.ES RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF JLV . NNJflP?f 4 flaeaVat DJJwiA aaawJ NNNKflBDrlKwipa1 a i VaFBaBaaaaaC m-f a aaaaV nA fc 3r lam. H lL"f s 4 aW aV BaaaaaaW'iaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBBBaY K Waal 1'1't remiiikiihle photograph or tut? mini ut Veitluu. utter the month, ot tiltnost continuous shelling, wus taken from it French aeroplane. Scarcely n building In lliu city remains la'uct. RUSSIAN Ilod.v of Russian cavalry on the way than on the west ft out. HOT WORK IN P i r?THHii ? &! t ' t ' aaaaaaPJ LataH " II - - --, M t tins Italian .sharpshooter lii-ing lioin a siieltei tiemh Is lighting In nls fchlrt sleeves on actottnt of the Intense heat. COMMISSION NAMED BY CARRANZA ananVBKjE&Bnaw yfiSsasBssKnmmjmm&iCKvti': ivs assvx6rf x&miz jssnswxc; . VB is u- "ynBw nu JWP7iiJT Sf?F 'i'hfse are the men naiiieil I (icnertil 'arriiii7ii to meet thu American coiiiinlssliiiiurH and adjust thu dllTeren -es hetween Mexico and the United KtateH. Loft to rlKht, they aro: IriiiicIh UoiiIIIuh. Mthsecretary In cliurfiu of ministry of coinmtmlcatlon.s and ptihlic worlt.s; Alherto J. l'mil, general man Kcr cunstltutlonallHt raHwaya of Mexico; Luis Cahrera, secretary of finance and public credit. LOOKING DOWN Ow THE RUINS Of CAVALRY ON MARCH IN lo tin; flout hi 11 illcln, whete this arm THE TRENCHES 'AlHVVMMimtrAt"! ,& 'S-WSiY,Ai f. X v V' -ii i r VERDUN GALICIA ut the service Is of much more use ROYAL HOSPITAL NURSE yueeii Augusts V'le'.oria, wife of ex Kr.,x Manuel of Portugal, In hci nurse's costume, walking across n hos pital lawn. Queen Augusta Victoria Ij now serving as a nurse at the Third Wandsworth general hospital In Kng land. Her niother-ln-lavv, Queen Amellc of Portugal, Is also serving In the samu capacity In tho samo hos pital. Augusta Victoria Is thu oldest child and only daughter of Prince Wil liam of Hnlicnzollern, head of tho older brunch of thu llohenzollem fam ily to which thu kulser belongs. Too Tolerant. Ulshop Conrad said at a dinner In Newport News: "Somu folks regard their sins In toe generous and tolerant u way. They're like Cal Clay. "I said to Cal one day: " 'Calhoii'i. my man, (Jeneral Doughif has positive proof that you looted his chicken house, last week. should think you'd bo nshaincd to take com munion after such a rascally deed ua that.' '"Mali goodness, salt,' said Cal, re proachfully, 'Ah wouldn't let a few measly chickens stand 'twlxt tu an' do Luwd'b table.' "Washington Star TRIPS WILD TEAM TO SAVE CHILDREN Policeman Climbs Out on Wagon Tongue to Check Run away Horses. IS BADLY BATTERED UP Hangs for Blocks Between Anlmali and, Seeing Children Ahead, He Trips Horse and Piles Up Mass of Wreckaue. New York. Scores of frlchtenei) pedestrians In Convent avenue wit nesseil a spectacle that rivaled tin fatuous equestrian feats of the old hlppoihoute. A policeman trying to stop a run nn team of horses drawing a law? laundry wapm walked out on the wiipm totiKtii' while the animals were t milling at n furious pace. Kalllim thi'ti to halt them, he tripped one of the horses, and with them fell In u ninsx just hefore the team iiiIkIi! have tun into u Kt'oup of chlldteu pla.vln In the street. The policeman sulTer cd mau.v hroken hones, hut he wilt he tecomtneuded for departmental lei'oi;ultlou. He Is Dents .1. Hodners, attached to the West I'Tilli street station. Hod Kers, who weighs more than two hun dred pound and Is tall, was In the neighborhood of Convent avenue and i:tttlh street when he saw the team, frluhteued by an automobile, dash up the street, llodners caught the rear of the wajron. Making his way to the driver's seat, he found that the reltiM were on the ground, lty that time the team was approaching 1,'tllth street, and men, women and children on the sidewalk were tunning to safety ami screaming to those farther up the, street to tlee. Leaps on Wagon Tongue. The frightened spectators saw Hod gers, apparently helpless, on the ilrlv er's seat. To their astonishment, however, he paused there only a few seconds, and then leaped to the wag on tongue, steadying himself b hold ing his bauds on the backs of the horses. That made one of the ani mals rear and kick, causing