The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 17, 1916, Image 6

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"iTT" '' 'J yy.,'77 V J-.-rtTi f-"- ' '- 1 I 1 1 iTI ! 1 "1 - - -lj"' ri--'iirtrPr" ""'"-"-1 f-- '-'- t----- -- -a. - --.- - tt.i...- wi. r .i. - . --.. fa - - t. ... w. .1-, . .. - ,-, r, V, -,, m-iiiM -111 -ii iin 1
j. i U1VJIW .. rtEETL. aw iwwfflKlite' Thov staid
' 7il I U I'll fc m - RPPP'ffiJ-swfwiiHBy-wB? i r'i
FFPn lIZlIz hUbt rn l
Wl--l 'Mil' I 4HF(PfK flPMli rv ',!.'
, WAM 97 y& m Mi
0 r 7W mV- A PSli Kg Mrjzmnza
have ever bven. A f am tne A &, JlM
J impends. Yet the s uteri can r'''SS
I farmer zvasted more than four jfelfeBM
hundred million dollars' zvorth J M TSflC
f wamin' the best ferti- yjfoTj
B'in.jahvwi''v fi MMvwiM
Be Taught
Moaning of Thrift.
Child Must Be Encourccjcd to Think
of Cost In Terms of Human Ef
fort, FUthsr Thin of
tamzpj&WGPj' zz&ur
r.ItTM.t'K.ns: nr iiilm n Iwi lili'lwr
" I thnii they liiivu over Itoon before, inv-
I Iiik S tin; war. So tieute litis the
1 (lotush situation liocmne that Uncle
I Sam, miuiiiK nil Ills other diplomatic
JL I tniulili's. I111M Iiihmi dlckorliii: with the
allli'H anil with (iermauy to let a nttlu
mlKerahle Hlilpmeut of 10, tons of pot
iihh fertilizer come through the block
tide for the use of the department of
UKrlculttire's farm experiment work. Vet with such
u fertilizer' famine staring the American fanner
In the face, he linn 'deliberately waited during the
last year bvtwgilti ,fur lnmdrel million and four
hundred mid tlfty million dollars' worth of manure,
the beut of all fertilizers. And this, according to
authorities on agriculture and fertilizer, In a regu
lar yearly occurrence. It n not theoretical; It Is
nctual loss, and the BtrauKcst part of the story Is
that the great bulk, If tint all, of this Waste, eould
bo caved Just us easily as not. In fact, most of It
would bo saved If American farmers were, for In
Rtnnce, Dutch or (icrmun farmers. It would be
naved by the farmers of any of the old countries,
whero every pound of koII fertility Is conserved as
automatically and as naturally as though It were
minted money. In Germany the size of the manure
pile has long been an Index to the wealth of the
What the value would bo of the Increased crops
that would result from this American plant tood,
now wnstcd, can hardly he estimated, but the In
creased yields of corn, wheat, potatoes, and all
farm crops would amount to something enormous.
On the basis of using this needle.vdy wasted
strength In manure on the corn crop alone It Is
estimated that the yield would be Increased at
least n billion and n half bushels, besides perma
nently Improving the condition of the soil to a
tremendous degree. In fact, a good many corn
fields of the present dny would be so surprised at
receiving their quota of this wasted soil fertility
that they would not recognlzo themselves. And
yet the Dutch or tho German way of handling ma
nure, etllclent as It Is, Is not tho beht. Americans
huve discovered tho way to prevent all waste in
manure and It Involves no more labor or expenso
on the purt of tho farmer than his present methods
through which ho loses annually nearly half a
billion dollars.
Tho uverage successful farmer or gardener will
say that this statement doesn't npply to him;
that he knows tho value of good manure and uses
every bit of It that he can get. Hut is he certain
that ho makes the best use of nil his manure?
When ho hauls a ton of manure on to the Held, Is
Its fertilizing content all that It should be and Is
ho sure that from 10 to fit) per cent of Its crop-pro.
duclng strength has not been dissipated through
leaching, llre-fanglng, or lack of provision to absorb
or cousorve tho animal urine?
