SH i I i 5 Muwwmwmiwf w)rJIM,'MW RED CLOUD, mruMMimMiiam'itWMmi NEBRASKA, CHIEF S33SSSS5 &SS3BS&SSSSS ' NOTICE OF SPECIAL - y savnu tLtiJisvn ta I MIMY rAI .mi """"'' fl g 1HAYEH S DESHUER, NEB., AUG. 29, 30, 33, SEPT. I $2,000 PREMIUMS $2,000 FREE ACTS ft FEATURING & FEARLESS GREGGS AND I . ,-,. r,,rrtnn (! WAKTiW MKJbWUKIVa Races on Regulation Track Four Big Day and Evening Exhibitions 9 Watch for Posters and Programs n 1 L i.m (HI fi SEIVEglU!: B3.I1) I'KOI'OSITMN Ad mission 50 Evening 25c fl Pianos and Musical Merchandise i i UNDERTAKING LKDY HTTENDHNTl Calls Answered Day or Night ALL THE PHONED - McFARLAND BUILDING erawKmrcga aaagaMB easEBBaaaBPa raoaBars! Yellowstone, GSacier and Scenic Golorado Are the strong magnates for this Summer's tourist travel 3 NATIONAL PARKS on a Glacier Park Ticket A sweeping tour of the West.s matfnilieient out-of-doors from Colorado to the British boundry. $ NATIOPJAL PARKS &a on a Yellowstone Ticket 700 miles of mountain panorama, Colorado to the Yellowstone. 1 1'o'ly way with it'''i in le -tiitiiiti .mi.Ii- ow" lli. llli i lin.M l. Mil til lln ll((,r ut u nf llnl ' i ""I. W i holir ' 'iiini). Ni !vi. i'ii it tn n nuil nnii ultt ,1 liv the :i or mill i '.nu II 'if Milil rll.t ;tt :i rctful'ir iiilJouriHil mm i tlu them-nf .lull Jllli. Illlii. liy ulilcli ri'Holulloii Kilil mil) or find CIIIIU'll iletCMIlllUll llinll mill tliirIM(l Hllll meeine.l a )'st('in dI irniiiMit eu crane and an i hi I in ut cot Iheeiiit tin not In thcnuiu of 'l.mi.on uiKiihtnltteit hydrant ,1 I'liltoii ot l.iM'oln. Nchraika. tho njurlal i nuliiccrs M'lirtul by Hiil'l roiincll forlhat purum. , tl,i tilnni ami tic' lllrnllniM mid tht' (initiate ot tin cutt tin not In Inn now on :11c In tlir-otllce ot tlin city clerk, ii. f. Ted. huIi.'i'ci to public liin ctiiin. Hint u i'( dal (toctlmi Mlieruliy 'ilUilninl "111 tin hclil In MM dty at the ..... !.. .. i.. . . (A I ri rfUllir MIIIIiK 11.11 I merlin, lT,ll, in me w . i;r w aM at the nlllccot tin cliy visiter an. I Unlit siipcrlnU liilint mill In thpKfionil ward it tlio rireiuen'i hall, on the '.Nth. tiny ol Vistust l.ilil heUiTcit tho Iioiim of o'clock . M. atnl7o"i'lock I. M. at ulileh lime anil places the fiillowliur propoltl'in will he nu! ilil'ti I f I p voted li; mi, "ih-xV. the Maor ami rllv rnunrll of tho city ( I!Ml luiul. Noliraku hoautlinrletl to liv. i eutiron hoinls of salt) city In tho linn of Ten ThotHainl ni1l;ir4. to ho denominated "i wit lloinHof iiilil city of It&l t'loiid, No brnMkn. In diiionilnailom of (.VMCO each, paynhlc to l.iarcrainl to heroine iluoOJyoari after tin tlatc thereof hut payable at any tliiicatlcr thccilritlon of ij yiar at the option of Hall Itj . an 1 hearing not to cxmd ll t per cent annual Intercn and to be dated thuilay of their Issuance, lulereit ami princi pal payalih at theotllcc of the treasurer of the Mate of Nehrieika. hiilit Ixjilill to he sold at not less than par value with accrued Inter est and the procieds thereof used by said city for the