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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1916)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF : The Bread KLEEN That Satisfies MAID Go where you may you oannol find its equal. It drives dull care away from the housewife and puts a smile on the face of all who cat it. Fresh Daily from the Hastings bakery In sanitary wrappers Delivered to your home 5c-10c loaves. PRE LOCAL ITEMS THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Roil Cloud, Nebraska. 'UBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY WALTER W. MARSHALL THE SANITARY GROCERY, IN RED CLOUD Let Us Have Both Sides. In another column, wo publish 11 cits play atlvtrtUetnent of Tho Xebtaska Prosperity I clique printed at our regular advei Using rates. While we are in no wise responsible for the statements made, we helltve that the otois are entitled to hear both bides of every public question. In the mar gin of theadveitlsement will bo found the names of tho ollleeis ami vice presidents of the League. We ate told that they are prominent citizens of the communities in which they re side, and many of them me large .,.,",,," 7 ,. ; I properly owners. The oMcora of the Keith Neville is not looking around Lc,lf.ll0 llrt. reSlonb,ble for .,, bt(lU,. aftorlssuos upon which he may rlilc inellt tmt these Kentlemcn base taken nWrtd In the I'oMoltlc t'ut Ittil ( loud, Net), n t-ccond Uans Mnttir B. McARTHUR 1'UIII.ISIIKH rilK ONLY HKMOOKATIU I'AI'KH IN WKUSTKIl COUNTY una me 01 governor, no is h parl , .,,, ,rairs o( lllf . uu be competent young business man wh0.CHIseof lhoir ,,,,. thwl Mnte ,lloll, Will rf lti N ttlirilkln It nitlf iiinntlntt nf .. ' b ., , , " union would work !i injury to land c.oven.or Mooreheads business "! ami town properties, and would jeo miiusiraiiuii, anil euiorce mo will oil the peoplo us epresi,ed in tho liw stute lit large. emicicti uy inu it-gisiaiiuc. ptirdise the btisltie-s Interests of the The new gond mads act, which can led J.'.oi'O.Odti. was announced bv tlits department of agiicultuie U'n.lilw.t..ii M .... I..I,. umi. . .l....ll..,Jll ij. y, , nil II I J -Mill. KANSAS PICKUPS I'riini small cotiiity) M i. s. Andrew Upp pin chased a tie. at Ford the other day. T A N KS Our 2" Cypress steel bound tanks are the best on the market. They have double the life of a galvanized iron lank and are much cheaper. I'M Ml- li ti.l Miu AM. i. it t..t ..... ,bo entitled to its .shu.e, each state Ule ,,r0Utl nitloIlty of w ,,, .Mr. and Mrs Leonard Cleoi go woie THE M ALONE-A VEin CO. must provide an equal amount to that put up by tho federal government. Itefore making the division of tlds amount to each state, Sccietary Hous ton deducted !! per cent, set aside by the act for administration Tho in tininderof SI,s.M),oOO was allotted to the states on a basis of one-third re spectively in ratio to area, population, rural delivery and star mail routes. Nebraska comes ninth on this list with the sum of Sl0(),77o "TALK WITH US ABOUT TANKS' liny .mtr Gtocet ins of Miner llio-t Co Howard Yost and (ilenn Toe leturn ed Thuisday morning fioni Mem don, Kansas, where tho had been woi king in the hat vo-t Ileitis for sev eral weeks. visiting at .less llocklngs', .Sunday .Mrs Cieo. Dnejter, of lltownsville, Texas, anived bete, l-'iitlay, for an oMonileil visit with teliitive- .Mr. and .Mis. Eainio Ingrain aie spending u week in Republic county as the guests of relatives. .Mr. and .Mis. Austin Spuriler and family, id Uu.