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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1916)
ft "TWM(M(Mift,ftl( y eulO ll" v - . r? i i' '" - --IT: .-T? .,r,i--u V txxz Sju? i-,sw .s . riE2r Tvn :.-Z "?- K &5S& -- -W flS tf$ wPfe." - F- S$ to -- '--'BBfttf . ,:W'-.-r.rMffiK6- Wr ( ?iiii.ii".'.' .is . j :,, ' ca-s' .:&&- flQ - 8-J --P"-"- --Bai. m MllLdl P H""-Ja-nw HI "I J WfcbB. fs. W w - w W rto,T? 3L M- fl-- m H'kmriteg&k w-z m - - ro H -lit i HJPr-. " -"! ss.- -il ' :&m:jh-m'm' $md xiimmm $&&&?' ,rir si:;i;i trssEOTsss .ir-em- ifmmamsmmmmt:u mail i '!, . -. ',. ,i . 4ls. X ?ifci' ? !i?r :." - i j i." , ..- STi-jBc. Jp5--- &- 'i A Newspaper That Gives The News Flftytno Weeks Each Year For $1.50 VOLUME 1 KED CLOUD, XI5ISKA. AU(Jl'ST li, HUH. M'MJ.EIi:5 .:.oc...:...x.c.w... Small Investments I F YOU HAD A LARGE SUM OF iMONEY to invest, there would be many . ways open for you to INVEST IT. The person who has but a few hundred dollars should use the utmost e;;re in making an investment selecting the re that se cures the principal beyond any d ubt, with out tieng it up for a great period of time. No investment is better than our Cer tificate of Deposit under such circumstances. We pay four per cent on time deposits. Deposits in this bank arc protected tiy the Depositors' Guarantee Fund of the Stale of Nebraska. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA capital ami si'upia's k:ji,()oo M Teachers' Institute Will Be Held August 14 to 19 The Wo'i.tor I'iMinty TimHiui' In. vitnw, which wiM be romluctt'tl by Ml. (iiMlruiU1 , tnnii, Ci unty tinpi-i'-intcnU-iit, will In) held in tho court Imifi', lied (.loud, Ncbiaskn, AiiLMiit II to 111 An able corps ol instnictor.s haw bleu .scoured for tliis event, in eluding Mi-.;, Alii-o l'lotor, of Ke:tr bey, who Iiiih spent the' pst year in Columbia I'liivcihily She his shewn her ability in institute woil. ; Mr. l.uilio Sipple, in chiir'e of the rural school depHituieiit. in the Kearney Noiiunl and Dr. A. A Witiship, of llston, Mills'... editor of the Journal of Education ami a noted educator, author and lecturer. Lectures will be Kiveii on the following .subjects: Coin , miinity lfadi'ishln. correlation, eon. ciutu teachiii):. stuidaiiK in uicasuu" tneiits, sociali.ed recitation, w ov ipliy, history, natuie htudy, and practical arithmetic. A law attendance is pre. dieted fin thi- institute. , MwC'frwwwoW'www Ball Game Friday Afternoon U l ' ' ii affvaaiiBaMaapVasvaa NEW MODEL 4 BUICK PV feSflK 'b. F. 0. B. Factory 1 his new model's a bcautv 1916 MODEL FORD $3 60 F. 0. B. Factory While the '16 models last I j On Fiidny afternoon, at :! o'clocK, , the b.iseliail fans of lied Cloud will t be resuirocted fr.iin their loll;.' sleep. At this time, the sc.ismii will lie duly openeil at the Knout, purl; The DucUervIllo boys, who luno been puuuiK up nrst ela-s (thuk's this .scat, on, will mvet the local Indians on the d ituioiid. The new suits have arrived and our boys have I ecu prm1 tlctnn for sonic tinio Hiid will no doubt have a team that will be a credit to this city. Tin u out and root for the home uuiuds Havel & Corner Garacrp - slL Supplies - Repairing 'W.V.V.W S Superior Grain Drills $Jk IbHbLSISEm&VHbTChMGmSIvC&ShMbHBbbMh a 1 i, ,jlitirni jliwth'i U,,'.iIm u.. The Namft TpIIr A Tnip Storv f This is the drill that has 50 more clearance than any other drill on earth. This is the drill that sows around obstructions and not over them. fl This is the drill that plants at an even depth. Sold and guaranteed by Red Cloud James Peterson Guide Rock Will Give Four Prizes Hrtturday, of week, nun ued the passing of another event in the suc cessful career of our little city, that of another wiekly drawing. tcv. lleehe was -pccteil as muster of cercmoniet. and U. b Avery and Kd. (iarber fiitnished the motor power for the 'inixer of the little yellow card b anN" which were mixed and