cotistriicllon and establishing of a H.vMti'in of hcu crime In and for said city In ac cordance with the plans and Rpcclllcatlons ahoe mentioned and at a cost not to exceed ' Said syntetn not to Includo any lati ral or district si wer. Shall thu mayor mid council of said city annually levy the nicessary la upon all thu taxable property w I till ii Kald city, In addition to all other taxes to pay the liilerest upon Raid bonds as the Name becomes due and to furnish a fitnklnz fund for the payment of thu principal of Raid bonds and a No an annual tax not to exceed two uilllsoii the dollar for tho purpose ot maliitalulm! mi I repairing said system ot Hcwi raise . The form of the lulbt to 1 c used at fall election nlinll lioim folio ah: Vuto fer i ni rorncwiTiKP bonds und t'iM- (J AKaliMt KPwrniKP lionilsnti I tine.. () tobo voted and ni'irkeil by Iwil.liur n i'ro In the Rpiii-e prnviiliil In tin' ununl inniiiicr us uroUiNd by 'u. Phoiili) thu ninj.iiitviif tha VitiM 'at'at Fjild I'li'i'tUm I u la f.ivornf "iild iirninisltlnn tbe miiui mid riiiinril nf nit I v Ity will 1m niitborlMsl In Uruv and in pnllntnonlil Imi- d-.'itJIi b lolh't eui.dll lun unit f r tho purt'OTH ut ia'ii Jiiirlflol and im iiImicoi.Ii "ip'nled bv ihf stai i n ut NebinWi. Tlie ii'ih tuls of nli biiiidhtii en lilltutc a erp nrale fun I In Imii-i-l for no other puriwee thiin tho hi-ital'all.n of mild -iu'it sislein utnl ojlil Mujoriuiil ''ouncll toU'llinltid to mild $UiOOO.iO In tliiiins'.illnllim tlin-en', Dnliil Iblilthil.o of July 1010. O.C.Iin.i.. I'.niir. Damihui i (SKAl,) Cl.'ik. ihe I'ftiW lullLT SlVliio Itilvell cu- n l'.aiel tli. Ci' 'j i; fJClUt'" TTi?.T jJerrf lir VafSriU it r,i' i i I nv luii,' 1 1 -ii im 1 thu i.o N i) , .ill v i I'as sl'llSlllllJll Is till of the c ir. -p' . 'li'tv.' JEFTf iw.yij.a 4 '(ilJTLCVIV rJ.AW r . .7T.rsr.l, .V. B. Ousll, liL-vi't ;.nt, IU',1 I'liiin), Ni'lir. .. IV. Wakclcy, (u-mrul I'.iseiiyi.r Aye lit 1 t Kiuuatii stt,','i, tuiuiliii, Nflir. VXrfXteJOME " crnsBa' icsEoesgE) &&M3&ME&mim&ms) tmsama; IF YOU WANT A pnumt or fl pro IWade Right, Lettered Right And Treeted Right SEE 0VERIJ4G BROS. & GO. INAVALE loy luli)ief iiii.l fatuer spent M ihiy in Ki'i, imiil. Mr. Fiirilliiitn, wlio h i licen ifi'te si I;, ifc Impiuv iir. Poll Mirttt II ii'iil iife I'nl ii iieil fvituiil 1 1 "in their western lilp Ml. A'll'f I'llllH'f lltlil Miss Mm. ,.. IllMH'l' ,VlMO III Ul'll Ci Mill. S.ttll'ii.l . Ml. Il'l'tle '-ti HIT I'llll llfiVS lelit situniiiy wlih Mt. i;. K. .lince tiiiil fiinillv Ml-s Mnti.1i' MiHaiivllU'utiftnlei! the fllliOtal Ol her trttllel ut lleil Ui Ibl, 'uiitliiy .Mrs. Uiy tint well iim) son tetiii r.l Iiiiiii ii -hurt visit ,it Uuiile; H.iclc, Mon day nielli. Ctiy U'trkur utnl family spent Sin,, -lwy lu thecoiintty ith U'ai Toi.lnini rtll'l fll'llll'. Mis Olimttfuil anil Mrs. i'. stone spent Ttii-'lay at Mis. Bverott lie in" iiid Mrs. l'ltuey's. .1 itnes Silvey nn I wife ami Mr. ill nunti nit. 1 wife uitne home from Un til iiititiiiiis Sunday afternoon. Mr. (Jim 