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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1916)
H - RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIEF (? Orpheum : Red Cloud TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th Vacuum Sweepers I BANKSON AND MORRIS Offer the Powerful and True Story of the Real Weft bul minus the usual blood-and-thunder Just received another shipment o the Famous tap r''t' ' i. . 7. '? , "" uK. T " A ' filler rr, "ft ' ' V "I tA!' rj" .!.. .jiIS-VFfvMifl :b s7 SHSE7 if w ft . . ' .&?!& Vacuum AMMitMm wwiiiirwtn Sweepers it s SBKowrY -Ecrww'sajKar; -.-Tur vmai?;.!! Full of Pathos, Comedy and Sensation 4 rSMmSm k. ( y J iC.l lfc5iM,l I 'AfW'jlWj Fih fiS JOK SSL fl A"dJ lisli. fl ji'4 iwiUnm & i?K. ft? JKHfl k. shmmmm ' , A Capable Cast and All Special Scenery PRICES 25c, 35c and 50c m:ats now si-i.i j no .w Tin: uox oi'i'K r This is not a Notion Picture ww.1 aJ,wg.tMwgwwwrlyctPtll4 C WS9KS& SOI!SSCTI!33flB &9HKffi 1 Pianos ami Musical Merchandise i UNDERTAKING iL'ADY KTTCNDANTI C.'J Answered Day or Night I $32 commissioners' proceedings ll'lllltllHI-ll fllllll plICC Olie) Undue l'uiiil. John A'iIiusIioh $ .0() Adam Alber 17.00 Itluden l.iimbcr Co 77!!.(i(i Wm. Hurdiek HU.OO .John Ilcyko H1.2-J f:..i. W. P.avlor 7.00 Win. IJolirer f.ii.00 ! .1. II. lluttenback Hooiii Urns ChiciiKo ''l,i'. Co., Itosuniont . . .'JSO.Ol Cliii-iiKo Co., IMue Hill . . 1 I7.-I8 .1. W. Crow 10.00 Dave Clark 55.00 Hairy Cloud HM5 Alva Carpenter "J 1.00 Geo. C'lmiKon 72.00 Coo. Ckuison '17.50 Citizens Lumber Co 102.00 lly Claiison 72.00 W. H. Cloud 1H.80 Ik'Tour Jlil.OO .1. M. Dean 18.75 Kmile DuMars 15.00 K. .1. Kinerton 27.25 II. C. Fein (10.20, .lolm I-"rey '12.(10 J. K. Cox 111.50 W. Fiiicher 12.50 Matt Friend !1.75 the Pacific oasf ,vr(r,v:;::::::::::::: iii'zii ""Mil MISI ,,.,.,-. Guide Kock Ildw. Co 52.00 ED. AHACK ALL THE PHONES - McFARLAKD BUILDING mwmwzzB 3gKsmsz ssssaoaRsss iromasTrwfrT!3xEirAsirarcTC7raamD5Mai u ixraryn xssxKa iixjtnv&xnujz&z7.uri:u:i.-iixa,ji-wzzi 5 One Way Fare to & - .. . .. . jmj-t. jt - . 4 n a.1- vtvpLGnGcr jG'in to vciower otn i.00 Gilbert I Ait f!l..l,. If i . ( u: to ri I" ilifm iiia 1 1 1 nitf f 1, ii lii n't ii' ii tn pi-i mil of low furt'sj y vi Ilall jk"iM .! I uri iiijji' t'aily In j'lin ilii It ii liiiu'tn T- 1'i'is niii'ly Coiiilui'tt'il Tour- N. 10. Ilarvuy it S i'C ir I' t Calif nnlii i.i I'm ivit, i'.'in ( i.lnriilonn I Suit l.'ikc lv Hy. Houcliin ,Ui ,,,,, " .loM.pli Holvorson .. Arch Harrii Sumntar Excursion Fares Through September , c.w nupjHrt ... ' , ilohn Hutchitis .... -ii i ii ft-l tin- liciiiiit uf tlio !tv. -n iiinii-r m-tliiii fiiri'- im'il Si-pti'inlim A. H irtiiian 0) Ii f ir Kiistflli linn-,, fur Sf..tili n.l.i :,, V.- ,-, I'.n It. Mm li.mul Ifn ' , 'lOlUl J lOIIII'll'll i, , ... i ,, i. .... .... ,, . , . i .. i. .loo lui'k'.nn l ui'ii iii.i-. mi' i ui-iiit v u.i-i, in .iiiiiiiiiniii uiiu. .