Take an nn Instance the caso of urlno alone: A
ration goes Into that urine. 80 it Is most Important
to conserve the urine, for nitrogen Is the most ox
pensive element of luatiure or fertilizer. Tho other
two Important plant foods ure potash and phos
phorus. Hven though manure Is highly regarded by nil
good falini'i's, nevertheless there Is probably no
product of equal value which Is so miserably neg
lected and regiirdlng which such real Ignorance
prevails. The first great source of loss Is through
tho Incomplete absorption of the urine, and It Is
not Infrequent to see no attempt being made to
save this portion of the manure in spite of the fact
that It Is richer In both nitrogen and potash than
Is the dung, and In spite of the fact that these fer
tilizers are more available for tho plant In tho
urine titan In tho dung.
The second greatest source of wasto of manure
Is the loss Incurred by leaching. If a good-sized
manure pile is stuoked up against the side of tho
stable where the water from the eaves can drip
on It, or If It Is plied on a slope or other exposed
place, every heavy rain washes away crisp hunk
notes In the form of nitrogen and potash. Theso
leached chemicals are the most valuable portions
of the pile, tho most available for plant forcing.
The third common source of loss is thnt Incurred
by healing and fermenting. When manure Is put
In piles It soon heats ami throws off more or less
gas and vapor. The fermentation which produces
these gases Is caused by the action of bacteria, or
minute organisms. Tho bacteria which produce
tho most rapid fermentation In manure, In order to
work their best, need plenty of air, or, more strict
ly, oxygen. Therefore, fermentation will bo most
rapid In loosely piled manure. ( Heat and some
moisture aro necessary for fermentation, but, if the
manure Is wet and heavy, fermentation Is chucked
because tho tempernturo Is lowered and much of
the oxygen excluded from tho pile. The strong
odor of ammonia, so common around a stable, Is a
simple evidence of tho fermentation and the loss of
nitrogen which Is going on.
Fresh manure loses In the process of decny trom
40 to 70 per cent of its original weight. An 80-ton
heap of cow manure left exposed for one year lost
00 per cent of Its dry substance. Some tests con
ducted by the United .States department of agri
culture showed that two tons of horso manure ex
posed In a pile for five mouths lost 57 per cent of
Its gross weight, 00 per cent of Its nitrogen, 47
per cent of Its phosphoric neld and 70 per cent of
Its potash, or an average loss of three-llfths.
Five tons of cow manure exposed for the sumo
length of time In a compact pile lost, through leach
ing and dissipation of gases, !() per cent In gross
weight. -II per cent of Its nitrogen, 10 per cent of
Its phosphoric acid and 8 per cent of Its potash.
Hero was a terrjtle waste, veritably, yet not greater
than Is to lie found In most common farm practice.
What would any business man or any farmer think
of a .city real ostuto Investment or a innd Invest-
The farm scientists and the theorists can pr'ieh
all they want to about the economy of tin tnrmer
building line, big sheds to keep "e rain oil the
manure nr other such plans, but It goes without
saying that the average farmer Isn't going in see
It that way. I'.ul he doesn't have Ml The remedy
for such losses Is simple in the extreme. In t:iet.
exactly the right way of bundling manure so as
to save all this loss Is about tin? cheapest, cleanest
and altogether the easiest hiij to handle manure.
The first step to prevent the loss of the fertilizing
elements In manure Is to provide plenty of bedding
or litter In the .stable to absorb and save all the
liquid. The losses due to fermentation can he
greatly cheeked by mixing horse manure with cow
manure and making the temporary plies compact
to as to exclude the air, anil by thoroughly wetting
the manure, which will assist In excluding the air
and also reduce the temperature.
The Ideal way on the average farm Is to follow
the plan, all through the year, of hauling manure
directly from the stable and spreading It at once.