111111(01111111 vUfe ri'Hiri'Pil from the lio-) ut Mastitii:-, Mon.luy ovotihi- Mr, Himter'.s tmr-o c.iiuh with Iiltu as ho Is not ontin'ly out f iliinper yet, Mr. Mnitlia Xeice, .lstor of Mr. .Iiitii' U.irker. ntid son atpl his W'lfe. also Mr. Oseur Mailf-'in mill ilauLtli. r. of Hetluuiy, Mo , spent Sattinlav. ii iluy utnl Motnlay with Mr. .J. itui..e. am! laiiiily ttnd other other rol.ui . ,5 V For fuln: I'xfra nice nppli's, 1' 'o 7.h per bitshul --C. P Cniilcy, In.ivfle Xi'v Suuinier Dross Ciixnls now It Ine; shown hy Minor Co. .sick Farms For Sale Throe u'oo.l fartiis in liar' an i uiljoinlii' the tiwn of Huntley. A II. t'MifUNrru, A: ti- - Stale Wi". A I a Court r Aiiui l In lb soralsi n Orutir 1c filio-K fJ.uisii. j't'rW J Te..,n.v.'.,,r. Ollllly o irt held III the I nun, l ii lii an i firrild i oiiiily Tin .l'i. -i. nun. uiatnr of the tlaie ui NUku Kertasiil. Makers of Artistic Monuments Red Cloud, Nebraska I Ov MJdiiii and nlliu tho petition i Yancp s.irm ,eti. priiyln' that inlniiul-lui lion otMiid estaie may he grained to U llllnu. i rabill. as d.ui:ilstrutur. (Mini iikii, i ;i it Saturday the iith iln.v "t U4ii-u. A. n. I 'id. at III ii'ilurh a. in. I assicnid (or h -i.mi itild petition, when -.i pi rsuusiiiii'ii'.i . I, 0,1 inniier ma ai ,.). at a ( oiiiiiy k.ui t -. held In unit fors.i.d ' intv n.iil hIi'u i i is why pra i r of pe'l-1 visit ii "ii i -.1 nun no! ! :r.iaiiu, ana null limin ifibcp .il'iiey.i'- ' - itlmi midlhi luar inu tin I. nf hi i;l ,i it 'ii i' mitsoiis lliteristed In -at iii'iiur bt i'ii 1 1 i i i a copy of thl 'Tiler In thu lie 1 1 .olid i '.'i (. a weekly news piipir piinttd In wild in in, y. (or thne nui Mi'iiiin .V' eks prior to s'lbt ,i iv of hi'iir.iit;. sl l. A I'. It lM'. i' )iillt .ludile KANSAS PICKUPS il'rom stniith I'minty) Mr K. K. Spurrier Is on the list ut this writing, Mrs. .I.C. lVtotsott vlslti'il with Mr. Hoit Piiyno. 'J'ut'siliiy Miss Lena Cox, of Lebanon, viiteil I ho weoltonil with Miss Mury Abbott Mr. Myron Abbott, of PniiiKib i liuliiinti, is hero vi.sitinj,' tho Mr. I.on Abbott fittnlly. The k'e ereuin soi'itil ut Oriole was well HtteniU' I l-riilny. Tho proceeds were over thirteen dollars Ml-s Mary Abbott hits returned to her work at Lebanon after a two ..coif' visit with home follis, A number of the fiiends of Vis Nellie MeCaitiiey tfuvc her a bhlhila.x si'rpilsj. Int,t Thuiday e oiiiuj.'. Mr and Mr, hew Kindle au.i '.milliter. I'lnreiiC". and Mis 10 h piirii. r i n shnppiiit; in Ited Clou.. l'liiiiil,a . ( lydc, tipal ami Marie MeK iy. i.s Court liiml, Kim-, t, ret tinu-.l t,, "tiei h"ini- lusl S.itur lay. after a Iwuee, u' i-il at the lic.ut-s ol -nest (llitr ilia-'-iinl I'. K. Si'iin ii-i's Mis liel.ii In i. line W'l.' lnMiie w.tli t'n in f, :' ,i inn i v istt n ii i, ii. nti ve. C0NIN6 10 Red Cloud, Nebraska United Doctors' Specialist Hill ',)". til 111.'. &&YAL HOTEL Tliursaay, August 3f , (916 Cm. B.i Onl . Hour.s to a. m. tc fl u. ir. RemutKablo Succces of these Talented 1 Physicians- in the Treatment ot Chronic 1)1. cases. Offer Their Services Free of Charge 'I he !'