-i'i'ii'iiuht i" nil iiiriti lk',lMlU -tl IHI'I tlUllll ll. Mil li'MII I ll'U'illlls llSS Ol'nWill'il. If t lit 1 1 is JVt II I'li.ui fin 'i to jjiii uwiv, loi an' show tou luit ii pltMiiliil tour you cm t ilit t i.i llii .iMrt.ui ilii'duli tuiiii t.'i vie i routes The IJt'il Cloii'I Indiniis mut the (iiiile Hook tuiuu on the diamond m the iifii'iiiHin, lurtilshliitf entertain .lii'iit lor all the "fniii'; the result ol the k'niiie lieiii,' vie'ory for tl v Indians 1 ii st'iire of 17 toO. Many from this ally, who hud made the trip, via auto, (."ipi'i ieneed some dilliciilty on tlie rutiirn trip, oulritf to he fairly heavy lull of mill, lute . n the 'if teriiiiou. The e.Nhiliits this year were unusiiul ly luiV" and vuiied, with the excep tiou of the agricultural exhibits, whleli were not up to standard, owinj; to the fair lieini; held so early In the season, and the lack of inoistule dur. i i r .lane and .Inly. There was an iibundaiice of good band music, fai uislied by the IMadeii utid I'liiuviev bands ood free at tract Ions, home races and a motop'v i'Ie race, also llreworks at uichi To sum up the entile program, it was ;i good fair and well woltli tlie lllouex. Let the good uoil eontiiiiic during the coming yenr. 1017. Cheap JFarm Loans If nil V.'lllll II I'lm.'lll flll'lll In. 111. SIM .,...x' ' ' ...... ....... ..-...., - 1S"0 ""' I cm maUi! loinii that no other 50."i!02 Comiuiii-, will maUe, and I giiamntie :i25,00 the elieapcst uinni', hi the state, and 12.50 'the quickest ntmns. 1 snme T"i'rn l,l,,,, " ''' !""1 Ovw loan plans to Combined Vacuum and Brash Has three eleven-inch bellows: metal box; all seams are soldered, making it air-tight, aiv.ingiLmore power, and you can buy them for the price ol a carpel s'veiper fipFQO Will sell them, while they last, at. each pijl i Come in and let us demonstrate them to you ATTLEY ESi Licensed Embalmer KO : Furniture Dealer : f The United Church Service will be held at the South Side Mission, Sunday, Sept. 3rd Afternoon and Evening Sunday School 10 A. M. Preaching 11 A. M. Speaking at 2:30 P. M. by Prof. Whitehead and others Open Air Service Congregation al Lawn, at 8 P. M. ZSXT25CSES2i23sZx2 tVSXSZBm I.. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent h 0 Km mini Ktui t, Omuliic, X. W. N. B. Bush, Ticket Agml. Red Q.ucl, Neb. 15.00 25.00 20.00 11.25 C0.50 14.00 S.00 fioin Ollit" nvei Paul Moiey .1. II. UMI.KV. K. V. ! rugor . . . ; .lames Keagle Co -r.JS.Sn I.iuvrenee I.uniber Co M7.'.iS K. S. I nvojoy 21.00 U. G. (..ivronce 50.00 Atnr. Lumninan lfi.75 .Mnlone Avery Co 1,11 1.50 I Onno IciUh 21.00 W. .1. Mc-er 0.50 I hoitia.s McrVier 10.00 Attr loco Hrrrr,swio','i'r.Tn?f ftHtT.'''iitwNnii.Ar' f-yrv--,wrp 11... . M...... ( JiULilijlittiii,j.Vl 4'ujii. .. Jy.OMn.:iiit.Wvi i-o.iY.i JL.1.11 I U' M....ii.. "1 Ol ! ' I C. 11. Miner (10.00 I undiv 1-0 interest Jjip1 t Kt-iil hM.itf. Iransfcrs. Ci'inpiled li.v 15 W . Mevvail, tii-y and Iioiided Alstraeter. I'.irl Goiis in .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mm tin, Wi'. lots jo, ll. 1.'