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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1916)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. CHIEF B? Anderson Amusement Co. am; saggara; nearest rxcamEiBTMzm MERRY-GO-ROUND FERRIS -WHEEL , ! I - I II II .. AND OTHER ATTRACTIONS -l r- AT RED CLOUD, NEBR., ONE WEEK Aug. 7 to Aug. 12 Pianos and Musical Merchandise i i UNDERTAKING UKDY HTTENDHNTl Calls Answered Day or Night ED. AMACK ALL THE PHONES - McFARLAND BUILDING HM3KE75SO OfSB53IHB f3R3JK Yellowstone, Glacier and Scenic Colorado Are the strong magnates for this Summer's tourist travel 3 NATIONAL PARKS on a Glacier Park Ticket A sweeping lour of the West.s magnilieient out-of-doors from Colorado to the British boundry. 2 NATIONAL PARKS on a Yellowstone Ticket 700 miles of mountain panorama, Colorado to the Yellowstone. Tllf lol wuv with its '.III mile niltntnnuilt' riili' over tht s Ivan M'nxs is the plow nliii set'iile adventure of the Yell iwstnne tour ami tin reason 1'iiivpl tliu Co ly whj , mill way, any way sensation ii" tin jWiJi.b.IK!.wssI N. B. Bush, Ticket i-nt, Ki-l rli.iil, Nil.r. L. W. Waftccy, (ipiii'rnl I':iv.iiii:iii A.'iiit l'H l-'aiiiuui Mivet Oiiiiilm, Ni'lir. ERmmagg?r.!rr:r.ra i?w wwrjttismmaett'xrxjzrrr' -'."- - IF YOU WANT A PNIWT OR A PMER Jllade Right, Lettered Right And Erected Right SEE OVEW BROS. & GO. NOTICE OF SPECIU BOND ELECTION SElYSKlUt: ..3N1) PROPOSITION V In H lif r li l.i n t II i n il.i. s of in f t f Iti I I. 1. 1 -1 n'i r i iiilin . N. ir. kl.ii id ii i ir i. .mi t ;i n mliiti. n ti 1. it- 1 In tin inttjiir iriit i urn II nl s-il.l i lt nt a i n inr iiilj iiinii'l mi i ninj lln ruif Jul. -III It. ii I.- wliii li ri ilutl'iii ".'ilil innwir hihI iiiimi'II ililiriiilniil upon iiml iiiiroi'l mill wri i'i il :i stem of iroiotcil i"( rave mnl in xtlin.'ilK nl tliemst tliensif In lliesiini of litnUM ! stilinllltl ly (iuint V rulliui nt l.ui'oiii. N'lirask:i. Ilic tpti'lul iiiuImhth ci. i il in sul I coiiik II for Hint p'irrfHi. tl.c lain .iii.I ii'i lili .itloni mnl lln- estimate of In ..,t!li ri'of In Itiit noivoii lllfln thiii:tlrr .f 'hi i .ty i li rH, il. i". I'li'l. iiilijcrt to pulillc u! 1 1 Hon. Kperlul i Icrltoii h liuri'tiy nl,. inn! will In' hi'lil In I'llil cltv nt till) i jiilur v i'Iiiu iWres tlu-ri'lii. toull. In tin; r.i wm i nt il v iMIi'i' of t!ii' i ity naicr inn! W : iipirlntcii li nt mill In tit r kpioihI wnnl it Hi. I iri-im ii s hall, mi the .Milt, 'lay of mi i.i ' i ii hi-twei'ii tin1 ho ira of M o'clock M mi 1 7 ii i.iek 1'. M. at wliii It 1 1 mo mnl tlnrti tin' li 'lowlin; propoiltlnti will lie m'.i- llll'l 'I III III '' I ii on. "Shall th M:i'r mnl t'llv (utimll of tlie city ol ItCil iiimi. n.iIji.ihmi in- imtliorii'ii to Isiuc coup i Ixnutu ot saltl city In the hum of TcuThout ml Hollars, to ho ilunoniltmttil iewer liiimUiif ialil city of licit i loud. Nu- iraHkii. In id iiniiilim'.l ms of i'rA.M each. n iibli lo lii'iirr r ntil to licconir due 'J) j ears Jut tin iln'i therm! hut payable at nny line alter the explrntluu of & years nt the .fit Ion of snl'l illy, nn I bcarlint not to cirwl i e per ii in mmiial interest ntul to lie itatlil hi itay of their iNsuanre, Interest ami prlml- al ptiyahli at theolllie of the treasurer of In slate nl NehrmUa. Salil liomls to besolil it not li'SH ihnn par value with accrued lutir st anil the procculsllu nof lived hy saM tlty for