There Is a generally prevailing notion among larin
ers that If manure Is hauled and spread In mid
summer, the sun will scorch It to a cinder and hum
all the good out of It. The governtnejit agricultural
station In Maryland. Just outside of Washington,
decided to determine this matter accurately, and
Its analytical experiments have exploded two ery
common beliefs, the summer-burning theory being
ono of them. The other common belief which bus
been blown to atoms Is that It Is better to plow
manure tinder In the fall than to leave It exposed
on the land's surface during the winter and then
plow it under In the spring.
In tho tlrst instance manure spread In "burning"
July and allowed to stand until the following
spring gave better results In carefully checku'l ex
periments than that spread In tho following spring
Just before plowing. In the second series of ex
periments, better yields were secured after allow
ing the manure to lie on top of the land all winter
and plowing It under in the spring than were ob
tained from plowing It under In the full.
WlIATi:VKK benefits may funv
Mom the training of children,
they are supposed to have some rela
tion to the futtite; but the training
Iiself Is founded upon the experience
of the past. That educating children
to Use tomorrow according to the wis
dom of .Vf.stcrihiy is not always 11
.sound procedure Is Illustrated by the
prevailing attitude toward "thrift."
hver..uie, nearly, pays lonnal homage
to tin supposed virtue of thrift, an 1
everyone, nearly, resents In Ids Inmost
l heart the niggardliness and narrow
lies" suggisted by the word.
In this country thrift lias tradition
ally iiieunt the scheme of sun lugs
worked out under pioneer conditions
' during Colonial times. It applies, ol
course, to the whole economic otttinol;.
but It Is especially prominent in con-
1 ...... . . . . . .
necitou wuii tne idea of saving. The
early settlers found plenty of land and
plenty of timber; but the products of
labor were to be tutalned onlv with
mueb effort. Haw materials that In
volved labor, such as wool and linen
and nil of the metals, which had ti be
brought from Km ope, were carefully
hoarded. Clothes were mended and
patched until they simply could not
hold together any longer, and tin 11
the rags were saved for carpets and
quilts, or for making paper. A patch
was an evidence of "thrift," and thrift
was a commend'iblo virtue.
Hut the cultivation of land was cur
ried on in a most wasteful manner,
and good timber was burned and de
stroyed with wanton disregard for the
future mrds of tin; country. These
facts only emphasize the fallacy of
the common notion that we tuny teach
such nn abstraction as a "virtue" ami
then -peet It to perform Its function
In the regulation of human life. Thrift
was very e-irnestly cultivated, but It
had no meaning except in relation to
particular kinds of commodities. Fire
anil fat had to hi; saved, but what
ever was plentiful was disregarded us
carelessly as the present generation
disregards matches and paper.
Yet every generation has to teach
Its young tho best that It knows about
the hanilllir,' of the material basis of
life. The dlUlculty lies in not recog
nizing that economic changes are con
stantly going on, and that It Is neces
sary to readjust past experience to
new situations. A little hoy who had
acquired an interest in spending money
their prices. On tho other hand, wo
hnyejeurued to tldnk uU'osUMccnis
ifilinmaa ffnt,rnthto thatiiln turpik
if pr)4. r Jritfc' fflilldYtir, lah irnrn Jt
ihlnk of their Anrroundlngs lim fjn1
a ue way, although It ulia'osi lmJiOs
II ly to cscupoAUe bleu. of brlccvqn
Ir-fr. . . '-TI V ' ,
A teuclHfyiuct'x ons'erved 11 'chili
cnimpllupuB fiipiece of paper that sin
hal "spnlleiK';byu few might peucl
tin rks." 'On being' repiMod, tint gjr
affected nn injured nir it,seeiiijt sv
lier rather smi'ilPdmakc 11 fuss u1!ou
a cheap ylece df fafier. Tin) teachef
otAhlyilttfuttqn of tlujf'Jitsf and fet
beforeit tiVew' problem ltriirltlimefli
There are so many sheets of this kind
of paper in a pad, and the board of
education pays so many cents a pad.
The little K'rl who prcclpitatei) this
problem curled up her lips trluuiphr
nittly the sheet sh.e hud polled cost
a very tiny fraction 01,11 cent! Hut",
the teacher continued, there were sev'
oral hundred thousand pupils In the
schools of thi' city, and the average
attendance Was about 17.1 days a yearl
What would It cost the city to give
eaclf child an additional sheet of till
paper 'each day?