. li.l; ., swetys A.I.I Utie Hill '... .lolm M. Martin to OurUioos wd lots.-, ii. I!!U. '.', P.olnei-s Ail I lilu Hill l.-.iiO Clui'tjaii !'. Patvi-r to Clirl.sto- plmr I'err, il, stj m.i, ,'J'i i ;i lSroolc to K I'roolss, ( :M2 im'o .'t i. ( '.i-e Lnnbcr Co I- bit .v. Itu-ih I? IF lOU WANi A $, .'. x:eion 0.50 h JU1 on. hi Hti ucturol Stel Work? & . , , . ' , ly n.Tsj.osi UIV II JUIlLlViVLAlV ly K. : Proi.ilflt Lum'w Co .. 1,202.07 f r r r .yjl'litt ., Frees (120.00 PflUMENT UJU T Made Right, Lettered Right And reeled Right SEE OVERlflG BROS. & GO. gtM?:;;:i;;;;i; II f ' Y M (ieorge W. Trine !!0.:!2 i i' I- i'i ete'ieir ('. ii. 1 itaoy ' .1 Polz '!'.. i Polhi'inus ..... (. N'. Portonolr .... i: y 1'ilmcr .1 e Peterson .... U-iy l 'tipdjyp ' ' r ' i oy Lbr. Co., I), n tunkanl Makers of Artistic Monuments Red Cloud, Nebraska j OEzaftasssB csssmmm j$ms$25& szsskd HENRY COOK, M. D. HI W.l li IN - DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES (has. Turner .1II.7: ' Fred Trebohl G.25 3 U. K. West m.oo j White Hdw. Co., 25.43 3 C. !'. Wallin 4.20 Jl J. 11. Wisecnrver ,ri.."0 ('. M. Wilson 40.81 - I. . Willis 25.00 , Wells MeTntrnart :S7.S.'$ 1 .1. W. Wratton 1J1.70 (l out iniie.l nest week I 13.S0 Stella llurd to .James Saunders, vd, lot 1.1A and I.IIS, m 1(1 lli(li) U McC'iire lu JHinesS'iiiiwli-th il, i '; 1-t 11 st, limner Pox to - Ji-husoii, qcd! v; -wi, JU-I-U I l.i.Ktu Dice to liillle Ciiiu.iiiion, wil, lot ;I2, PatiiioieH -lib Dlv , sw-i, S-l 11 100 l.- liuekl.s to K. H Huelil"s. w.l. Kit neios ne L'l .'J 11 . . i:j:i,t li.l t! liri'iuinoi tu lleniy DuinUriHV- ei , wil, ,s ', 'Z, ne1 j, e'j .se1, Jl-.i 11 i,0i)0 ISo'uMt P. li'isser to Sadl .V. Toinllns.ui, wd, pt w'j ne', -J. 1. 11 . .. lCon IMwaid (.'anvil to Sadie V.Toin- I'uiSi.u, wil, lots 1., 10, l!.l; 2, K.iili-oad a Id iteil Cloud .. . !):( .luliii A. Woif to Amos IlurkhiiliJ. i-r, wd. ii , iiu1, nw'4 3 'Jono Minnie Krnu'inu to Aiikumi llrn'icli (i'd, n j ne', i a in, se',:i:i-i pi :aio Mortuaces Hied iri,(inii. AiortKHK1' lelciiscd Sll.0'11 Notice to Creditors 12.00 , 124.30 , 11.05 , 20.00 . 2!l.25 , 00.00 , 170.00 . iiO.Ol . a:j.t?o 2,0:1(5.15 2.00 I Just Arrived ah the Latest (Popular FBdssic l iog per copy Pianos, Talking Machines-Victor, Grafanola, Vocalian Victor and Columbia Records All Things Musical At The Music Shop THE LEEOY MUSIC CO. Peterson Building Fourth Ave. Red Cloud r.K:iui3SK2SSKaE2ri i:rzrrZ!T3ir:,::;r KODAKS Better Kidak Fi.iislihu And Dtfl' vim'. A Full Line of Supplies UDI.I.S i)'-. ii.opni) l".