the mus. ruction mill establishing uf a syiiti in of seiverniie In mill for fcahl city In ne conlanci with the plans and spcclllcatloni .iho e nu utloneit ami at a cost not to exceed iMHMM). saMhyHleiii not to lucludu any lati ral or dlstilet t-cner. Khali the mayor and council of saltl city anuiialiy levy tho tuiessuiy tax upon all tho taxahlu property within wild elty , In addition to all other taxis to pay the Intiresl upon said liomls as tint saiui) hi iiiiues due and to furnish a bluUlui; fun, I for the payment of (he principal of said IhiiuIs and almi an annual ta not to uxecitl two inlllson the dollar fur tho purpose o( maliitalnlni; and repairing said system of xewcrnui'". The form uf tin Imllot to I u umh! at k.iIJ election hull ho hi filluAs: V. le for i no I'or i-owcricfn Ujnils tiixi" I Ak'iihiHt MmcrkKi' IkiiiiIriiii I UiMM.. lu liu volcil iiml nmrkal liy in iklni; a rr')" in the rini'i' provlilH In tlie UMinl iiniuii r us proUkn) ly hw. Hlimilil tlio nujj. Ity of tho vitot r.iFt at bald eli'i llo'i he in fiu.iriif hhIiI priiposlil'in Ihr mayor mnl ciiiniiil of mill city will lie iiu'.linr zul In lnuc mid hi vntliite "Hi, I 1") ids iicconllni; tn the cm ill! Inns mnl fur Hie pil't'ives iitiiii Hlii'Clfn' I und im a mi nu. Ii'ini 1.10,1 le tint AlatiiiH ef Ni-liiuntu T.,e mi isUuf Mil i Imiiils to CO Htltllti' II Cl unlit riiml to In' u'usl fur no other purti'M than iln ItiHtullatl hi uf Huld "ewer m k 'em at il salil Miourumlt'iiuticll toU'lltnitid to' In the liislnllitiun tlit'ieof. Paled Ihisllliiluy of July I'.UI'i. O (!. Ti.tx, Itonr. l)AMi:iilil'l.. tufAl.t C'lirk. Vnor Ortli'.r To S!uw (.'diiM:. pUl-r'".'-; ".T.iefou.iiyCu.r. Ala otinty - i .ii r l held at the i ontit.s I'ourt loom In mi.l fors.ild luunly Tuesday, AiiKiist 1st. Uii;. I.s the math r of i: 0 esl.tti nf Xlckll Mirue!'!!. Iiei'i'iise I. on leadliu mid llllim lint pt'lltlou of Nunce ".irm'Mii. praj Ilia Hint ndmliiMia t Ion nl s'lld ustntc may he nuitcit to William i lahlll. i iluiliilstrator. Olint..:i i. l'lut &aturd.iy ll-e day of Aiiitu.. . P.. i'.U'i. nt Id ii'i'o'l, :i. in.. K iisslitinil lor liearliii; ald petition, when all perilous in'i ii..tnl In said niatler may npear at a l.'iiiiiiii i ulrt to lie held In anil for-.tld eoiillH ati.l .tin veait-o ivliv irajer of petl Horn rshouid ii" in tfranteit: mid that notice of tin- pi tni in of - tid petition and the hear liiiitiifit .1 he loall persons Interestul lit said in i tei in tt ilillshtui: a eopy of this nr.Ur lu n. li I' ' 1 1 riilcl. ti weekly ne'.vs. papi r pilii.i'l in -i I iti tnty. for tlueo eiiu Hieuii. u. cl; pit i. I i -aid d.t of hearing. ,m i A. P. II iNNia, Counn .indue. INAVALE .Mr mid Mrs. tioorjfit Mot tow huiit j Siiiiliiy In Iilvoi'toii i Kay Ilitnvo'l li-ft on Weilncs lay lust fur Ills liotnp ut Pmvi'l1, WyninliiK frunilu I!iitliil,'. wlin lias linn qillU' slt'W, Is (ll)ll' to lip out (loots iitMln. The M. It. Lullfs AM iin-t with M s. Miller iifn! her m iiliiit on Wpilui1tiy uftprnoiiti. Mrs Mutltfws i-ntpilHinttl her iiin-lf pIhss M'tii'lny I'Vi'tilti-r ntul m oienni anil u.iUu Weru prvud TheC. W. !3 M. Hint wild Mi,,. . Deisley, 'J'linr-iiliiy. timl etij i oil a liht niiii'lii'on whl li she server). Mrs. Hurl l),t,tilu'f ntul L'hllilf'h of D.ivltl City iiic visiting her liiother. Clnrunci.1 HttrKi'.ss ami family. Mnly Itivvsott Is riiiiniii tin.