? "3'llUf lll " ft R I . V. 4 VOLUME I Small Investments I r YOU HAD A LARGE SUM OF MONEY to invest, there would be many ways open for you to INVEST IT. The person who lias hut a few hundred dollars should use the utmost care in making an investment selecting the one that se cures the principal beyond any clcubt, with out tieng it up for a great period of time. No investment is better than our Cer tificate of Deposit under such circumstances. We pay four per cent on time deposits. Deposits in this bank arc protected by the Depositors' Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK ! RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA C'MMTAI. ami Sl'HI'U'S SMI.OOO S v I'VVVVVVVVVVVVVWOVVVVWSWWV'.'V'.'VVVV'.'VVVVTV NEW MODEL 4 t ,a n e t JJ F. 0. B. Factory This new model's a beauty J Hal & Corner Garage - Supplies - Repairing Superior Grain Drills The Name Tells A True Story C This is the drill that has 50 more clearance than any other drill on eatlh. This is the drill that sows around obstructions and not over them. ( This is the drill that plants at an even depth. I Sold and guaranteed by James Red Cloud WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COAL ORDERS PLATT 1916 MODEL F. 0. B. Factory While the ' 1 6 models last Peterson Guide Rock & FREES liw nwniiiMTiiMii i irri-i w-- m w .tin wa,itM mn . i iiii ,r$g?fc - .- - - '- - . TviiW " ' " ?." v '-1 Tlr.-1?'-? '-V ' " , " .,.Vk A Newspaper That Gives The News RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. AL'JlST IT, J!M. Fair Will be a Good One Thu Webster county fair to be hold I'lie Webster Comity Tom-hots' In at lllailen, August 'i'i - '-!(. promises to stitute. held at the comt house tn surpass, three of pievlous veins. ' this city, opeticil on Monday, August I'lftity of iniisie each day, furnished I ltd. with u large numtiur of teachers by some of the 'ending bnmls of this present. In fact, the attendance Is the vicinity. Several free id tractions have largest of any institute held in the been billed for tlio entire week, among county them will be the Uoynl (Kalii Japs Miss Coon, our ellleienl county and K.unu A Arno In the very lutest superintendent, is indeed to be coin aets the latter having been ono of pllmented on the arrangement ol such the leadur.s of the "big tops." Arrange a tine program, including lecture's by inents have been made for it complete, program each evening, including free attractions merry-go-round, mulc and '.elaborate llieworus. The evening program will no doubt be welcomed by all us is a new feature. There will be a bull irame day, called at I2:.'I0 and several iicli fast teams have been secured. Speaking at '.' w) p. in., tlrst day, Farmer's Union Day, by oil" of the best spt'iikeis obfainahlc; second day, .Iiiilge Sutton, re; ublica candidate Miss rioter, formerly county super ior governoi;'ldrd 'ry, Ko Ih Neville, niteiident of York county, recently of democratic enndidati for gO .ernor. j Columbia University, New Vol I , is iiNm Kaces called at ' CO p, ill. mi each ' pi sent and theehsses ate vtey eiithus of tliuso three dujs. A cry flu ' pr d ius'ie over her iustruclloiis in school program has been arranged, including pace. trot, mile dash, half mile dash undo mile mot 01 cycle i nee. with about SMhio In pnr-.es at stake. A thiltylwo ieet addition has been placed on the Agricultural Hall, giv ing ample room for display of exhi bits. On the llrst Hour id' the bulls will be found the farm products and merchandise displays, while the site- Hid Hour will le (riven over to I ho display of the ladies' handiwork- and school exhibits. , Tli" association is sparing no ef fort or expense to u.akc this oni if j I ho best la'.rs in lhi locality, and I'veryi.iie slu.mld do their pail in mak ing tl.is fair h w ii'iier-jou can do this by attending the fair as many das as possible, boost ing for it and htei lug exhibits. Rain Saves Considerable Corn Fate has tailed on us once more as on last 1'Yidny ami Sunday lied Cloud and vicinity was "f ivored' with a Hue