- MAIL 10UR 02JUE!! 10 ' evens ires. The Fair is a Success Welistei eounty fair held la iltei'oaiity I'.i.irt t Wilbur Count, ,i liriiHku III lite matter of llieiMuti of Mi-kli some si a, Deci'iiM-il. Cri-illtoiH of Mllil istilte -.lll tilUe llollie. Unit the time lliulti'il for priM-iimHon ami ' illhr.: of elalmsuKalast i-.iUI i -.tutc- Is Si pti in- ! In r'iSlli, I'.Uil, nuil for llio pay mi'iit 'uf ilclils U ut ' August -Jill li, l'.i 1 7, that 1 w III sit tit the i uunl emirt room in wilil CDiiaiy mi tin- ..illi il.iy of Dr. R. V. Nicholson : Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED Oi i n r (Jui: i it'tn. m's Sniiii. SSB2-. lr. T. MtitWK. rasa if K2Z7 : in B , t'iri , . T THE ALARM is a dri aiiriil thim,' Or FIRE foi the man without insiuuneo. Uvery time he sees the engines raeinj; aloiik Ids heart comes up ui liU tluoat ll tlie lire is anywheto near Ids place. What folly, what mis taken economy. rup sr'i' c" ic o ,.,..11 ii. .. u PAI I II n I imped '- -- - .- t- r.,,,,,, ,,,,,, i ". L,JLi. J. II. LiLiL,I11VJLiI . lvyf''Voii neen naiiiiy oe . AUCTIONEER ! 1h ii" re.i lv i'i l l'l' o iir s-iti 'IiUh Ak !iu mil' us in mi i iiiliiii-alloiiH , f r u hi in I lint rl t miUh. I ihIi jh- ill ni iit"'i son i'i. Writ, wlrior ml Km Cloio, Nfdk. MlllllOll lllvl l; idi. ivitll t I , tt.l.k.l . ,, .. . , . sriitpiuher, A. I. IJHI. toe.:iiiilne. hear anil unit till those in attendance state that lin ,,n ..iiiimsiiuit nii.i uhhinirp u tirhior ., i . - WE VILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COAL ORDERS PLATT & FREES i It was even better than the avotak'e mtoihI ilea upon suhl estate, ami on the lath H ci'Untv lair tl.iy of Marrh, I'JIT, to enmlm. hear, tillow 01 Wednes.lay was Purn.eiVs I'liloii )IIV I '''l 'U' 'y-'''''"'''''l'J''''''''', of uemr and a hirjje crowd was present to hear .the Union speakers. In the alteiiioon Plaiuview and Iniivnle t'nso ball teams crossed bats, iosuIiiii; In tlie later tah iii)r th Illinois On Pi id iy, Keith Neville, democrat- 1c candl.late for covurnor of tld Mute, addressed the audlcnco, inakini; a very fiorablc iiiipreissloi). His ad dress C'liivlnend liib ai i-rt-illiiirs iluly flUil, D.iletl this I'JJtli ilny of August, A. P., HUH. (si-ul) A. li. lliN'i., i oiinlj .luiWe. Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish ; PICTURE FRAMING twoik Guaranteed) R.E.GAMP,D.C. Chiropractor im.iiei.Je th iVu' Electrical Goods of all Kinds I Anti Ko Cholera was all tli-it u mail should be and cap-1 ati.e of nftdituiuy the duties of the I f,ovi riMi'i, oflle. he (and we, tliiiilt he - lit I ploeted to this . like at the eomhijj'full ilecMon. 1 Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures E. 8.. G.rber ciisliltivd. TJie freedom I nun worry alone is worth It niuii'- times over Have lis n.sure y.ui to-day 0. C TEEL, Reliable insurance. Dr. A. E. Boles OSTEOPATH Physical Diagnosis Laboratory C'OXst'Ll VTIOS vn KXAMIMIIO.N PflliK Oatuopttliy t!io .Siiiencu of Healing by Adjustment." (Jlvni to the I,r..s.S...l.,r,Iort.Ml).t ' WorUX h' A T "' A' . otrlmir laci.arno OFFICE OVER SMITH SHOE ST0HE C. H. Miner Serum Co. Uo"ll'"OM "Bfl C'M s- l'l:i)in i i its . . , , -i Uii. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVER STATE BARN ' ' Nebraska Phones ndependent 2P-' Ueil lied Ull II. Miner Malinger Serum lit iJ Ckm.lf h'flirc&ka Wire or Phone at Our Ettcnsc I u.s. Vrtcrimm Lictusi: ?io. sr;Red Cloud . 'y i