the wag- Made His Way Toward Horses' Heads. on to careen from shh to side In thu street ami nurrowly miss striking an automobile. Hodgers' weight strained the wagon pole as he made his way toward the horses' heads. Spectators feared that the tongue would strike the curbing as the wagon swerved and that th! policeman would bo dashed to death. Slowly he made his way forward, hold ing at times to the horses' manes. Then he grasped a rein near the bridle of one of the horses. The animal resisted and Jerked his head so suddenly thrt Kodgera fell off thu tongue. Clinging to the rein of one horse and the mane of the other, the policeman, while the crowd gasped succeeded in holdln? himself off the ground while tho horses went hall a block. Saw Children Ahead. Then ltodgers saw tho children ahead, at Mlth street, one or two seemed to be dazed In thu path of tho racing animals. Ho tripped onu of thu horses, thu animal turning u half somersault. For a minute all thu spectators could see was a mass of kicking horses, policeman, broken harness and splinters Hying from tho hroken wagon tongue. Other policemen who had been at tracted by screams hastened to Hod gers assistance. Ho was taken to n hospital where It was found that ho Is Riiffeilng from three broken ribs, a broken leg .and bruises and contu sions. Used Wlfc'c False Teeth. Itellefontalne, O. A Itellefontalno man and his wife both wear "stoic teeth." The wife missed her lower plate tho other day couldn't find It liigh or low and when her liutiband appeared she said lust for fun "Say, 1 belluvo you are wctuliu; mv teeth." Hubby was Indignant, but when he ie moved tho teeth tho troubled wlfo's missing teeth were fount), Hut the husband has not located bin ter tlu I' " - . i , Possibilities of Slang. I Slang and Its possibilities were lv hll.v expiessed In the couvcis-atlou of two .voitths in a Hack Hay home one night tecetitl.v, sa.vs the Huston Trav eler. The lio.xs got Into a dlstussloii and when all legitimate arguments had been exhausted, the following repailee was heaid: "Snow again, I didn't catch the drift." "Keep on spouting, kid, jott're a ulcilc." "Tie yer shoe, jour tongue's hangln' out." "Hang crepe on yer ear, jou mutt, yer brain Is dead." "Aw land your tracks yer sllpplnl" "Sneee, little one, .vour bean Is dustv." Smiles beget smiles1, Who shows the world a pleasant face altets the apcct of tiianv a pei son's day mmmmmammmKmmmmammm What is c ARTOItlA is a linrmlcfl substitute for Ciuitor Oil, Ps.rfiorio, Drop and Soothing Syniw. It in Mornhlnn nor other Narcotic dostroju Wormn nntl nllny revcrinhnesa. It cures Diarrluea and Wind Colic. It rcllovoH Tei'tliitiK TrotibleJ, curcn Constipation and Flatulency. It itssimilates tlio Tood, regulutoH tho .Stomach ami Dowcln, giving healthy and niitural Bleep. Tho cliiltlroti'd Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. The Kind You Huro Always Itoujht, and which has been in uso for over 80 years, lias born tho signature of dim.. II. Fletcher, and baa been niado under bis pononi:l fcupervislou ninco its infancy. Allow no onu to deceive yotrin thU. All CounterfctUi, Iniitatioiiii mid " Jimt-ns j;ood" aro but LxeriniciiU that tritlo with and endanger the hcatiii or Children Lxjiericnco agaiiiht experiment V5 y Jfl---- Uenuiue CnHtorla alnjiys bcnrH the slgunturo 1-4vzJy)C''&ci4l. Unnecessarily Alarmed. The postman handed him the letter. Due glance at the envelope sent him nearly Into hysterics. "Heavens'" be cried, "the llrst chal lenge I ever got." "Duel" was In big letters on the out side of the envelope. "Hut I can't light and" So he huriled to the station house, explained that he knew of no enemy who should demand his blood and asked for ptotectlon. Three blue coated arms of the law presented themselves. The detective fnp-e hurl led out. Hy that time the desk setgeaut had re covered. He snld II meant, "Due one cent." Strategy. "What was all the argument be tween .von and .ludge Flivver yester da.v ?" "Oh, we weie discussing the iherlts of our tespei the ears." "Thai's a foolish thing to do. You can never convince a man that your car Is belter than his." "I know that, hut I got him so mad that hi" committed himself