. ted Itivtots, Iici'ii'-il l.y lln . lite i 1 Nehr il,a tor the Iteatiiii it nf lie'. i initios and nil net von iim hinnlo ili-u'js nl men, wonn n am olnliiu n. nller l ) a.l who call on tin V'nuliiriiiu, ex mii'iitb n ain' Hilviee fie.', r.i ihiiic no elri'.e what I'Vi'i, i-Xi'ept t he actual eo-.t of treat purpose ot provinc tnui sjstem Dr. A. E. Boles OSTEOPATH Physical Diagnosis Labaratory liW .1 VTtilN n Kwminuion Km i: lis'.' ui iMiy t' e Si'loiu'O of llealitie; i li.istmoMl." (ilveli to tho Wm.d l.y A. T. 'tlll, A. 1). IsTi. OFFICE OVER SMITH SHOE STOUE lhnii i'iio.mis v:n cuii'i). x' HENRY COOK, M. D. HUM II IN DttUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES v' j'col. "j. "h.""elunger I'. AUCTIONEER J I mm nady to place j our k:Hi .litis. " Ask an one as to my ualitUatUius ' for whom I luM'erlidi.ales. Indepe J dent pnuiioboii III. rite win or cat ! Ri.u CtoLP, Kr.iiK. Dr. it V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED SI .3?"0i-mi: Ovtii Ai.iuiiout's Siokk DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVER STATE UANU Red Cloud Nebraska R.E.CAHPPD.C. Chiropractor Phones "1-fmu.ntai'j ) Hell Ued UU " " oi ww-v ! nam tar pxa sk' s Meg H tiM K3 I pa B B feica gj THE ALARM s a dreiintttl thini: OF FIRE f"i wd bout iiistiianee. Uvory tune he ees the engines raelnjj tilon; his heart comes up in his throat If the lire Is anywlu o near hie place. What folly, what mis talieti economy. THE COST OF is so small Mint It INSURANCE noi'd hnrdly be eonslib'ied. Tho freedom from worry alone is worth It iniiny tunes over Have u insure you to-day. O. G. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. incut lur tin they I'live at lust disei.vered a anil ineinon vl treatlli"lits timt ale ieuonal'l) sine uu I certain in then lesults. These Doctors are ;ioi mir Amoi ion's leading stotnach and tiene specialists and are expert in the treatment ol eh i oi lie dis-ase.s ot the blood, liver stoui'ich, iiiti'stine-, skin, nerve, heart spleen, kidneys oi lilad ler, rhi'iimu tttn, scialicn, diabetes, bed-Wi ttlnj.' tape worm, lojr uleei,wcak unit', and those allVcted with lone; statidiiiK, deep seated, chronic disease, that have bullied thojsliill of other physic inns, should not fail to call Deafuc has often been cured in sixty days According to their system no 'more operations for appendicitis K" tones tumors, jjolter, pile, etc , as all case accepted will be heated without op eration or hvpodoriniit injection, a they were nnione; the Hist in Ameiiea to earn the name of "Bloodies Sui ircoiis," by doine-iiway with tho knife with blood and with all pain in Hi" successful ttoattnent nf those ilanfjci oils diseases If you have kidney or bladder trou bles hilii"; a two onncu bottle ol your urine for chemical analysis and micro .scopic examination. Worn-out or rini.ih.wn men or w.rji cii, no mutter wlni vour ailment ma be, no matter what you have lieeu toM or the expcrii nee you liaxe had with other physician, ettloit foiover in your mind. If oui cu.e Is ini'iintM, they will loll in so Consult them upon this visit. It cost you notlnu.' lb ineiiiber, this otVcr is fur thi in only. Married ladle must come with their hubai:d and minois with tin ir par. outs. I.iborHtmles Mllwaukco, Wiconsln acuum dweeper j UKfiKlCUK!X2aKV3SS!3CS2nL'3) 'W7 rr.