WWT'flP' RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, O.HIEF . V. im f. v) toCNfinONAL mmm i T w i - Lesson ' ) (ly n O SUM mis MI,k Wrectnr o tlio buiul.i K ' i.l I'mnco of tin Muoilv IlHli Institute i I 1 iko ) (Copyright 1V1R W suift .N unpirer I'tilun . LESSON FOR AUGUST 20 RIOT AT EPHESUS. :!.' i.::son ti:xt- eta 11 23-11 (iOl.PKN TI.VCT-Tlie love of mon y la thu rout of ull Mads fjf eil-l Tim c I) Teacher ought to have good maps und l:ii-i before (ho minds C Itlielr (.'lasses tultll till' atlCloIlt Mill Illodotn twines of tlu plucos Paul lltjs Paul resided at KphcMis Hourly throe ours, A. U. ."it to ."0. Tin events of tlilx les Mm occurred aliout three oars nftvr our lust lcMiji iu Acts. I. The Missionary Work of Paul (vv. 1-10). I low loan Paul remained at Atitlooh aft or1 his second Journey wo ilo not know, hut having passed through tin "upper coast" he eaniu to thN city of i:phi'us, which' was an Important city ami a groat mission Held. In Kovolutlons 2 ami .'! Is a IK of the churches which le evangel I oil from this center. It was a groat ami effectual door for lilm (I Cor. 0:1): read also Acts '.20:17; 2 :.'?."). Iu this city Paul found a religious guild of 12 members (see vv. 2-7), whose relig ious experience needed the enrichment of the Holy Spirit; a like need Is ever nolo re the Christian church. II. The Miracles Wrouoht by Paul (vv. ll-'-'O). lIphoMis was a center or magic nml witchcraft, and special power was given Paul to work mira cles which confounded the magicians til this, their stronghold. The liuspcl proves Its power most ami host hy transforming the characters of men. Heeds of loe anil service are the host proofs of Christianity, and these are tlje things which awaken heathen na tions to sick after the Christian relig ion. 'But such deeds are often 1ml titled as In this case. (See v. l.'l.) However, only the real spirit of Christ can work the Irue workings of the n!ospel,.and thus thejiume of the Lord .TJ'fiis vrits niagnllled In Kphous. Imi tation Is often the slncorest form of lluttery. III. The Mob's Attack Upon Paul's Work (vv. 21-11). The first lesult of Paul's work was the burning of the books of magic (vv. 1S-20). Many who laid been dupes of the magicians ceased their secret practices and de clared their wrongdoings In this pub lic manner. Literally, book after book was thrown Into the tire, much the .same as In I'lorence Savonarola had his "bonfire of vanities." Paul's won derful success had t have Its testing before he left. The Gospel "way." the way of salvation, of true living, Is sure, to create a stir .sooner or later. Preach the Gospel faithfully and fully, and it wltl-tlr up any community. It. Is not necessarily a bad sign when things begin to be disturbed. It may simply Indicate that the lire Is get ting hot. The good results of reviv als do not hurt business but they do hurt the devil. So that "big business" was intensely stirred up In the city of Kphesus. Demetrius, their leader, uttered a striking and truthful com mendation of Paul (v. 20), although It was, entirely unlnjtijJitUinal, I fruiTssr.iKiO): Demetrius' lc Mfun to seek to enntrovett thej lug, of Paul, or that It did not (See docs n'pt. Mfun to seek to enntrovett the preach- J lug, of Paul, or that It did not .square with the word .of God, .but rathoV that lt( would 'Interfere with financial con .slderatlons, Th6 modertl world Is full of. descendants of the Kph'Ian Mlver .smiths,--politicians and hislness In tists which jlefend the hmIooii, and fairly rosr.eotable citizens w'h'o receive rents from such business, or from Im moral or unsanitary properties, and whb