I .- RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF School Reopens in a few days The best way to start the boy and girl right is to buy the tilings they need NOW. We sell School Supplies of all kinds. life Pen Pads Pencil Pads Note Paper Note Books Compasses Pencil Bocs Rulers Erasers and everything else in the way of School Supplies. Large tablets and prices the same as ever. C. L. Cotting THE DRUGGIST S- AS TOLD TO US Coino to Ited I'lnud'nnd do your trait lS. Loo Uyiin ictuuiol to (iieeley Cent er, Saturday. Waylon Lippottoott went to Super ior, Saturday, Sue those new School Ginghams lit Albiighf-. adv County Attornoy V. J. Munduy was iu Uluo Hill, Tuesday. J. II. Iillinger shipped a ear of eat tle to St. Joe, Sunday. Mi. .1. 11 Millers returned home from Hustings, Saturday. Miss Anu.i Nelson returned home from Uluo Hill, Monday. ilohn Weesuer spent Saturday in Supciior with relative". VA McAllister leluinod home fioin Orleans, Sunday morning. Henry Ilutledgo is .seriou-ly ill at his. home initio tltst wind. Lew Hlhortbu returned liomo from Clayton, Kansas Satin day. Mis- Margaret Minor spent Satur day in Superior with fiiend-. George Itigstioin left for St. 1'iun cis, Kansas, Tuesday morning. Miss Laura Hedge loturuid home from Geneva, Saturday evening. Charles ICcllngg returned liomo Irani Hasting-, Monday eveniin;. lulin Mm tin leturuel home from Schlou, Kansas. Sunday iikji iiiny. Mr. and Mrs. Uernaid Fruit return ed home troin Hustings, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Sum Sliernian return ed home from Hustings, Saturday. Mi-. C. H. Miner and miii, Charles, went to Trenton, Sunday morning'. Mi-sos Helen Le'iiinon and Dorettu IvlnUndo spent Tue-duy ill Hasting-. Mr. mid Mih II. M hcrivner return ed to Honkleniati. Tuesday morning. Mrs. Marie l'aiks went to Iletdon, Kan-as, Saturday, to Nit relatives. Don't loiget that Albright's Cash Stoio saves you money. Investigate! llalph Heal eamo down from Al liance, Monday, to visit with ids par ents. Miss Cauie 13. Mellerter of Sagi naw, Michigan, is visiting lelatlves lieie. Mr. and Mis. Clia-. Sohultz mid family spent Sunday in Hastings with lier sister. M'.-s Maiy Sheldon left for Hillings, Montana, Wednesday, where she will teaeli -eliool. Mis. Herb Ludlow audj daughters, Neva and H-tlier, pent Tuesday iu Guide Itocl:. Mrs. Eldredge returned homo from Uue Hill, Saturday, after spending u few days with relatives, Mrs. Win. Eugles returned home Sunday morning from Yumn, Colora do, after visiting with her son. Miss Rose McGuire, the popular cashier at tho Miner Hros. Co. Store, Is enjoying a two week's vacatlou. Mrs. Jay l'opo returned home from Denver, Wednesday, after visiting with her sous, Wlulflekl and Chester George Leinmon weut to Norton. Kansas, Saturday, to look after his hoiscs in the races at the county fair. Chas. l'ltchler went to Lincoln) Wednesday, where he will attond the NebrnsUu Business College this wint er. Misses Kdith, Velum and Jessie Uoby, of Nel-on, tire visiting with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Uoh rer. Phillip Sheer of Stamford spent Tuesday in the city with Kd MisAlllst-. er while etiroute home fioin Kansas City Mr. and Mrs. l'.it Kelletlund ihuuht ers, the Misses Minnie, Margaret unci Tlieiesa, Mrs. J. Melneir.y and daught ers, Nora and Kiln and Messrs. Law j lenee and John Doyle spent Sunday witli Mrs. Mclnertiy'H daughtor, Mr-. C. II Holner and family at Rtverton Huy your Orocerlos of Miner Hios.Uo Win I'rovo-t was iu Smith Center. Friday. 1M llurr, of Guide Koek. was in the city, Monday W. A. Kent weut to Denning Wed nesday morning IhekVd Cloud public IschooN will open net Monday. Mi. and Mis Hen MoKui hind spent S-ttti'iiiiy in Hastings. ltiin' Hall game Friday afternoon. Niipnnee vs Ked Cloud. ' Chas, Sehellak spent Stindiy in Hasting-, with relatives. Aaron Hedge spent last Thursday in Uosfvlfk nith f rleuils. Haivey Kiilcef-on spent last Thins' ilny in Orleans with friends. Attend the ice eieam social at the M. K. chin eh, Friday evening. in. Kuehn'.s Lamb Chop are now on sale at Yost's Meat Market, adv lieu Gibson, of Franklin, was iu the city, Saturday, visiting