-rv- r- .. "'VfttswCflflta Just received another shipment of the Fnmou3 L &L 1 kflfekkkv91kERiHd ItgFO Vacuum Sweepers Combined Vacuum and Brush Has three eleven-inch bellows: nulal In-: all stcn.s are soldered, makine: it air-titht, ijiviniitmore power, and you can buy them for the price of a carpet sweep Will sell them, while they las), at, each . Come in and let us demonstrate them to you ROY SATTl PV I A I jLaa I Licensed Embalmer Furniture Dealer V fAlUkNM'fl ta Jf i'. II. Miner lr. (-. s. luardorf, M. D. V, Manager Viterinary liii'harKo C. H. Miner Serum Co. -iMioni'tiats-Anti Hog Cholera Serum Rctl Cloudr Nebraska Wire or Phone nt Our Expense I'. S. Vr.itii'Inarv . 45 "The Exploitation of Virtue" Subject Sunday Night Open Air Service at ihe United Church If you are not too busy or loo ;;:odesl lo think, plan lo liear thi;. r.iessAf;c. A dijcussiGH of the vrorld's f .''caiesi ciime. !tui nirTiLiiTT-iiji -n- Lj i ""ri,ii Jnwaasfei 8BS"t2?: Villi ;.' 1 m M I ' jwjwsiSii jmj 'eMmm mm ggAJTi: TATE PAIRS XINCOIiNr, 5EFI.1,,m6 Worlds best Live 5tock,AvlricuIturc? Horticulture and Domestic Exhibits. Voys Camp Better HaDlcs ( Horse Racing on 5,0.7,6 RuthLawAviatrix DAY AND NIOMT TTLIOHTa 5EVTN BANDS Qrantl OycroLQQmyvLXiy AUDWILLE .M iLm an) 'g JHUIJpjPYPgp Sy-yVt r -mfjL. mpzimmm i ohnntc Jonts Expoaltlon -, aps?OE2.'sziSJ2SSmmmaeaujmmm Special nflu&ic Sale! Will Be Continued This Week A!' "& yed So per Copy Pianos, Talking Machines-Victor, Grafanola, Vocalian Victor and Columbia Records AH Things Musical At The Music Shop i HE LE ROY MUSIC CO. Poternon B r dins Four Hi Ave. Red Cloud s:sg33ayraflaafiagCTr.rre KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:. A Full Line of Supplies koi. i.s DhvKi.oiMni ine 51AIL VOUl! 0!J1)E'. 10 LS Stevens Hres. ,. A Farm Bargain W luivH loo nisu'S. 7 nn leh fri in Ken Cloud, that wii i'.in sell for c' 'J mi aoie If hiihl onii, 70 uuiv iMilttviiteil no i. ot rs In l'tnte. 1.1 ncie AUnllii wi'll. nliiiliiijli, anil u-lnc In luis'iire, ll4 tniy blx'ti'Oin .lionsi', ymul roinl. on infill rnute and '".j mile to cl nol llutuliUi.n ,1 iluGi n. Wall Paper, Points, Oils and Varnish PICTURK FRAMING i Work Cuarantetdi Elecfrical Goods cf r.ll Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures E. S. Grber ellevue Aollede D rl. .! I Tt. . BcitnliBe, Teuhr Cutlfiutes Hil'to, Art. r-ano. Volft, Violin, rublioPwi lni,I)rmtiJIoin Urooonf, 1'hjii.wl Klucation, Onii-(.oa.Snuaminil'uol I Pot BuOdUft. UltiruiilCoaitxy AJmdUm,C.U puiUvouiak lorettr. llnuth, Tbouihl, BWU Pf '.lou (Ctab) Nib. noi23rr. Dirid R. Kerr, i I . ir; A4V ? ,jjrA,'.wMiW'XJ