fiiends. City Dads Hold Meeting Major Damerol convened Council to gether in regular scaion. Members present, Koontz, Hamilton, Suladenawl Stcvenn. Minutes of August 1 and Au guft 30 read and approved. Report of S. U. Flornnce read and ordered pined on file. Moved by Koontz and seconded by Saloden thnt the Clerk write C. R. Ful ton to come and make an CBtimtito on additional Bjwprngo syHtem. Yeap, Koontz, Hamilton, Saiadp.n, Steven?. Carred. Moved by Koontz and oecondel by Saladen that the City Clerk be instruct ed to cortify to the County Clerk r special tux of $5 00 for cleaning up lota 16 to 24 block 3, Garbers 2nd addition. Yeas, Koontz, Hamilton, Saladen and Stnvens. Carried. The following claims were allowed. Guy Zeigler 8110 00 W. A. Patten 80 00 Harry Ilufter 7r. (X) Glen Foe 37 00 S It. Florancc 8r7 01 O. C Teol : 12 ti", C. P. McKolghan 103 37 Mayer Coal Co 2M 8o Viotor American Fuel Co 2" 05 P. II. Doner 0.1 00 M. McConkey 81 Ml Frank Clawson 00 7.1 Jas. Mcintosh 30 00 Fred Eddy 18 00 Vern Henderson 1 fiO Geo. Trine i 3o Pope llros 21 10 A. B. McArthur 18 00 Smith & MeKirnmey 32 00 B. A Sutton 0 00 American Engine fc Elco Co 10 01 (Instlniff, I'nnnili-i- C.n it rt I . --C."--- j - Hiarutara Oil Co 2.' 00 Mutual Oil Co 100 70 Columbian StcelTankCo tl 20 McGraw Co 5 72 Crane Co to is Henry R Worlhlngton 700 00 Midwest Elec Co 112 10 Judges and Clerks 20 00 Jon Carr , 4 00 H.B Kler H 7ft Geo. Clawson 7 Oo .!. S. Beauchamp 3.10 J Kd Hanson .1 oO W. D. Edson 3 00 Adjourned to meet September 12 at 8 o'clock P. M. im ti i. i iir- t m - .- l ' i 3 ' Cb I & ii ;v. g IN OUR STORE THIS AUTUMN OFFERS A WONDERFUL SELECT ION OF ENCHANTING JEWELS-SEI" AND UNSET-JEWELRY AND JEWELRY STORE THINGS. COME, PEEP AT OUR CASES GLEAMING WITH LUXURIOUS RADI ANCE. LET US SHOW YOU A RING, A BRACELET, A PIN, A WATCH, A CHAINWHICH TO BEHOLD WILL BE TO DESIRE. THE "WILL" IS THE PARENT TO THE DEED, WISH FOR A THING IF YOU WANT ITAND, AND "ASK" FOR IT. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT; THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist 12TC B. & Q. Watch Inspector i R. P. Weesner The Store of Good Clean Merchandise WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COAL ORDERS PLATT Mrs. Ralph Cantluld and children ot Kansas City arrived in the city the , last of tho week to visit fiiotidn. - -r - AtniLA see'wlial this1 ., t. Autumn offers in -Our Jewelry Store- &Co .! New Suits and New Coats for Autumn 1916 A Wide Range of Attractive Fabrics Styles that are Au thentic and Distinctive Prices are Moderate & FREES A. II, Carpenter and Howard Yost returned home from Imperial aud Seidell, Saturday niornlug, I r 1 V t A