RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, OHIEP M 4 ' ! I! 'y 8 I? H II L! jlf r V- .: I Pianos and Musical Merchandise UNDERTAKING LKDY RTTENDHNTl Calls Answered Day or Night ED. AMACK K.nsas City Market lwng!PKHil f I azx we phones McFARLAND BUILDING mmmmmmmommmmmmmmmmmm - i 1916 NATIONAL PARK SUMMER You can cover the West's nitiKiiillocnt UockU'S In one grand t'luion the Si. Olaeicr l'.irl( cnimisIo.i ticket (nun U.. stern and Central Nebraska, going cum way vlii Denver. Our new Denver-Hillings Central Wyoming nuiiiiitiiu takes you alongside Kjcliy Mountain Nttluiiul Kstes I'arU, alongside Yellowstone Turk A 7'hi Mil! MOI'NTM.V I'AN'tiUAMA, (roni Cohnado to tin- Yellowstone along llii' Hastem slope of emit itiintus mountain chains, (in this rlrciiit you uau, !v detours, make the tour thioiigh Kstes 1'iiiIc, or through Yellowstone via Cody, tlm automobile scenic entrance. Onr thiough service routes to Denver, Hillings, Ooily, (iiudiner or (Hauler and lietwecn Denver ami tin Yollowston may In- combined Into a sweeping scenic muuiitaiu tour that embraces more grandeur at lower rates tliau any scenic tour on earth Let me help von plan a ''ScO America" tour that you will remember all youl life. N. B. Bush, Ticket. Agent, Red Cloud, Nebr. L. W. Waholoy, General Passenger Agent UHit ''itriinin Street, Otualia, Nebr. wrwawx-'iJja fv'ntisim ntv Stock Yards. July 21 IMfi The break Inst week stopped cattle loading for today to a great, extent, and receipt dropped to 10,-. ...... ... ... I MM .. IJ..1.I Lliu III ' uou iienu. iiiciu n- ii ; ", niai'KCto, null price oiciicu unevenly higher, Rome miles all tlie strong, Farmers Listen! Stock Raisers Stop! Clean out and clean up do not be dcccived-WORMS DO KILL Farmer's Friend Remedies DOES REMOVE THEM Give us a chance to show jou, that's all we ask. Demonstrations made free. Results GUARANTEED. called 12 cents up. HBEI'' CATTLE. Top steers sold at Sit.'.IO, not up to the limit of the market by about HO cents. Choice pulp steers sold up to !).!!.", same price the same cattle brought a week ago. Kansas winter ed steers are scarce, but are quotable no to SS.fil). Some nlnin HOD lb. steers sold at ST.lii, rut of the Mini! pasture that produced steers at $7.50 lust Monday, showing that nearly all the decline on that kind late lat week was regained today. Oklahoma cat tle weie plentiful today ami the move ment from that section is now on for good balance of the season. Bet Osage whittled steers sold at ST.i'U to ?N.2.", good grasser $t.r0 to $7.f0, light grass steers $15.00 to ii.-10. Quar antine Hteer.-. were all from Oklahoma best at $7.05. 10 cars of Wilson & Self ridge steers fiom Okmulgee, 1202 lbs., at .J7.50, light steers $5.75 to $. 50, cows $1.50 to $."...10, 30 cars in all. Best cows in native division sold at $7.50, good sows $( to $ii.75, veals up to $11. STOCKKKS AND FEEDERS The low point of the year was touched late last week, saes 50 ccnt.s to $1.00 below thu opening of the week. A good many buyers appeared today, and the the run was far below expectations, prices, stiffened 10 to 20 cents. The good cattle sod at $(1.50 to $7.50, useful cattle at $5.75 to $0.20. HOGS Receipts were moderate last week, but puckers were bearish and the mar ket closed at the low spot Today the run is 8000 head, market 10c higher. Quality is good, and weights are Heav ier than heretofore, 120(5 lbs. last week, 10 pounds heavier than same week last year. Top price today is $0.80, 15 cents above last Friday and bulk of sales $0.50 to $0.70. "In spite of the depression last week, the situ ation is regarded as strong, and no further break is oxpected at this place SHEEP AND LAMBS The market was 10 cents higher to day following weakness every day last week. Eight cars of Idaho lambs top ped the market at $0.1)0, 72 pounds av erage, natives sold at $0.50 to $0.75, yearlings worth up to $8, wethers $7.50, ewes $7. Receipts are running very light, -1700 here today, and the supply promises