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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1916)
"w -iVBK3EN9BBKSBE3flBMHTOflB3JHpi3 Stale Hhtorlcnl SorlitT ry-PS?!r?'uSSC-fl1S?t' .. ti'.lttj.' .U- 1 tea! pH-rk R"' f VOLUME 1 1 '..'.AAii .. A A. .. 5: T'LJD HTTP ls tllL' usin (,r lvan ! 1 I lAir I latfsaiulipporlunitu's EWKEMHOT ii i m; tin .iiiiiiiiiimu 01 money. JjTlirift presides for the present and lays aside for the future it the uncertainties of old aj'c as well as taking into consideration the earning days of youth. jThrifty people know that a Savings Account help them to .i i o a certain amount from the income of each month. Start a Savings Account, today, at this bank. Deposits in tins bank arc protected liy the Depositors' Guarantee Fund of the State of Ncbiaska. J WE PAY FOUR PER CENT ON TIME DEPOSITS Webster County Bank J! RKD CLOUD. NEBRASKA, ! CM'ITAIi am, Sl'HI'bl'S H.'tl.OOO ::::":'':::.x....:..;..;..;.0,..;..:..:..:..:..:..;..:..;..:..: I BUY THE BT ! C lav lllliaiAlblklril,il J, R0 P. Weesner j. , t'i N fV V.J 'A' Ak m$M( r ,4 1 The Store OESSI J Clean M ----" -" .crc;: v - '. ;2- :- - '. ; -s.fc.. '"Sm - . cr '- :"f, gaiiamCTirriimm ,..X.Oaaa.:.aaaaaaa....v, '"."""." as well. -is .orl(llvtfnofl r,...i i - ' DeLavaB fssxxassssmmxsExsssissaak r&3m epar&tor More and Better Cream with Less Laljor DcLaval Butler Scores I Iighcfl No trade allowances will be given after November 1 , 1916 Now it. the tiir.o tv) buy. TffiX MMm i Tnw nrjKpsr J' 'v-v.v.v.v.v.v.vvv. 25H3ra S ew omes and ew Coats or Autumn 1916 A Wide Range of Attractive Fabrics Styles thai are Au thentic and Distinctive Prices are Moderate of Good & Co. erchandise EK2S3 K iHr.nMi.ipr.r Thai (ihcs llic Nchj. ""- - - HBD CLOUD, I3i;i - - - f"nrrririTniTrrwniTrrriririniTMi wMtiwimjuiM-Jiwiwifi Wedded Last Evening (i. W(iIii.mI.i) t i in, at eight oe'mk, at tin" homo ut tlto Initio's iiiothti.Mis Alfio.l . ! illusion, occur- in mo mumiitfo oi nor dautrlilor, Mlss.u.,,11 i... llfcl,.inii i..i,., ,.t,,. .. m. .1... . . I t . i . . ... ll.itl.Kli.Hii,f M, i'nM K. IM,ol.ilMlU Uln, 0 Vo,,.H ,,,..,,,;.,, ,,, fluo man, in tlio inosonoc of thii tv uuosts. - ' - 1 " ii"iii-u "jsiuhi, n.v a iiiiiiiiiiii Cl.ilolioo l.sliolniiif, si biotlioi of tliii'f ii:-. room, pi rfonui'il tho ooiouioiii whioli , niiiilo llic Mniiipr couplo man mid wilo, uftoi wliioli Kov. ,1 I, IK olio olVoroil 11 ra.or. .M1s.CI11101.oo I'sholmnn plny- tl tho ui'diliii',' inatoli umUJosso Vhk unor sniiK 11 solo wliioli was voiy up- 1 lui'lMiaio 101-1 no ncoaioil. Tho lioiue was lioaimtiilly ilocoiatod, tho I'olnr si'hotno boinpinl; mill wlitto. Aftjr i'Dii!iiittilirlniiH had boon of oiod to llio oou)io, nil thoso piosont p.ntook of a most bountiful wedding suppor. Tho lirido Is a 'iiiduato of tho Uotl Cloud hi,'li sL'hool. 1'or soioial jo.