cry out against any reform which Interferes with trade and money mak ing. There are many today who are very enthusiastic religionists If they can coin money out of It or get Into nri'olllcc. vAt this theater meeting (Paul was not present, vv. 2!), ."1) Demetrius np fiealed (1) to wealth, (2) to religion, (flj to the honor and fame of the city, and (1) he also made an esthetic tip in;nl, (vv. 2,", 20, 27). The Jews put forward one of their number, Alesan ler, to make a defense unto the peo ple, and to show that they were not In, sympathy with Paul and his com panions In their prenchlng against the worship of Diana or that as Jewish Christians they did not maliciously hope to destroy the worship of Diana and the business Interests of that city. Their effort, however, only stirred the ', mob to a larger shout, "Great Is Diana -( of the Epheslans," which lasted for two hours. ; Those who yell the loudest think vf i they aro sure to prove their point, thpugh In such a way the point does Slot, stay proved. Paul combines fear- ) less couragQ nnu ntunnio common pV8ense, and, while ho fain would np 'iybenl to the mob (v. HO), he refrained. rne mot) must eoon nwaicen to the manliness and spirit of Paul's oul. It was the town clerk who Interfered j t. Jgi-11) ami by skillful management quelled the excited mob. He was the itemple keeper nad hhowed that thu worship of Dlanu wns so settled In Eiiliesus that no company of Jews copld overthrow It, and that they did not have any real cause for lolence. lie nlso emphasizes the fact that he Imago of Diana, their chief pod, oil been miraculously seat to them yyjuuiui. iiu ciiiii-u iiiii'iiiiini in tjiu ice that Paul had not committed the pfeug of which he was charged. ATLANTIC w? iTTT t--3tes- nBHmvwii'w-n" . - wiBmtiJBMir. t. .v , n 1 1 iimi Va m" YiralnBriNT-WBrTr ini" nana rf TrTl t r" aTLT jttiw mtmBMH " im w m I hi.s photograph ol Atlantic i it.v.ttil.eu liom one m in i. ii,nei ol Hie tiillltla, sliows thu winding Inlet, the xuclit pier ami tlie baseliall grounds at the CHILDREN ,' i&f AVS? in in'iirly every m'IiooI In Kn'litiHl TtjrXffj Tff wT-f mr s" ff are eaemiratrrd to Invest In the i:overnnieni war loan most cases tlie headmaster of thu school makes tlie collection the hoys turn In their money. 1 HELPING THEIR WOUNDED PRISONER 'a si 1'MMiMM Wmi JfHtJ ' MAMteVMMvMMVrfAWMv' A 4vC!- An oillclal photograph trom the Hrltlsh on the western front showing a British Tommle giving a wounded Uermuu, made captive, a drink fiom his canteen. PRISONERS BACK OF THE ENGLISH LINES BSSHrl&IISvSlnyraSiHHBIB Gorman prisoners taken Iu tho Urst,UuytJ of the buttle p the Soiume and held back of the English Hues. Tho photograph bhows tbe British trenches uud dutfouU,. ,-, .- . ,- ... ! CITY SEEN FROM AN AEROPLANE') vSys ' Ni xii a& jfc,!s.?S3$8! .nM$. HfeN vSf!" ' , INVEST IN BRITISH WAR LOAN - Ji Ti ' ' ' ,'J', vt wm-v v r-. 7TY- Hie cliillrii uit lei u t.iul tin alut Tito plintoiatth shows 1 MO tittle ones "i Kj!rY inn sniioti oi tbe .New toil, naval popular .seaside resort. "TTT";? t ol saving iiuuh'.n. TIh1 hos Mini Rlrls huw tlie pcntilt'M aro colltrttMl. Iu line up, and tlr.st the KlrW ami tfieti ARABS WHO FIGHT TURKS K ' ftXiiri "sit w. TM I 14 tm"i"ilM ili.s ih ii mow nt Arabs Iu a topical encampment near the lied sea, wliero the. luive rebelled against the Turks, and aro making headway In their tight i tor Arabian independence. TAKEN FROM EXCHANGES A recent publication of the Dominion department of Immigration shows thaf only MI.78!) Immigrants arrived In Canada during the fiscal year ended March 31, 11) IB. From Great Britain there were 42,270, as