to run light lor a month to come. Feeding lambs sell up to $0, breedsrs $7.50 to $8, light young ewes today at $8.50. Warn: ot Piionk TO W. H. TABER Inavai.k, Nkiii'. lie will endeavor to show you that they arc all the name implies, FARMER'S FRIEND i a iaaaaai IF YOU WANT A PNUTOT OR A WHKER JVIade Right, Lettered Right And Erected Right SEE OVERING BROS. & GO. I Makers of Artistic Monumonts Red Cloud, Nebraska I WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COAL ORDERS PLATT & FREES Luke McLuko Says: I.iiIn of men leiulnd you of an old hor-o' that never tries to get up any qi'cd until It knows that It Is on Its way home to eat. What has become of the old fashion ed gambler who used to die of a fatal disease known as live aces? Any old time a boy leaes the house it limit slamming the lor ,wU I mil betti r send him to a doctor ami see what nils him. iMi't waste .muii time in hating a man u don't like, .lu-t feci thank ful Hi i' He lin't twin". Mil-1 ii the men wIm brag that the y m .1 iii.uli' give you the Impression that i.ii. jot tiled before they llnlslied the Job. Love inn make the world go round but It can't make both ein'x meet. Some men -peml h ' ; lives try In'.; to kill t.ite and the other half try lug to -ne ll Kwii the ! "in who wants to shine In mm let v l always powdering her nose. A wrtiii'.n m.i have some secret from lid- tiiHuiuii But what -die real ly th:u'. of him i .i'i ne of them A ytii'.i:j man s.i' most of his time tr.xliiu to lii li;s knowledge. An old iiian speinN tivnt of his time tryiuir to conceal his in ii'iure. The iran who can't null without the cereinoii of wearlirj oil' isn't going to quit long. A fool single men linagtnes that It takes two to tnnke an argument, hut o married man knows better. The trouble with a wife Is that she either believes too iiiueh or not enough. Man will always be regarded as wo man's superior as long as he has sense onough to wear clothes that button up tfce front. Wireless telegraphy will Hash a mes sage around the world In a few min utes. This Is n great nge. But a dog fight still attracts as Mg a crowd as It did In the days when It took two months to send a letter to F.ngland. BOND ELECTION SEWESHGl: K01ND PROPOSITION ' .He i N Ik n l klw ll l llii ilioliri nl tin- ill ot Hot l lo'iil. W( tr (mum Si linciKn licit piiiiiiunl In a ri solution Milopt til to lli' iimjnr .nut ' ite II l s:iiil iii at n i ciitar (iiljniirniil urn llnu tin rml lul JiH. Ililii. 1 1) utile!) r dilution s.ilil ncijiir mul iiiuiiiii ili'tcriiilniil iiiin mul niiroMil anil arci ili il a ) Hti'in of prup-isi-il "i iriTUKt- an.l an t-sllltiateol llieenst llieriol In Hie aunt t MOHW.OO lis viliiultti il liyOrtiulA I'littnn 'it l.liii'iila. .Ni'lu.'uKii. thu sprclal I'liv'lni'crs ' stilt (tnl 1 al 1 eii'iiR'U (ur itial iurpoi(. H i IiIiiih mul i" lilcalliiiM mat tint i -itliimti ( t i mil III rtul In Init linlv on tllcla llii o'lli i ol tlnMlty e'er, (i. i . '! el. Miliji cl to puliiii iiilKiilna. Ih-tt nsietini iinil.iili hwi uj lallclmiil lll In- 1'i'til In Hall ell at lit. ri vollnir pl:n cs I hi n In. ton It. In l' i itri want -it thu. Itlivit '.In i It w:i:i-r mul t mil t tuperluti iiilcnt m. I in tin- imkiI at tlie- riremuiis liall. on tin- -.Kli ! i .114utt I'lin lii'tui-t'ii the tin ir f " ii'iiuk V. M. till IT i clotfl. f. Jt.nt wlm'li lime :u. a pliiies tlie Iiillinviim prupmlllim ttlil in- siv iiillte.t to liu otet tli'iin. -.xliull lliu Major ntul fit iiuuull ! tin clij uf Itt-ili I'liiil. N.iir:il.n lie mill- -rlt ' t. Issue riKlpntl liollili nf nl't 111 III the sum uf ' llll t'ltiMM.UllI Poll.lM til III- ill llolllltltlll'l suwi r lluliilHuf Milil ell of lteil 1 mini Ni hnihkii. In iIl-ii Jliillititluli of JVS.UW tiirli ih alile to hearer mul tu In cmiu il'.t Ju i at J tltlir tin ihlte thereof lint paxalili at an lime after the eilrlloa ;ol " ears :il thu ojitlnii of salil ell, and tuarlni; imt to emil ' iHt pi r cent annual Interest ami to he ilntcit ' tin-ila 0 1 tlitlr Ksuauie. law-rest ami prlncl j iala)ahli til theolllee of the tieasurer of Hie stun of Nehinska. .salil Ixiints to In solil at not less than par value Ith aeertieil later, j est ami tin prim citHihi-rciif u.