rain, and the vegetation in this locali'y has taken on its grjcti appeatunce and everyone you meet wears a smile. For some time past grave fears were expressed for the success of tin corn crop. While many iiiKintain that the refreshing showers cnuie too late, there are others who seethe brighter side of life, and while we shall not have a bumper crop, that a good share of it will mature. Also that it will relieve all anxiety along the line of another crop of ! falfa. It will also be the making of good fall pasture and be of groat as sistance to the tillers of tlio soil in'.tlie fall plowing. Aside from all the bene tits the farmer will receive, consider thu benefit the general public will derive relief from the excessive, heat and dust and a good night's rest in all each ami every one of us should feel thankful. Observer Ludlow states that 2 T'J inches fell. Lebanon Band Gives Concert The Lebanon Military Hand, under the direction of Mr. F. Miller made its ' nppciirauce in our city Wednesday i cvcniiiL'uml rendered a verv fine mus!c al ptogruui. This baud is composed ol about twenty inemb.rR, all talented ! inusleians. Mwn.d to none, in this sect' Ion of the c iinlry. 'J heir piogram was as tollows: 1. March Mlosrt of America IVynr '.'. Overture 'Norma' iWliui :i. Selection -'Little Christopher' . ... Keifcer 1. Solo for Haritone by D. 12 H-ltz 'My Old Kentucky Home.. Fisher T. Morecaii Caracterlsiui .0 'Vision, . Blon A ll..si.rlnllen I.Miitu! VV I lit., i-1 Iampo Simple Confession'. . I'licine (Jrand Selection 'Songs from the T he ! tw Spangled .tanner. ' Lillt All the numbors were well rendered but nnmtjers four, six and eight espeo - Wily pleased the. large audience that had assembled to hear their concert. Thu object of t heir appearance was to remind our citizens that tliulr pros- ence will be appreciated at Lebanon's twetitv-cighth anniversary celebration held at that cltv, Thursday. Friday n nil Saturday. August 17, 13 and 10, Fifty - two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. Institute Well Attended able instruetois Prof. 1,. It. Slpple, of the Kearney Normal, an expert on rural school J work, arrived .Monday and gave sew r- ill instructive and interesting leetuie.s J lie closed his work on Wednesday and i returned to Kearney Dr. W'lnshlp of lloston, came Wed ucvlay and will remain for the balance of thewecU and his worh is being ic- ceived with piesent. much htciest by all management ami primary wmk A Hiawatha sebctloii by Miss l.li.a belli Ovirt-maii at the general session on Wednesday afternoon, and a humor ous recital by Miss Florence Johnston, were well tendered and phased all resell t The Thursday morning exercises Were held at the .Methodist church ami the audience enjoyed musical number by thu M'sy ju.n,. tni Seherzinger and ISiiym Hid Turniire. Vany ol the townspeople ate show ing much interest III the splendid picture exhibit at the court house dur ing llii iiisllliKc'wicU. On Tuesday morning, one h uf lio.n w'as devoted to chapel exercises. The entire assemblage tonic pal t ill the first half of the c.vicisos. after wliieh they enjoyed a very line selection on the viet rola The exerclsgs were eon eluded with tin excellent tending bj Miss Nettie Springer. The excellent, iustriietbiis ub'.eh those present received will be ample regard for the expense they have gone to in oider to attend this institute, and the eitizeiis of tlit county i ay well ft-el pi oud of their superinten dent, who has done so much toward the advancement of their schools. Teaclier's Institute Rccrpllon One luindrrcd tlilrty Webster c-oun-ty teachers gathered together on Tues day evening to get acquainted, renew acquaintances, and to have a good time. From reports of those present, they were not disappointed in any way. The evening was spent in a variety of ways each as fascinating and enjoyable as child's play, yet enuh feat was plan ned carefully to demonstrate what teachers can accomplish In their run 1 and town communities. County Superintendent (iertrudc