-r Oak, visited at the llurvo ISIuir home, Sunday. The tiling peoplo of .this vicinity weie euteitained at Andrew Upp"s, Sunday evening, after Sunday school. tuito a number of tills ieinitj attended tho show at Smith L ntor, Satin day. Mr. ami Mrs. C 12. Eldied, of l,e bauou, left Muuilay mtiriiing lor Ko Ho iv to Buy a Range That Will Please You In the first place, buy it of your dealer. Don't buy of a peddler or from a mail order catalogue The dealer lives in your town and cannot stay in business unless he sells you a range that will last and do good work all the time. There arc many good ranges on the market, and it took us some time to compare all the good points and make our selection. We made up our minds which was the best . The Walls Are 3-PIy TLv SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE All-Ways Preferable Range The Oven Is Air-Tight ill r 7?m ffigflgitt' NEBRASKA PROSPERITY LEAGUE A StattulJe. Nonpartisan Urbanization uf Tax- paym vicE-rnnsiDCNis WESLEY ADKIN9 count OM1HA John LnrnTr.ON MCI1CM4NT. MNDIR on c c allisou UflGCOH CrOltOK ANTIL INvl&TMENT HIAIR Z M DAIMO Hnrir.aTCN J L IMKCR MANUTACTURf R J W I11NDIM rAMMCt HliMIMHy ALtHi n tipNtr INVEStMENtfe OfSCA cs. It IIBOWN Rl .c ruTATfi INVESTMENTS w j nufu.t.'.n ItlvFSTMf NTS HAI1HV V IIUHIM.LV PftlNII R W M I1USHMAN iironAor ALUCHT CAHN MANUFACTURER LOLM't I! nn TS nTOlMAN, HEARNEV t m rAirtriLLD REAL l.tAlC INVESTMENTS jottN h rncNztn HUl Itllll INVESTMENTS on n OILMOHE , PMtllCIAN AND (UnaiON ,. T. V. OOLOEN J CAPIIAlliT. O'NtILL ty rtllOINAND HAARMANN Till ,-w- HAMUrACTUNIN V J. J. HANIOMEN - ... CONTRACTOR rnEO d. hunkck ATTORNEY, WIT TOINT FRANK n JOHNSON OMAHA PRINTINa CO. C, J. KARUACM INVItTUCNTS C HON. J. T. KCCLEY VALtNTINI r. J. KELLY MtKCIIANT, NIOIRARA mANK D. KENNAHO CAPITALUT JACOD KLEIN MERCHANT, REATRICE DUD LATTA RANCH OVTNIR, TIKAUAH C. M. F. LEFLANO CAPITAlItT O W. MCOEATH COAk OPERATOR JOHN A MOMROACHIH INVEHMENti. WYMORI SOr-MUS F NEULE PUBLItMER FRANK A NIKS retired niRiR. rtiit em J. J NOVAK RANKER, WILIER J. J O CONNOR ATTORNEY oroiiou pah MERCHANT. NEBRAEKA CITY HON. WATSON L. PUHOY LANDOWNER MACItCN THEOOOHE HtlMtRS (TOCKMAN, rULLERTON KARL HOHDE tinio ri, coivaigi JOHN a RO-JICKY PUDLIEHER J C MOTH inveitor fremont John schinollr STANTON W H BCHMOLLEH JOBBEN THLODODC H SE.RK TOCKMAN, NCLIOH a e. 6HuHr MANUFACTURER HARRY t 6IMAN WINEIDI Paul r. sKiNNrn MANUFACTURER A, r, SMITH JOBBER N. A EPIESOEROEFI WHOLESALER HON. P. F. 6TAFFORD NORFOLK WILLIAM BTORK INVEBTHENTB, ARLINBTCN IIODERT C, STREHLOW -S CONTRACTOR CEOflCE B, TYLER U".ilt-. INVEBTMENTf, IIABTlMCl A. J, VIERLINS VV"'-- nit, PAXTON VIERLINO 1 -vtf Iron works W- THEODORCWIDAMAN stock'buyTr. aurora C. O. VY1LLEY .. -"" ATTOrMPy, RANOOLrit V. N. WOLOACII UERCHANT. GRAND ISLAND R. M WOLCOTT MERCHANT. CFtTTRAU CITY HON OTTO 7 UK LOW MAYOR SCHUYLER Does Prohibition III P 4 A 4 A A. J L-' B H R-ia -4r J Jl'U'lllLPlLi The people cf Nebraska etrc being urged this year to adopt state wide PROH5 ilTION, and to v:pe out the Slocum Local Option High License Law. Naturally, tho average man wants to know what results have been achieved instates where PROHIBITION has been tried. He wants to know first of all whether state-wide PROHIBITION prohibits. The practical man also wants to know what results have been achieved in Nebraska under the Local-option, High License System Wc intend to publish a series of articles with a view of lay ing certain vital facts before the people of this state, facts which they should possess in order that they may be able to make an intelligent decision. The citizens of Nebraska want an opportunity to hear both sides of the "question. They have little patience with the extremists, of wKom there are some on both sides. They want to hear in plain language why so many men of standing are opposed to state-wide PROHIBITION. We will present evidence in abundance to show that state-wide PROHIBITION does not prohibit; that serious new evils follow in the wake of PROHIBITION, evils far worse and more numerous than those for which PROHIBITION is offered as a remedy. Kansas tried for many years to make state-wide PROHIBITION prohibit, and has failed. The news item presented herewith is eloquent testimony to that fact. Aii Item of Proof from Kansas Showing that PROHIBITION does not. prohibit. (News item in Topeka CapiU.1 of November 3, 1915.) "Liquor