-im showiisanliintructor in thoolty -ohooN. SI10 is ityiniiiK l.ol. of many Kraoos of mind and pcr-oii, an 1 Is oapatilo of llllin,: tho homo slio will adoiu with happinoss. Tht' Krooiii is a miii i.f Ll. an1 Mrs. Ii K Ksholman, and hu is ooiisidorod 0110 of tho substantial yuuiiu men of Hi ooiumiiuit v. 'llwyouiiy couplo will iiuiko tho'r Ik. 1110 in this city, and tho Chiol', mIoiik iMth thoir miiny fiiuuds, wish thorn innrli joy and happiness. throiiKh life's j mi noy. This ovonini; at si o'oloeh, tho Kiociii's p iionl's, Mr. and Mis. IS. II. Ksliiliuan, will tfiro a tiot'ption in tin it Ii Equalization Board Makes Tax Levy for 1916 Hid Ci.titii, Xi ii , Aiifr '.'i. laid. 'llio t'.iuiiiy liourd n( I'.ipi tliatiiiu mot puisiiant to oall of CIoik Mom bois rut-cut T. .1. Ulmplln. t'loytl Me ( all. (ir.ud .Shidier, ). .J (i.ubei ami I'.iul Moiey, riiairinau of sutd board W. (i. Iloll'iiiau ami .1 (). Ihillor, itbsout In the matter of ui.ildii',' levies lor tho your liud It was moved and souotidad that tho fti lo.siii,r. luvios bo and are hetoby in uli mi all Ileal ami Pergonal ptopor ly i 1 UeLs'er Cpunty, Xobiusk.i, vl.. Four Mini ni'n half mills on tho iloi- I l,ir. tissisel Vfilnalion for iojioial fur,. I iiioludini,' Suldiors. Itoliof "1 In oo and one half mills on tho tliluu, asoHed uiluation for J , tntiil. Koui mills mi tho ilollai, iihS'!-.s-od Miliiatiou tot bridge fund and as an oineitfeiioy o.i-.ts, h was moved and M'ooinlod lliat one mill on llio dollar, assos-id valuation bo loviuilnml ussoss od as an Kini'rotie,v Hi ulu'o fund, tho ai'ovo and 1 )r(rilii motions woio riio riod On motion levies wot e made on tho as-osseil valuation for school und liciti I I tiipiisfs tor tho M'voial fceliool dih ti .ots. Tho Stuto Hoard of lOtpiall.ition ooi tilled tho Stat.) levy as tollows: (ioui-ral I'liud ;i ml IK Unhotslty Fund 1 mill frippcitil Unheisity llliltj Fund .7." mill Xoiiiml hcliool Fuud Si mill Statu Alii lb Ul(,'u 10 mill Total Total State and County pel 6K)(l. Una id uiljouriiod hi no die. ..! 10 mills Levy SHU Commissioners Proceedings i Hmitd of ('ouniv CoinmiHnlonort mot Auitiiat 21th, l'Jld, iiUMiiiinl to I Petition t. chnniru the place of holding! .keptembor 3ml, will bo tholastof those lioth p-imiiry Hial Kunoral tcct Iciiih of weekly diawlns and on Hint date Htm IV. rmct from tho Bchool tinnsH in ii,,.,,. .vii in, fmir ,.iW,.u sin t- t-t to DiHtiiet 20 ot WehHter Ootinty to ', C ' , . . ' ' tfl ' " ' '" cJl IJ J. HkII incenter of Huid llatin pro' I I,0VVL'VU1, this will not. bo tho "wind clner, win grunted by Hoard. "p" "f the drawinj,', as on Hup'oiubor Petition to appoint D. I, LMly a llth the BiiiinVlruwliiK will take plaeo KrSK ' ttd"Ct WS, On that day tho Overland automobile Tho folio-vim.' rUm '"ro allowed: lll,l ol,usr I,r,,-' vi" hu tflvon away. ,i n. t . .... I. I. ., .... four rarin l i. . rtmaci; iv unrnen s (j S J . ;S. S. Deardorr fj no . Dr. Dnincrel 12 r,0 W. W. HlKKins 4 05 1 Will Koon a 71 Sim Linriaey 29 60 ! Miner HroH. Ci ,.. aa 99 Jime Peterson 7 Of, Pnpe Hrrs 138 3a K. S-ittlev 1(5 25 I' I inrii ii'ii. ai.