friend-. .I.uU Musteis mid family returned home fioin Looinis. Tuesday night. M -s Mary Christian returned home from Denver, Wednesday morning. Has your subscription explicit? See date on add t ess of this week's Cltti r. Mr. and Mis. C. F. Guild, of lllue HID, 'pent Sunday in the city with iclatives. Mr. anil Mr-. S. H. Uailey went to Norton, Wednesday, to attend the county fair. Miss I Vail MeConkey went to Heat lice this morning where she will visit her In other. John Foster and daughter, Miss Kvn, -pent Sunday in Republican City witli friends. Hoard and room for High School girls. -Mrs. F. T Ulcus, l block we-t of High School. W. II. Eiker. of Lincoln, Distiiet Ihiginosr of the I'.urllngton, was iu the eitv Wednesday. Hewuro of Hour prices.! Peerless high patent 1 SO ami Norton Special $1.70 M. A. Albright. adv. Mrs. H. A Cieiglilou speni Wednes day in I'.liie Hill witli her sister. Mis. C. F. Guml and family. Dave Hell accompanied his mother-in-law, Mrs. I). C Krago, to Kcldey, Colorado, Wednesday morning. Minion Mercorwent to Norton, Mon day, to play with tho Smith Center baud at the Norton county fair. Mr. and Mm. Harry Conover, of Gieat Falls, Montana, are visiting with his mother, Mis Peter Conover. Mr. mid Mis. Oscar Sattley returned home, .Sunday fiom a trip to Yellow stone Paik and oilier Western points. Miss Conine Neiieibnrg leturned liomo Tuesday from Grand Island v here she had been visiting iclulives. Mrs. Hhleis an 1 children ietuined to Culboitson, Wednesday, after visit ing with her biothers, Will and Chas. Limlley. Ihigciiu Ryan went to Lincoln, Wednesday morning, where he will at tend the Nebraska Rusiness college this jear Attorney U. W. Stewait wont to Lincoln the first of the week to join hib wife and spend a lew days witli his patents Mm. Chas Hulfcr and sister, Miss Ketta McDowell, spent the last of tin week in Axtell witli their sister, Mrs Ernest Davis. L. H. Tail autoed down from Lin caln, Saturday, to spend a few davs wiili fi lends and also to look after Ills interests h'e. Mis. Klla Patrick and children io turned to Omaha, Wednesday, ufter lisitiug lor several weeks with her fut her. Dr. Cook. The Misses Dorothy and I2dun Ego returned to their home at York, Mo'i day, after spendlngii week with tlieli brother, L M Kge Mr. and Mis Ldgur Cowden and Mrs. II. C. Gelliitly wont to Heaver City, Wednesday morning, where they will spend a few days. Tho Misses Florence Johnston and and Haol Overlecse are attending the Franklin County Teuchois' Institute at Hloouiington this week. Mrs. A. Jcrnburg and 'daughter, Klhle, departed Friday evening, for Ilappyvllle ami Akron, Colorado, where they will visit friends. Miss Marybelle Ilasslnger went to Hastings. Saturday, to visit her sister, Mrs. C. H Hill, and ulso to attend the Adams County Teachers' Institute. Misses Luclle llrtuly and Frances Logan, of Chillcothe, Missouri, spent a few days with their uncle, Dr J. W. Stockman, while eiiroutu to Cody, Wy omlng. Dr. R. V. Nicholson and Miner Sherwood leturned home Friday uf tor noon from their automobile trip to Colorado, They report as having had a splendid time. Foil S.M.K- The old Hd. .Smith pluee of 77 10 acres adjoining town on which will be found one modern house, ten uant house, big barn, city water, lights, etc. Price, SS.'.OO with any reasonable teirna. Inquire of W. II. llosencraus or E. G, Hohaiian, Lincoln, Nebraska. J, E, Detz was in town Wednesday evening. John Hose of Uluo Hill was In town Wednesday. Miss Dorothy Potter went to Omaha thix morning. Gut jour School Supplies at tl.e Variety Store. adv Mrs. Warien Longton and daughter me the gut'sls of Mr. and Mis. liny O.itiuuii. Mr. and Mis. Otis Fraler ictiuiie.l to Stronisburg, Satutduy. Mr. Fiaiei Is Supei intendetit of the schools of that place. Mr, and Mis ,1as. Tauquiiiy, of t'lanklln, spent the tlist of the week in the city with her mot live, Mr. II Ludlow. C. C. McConkev went to Kittons city, Wednesday, to visit his brother and also attend the G. A. 1'.. National I'.neampineiil. Mrs. Pi auk Wiltnot, after isltlng with her parent-, Mr. and Mrs. A. I). Itantiey, ietuined to herhoine at