is being sold to high school boys by bottom char acters," according to Ed. Rooncy, probation officer. "W. E. Atchison, county attorney, yesterday afternoon ordered a warrant drawn for the arrest of the negro who is said to have sold liquor to Reuben Niedcns and Johnnie Barret, the two boys who took Mrs. Ida Browncll's Ford from in front of her residence, 205 Madison, and began a mad career of window smashing that ended in their arrest. Niedens is 17, Barrett 14. TUc boys gave information to Atchison about purchasing the liquor. The warrant will be served this morning." w. The Nebraska Prosperity League OPPOSED TO STATE PKOIIIIUTION. IN KAVOIl OF LOCAL OPTION, HlttH LICENSE President, h. V. CKOPOOT TrejMircr, W. J. CO AD Secretary, J. H. IIAYNES Sent! for our literature. OMAHA, NEB. B i a 3" I' Z.1 iitf y I HW 3 m 111 lllllfe i In our opinion, this is the best range of them all. Its flues are made ot Pattented Keystone Copper Bearing Alumi-num-I' used Metal. The walls arc three-ply and the oven is air tight. It is made of a combination of malleable iron .iiiu fcieei. u is nand-nvitcd throught. and has twenty live per cent more rivets in it than any other range made. is CHiitiot bt'jjin to emiiuuiuto nil tint points of advHiitiiiro wo fouiitl in UllS lIUILV. COIIlU lllltl hL . lltlll IV U'ill ..llMll. vn ...,,.,...!. 1 rtn.t l. . I . . . ...,. jw. nvfi.KII III UUIIVIIICU you Unit yo tiiiKlu u wise choice wlien we selected Tho South Bend Mal leable as tho best raiiBo for you iiutl the lost oo our customers. mjipui:d in kithck cadinm:t ok 1.1:0 iiasi: GEORGE W. TRINE Red Cloud's Leading Hardware Dealer Chester, Minn., on account of the ill ness Mrs. i:itlivtl. Miss Ethel Orowoll is ti'-sis.tinjr wJt, Comparative Farm Animals An exhibit showing the gi tides unci house woilc utAieh Callowiij'h. . values of maiket stoclc is being plan til Mr. iintl Mis Calloway aio tho proud ned for the Mate Fair by the Animal p.u ents of a baby giil. Husbautlrr Departmeiit of the Xebras- Mr. ami Mr-.. E. 10. Spunier ami k" Hsperitnent Station. Vaiiousgniil ditiliter. Melbi, ami Miss E lith Crc- s of cattle, hogs ami sheep will bo well (ittemli-tl the clebi at ion at I"111'1' ,Sl,d on tlio open maikei ami e-Down-, l-'ili lay. hibitetl with their respective piiens. Mr. and F. .M. I!i own eiitertniuetl a "IMS ls 1,'', longer, ami the-su nunibei of tiientl' at their home, Sat- !' 'cos will -how clearly the relat'oil u-d.iv evening, in honor of Mis- Dai- between uuality and the producer" o. in llutehing, Uay and Emma CraMe , j prollt-. of T pel.a ' ' , , ,, . ,, I Hie exhibit will be hoiisetl in a lug .Mr. ami Mrs. Ilarrv Sonnior I ... daughter, llernitv, ,fve t"u,'n ,, o ,,,,,! J"ht no,U,of t,,B ' Coli- their lionm in Kan-.i- Ciie ,.i... .. s't',ll" It Miould bo of tlecided into: - shoit visit with eo i uty. isis City, alter a relatives in .s,,,, ' est to everyono moio pnitieul.uly the ; -inuller stoehimm s s g Everybody Admires g S GOOD CLOTHES u J-J OW glad you are to show your New Suit to your friends. How pleased you are when they say "hut It ,. buuttijul pattern? "ft fits like a tailor in, hie." You hear this said of clothes you buy in our store. They will enable you to present a good appearance wherever you may go. They're just a little belter than the avcrage they're made for the benefit of all those who recognize and appreciate fine clothing there's a certain style and "rightness" about them that make them popular with particular men, who arc willing to pay a fair price. And the price is right backed up by our guarantee that the quality is right although the cost of woolens, dyes, silk thread and trim- SM mings have advanced we have not advanced (s our selling price. We also carry a cheaper grade of goods but V they are big values for the money. iPAUL STOREYS! f) THE CLOTHIER W) "Clothes For Young Men And Men Who Stay Young" IP-W I 1 Wjjv??? &lg!&t!ftuJ fc jay? J jflHjIjjK i!MjKS3rlT-tA.j 4 N KvS ix.-