compared with M2.022 In the previous year, and from the United States finjl)!), as compared with 107,0.10 In lOl.'l-M. Tho problem of Immigration after the war Is already being discussed In Canada huiI Great Mritaln, and plans are under consider ation for tho settlement of returned soldiers on the vacant lands of tho Dominion of Canada as well as of oth er oversea countries of tho ISrltlsh em pire. "The word "and" occurs 40,ri27 times In holy scripture 10,081 times In tho Old Testament and 35,543 times in the New Testament. As a race, tho tallest peoplo In tho world aro tho llororos, of tho south west of Urazll. They average 0 feet 1 Inches In heltjhfc !..: ".'.'"... ." ' s .i." i iry -v ' y ir -' ;;,-. ' :i ... i i i vio'itaiiiiil i -r i a ---fA- r 1 y '..A.Sty DISCOVER LOVE ' IS TOO STRONG i " trial Separation of Artistic'Los . Angeles Couple Proves to Be a Fizzle. PhETTY WIFE UNHAPPY tffnds Protection of Matron' Name of t Little Value Mcp Friends Aro Unreliable and Hubby I Looks Good. Los Angeles. Cal.- The "trial separa tion" of two mombor'sof (he J, os 'An geles' artlM iMloity, pretty .little I.tylla l.u tn ti . the "Aeladne" In flaw son's painting id that name, und the "Id.sll" In man other paintings which San rraucNoo ami l.os Angeles painters hne produced, and her husband, H. V. "Wldnor, an aitlst. has llzyled out. The altraotlxe Mrs. Wldnor Is tired of It. Tlie couple agreed to separate for a polled of from throe to s months, due, It Is sold, to the husband's Jea Ioiisj of attention from his wife's dune lug muster, and In r suspicion of a woman who called up her husband fre quently on the telephone, lie was to go to Chicago ami stay tboie unless she sent for him. This, mis MrH. Wld nor, Is the way It worked out. "He wanted to come back at the end jf two weeks, and by that time I'd .nude up my mind that there wasn't ;olng to be any permanent separation n the wldnor family, nut l was iieier itlned to stick out tlie three months, at least. They are now up. "Things might have hten different If they had turned out tho wny you read ibont them. The ilhon'oi;. for instance, is nlwajs supposed to rex el In 'free Join.' Matron'o Name Didn't Help. "Her mat ron'.s name Is supposed to save her trom the nnnojauoos that be set the unmarried girl, but she Is sup posed to huo all the privileges of the kitter. "It certainly wasn't that way with me. 1 never was mi tied down In my life, even before it leaked out that our separation wis premeditated. "Lots of places I wanted to go I couldn't, hcc.iiiso I didn't have anybody to take me. You can't always get even your most agreeable men friends, you know, every time you happen to want them. "I thought this part of It would bo different after tbe tlrst couple of weeks,-but It got worse Instead of bet ter. Didn't Like Being Grass Widow. "Then there are lots of other llttlo things that are hard to explain. I didn't realize that It would hu so, of course, "Lots of Places I Wanted to Go I Couldn't" but when It was supposed that my hus band and I had Just simply separated I fouud that I didn't like tho way peoplo treated u 'grass widow.' "Then when tho 'trial separation' be came Known I wns in such an Inde terminate status that It wus worso than ever." LAD IS TEASED, USES GUN Boy, Who Was Mountaineer, Made Jibing Onion Weeders In Ohio Scatter. Kenton, O. A real Kentucky moun taineer of fiction typo 0 feet IV inches tull and woIjl'IiIiik KM) pounds, ulthoiiKh only fourteen years old awoke tho ijulet settlement of Aler on tho Scioto marsh, thu center of tho greatest onion raising district In Ohio, when ho started a cannonade that Bent tho natives