drawn with the follow intr results; v,. z.iek ery, f."; Mrs. Martha Mohler, S.'l; C U McConkcy, 6U Tho drawiac on Saturday of this week will be hold at 1:00 p. m., and there will be four prizes: first, fit); hecoud, Sr: thud, S.i; fourth, 62. I Suptember llth will be the blj; day of the entire scries of drawings, for on that date the 'Stakes" will be one, fine, blR 3010 model, Ovciland automo. bile. Also, tho merchants lire plan- iiiirifju special entertainment for all those who are present on this date you uro goluK to miss homethlng prnnd if you are not present on that day. Sends Out Neat Booklet This olllui), last week, received n copy of "(ireetinjrs to tho World's Market from the World's liraiu Mur-ket-Omuha," dedicated to A. II Stick ney, who, by his eil'orts, has made Red Cloud Chautauqua 'ji Closed On Saturday J; At i In- C'hiuitaiiiiui, Thursday after- J noon, Sb, Saiiuuis Mac!)erni)nd and J her company jravc the pie ude mi I rhc la Inrtfe audience was completely canicd'!- away with the K'laelous personality of J llim jrii-Ht uitist, who was supported , . by the ,ounjf Kussian iolii,lt Abo j" Sopkin and piauoist Seneeu l'lerce.and J this prelude whs one of the aliniiKust i "a of the entire projjiani. I ! Senator I)., I Hurkttt followed with l his lecture "Protest of Auiericanisin ' , Against tJoveiiinicnt Owneiship ofi.J Kxilro.ids". Senator Iturkett though , mi ol(Hiiftit and foiceful speaker J lnoiiKht miiiiy luiiehs from his audi, l!" once by his oveillowing humor, llis' lectuie was attentively listened to and his audience seemed fully pleased. In the evening the Mini Kainiuis Mui'Iti-riuiil Company pnvu u full con cert. These artists are clever indeed in their chosen lines and jjiive an en teitaiiiinent that was enj.ed by all I'Mdny afteruooii Kachel'i Alotro- politiin Singers wiih.MIss Melon Smith yave a most pleasing preludo l'o. lowed by N'ed Woodman, the Cartimn-: ist, wliu drew cat toons and talked with his droll humor that kept his audience l.uicJiiiiK' tor an hour and a halt. In the eveiiin.' the Singers pive a vaiied and pleasing en teitaiiiinent and cveiyoiio present was well pleased with this company. Saturday afternoon and uvoiiiu Victor's Florentine Hand K'ive two full concerts and was by tar the best band that has over appeared on our Chun, tampin platform and served asa lifting closure to our ll'lll ChMiil .nnnni - . - Mot weather prevailed during the em ire session, neveillieless at inn. - bers were well attended, and it Was a Ki'Minl success, edui'iitlnnally, socially and financially an I ffiouli Sanson Hckets h.ivn been already plei!i;ei to guarantee a cliantmupia for the e..m;ng year. Wr 5Sy Of course iKSSn I ?l r I i I i 11 if ll jK tou want Elegant Cut Glass Come see Ours THERE ARE DIFFERENT QUALITIES OF CUT GLASS JUST AS THERE ARE DIFFERENT QUALITIES OF ANYTHING ELSE. ONE DESIRES THE BEST QUALITY OF CUT GLASS OR NONE AT ALL WE CARRY THAT ON WHICH YOU CAN DEPEND. THEN WHEN YOU BUY YOUR CUT GLASS AT OUR STORE YOU HAVE SCORES OF BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS FROM WHICH TO SHLKCT ram 0URPRICKSARE AS LOW AS OUR HIGH QUALITY WILL WAR WE MAKE THE "QUALITY" RIGI(T;THEN THE PRICE RICIIT. E. H. NEWHOUSE ?2i Jeweler and Optometrist C. D. & Q. Watch Inspector a V.V.V-VAV.V-VAV.V.V.V.V.V.VAV.V.V.V.VAVJV'X Weather Report For July i Temper ttuie; Mean 84 dog.; mn.l- j niiim 101 deg on lath; iiiinimii'ii ::, WH. on '.'Oth. Precipitation: Total 0.02 inches. Number of day, Clear 31. nui-ilv cloudy none. I Dates of Thunderhtorins I, U l'Jth I'rovailing wind Dheotion S K 17 days. Keiimrks Dates of 100 deg: Kith ' HH), Hlh HU, "JSth 100. Rainfall sinco1 Jan. 1st, U.lli inches. Chas. S. Ludlow, Observer. Council Proceedings Mayor Daniorel called the Counnll together in regular session Tuesday' night, the following members present: ' Koontz, Hamilton, Saladen, Stevens. I Minutes of July