-i .u o.Ttl' .Join Tli'ockmorlon , 70 On F i mors Ind. Tel Co 8 95 Minnio lhrockmnrton 27 50 (!!,'V' ivt','!?..,' lw II (Z wflKht'. '.'.'.'." '.'.V'.'.'.'." f -13 J ). Yont 21 at iL'OtltllllH'll nil tllHri. i.lifht I 'SB- - .. " i. " f"e 'rr. Flfty-tno Week Each Year For $1.50 mrmn u mm , imu. K V. Al'CM'ST Mi, 1M5. Bonds Carry by Large Majority J pi villi olfl'VlOII Ulls h'lll III tills ii Tuesday of tln week tn do- tl IlllMliM- III' lull II t.,i . ....... 1oit Ohio - " - V ,l1 '" ,.r ii 1 ,. ,,...... Xoa that thosslotn is assutttl. tho noM stop to bo tiihon is to plaeo on sale tho bonds, tho sum of which is not t.i foood ton thiiiiMiiiil iIoIIiim and ate to bo In douominaUiOis ol o hun Iroil dollais (laoli, boailno;, not to ovei'oil live por rout interest, and duo t.iotity years after tlalo, with i!u. (lp tlon ofp'ntnont any time afli-r llio ye a is I nlil thfo bonds have boon (lis posod of, nothlin,' moio run bo dono in the way ollottlui,' tho eontiaets foi tho o.ilisti notion of thosowor. There is no doubt that it w i'I bo but a in liter ofuwtyshoit time mull the bonds li.ixo boon taken up ami wink bean on the ptojoct TlnM (iters uro to bo roniatulalod upon Ihflr good imU'iiont in otino; in fnvorof lliopiopised impiovoiiiont. The followinj,' is the uiiollleial fount of the oles east. 1st w.l .'ml Wll Foi Sowoiauo ISon Is 107 i:i!l Airtiint " " 'is r,:i Forger .Caught Iist Filday, lliiiosi Uirn,who has been oi icint; lot (I. H. K.uuoy, e.une to fled Cloud and rutin i in,' slim tof mou- oyooiniiienrod i itr bunk checks lie wiote eheoks on otto 1 unoy ,lr. and William II iliuos fin anui'itus i'iiiikIiij,' fiomcdo) to ?l I 0.1. Chailosl. Co'tintr. .losopli Foirol, Cowilon A ICuloy iiinl Flunk Smith oashod tho cin.els f i llio voti'iman and are the lonsoi's in the tiansautions. .ilionllO I). IIoiIko lontid tho torpor near fniido Koo, . lie was aiiaik'tiod and pload truilty to tho lour counts of fotiory lllod by County Attotnoy Muiulay. Tho jotiiio: man stated that ho knew what ho was dmtijr but thoucht that he mifrht (jet away Ho ehituis his hoim is In Miss ouii and thai, bad enupativ is the eiuiso t.f Id- (buviifall lie will ho tukoii to II i-tnu-. beli, 10 .luili'o Dun. (fan and bo itiutotieo,) Surprises His Friends Un Moinlav iiflei'iii ni Mr. Claiuuee A Shadbolt siirpiisoil his mala liluiilsby takliij.' unto h.niMdf i wifo. Ho was united in mat n.iuo lo Mhs Kdytho Mmie I'lko, of Mt Monisoo. Coloi.ulo, liov. .1 1,. ISuilu otlioiutiiio; The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mis. Chus. i'lko, ol Minion, Coloiado. and was one of tint ohoicost .oiiiik ladies of that ol'y, while the jrtooiu i.s one of the popular artih's in Morcet'n toiisorial parlor and is -i nuiubor one inusieian. Thoy will in ike their hntiio in the northwest pan of Litis