L'li- eolu, Tuesday. Mr. ami Mis. Will Fiohucii autoed down from Hustings, Saturday, and -pent ii tew days with Mr. and Mis J. A. Hiudfotd. James Gilbeit, James Htherlou, Will Itrool.s, Jack Stelleitsnnd Choil Koont went to Norton. this morning to attend the county fair. Sherni Uocloy iiccoinpnnled his daughter, Miss Edith, to Yalciitiue this morning w lieie she will teach school this year. At the State Fair, Lincoln, on Sept. ", 0, 7 and , win bu three harness and two running races each day. The w oi til's best horses will bo there. Saturday, Judge Huntley Issued a uiiiiiiagc license to Mr William (' Palterou, of Hellaire, Kansas, and Miss Auiundu Cordle, of Uiverton. I Miss IMher Pine, of- St. Pan!. Minnesota, after visiting with lui aunt, Mrs. Alt Saladen, depaited S.it unlay for Rosalie to visit teliitives. We are in tne inuikot for Hh to l'-V pounds Shouts at miiiket price debut ed at Seiuin Plant. Will pay for de lively to plant. ('. II. Miner rieiutn Co Mis A. i; Holes underwent an oper ation for appendicitis at Hastings last week. Dr. Holes leturned home Mon day and reports her as getting along line. County Tieasurer C. D. Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Powell n turned home the lust of the week fioin their automobile ttlp to St. Putil, Minnesota. Mts. Thedu Moinnviile arrived home Saturday from .Minneapolis, Kansas, where she had beon visiting lelatHes She was accompanied home by her sistei, Mis. Hill. Farnieis who contemplate purchas ing inaehineiy should not fail to see the inonsttoiis display at the Stato Fair. Allthenew improved niailniieiy will bo on display. Mis Chas Pike ietuined to her home ut .Marlon, Colorado, Tuesday evening, after attending tin weiM UK ot her daughter, Miss EdjlhePike to Mr. Clarence Shadbolt. " J. D. Cran.s ietuined home, l't .day veiling, li oiii Spcuiilsh, South Dako to, wheie he, together with Chas, Powell, had been enjoying an out ng tor tho pat two months. E. II. Newhoiise and Mrs. Kurhuiu Pharos have hud the Intel lor of their store repainted and decorated which Improves the appearunco veiy much, licit Cat r was the uttlst. Mr. and Mrs W. II. McKirnniey no compunied Editor W. U. Smith to llastitigs, Tiusday, wheie tho latter consulted Dr Hopkins iu regaid to an injury on his right ankle. Wanted Men who desne tj earn over el2.j jer month write us today for position as salesman; every oppor tunity foi a d v n nee me n t Cential Petroleum Co , Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. W. L. Weesner andlMiss Min nie Christian returned homo the last of the week from Colorado Springe and othur Colorado points, where they had been spending a few weeks. Etuest Hines, of Oberlin, and Miss Ethel Doy, of Norton, Kansas, who hud been spending a tow days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, F L, IIIiics. returned to their homes, Saturday. If you are a lover of good western plays, not of the blood and thumlor kind but the renl live western typo of plays ilont miss seeing "Montana" at the Orpheuin next Tuesday night adv "Montana' which will be presonted at the Orpheutn on Tuesday night is a true romantic picture of the cowboy. His a melodrama with an atmosphere of lellnement, itssltuntious are stirr ing but not lurid, and tho comedy is cleau cut. udv Word was received Fiiduy morning that Mrs. F. S. C. Harlow, daughtei of Mrs. T. J. Ward, of Lincoln, passed away on Wednesday evening, August 'j:i, at Los Angeles, California. Shu is survived by her husband, one son. her patfcnt,orie brother and three slstets. The Jjereavcd relatives hae the sympathy of the entire cominur.-ity. The W C T. P campaign rally and picnic will be held at D.ivld HeliYI bower's next Wednesday All convey ances will meet at 0 L. Cutting's iesl deuce at P 10 a m Anyone desliing a way to go. phone or sec Mrs. L. P. Albright Eicrybody invited. Do not foiget to lu ing a well tilled basket On Wednesday evening several auto mobile loads of Ma-ous jiiuincycd over to Cowlcs to attend the Instituting of a new lodge ot that place which had been i turning under a special dispen sation for -oino time. A large number of .Ma-ous weic In iittcmlutieo mill ow ing to the ruin suveral of the local members did not uriivc liomo until lute this morning Secretary of Stato Po(l has been compelled to oiilcr .".OilO tuoio auto mobile plates This brings the num ber up to 100,000 plate- for the jear Hid. Iu llllt the secietary of state Issued 10,'ils nuniheis. In I'.Mo Mr. Pool I ued fin, 1 10 So far in MMtl he has 1tiod P.'