- luittn'i yard wliilo Jitii Sllvcy anil wife ute spotwllnK' a few weeks In the ttiouti tains . Miss liliinultc Marker ieliirnel homo .Sut unlay flight from near Ulailtti wlieie she had heeii for three or f.inr Weeks. Kveryotie was sutiicwlnit s'lrprl cd Tmsilny erunliitr to hoe it ruin. hilo it iliiln't rain much everyone enj ycd what we did (,'et. K. K. Hunter anil Mr. and Mr . Marty Cloud iiiitoed to iliti.tiujs Su l I'tiv, to visit their luther, Clms (lit t.--who is still in the hospital. .Mr. Dunn of HloomttiKloii ami Mis. Mella Kennedy lire looking nfter tho stote while Mr. und Mrs. Ill Dunn mo en joying u tllp to the inouiitalus. Kansas City Market Kansas City, August II. Cuttle .'l.r.OKt. strong to 15 higher, .'-'." to .10 higher than Monday, lop S10 Hogs 8,ti')i, 10 higher, !1.I0 .('..-, top .70 lights .0., Treasurer's Statement t. A Fa rm Bargain We ' nve liio acu-. 7 m les from Hed ( oinl we en sell 'or ivr itere it s -nl .i-iit, it' ae., ptiiiivulpif ."ill late 1 1. tnll'e I't i.eies AMitlfit. well w n luii ', an I - -1 ii r in tefsture, I , i.i t t.iuti ''His', g ni.l rca'i lo i inn i rn.tte anil S mile t i -eh ol lln e iUiiii V Si.tlitiiell, I Makers of Artistic Monuments Red Cloud, Nebraska lit iB ellevue CUuitsJ, intj, Srlfntifie, tochtil Ctifictt, Bil'fc, Art. Pu.m, Vttlfe, Vulin. Public Fpk. lac, r)ruuli allows KtoDOm, PbyunJ Muratwn, Gyitm (.um, tJttinimmi I'uol loilede Btria BoMiJut, Cit uJ Cou0T AduUM.Ctn Bui?iwaitil lartrer. Uridth, Thouibt, Skin. BrlleruatOmabi) Nrh. Uui2jrr. David lU Kerr. s il 1 1 HENRY COOK, M. D. IS DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONARY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES .l t H. Miner Dr. S. S. Peardorl, M. P. i". ( ManaKcr Voterlnary Ini'harno C. H. Miner Serum Co. -1'iioPL'i i;its- Hog Cholera Serum Red Cloudf Ncbraskn Anti Wire or Phone at Our Expense I), S. Veterinary License No. 45, KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:. A Full Line of Supplies ROLLS DnvlCLOPMD-lOe HAIL YOUR ORDER TO US Stevens Bros. "" ""' to.--. -nT- La 8 But esKH" t . . " Aug. 1, 101(5. Mayor and City Council, tlty Me I Cloud, Neli: ti'titlemeu: I Hibmit statement pom-i Dig leeeipts mnl ilishlltseiiientH uf nij ulllee for the period from dulv ."i ti Aiiu' I, 1M(! Oecupalion l'ltud Amount nn hand July ,ri, 'Iti . S S'Oi f Keeeipls p.' do l)i-.l)Ufeiueiits Malauee W.iter I'll ml Atnoiitit on hand July Ti .... Uei'elpN lialattce W.iter Levy Fund Mnl nice on hand July .1, '10.. Peliui"emeiitn.. . . .' Malatiee (.ieiieiul Finiil Aiuntint on hand July f, '10.. I)i:4tiiiremeiit.s Oil IS I'l ti." S.M) I i . -.'i".:. -,0 . Oil '; '.'17 .-1 J 71 2 1. 1 Is 2 n; i:;is :: till" 'JO Bilani"' Ci.'l t.U Ktentrie Liglit. Fund Amoiitu on ha ml July (5, 'Mi.. .5 71K5 77 Receipt i '. 7' 'U ('ti Dlsl'iirsetiients Uiluuee l-.lee.trio Lltrht Levy I lin 77 7'Jl os ....c t"70 i.. " Fund lUlaneeon hand July .",'10 ... l'0.j 5u N'.t receipt or ilislitir-ciiieuts H.ilitueo 00.T VO Firemen's Fund Amount on hand July 0, 'Hi., j C' Receipts . lu oO 101 GO Disbursements (SO 0() Hulunco 41 tiO Recapitulation Oivtiputlon Fuiiil 6 s'iO l.'l Water Fund 017 :i I Water Levy Fund lirj It! (tenerul 01 till F.leetrlu Light, Fund fl7! (in Mlectrio Light Levy 0011 J0 Firemen's Fund 41 (Su Total , S 11. Floraneo, City ...ell 10 OS Treasuror. ( Similar. Bacon "Huxley suld that un oyeter k as complicated us a watch." L'g kert "Well, 1 know both of them run town