to tho trenches. He was Charles H. Hale, who halls from Orecnshurg, Ky and who caino to Hardin county to weed onions. The youth bought n gun und threat ened to shoot tho hats off any one who opened their heads to him, Ho soys tho other weeders wero teasing him. Thn troublo enmo when olllqers tried to arrest him. Thu bullet hit Harvey Porter. Spectators scattered. Tho lad was sent to the Lancaster Industrial schooL , Skinner's j TO&HIGftErr QUAUTY j SPAGHETTI ., t f J J6.' Ag Recipe Book Frtt iKINNER MFG.C0.. OMAHA.U.SA (AlGtST MACAAOKI UCTOAY IN AMtXICA Nebraska Directory, THEPAXTOE OTEU .Nibraila EANPLAh Itix inn trout $1 W up kIiil-Ip, 7SrMit up cIciiiMA, CAFE, THICKS KCASONABLE FILMS DEVELOPED Wt t.tvfl on of tho Ix-st pgulptl flnlihlng depart' m.-ntii Ic thn rountty ami tho fllmi ou nend ui IM df Tf loplnf! rtintlni: or pnl.uglng will bo hndlM by etpcitt whe will gpt the teit poulble results fat Vou A til il oiar will coovIdca vou ot tho upeitol ounllty clour woik I ( LINCOLN PBOTO fiUPPLTCO . 'UJMiiml) KixUM'o.i 1217 0StDcpl.K. ' Llncitn N.bn.k. COMING TO LINCOLN?, 1'in rit-tin uio,1orn h,uin, Arrnn,(i-,l In thrrn Aiiltei, Imlh nltlii-m h.rnrnprlut irn-nt.hii rpnlirtfip tilliol tur I'.Mnuiilh I'tler IMxi. lll citnlilpr part rll IlltllUX Ull-.rl.au U.K., I IX lllll. Kill , llirola, nik For Sale or Trade. 2,000 MCro Sankatcticwan I'litin, with com plcie pqulpnumL Prodncod In 10 13 over 100,000 btiihels Value $100,000 Further listing of Canada land desired. ritANK CRAWFORD W. O W. Dutldini OMAHA. NEBRASKA DEFIANCE STARCH is constantly growinr; In favor because it Docs Nut Stick to the Iron nail it will not injurs tho finest fabric. For laundry purposes it has no equal. Sb ex. packnjje 10c. 'A more starch for tame money. OhHANCE STARCH CO., Omaha. Ncbruka MovingTo Lincoln? Why not buy a home in Normal a suburb of Lincoln accessible by pavement nnd street cars. We have a 7 room house on two 50 ft. lots, 3 blocks from paving, 6 blocks from car line that can be pur chased for $2,500. Other bargains. I. C.MILLER, NORMAL, NEB. Musical? Ilncou I understand your new neighbors are musical. Hubert Are what? ".Musical." "Who mild that?" "Oh, I heard It. Is It not so?" "Well. I reckon he likes to fiddle, nnd tlie wife likes to yell, If that's what you mean." Record Catch of Fish. What Is said to be the largest slngto catch of IWli ever landed at a port In this country was brought Into Glouces ter, Mass., on the 11th Inst., by tho trawler Kaslhampton. Tost olllcluls make that claim after comparison of available records. The tiawler got 100,000 pounds off Saubro Dank, near Halifax, N. H., In less than two weeks. . -"r(t ,,, , "jV Just a Trifle. Hero Is a ridiculous little gift which may come In handy for slipping into an envelope with a cheery letter for u youngster, an Invalid friend or some one who Just naturally appreciates a good laiiKh. It Is a small bookmark made with a half-Inch colored satin ribbon and on eacli end Is attache)! n small doll of wool, It may bo black wool or white wool, and It Is tied Iu tassel style, with colored cotton 'for eyes, nose and mouth. Tho whole "doll" Is not an Inch long. Try ono of these bookmarkers with a lilt of rib bon anil some left-over embroidery silk or cotton. Does Coffee Disagree Many are not aware of the ill effects of coffee drinking until a bilious attack, frequent headaches, nervousness, or .some other ailment starts them thinking. Ten days off coffee and on P0STUM the pure food-drink will show anyone, by the better health that follows, how coffee has been treating them. "There's a Reason" for P0STUM Sold by Grocers U n :a hi w ' f- X