.oOo. and is yeuiliiig out on an uveiagc of ,'.")U plates a day. His older for 11U7 will be lUiU'iM light oil the bat, mil ho is a little doubtful as to whether this will be stilllcicill to supjily the demand - .. Methodist Mention Nothing i- of imnc importance than a lift" of prayer. The Ladies Aid society had mi all day meeting Wednesday. The Intel mediate League icpiiit n line time at their social, Tuesday even ing When you come to the Aid society to elect ollloors, don't foigot a can of fruit for the hospital. A largo uuuiher of (lei-ous took com munion last Sunday morning unit all were pleased with thedndividual eups Tho ladies of the church will enter -t mi tho baud on Piidny night leu cream and cake will bo served All iceoipt- will lie till-ill ! ovel to the iai!il Advance Showing Many New Notes in the Styles for Fall and Winter IN SUSTS-- Never before have the styles been so becoming to all figures. Suit models come in great variety including three major types the plain tailored effects, the outing or sports designs, and dressier models. Jackets of suits are either single or double breasted. In many of them there is a pronounced flare below the waste. The Sports or Outing Suits are very charming with their high collars and simple sleeves, and with their pleats, shirrings and belts at the waist line. Some of the dressier models possess large collars that either button close or lie flat; when open these collars give a shoulder cape effect. High cuffs, fancy cuffs of the bell variety and partial belts are other features to be found in the new suits. IN COATS A wide range of types make the Coats for Fall interesting to'every figure and every personality. Here again are three approved effects. Fashion authorities appear to give equal emphasis to all three. Many women will choose the loose type with sweeping fullness, large roomy sleeves and generous collars and cuffs. Others will select belted coats, hanging full and loose in the back; in some models belted only in front or on the sides; in other models belted all around. Here again large collars, deep cuffs and full lines are among the style features. The third type of coat hangs straight and loose from the shoulders and gives a graceful long line from the waist to the bottom of the coat. Attractive buttons, large and small, and some fur trimmings, embellish many of the models in both Coats and Suits. Our Early Showing We are now exhibiting a limited number of exclusive Fall Models in Smart Coats and Suits. The models we are showing have been shipped to us in advance of the season and for the woman who appreciates exclusive, yet authoritative styles this is an event. Come in, we will be pleased to show you these Choice New Styles which are priced conservatively in keeping with the qualities. THE MINER BROS. CO. GENERAL MERCHANTS A Mighty Safe Place To Trade THE STORE THAT SELLS WOOLTEX. cv, This Hot MEANS COOL DRESSING Wc Arc Prepared TO Fill Your Wants A Full Line of Underwear COOL SHIRTS COOL HATS COOL SHOES COOL CLOTHES Palm Beach Suits $600 to $900 Big Line of Mens Oxfords $250 The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. "ALWAYS RELIABLE" 1 ! On account of the threatuiug woatli or the ohotal union, which was to mcol j in the ehui oh Tuesday evening, did not mntciiulic ' The Intel mediate Leauo a i 1 1 give u progiiim Sunday cloning Lveiytiody invited The league orchestra w ill furnish the music. imsBusvmm I'MMKwaBaaea EHSfl I Weather Annual confetcuco will onnvono In Hustings, September l.i Hotter ar range to coiuh up lor a day or two. Sunday will ho tl.e host day for you. Next year n new benevolence will appear in thl- list. It is for the board of dciiconiKis. wlileh ImM boon trvillir to operate for seveinl years without revenue voxmrnossi ; i y ':! , A -p B ivyv"- p''-