easily." Farms For Sale Three good farms in ll.irlnu county adjoining the town of Huntley. A II. CuipiiNrEit, Aegut THE ALARM is a droiuirtil Hum; OF FI&E for the man without insm ittii'o. Kvnry lime he sees the engines racing tilout; Ills heart pomes up In his throat if the tire is anywhere near Ids phtiv. What folly, what ml taken economy. THE COST OF is so small that it INSURANCE need hardly be considered. The freedom from wony alone- Is worth it many times over Have us insure you toilay. Manager Warren, of the Tepee, has lntalled n Mutter-Klst corn popper in tho lobby of that popular amuse ment hull. The machine is one nf the very latest Inventions in tho way of vending machines and is iudee I "nomo pieee of machinery". It is operated entirely by olectiii'ity, driven by an eleetrii) motor, and hunted by electri city. It compiles with all tho Mini ttry requirements of the law, mid then some, as the corn goes through tho entire proeess, trotn the time it leaves the supply reeeptlca), until it reaches t lie customer, popped, butter ed and tlavored, without the asi. tuce of human hands. There Is not a doubt but this modern machine wi 1 be welcomed by ho many patrons of t lie Tepee. Tot," a TV? yJty. i-0. m IV 5rf""B !D-Cfc. HUUSIEK ascre f tsy-ftgwcw?,- ryir.vxvprrFnrerr?x, -yjX77Tij;w SAVES MILES OF STEPS -imi y i ' FamouM Roll Daor "Hoosicr Beauty' Come in and let us demonstrate them to you For Sale by ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmor : Furniture Dnnlnr I JJ lS&'JBSs&gjf&RxXiSSE&J1 "The Ffodern Newspaper" Subject Sunday Kigla-; at the Open Air Service Hear Beebe Line Up The Newspapers SPECIAL MUSIC " n him ii i jTi m in -r-1 r--- H 1 1 -"-irr i iV&zK, m v stri.' , -v iy a. M .HB . Y t-7lR juincoost, ssnsmm Worldi best Live .Stock. Agriculture. Horticulture and Domestic Exhibits. Hoys Camp Better Babies AutomoDileKacin0:Moiidfiy3ept4 ' Morse Racing on 5,0.7,6 waBBBffi nnrc n .AM..J9M7MMWttZZA 1J rfJ-X X-l S JL JLX . 'l'.VJlluJL' ll-', - A ! M -"-----' mM3lA.i m f 1 ' sasfsusiv fhj 'fmms RuthLawAviathix. UA.Y AISU IN1UHT l'JL.10415 vSEVEN RNDS Grand OperaCompany VAUDEMLLE (f ( olmnle Jon&s Kxpoaitlon s- s MSL JZ-rm :w K2Z&Jjtti HSMmmzAmi Wall Paper,Paints, Oils and J)n J. BoleS x Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures E. S. Gourber C. Reliable Insurance. Removing Mildew Stains. Soaking mildew Htaltm In buttermilk or Hour mill, will many times romovo thorn, but not olways. Try a solu tion of one heaping teaspoonful of chlorltlu of lime to a quart of soft water; strain, when well dissolved, and dip the mildewed bpots In It until the Btnlns disappear, then rhino Imme diately and thoroughly in clear water. Chiropractor Hell Ked 101 OSTEOPATH Physical Dlaenasls Labaratory CONht'Ll TIOS VM I.WMlXMUtN I'llKK '(Js'riinntliy tho S'ienco of Hetiliii(- by A IjustiiiiMit." (JivHii to the Woild ly A. T Mil', A. I). 1S7I. OFFICE 0VE15 SHI III SHOE STOKE lliuii I'nosi:.- IM-.I) CLoi'll. N'i:UK. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVtl! STATE nXM Red Cloud ' ' ' Nebraska AW.V.V.V-W.V.V.W.V.V, : COL. J. H. ELLINGER I AUCTIONEER J Imtuw reaily to plaeo your salt ilatis Auk any one ns to my limllilcntiuiis ' lor wltotn I liaveerlrit sales. Imlupe J ilt'iil pnonoSonl'.i. Wrltuwlroor cut !" Ked Clold, Nkiiii. Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED J5T Omru OvEit Ai.nmoiiT'i, Stork -( Kl ) I i t' j m i