to the state ment that my ear can't make over ten miles an hour. The uet time I'm irought up before him for speeding 'II lemlml him of that." CLEANSE THE PORES 3f Your Skin and Make It Fresh and Clear by Using Cuticura. Trial Free. When suffering from pimples, black hoadu, redness or rough nous, smear the skin with Cuticura Ointment. Then wash off with Cuticura Soap uud hot water. Thcsu uuper-crcuiay emol Hunts do much for tho nklu because, they prevent poro clogging. Frnu Biuuplu each by mail with Hook. Address pntitcatd, Cutlcuru, Dept. L, Huston. Sold ovuryvvhuro. Adv. Her Motive. "Mck.v Hikes'" exclaimed the en Hit. "What dieadful language that parrot uses! How can ou ever stand It?" "Oh, I bought him to reform him," replied the lady of the house. A small boy dcllucs a lady as a grown up girl who Isn't sauci. She Is a wise wife who knows her own husband. Buy materials that last Certain-teed Fully guaranteed "na dm For salo by dealers beat ICOOlinC everywhere retponaibility mm m m mm JJ at reaaonable prices General Roofing Manufacturing Company ll'wW'i laro'ft mamijMluren stwTnknir raino rkiu4,irki at. Uii. u..i. rimUi nu sin D.tr.ii rrutiiw nuimii aUrUui Uti.,lM BU.r.Ul kaUI bolU lullutHUt ilUal klk.4 lifuua Lm4 8Mf Ask your Lumber Dealers to buy Certain-teed Products from Curtis, Towle & Paine, Lincoln Distributors WANTED 30,000 MEN For Harvest Work Western Canada Immense crops; wages $3.00 per day and board. Cheap railway rates from boundary points. Employment bureaus at Winnipeg, Regina, North Kingsgate, B. C, Coutts and Calgary, Alberta. No Conscription Hhsoiutcfy No Military Interference For all particulars apply to W. V. BENNETT, Room 4, Dee llldg., Omaha, Nbr. Canadian Government Acect Doston'a Culture Vindicated The in mfi declaimed eulluie of (ten ton won Tor Itself new laurels when no less ii person than Mr. W T Sedg wlek discarded a time hotioied expres sion Hint has been In use fot veiirt uuiitimhcrcil. In his leclure lo a class of public hiinlth students be said lo bis highly amused hearers- "1'uhllc health work should be In tin bunds of an especially trained class of lili'll--iiiul should not tie left to every Thomas, Hlchnrd and I Ictirv I" IMt the familiar old "Tom. Dirk and Harry" of our childhood. Doth Ways. "Ills argiiiiunt was fatuous." "Did It stilke mi that way? Now, I thought It was rather thin." There are two distinct classes of college giaduales Those who accept positions ami those who hunt Jobs Castoria I'lcnttunt. It contains! nolthcr Opium, mibatunco. Its ago ia ita guarantee. It infantu ami j Bringing It to a Climax. "I know what's passing In your mind," suddenly said the maiden as tint habitually silent caller stared at her. "I know, too, why jou art; calling hero night lifter night, appropriating my time to yourself and keeping other nice young men away. You want to marry me, don't .vouV" "I I do'" gasped the young man. "I thought so. Very well; I will." His Reading Matter. "What aru you leading nowadays "The key lines In moving plcturn shows mostly." All ipmcks are not hutched from duck eggs. A for and Get f Skinners THE HIGHEST QUALITY MACARONI " J6 Ay Rrclpe Book Free SKINNER MFG.C0.. 0MAHA.U.5A LMGtST MACMONI (WT0I1Y IN AMIAICA THE HIGH QUALITY 8EWIN0 MACHIKE t 1 ,T -T-n k-3LinnIlwLa ion. fV, NOT 80LD UNDER ANY OTHER NAME Write for freohnnklrt "1'uluts tot ronslJcrcJbefora I inclining a be inz AUchliie." I run tin Uu THE NEW HOME SEWING MACIIINEC0.,0IUNCE,MAS3. JbraskaJDirectorj THEPAXTONi OTEL Omaha. Nubraika HOPCAN PLAN ItociiiM from tl.OO it iuKtr, 7f, cent up ilonliln. CAFE PKICES UCASONA1ILE THE UNIVERSITV School of Music I TWHNTT-TillUUTKAH Olflful n4 tiiont rxllablftin thu WmI KdIIUudii Iraillns u n Di'vrnu In iliMlc anil riitl to an onerisf In tlio connir; itiinirr nim lor uuw laiaiog auq full Infiitiiiatlun. WILLAKII KIMUALL, Director 1 1 OS It Slreot Lincoln, Net. For Sale or Trade t.OOO acre Saskatchewan Farm, with coin plete equipment. Produced in 1015 owe 100,000 bushels Value $100,000. Furtbet listings of Canada land desired. FRANK CRAWFORD m. O W. Balleial OMAHA NEBRASKA of Hoofing and Building Vavcru siLvsgnSi Portal, Saskatoon, Fort Frances, .i l m ! i i.n M '! v ',1 'i t-q