The fraction of n cent U not worth
considering; ht.r the wanton and tin
necessary waste of materials Is worth
very seriously considering. Instead,
however, of fixing the .child's" attention
cwmB!afaiB ll
WK trni
, u j v x 1 yi 1 1 1 hi
u&m & .Tssa
Tho next president of the United States will be
Hobert l.unslng of New York, the present secretary
of state.
Mr. Lansing's term of otllco does not depend
upon the action of any political convention; It
Is likewise Irrespective of any primary or direct
election. In point of fact, it dates back to Januarj
ID, 1SS0, when congress passed nn act providing
that, In the event of tho death, removal, resigna
tion or (nubility of both the president and the vice
president of the United States, the secretary of
state shall act as president.
March 4, 1017, will fall upon a Sunday, and It Is
contrary to nil precedent although not In opposi
tion to any law to hold an Inauguration on Sun
day. Therefore the Incoming chief executive will
take the onth of otllce and commence his term
shortly nfter noon on March ft. President Wilson's
term commenced at noon on March 4. lbl.'l; there
fore, according to the Constitution, which dcliucs
the term of 11 president as "four years," his tenure
of office wll.1 be over at noon on March 4, and, even
If ho Is elected to succeed himself, he cannot take
the oath of olllce until noon on the following day.
Vice l'resldent Marshall, of course, Is under the
same disability as the president. Therefore tho
secretary of state, Mr. Lansing, will be president
of tho United States for the U4 hours and some
minutes elapsing between noon on Sunday, March
4, and the me that the new president tnkes the
oath of olllco on the following day.
This brief term of otllce Is not a mero formnllty.
It is nn actual occupation of the power of presl
dent, with all his authorities and prerogatives. Mr.
Lansing "l'resldent Lansing," for the day will
he empowered to occupy tho White House, to Is
sue pardons, to attend to all the other business of
which the chief executive has control, and to ride
to the capltol, should he desire, us the outgoing
president on Inauguration day.
Moreover, this Is the first time In the history of
the nation Unit a secretary of state has had this
honor bestowed upon him and oitly tho second
time in the 140 years of the. existence of the United
States thnt tho olllco lias been held by anyone
other than the president and vice president.
cow will produce 45ito frt) pounds of olld immure 1 une-nt which depreciated In value in this wise? And
n day, but sho will also make front i!0 to 150 imundrf '' what If he discovered that he could have prevented
of urlno and fully one-uair or tne mtrogen
In her
It at ulmoDt uo cost or extra effort to himself?
From the day of the medieval archer, who
notched his crossbow, to tho day of the Western
laid man. who notched Ills gun, men have always
sought to preserve some mark of military prowess,
some tally of their victims. This war bus not
changed hittnuu nature. The modern military avia
tor, the otil.Vj Hohller who still lights single-handed
does not notch his gun; but lie paints a deaths
head on tho Swing of his 'plane to show that ho has
vanquished Ms foo In open combat
Surjgcsted That He Keep a Record --f
All That He Bought.
upon the sugar or the paper, we should
try, as quickly as possible, to get hlni
to think In the larger aspects of the
problem. A child of seen or eight is
usually quite capable of understanding
the principle of avoiding waste, and
of applying It quite generally to all
kinds of materials. The other side
of our problem Is to establish through
the routine of the home a sane atti
tude toward the whole question of the
use of materials. It Is not enough to
repeat from time to time the adage
about being "penny wise and pound" It 1 necessary constantly to
keep before the children the idea that
the Justification for getting is not hav
ing, but using. Material wealth Is to
contribute not to our repute, not to
our power over others, but to life more
A Patch Was an Evidence of Thrift,
and Thrift Was a Commendable Vir
tue. was given an opportunity to exercise
tills Interest by being sent to the
neighborhood stores to buy as much as
possible for the household. Ills fa
ther, thinking to combine the business
of learning with the pleasure of spend
ing, suggested that the child keep u
record of all that he bought for his
mother. "When 1 was your uge," ho
said, "I kept an account of all of
grandmother's household expenses."