-eil h s II city for the ciiiisirui'lliui mul eslahllshlim of a Hystem itf M'W erane In and for sahl city Iliac eiirdaai'i' Mlth the plans ainl xcclllcutlons alHiM' menthini'il ami at a cost not tu cxeicit ilUK.Hi.txi. said xyslein nut to Include any Intel ul or district i-cuer. Shall thu mayor and roiiiii'll of Haiti city miiiiial y levy (he necessary lav upiiti all the taxable pmperly t In naldclly, 11 aiiiillion 10 an otner taxis to pa the lull rest upon said bunds ns llic name hi 1 omes due and to furnish a MuWiiu fluid fur the pay incnl of the principal of said IkiiuIs and also an annual ta mil to o.xctcd two nilllsiia lliu dollar fur the purpose of iiialtitiilulin; mid rcpalrlni; said system ot seiveraiai". Tlie form nf the ballot to t ustsl ut said i-luction sluill Im na fellow; Vote for i no l-'or new erase Iwiidi and Inxet 11 Airftlniitrcut'riiKe lionilBunJ lnxe 1 to ho voiril mul unrkiil liy nuikiiii; u cros In thu -paro iirovlilisl In the uiunl manner ns provlihtl uy law. SlioulJ themajii'lly of the volei cnt nl Piiid I'leitlnn Le in favuref mild ciopoalliuii tlie timjiir uml ciiunill of bald city Mill he autliurlzid to hwiio and nt'i oliiilo tni'l bnndx uccordinK tu lh cur.illt luiin and fin llio purpoos above ntioellio.1 nud as mVochi tt'nii!ati!il hy llio iilatiies of Noli iisVn Tl.c proceeiUof Mil i bonds tnrunHtltule R sup- irnle fund tu he iiso-l for no other purpose than ilio Installation of Bild ftwer h sit-in and wild Major and Counrll toll-llmlttil to -ild $lCOe(.0t In t) e limtallailon tlicnsif. Dated this 21th day iT July 1010. O. C. TKH.. IloliT UaMKI'.HKI.. (sfai.) Clisk. Mayor Wsoh ncn tup tx I OiCs XOIXttVttVXMXWi HOOSIERI H' -"i rrr&&WnHFZ? Tr--'?ry KffsnaeaamKa SAVES MILES OF STEPS ' Tht FomouB Roll k "Hootier Beauty' Come in and let us demonstrate them to you For Sale by ROY SATTLEY ; Licensed Embalmer Furniture Dealer ! J ,ii",;i,"'E:",i'' , j!ii.ji.i;aiuj!iii iffi"".r,!i':!.""sn HENRY COOK, M. D. III.AU II IN DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES .M vs,,au" i"i.. .jjikjimV i s' i r.'C uuWii'iiiiN m.'nt all! Vll"''U1oi 11 C. 11. Miner Dr. S. S. IVardorl, M. 1. , Maunder Vflerlimry In ClinrKO C. H. Miner Serum Co. -PHODL'tKltS- Hon Cholera Red Cloud, Nebraska Anti Serum : Wire or Phone at Our E.Miense I). S, Veterinary License No, 45 i KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:. A Full Line of Supplies ROLLS DBVKLOPUD -I0e NAIL YOUR ORDER TO US Stevens Bros. lpFlRE THE ALARM is a ilreadfnl tlitiu: Of FIRE for the man without insurance. Kvory tune he sees the engines raelne; iiloti his heart eotnes up In liih throat iT the the Is anywhere near his. nlaee. What lolly, what nils. taken eeonotnv. THE COST OF is so small Hint it INSURANCE utvil hardly be considered. The freedom from wony alone lh worth It many times over Have us insure you to-tlay. O C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. INAVALE Mis- Maude Moituiville went to lied I'loui, Mntitl iy. Uou llart'Vel! pincliascd a new Over lit ixl Hiiioiiiublle on Mondiy. The Union choir met at the M. Iv v-tiureh Tliiirsd.i eveliiuu'. Ito,v S'leUney of l'.iwnce City is. :c c Kir a slmrt vNlt w. tli liN parents, and uther relatives. Mis- Iliiz-lXt-sbtttof Uiadon. Xebr , iriived Friday n'k'ht to visit lelativea .ml frieu-ls Leo Ruby letuuied Tuesday morii 'ii fro'ii "Seidell, KanMis, wheie he went to harvest, itl-o to visit hissKter, Illsle Hays. Mr. and h. Ue irire Unstiiik's t tiirned Fridsy uioriiiuK from Dtiiver wheto they spent, a few weeks. Roy Stielitiey was eal'ed to his home at I'awnee Cl'y. Tuesday nioinlno;, on uenouutof the Illness of his baby tileuii Olnistetl was laid up Friday nil'1 Saturday witli ti lame bsck but was able tJ work Bfjaln Monday. Frank ViinPykeVs boy had h run away with