city. Tho Chief, alonn with thoir muni fiiends, wisli tl.oiu joy and hap piness over the mat i itnoniiil seas. Four Prizes Saturday M the weekly driuviiiL'. on lust s,'lt"","'afli!n'oo,,t ' shenuun r con en inei.i, i- i;. muurer the t.i and ''' ' UVH,'"lUl -- .NeM Siituiiluy, - is too iimo 10 aiuieip'ilo jour futiiru wauls and secure as manv tickets as possible as someone Is.'tfuinjr to receive this car ubfolutely free on September 11th. Wo entry a full lino of School Sup- pile;. tu icty Htoro. nclv Messrs U.inkson A; Mortis who will . present the new idyllic diatna of the wett ".Moutiiiiu" at tho Orpheuiu on '"day, Sopt fttli, promise soinethln 'tl'Hv hew in the lino of wobtorn "irtinn. J hero is soiiiethiin,' , i ov.iv ini.inmil I I.MIlMlll aMAaiWMiaaiaun mMUVtMawiHUMhUMaUlllIIVlUNMl .VV.VV.V.W.WV.V.VAV.VAV.V.W.V.V.VV.V.V.V.VW Wh Clerk Am i? WHY, I'VE BECN EMPLOYED I OWN E. 1 1. NEWMOUSE'S. Ji HYNAMEIS'BEAUBRUMMEL.' I'M ALWAYS HAPPY AND CHEER- ! FUL. I WILL MEEr YOU EACH WEEK IN THIS NEWSPAPER. ? YOU WILL LIKE THE INTERESTING THINGS I WILL TELL YOU ABOUT MY JEWELRY STORE. WE ARE GOING TO BE GREAT FRIENDS. ! WE MAKE "QUALIFY" RIGHT: THEN THE PRICh RICHT. E. H. NEiAZHOUSE:! Jeweler unci C. H. ti Q. Wutch Inwjiosto .i;OT.VAVAVAV.V.V.VAV.WAW.W.V.W.VW To Do the Best Yoia Cao . You Need a Kentucky Drill A SFC any experienced gr.tin man which method of planting insures the best crop yield and he will unfailingly answer " Drilling." Broadcasting wastes a lot of seed it can't help it because the seed is only half covered and is subject to lossc3 caused by wind, water, and birds. "Kentucky" drilled seed all sprouts at the same time and ripeno at the same time. Any farmer knows that tlii3 sort of a field of grain will turn out the beat yield. The Kentucky is a well built, light draft drill that pay3 for itself by the grain it saves. , Wehave a complete line of Kentucky seeding machines. Come in and look them over at your earliest convenience. Sold and guaranteed by JAMES PETERSON Red Cloud, Uibor Day, September 1th, in tho j (Into set for tho strike of the rinlioad . brotherhoods. The committee of oin which WMViislmiKtoii on AtikMM 27th I iiiutiiuti miii, iiuuuai iuiih itlllsl olio nllo U no np Dm nllmi' I.t t I. .. .1..!. i n.u.n'v i.,.: ... .n ,":i.,"'i "V :",".'. 'o hai liiff about two mill K ti woil(i- . ,, . ...rf . ... 'i v IM lUK'l't IMkll II !- - iM nil iiMi. iii I it I ir I iii.i,. ,li irl .1. in...... stration lu favor of the strike e.tuso ITAt1OTnrwnta.tAMJVMUatfMML, NUMIJKltJH MMWHMM1MU BY'THE BEST JEWELRY STORE IN Optometrist Nebraska Notice Regarding Books III IIS liiuoli us llio linnlr un,t,ili- to K.,tf overhauled and .onumboied, nil tt)0 uivo taken books for tho sum. in,'le,',f, - ,' to return tltotn at moral e requested to return tltotn im" V0I1 1 I al Host (nnvrtii(mii i JWT ' 1 i KM ii ' . o o.a o P. M. Wii 1 1 curat), Sunt, ul Sohooh. 1A M 9 'it M