The child's mother was ut a loss. She
approved of the hoy's writing and add
ing; but she also realized tiio dltllculty
sho had in making her husband un
derstand that the prices with which
he became familiar as a boy were no
longer current. She wished that he
had never been so thoroughly drilled
In the prices of the early SO's of the
last century.
This father, like so niuny others,
continued to think of cost uud saving
in terms that no longer apply. In the
same way, every family cultivates its
pet economies and Its pet extrava
gances. In a certain fumlly sugar Is
looked upon as the Index of frugality ;
whoever takes two or more lumps of
sugar to tho cup is "extravagant, and
whoever tnkes 0110 or none Is thrifty,
In this s-nnm family aro truuks full of
old clothes that no one will ever use,
uud the rental cost of storing them Is
equivalent to more than n tenth of the
total cost of thu dwelllug. Yet theso
people think nothing of spending sev
eral thousand dollars a year on motor
cars because motor cars came Into
their lives after the standards of thrift
had' becomo" established.
Wo shall have to teach thrift, or Its
present-day equivalent, from a new
point of view. We lmvo learned that
..t .1 .i.,.! ., 1 1, rt ..ll w I .I .. I. (..... ....I.... I.i
j flMllCllUl. 111. (Ill 1IUV II1I4H ,UI117 til
proportion to their contrlnutlon to nu-
mail welfare, and not In tiroportlon to
Feeding the Inftnt.
The Infant Is born with a slore of
Iron within Its body. During the nurs
ing period this store Is gradually de
pleted, since the milk contains little
At weaning time the Infant stands
In need of Iron. Tills is usually sup
plied in egg yolk, hoof press juice,
scraped beef, prunes, whole wheat
foods and oatmeal, and some phy
sicians of unquestionable standing
recommend spinach.
Kgg yolk Is of especial value as a
source of Iron, calcium, phosphorus
and lecithin. Hut it is nn exceedingly
rich food. It must he fed with great
care 011 two accounts, first, to avoid
making the baby sick, because while
It Is usually we'll taken It acts like
poison to some Infants, and second, be
cause the value of egg is so great that
it ks especially unfortunate If you up
set the Infant by an overallowance,
since It may lie a long time before It
will regain Its tolerance for this food.
Tn most families and among friends,
differences sometimes arise that are
decidedly unpleasant! In nearly all
cases these differences spring from mis
understandings. A time comes when
explanations, apologies and reasons
ure in order, and u reconciliation takes
place. Tills is a thing much to he
desired, und when It comes, wash the
slate clean. Leave no fragments, uo
left-overs to bo brought up at another
time. Wash the slate clean as you
would wipe out n faulty exiimploy,
Cleanse thu heart of the last drop of
bitterness or resentment. Let love ami j,
good will prevail. A genial spirit brings ,
more renl happiness than a manner so j
reserved as to raise doubt of the pleas
ure of meeting, doubt that reconcilia
tion was inutuul. So forgive as to for
get. It has been done and can lie done.
Such forgiveness wins good will and
cements 1 Headships that fill life with
Joy. Hold yourself ready to "wash tho ,
slate clean."
Quest for Youth.
One child of the period was curious
to know what became of tho old moons.
A greater puzzle Is what becomes 6f
the old men und women.
People refuse to grow old; perhaps
because they aro afraid to. They arc
like tho wonderful one-horse shusr,
proof against thu ordinary process of
gradual depreciation. They last o
many yours, seemingly unchanged uud
unchangeable, and then suddenly drao
Into pieces.
Old age Is unfashionable, and gravity
purdottalde only In tho very young, it
Is said that the majority of tango stu
dents aro well over llfty.
A boy may delight in hluchnoks, a .
Greuzellke young girl may addict her
self to the study of eugenics; but that
wuy fogeylstn and fruniplshness He tbt -tho
man or woman over forty. T
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