L, Coon had appointed leaders, previous ly, to have charge of each event and these leaders chose the number of per sons required, from the teachers en rolled. Mr. Dewey Hutchins conducted a contest in rope ticiug which was not only unique but It demonstrated the uses of knots for lope tlelng on the farm. A large number took part in this contest and tlio following were winners: Most overhand knots In half a ,',nilU.t lst omor ,.,,, Kva Hutchins tied; Hid Paul Heed. Most different kinds of knots, 1st. Homer Font. II; .'nil, Paul Heed I; lid, (Iran Font, a .Miss Hazel .lohnson conducted a Corn Stringing Contest whiuh was In tensely interesting and resulted in Misses Anna lirominer and Inez Fetty winning 1st, Misses Hazel McKelglian and (Irncc falicrer 'Jnd and tlio Misses ' ltesblo Johnson and Ituby (loble :ird. I IhIo rnue wa conducted by Miss hmlly alkur. The winners in this ( raco wore: lst Ida Armstrong, 2nd ' (ioldle Robinson, 3rd Forn Hall. The , , m.llltos . r', w ns "," (,t l ' "'" "",' . , Mis. Walker also had charge of tlio balancing font und tlio. wlnnoi.s were as follows: 1st Ida Armstrong, :,'nd (ioldle Itobinson. :ird Fern Hall". Miss Dal"-y I'ortnier conducted jwawuwwwwuwwwv K dlte fiitK j Jk t3&& w ittBmi BSSi iSnSu Jzr c, vs wmk w jj Jj f wsL i$sJ DF. IT ONE SMALL PIN OR A MANY PIECE SET OF SILVERWARE : WHICH YOU DESIRE, WE SHALL GIVE YOU THE SAME SCRUTINIZ- ING, CAREFUL ATTENTION WHEN YOU COME TO BUY ANYTHING AT . OUR STORE. ;! "COURTESY" AND "CONFIDENCE" ARE THE TWO BIG WORDS IN OUR ESTABLISHMENT. WE RENDER COURTESY TO OUR CUSTOM- lm ERS AND SO CONDUCT OUR DEALINGS 1 HAT WE CAIN THEIR CON- ! FIDENCE. ! COME IN. , . I; WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT: THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. '. E. H. WEWHOUSJC Jeweler and Optometrist - C. 0. & Q. Watch Inspector ! wesee: Wonderful Summer Dress Goods IT IS NOT our policy to have cut price sales. The suc cess oC our Dress Goods Department has been due to the fact that we have always carried a conservative stock of the very newest and neatest patterns of seasonable mer-. chandise. However, IT IS our policy to CLEAN UP on our Dress Goods at the end of each season, so that we can start the next season with a nice, fresh stock of goods for that reason we are offering some Wonderful Bargains in Summer Dress Goods. Striped Voiles, 30 in. wide several patterns, regular 35c, per yard 1 9c Printed Seed Voiles. 27 in. wide, regular 25c material, per yard . . 1 2c 37 in. Voile Nazaire that sold at 50c per yard, now per yard.. ..27c The Store of Good R. P. Weesner & Co. contest in ,1'nlato l'eeling in which Mlsfi Xeltie Springer won llrst ill forty seconds and Miss Zuluia Wondeily second in fortyflve seconds. A demonstration In Drimutizatlon was given by Misses F.thel Wisecarver, Florence Johnson and ISII.ubeth Over uinii and Meters .loo Springer, Homer Felly and Evan Hutchins. Mr. Ivan Itobinson gave a humorous boliictlon which was composed by him self and the Misses Florence Johnson ami Elizabeth Overman also gave choice literary readings. Refreshments were forved I y six ' young ladles. Mihs Jesslo Kellogg be N17MJ5ER31 Pretty Pins priced riht in our Reliable f jewelry Store OOAfl .--."--,-' I 332 Saving in 30 ih. Plaid Silk Chiffon, regular price 50c per yard, now per yard 35c Satin Stripe Voiles, very desircable patterns that are worth SI. 00 per yard special at per yard. .69c Clean Merchandise o.i esom9 ing chairman of that committee, Is proof that the refreshments were flno. The great success of the enlng was a demonstration of tlio fact that organization counts. Miss Conn had all committees appointed and all plans inado so that everything worked "with neatnoss and dispatch", Not a dull uiomont during the evening,' U. M. Smith purchased It. V. Ivoont.'b Maxwell automobile and on Tuesdny morning, he, accompanied by ills daughter, and with Jack Steffens as driver, departed for his hOTUt at Kckley, Colorado. .'.4- Vi r '6 'i v , i i 1 j ' i w .HP m li M Wi 'i -A-I !'