l, r,, i, 'i and 121 ' read and approved. j Ilojiort of S. I!. Floranco rend and pluccd on Hie. I Moved and approved that electricians I and plumbers be reoulred to idvi, I R. P. Weesner & Co. THE KIND OF HOSIERY YOU OUGHT TO BUY IS THE ONLY KIND WE SELL DOOR hosiery is never a good investment. Good hosiery always is, The hosiery we sell is of the better sort, that may be depended upon for service and satisfaction. A com plete assortment of sizes and styles at a range of popular prices. Omaha one of tho (list among tho S50o surity bond before any wiring oi leaning grain markets of the world. ; plumbing be done iiils book contains descriptive mut ter and illustrations of the exteiior and intei lor of the building, illustra tions of the elevators and mills locat ed In this city, also neatly displayed advcitlsementsof the elevators, bunks, Biid railroads entering Oniahu in all, it is it very neat and nttraotivo book let, one of which any one would be proud to receive. This grain cwehango reports Monday's grain leeclpts wire largest in tho history of Mils ex change, having G7G cars of v.U -at from the Nebraska district. The Council appointed tho following as Judges and Clerks ot the Speciul ' Election: i Judges, Fiist Wanl-sj A. Flncher, ' Joe McUrackon, Kd. I'ulsiphor. Sicond! Wiird-Juy Pope, K. s. Garber, IM. Gilbert. , Clerks, First Ward W. (1. Warren,1 J.I blierinan. Second Wnriiw t lOilhani, (J. W. Hutchison I tit .. ii . Ladies' black pure silk boot hose, with double garter tops, reinforced heel, sole and toe, price per pair 50c Ladies' silk fibre boot hose, Knox-Knit make, comes in white and colors, pair 50c Ladies' boot silk hose, rc inforcce heel and toe, colors black and white, an extra value at . . . . 35c Ladies' mercerized lisle hose, Knox-Knit make, light weight, double garter hem, heel, sole and toe, a good one, at pair . 25c Misses Knox-Knit hose, in fine ribbed lisle, double line toe and heel, fast color black, per pair . . 25c Hoys' heavy ribbed hose, the kind that will stand the wear, pr. 55c The Store of Good Clean Merchandise R. P. WEESNER & CO. that Twenry-llve claims tho mill throe held over were allowed, b WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COAL ORDERS PLATT & FREES Vote for the sewor bonds. Mrs. W. V. Dual returned home from Alliance, Wednesday, after visiting with her bons. Miss Mabel Udiloy returned homo from Omaha, Tuesday She was nc coinpanled by her brother, Will Uitlley and wife, who will visit his parents. COJ Methodist Mention The Kpworth League will glvo un ico croRin social on tho church lawn Frlduy, Aug llth. Cake will bo served also. Midweek prayer service Wednesday. Tho Intermediate- League will give an entertuinmontin the near future. The usual Sunday service. Kvery hody invited. Uegular meeting of tho Ln.lies Aid national woman's suffrage association Society, Friday. ' at tl0 Orpheum, Tuesday, Aug. 8th. S. II. llogard roturned Wednesday f i om Seward, St. Elmo tonight at 8:.'lo at the Orph eum in 0 acts. r. and 10c. (J. W. Hutchison went to Hastings this morning to spond a few days. Dr. and Mrs. K. hi, Lollariiud Oliver Powell are in Superior toduy attend ing tho water melon feed and auto drawing. Do you believe in Woman Suffrage? See "Votir Girl and Mine". The argu ment for suffrage put out undor tho Henry Oilliitm was in Guide Ilock today. Mrs. (!. W. I.indsey wos a passenger to OiiihIiii this morning, Lebanon will hold Its Anniversary ou tho 17, Id and 10ih of this month. Silas Barton of Grand Islund was the guest of Paul Storey, Wednesday. John Yost returned last evening from Swiinton where he attended tho funeral of his uged mother. Miss Anna Gilham Is in Lincolu tills week visiting her slsurs, Misses Lydla and Nellie Gilliam, who are attending the Business College at that city. ; i j w : N fS .,'''' ffl 'XV it: ,i rM '. 'J m . . f vis . i M 4 i V i". M JSh 1VI A M t m r ti I