a mule team and mower and his t'aee was cut that it n quired heven htitehes to close the wound. Monday evening at 7::i0 about two hundred and llfty Riiests atteniletl the the poldon wedding annlvorhiiry of Mr ami Mrs Mac Fulton which was held on their lawn. Mr. and Mrs. Moll Fariihain stood up with the bride and groom while II. II. Holdredge perform etl the ceremony. Several pieces of vocal and instrumental musio were rendered during the evening. After the bride and groom had enjoved Ice cream and cako tholr nun, Roy, taken them for an auto ride iin-l they who showered with plenty of rlco. Tlie carpeted platform was arianguil with a bower draped with tings and bunting under which the Odretnony took place. The. lawn was lighted with gas lights and the tables were decorated with cut (lowers and uolilenrod. Mr. Kill- ton was presented with a gold headed eaiie and Mrs. Fulton a sterling silver lieiry spoon and giavey ladle. Rvery on enjoyed, theinseheH and wished the bride and groom ninny happy years. I A THRILLING MESSAGE "Paying Ths Utmost Farthing" Subject Sunday Night Congregational Lawn Preaching Sunday Morning Christian Church SPECIAL MUSIC GUARANTEED 6500 MILES Absolutely Punctureproof TIRES I Buy your tires direct from our factory and save (rem 20 to 30 percent THESE TIKES are twice m thick tcrccgli tlie litadas ctdinary malces and ate a combination o the Bett Oiands, uch ai Gccdr.cli, Cocd)etr rrd Firesltne. They are tirongly built and reinfotced by a new, tuperioi milled, mokirg a fir.isr.ed product unequaled for hard usage and pleatuie purpoiet. Uied by individual! end buiinets conceim. ' Don't delay but order today and do away with your tire troubles. To intioduce in your territory we offer the following prices: 30x3 .. $ 8.50 32x3 ... 8 8.75 30x3 'i . $10.75 32x3'. .11.50 31x4 14.25 33x4 16.25 34x4 17.25 35x4 . 17.50 35x4J -2.50 37x4 24.50 35x5. 25.25 37x5... . 27.50 All other sizes also furnished. TERMS:- Cash with order. Make rrmillarce by cetlii;rd cluck, dratt or P. O. money order. When ordering be sure to state which clincher, quick detachable or straight side bead is desired. For five days we offer five per cent discount where two or morelirrs arc ordered at one time. PIQUA TIRE & RUBBER CO., PIQUA, OHIO Automobiles In a recent bulletin issued by the government a statement is made that Iowa probably leads in automobiles per capita over any olhor state In the Union. The numbers given are 1 bfyHX) uutos" distributed among 2,2.10.000 neanle. The present registration of automobiles In the Secretary of htate'fi oulee shows that the 1,250,000 people of Nebraska are owners of more than sl.fUO or one automobile for every 1 llfteen people In other words, one auto for every three families in the state. Notice of Final Rcfioit. In thu County Court ol Wuhslcr count. Nebraska. In the maltt-r ol the estate ol 'William I num. deceased. All persons luttrtstcit In slid estate tiro hereby notllled Unit lliu K.xecutrlN bus Hied a Html account and report ot her iiilinliiUtni- il.... mul .. ....tltli... fi.r llnnlLiilllimwinl flf IliT account and a decree of tllHtilbullon ot per- oild hy A. 1 wmal estate and ashimiiuciit ol rcaiuy, ami a Qpp: QYEI2 SMITH UIM Hill m' 1 1 ill 11 lll'l II lin., i. il iv il il... . i'iviibi . i for bearliu: befurcsald court oatlio SSthdnv. lll I'llOSKs HBI) CLOUD ol .1 illy, HUH, al 10 o'clock A. Mm when all n r- j KoiiHlutercsieii in mo pruiiuxcH inj iippenr anil i-outciiltheHniiie. Dated thin lith day "t July, nun. A. I. IU.nm.y. County JuilKe. Dr. A. E. Boles OSTEOPATH Physical Diagnosis Labaratory Consult vtion ni Rwmiwtios Fnirn 'Os'oopithy the s;,.joiieo of Healing by Vdjiistiiii'iit." (Jlvflii to the Hill, A. D. 1S7I. SHOE STOKE NKBU. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud ' a Nebraska Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures E. S. Gatrber ' 4 A i &-". J.-Ut"s v' wtwiawiW .,:t.arjr.'.,aw.'?''" mimmatm?"' - "BWB(W tw - T-HTrw JU&Wxrg' " tV eiv 5- r l i-- (il