BED CL 0 U Dt ; g ft AI K,A. 0 H I E F fl v I GREAI ChautauQua Program Red Cloud, Neb. July 22-29 Carmeliny's Old Colonial Band Differently Delightful Dr. Frank W. Gunsaulus A great speaker; great theme Lewis fie Carver Musicians worthy Gunsaulus' company Victor's Florentine Band - Worth repeating Sen. E. J. Burkett - Vice-presidential timber Jas. Butin-McDowell Trio Whistling-cello-violin-piano Morris G. Hindus - - "Russia of Today" PAMAHASIKAS pEERLESS ERFORMING IPETS AMUSING PERGORMANCES, TRAINED ANIMALS Dekoven Quartette - Master male singers "Before You, Who? - Let Dr. Cole show you Maud Scheerer Shakesperian Players "The Taming of The Shrew" Dr. L. C. Herbert A lecture to remember Mme. Sibyl Sammis-MacDermid A rly great soprano Ned Woodman - - Cartoons for "spice" Kachel'8 Metropolitan Singers Big four part program Dr. C. W. Wassam He'll make you laugh, and cry Owing to illness, in all probability it will be impos sible for Hellen Keller to appear, as announced, however she will.make an effort to be here, but will not guaran tee an appearance on date specified. c T- i . J Adults $2.00 Season Tickets Children $ 1 .00 HOWARD S. FOE, Local, Manager "-S"W i TALKING MACHINES f AXOLIAM VOCALION, VICTOR' AND COLUMBIA QHAFONOLA J A Full Line of Records Columbia and Victor Do Not Forget That Special Ten C A T1TD H AY Days Sale Price on Pianos Closes Oi 1 UIU 1 All the latest popular music 10c per copy Full line of piano music order any music you want EVERYTHING IN MUSIC LeRoy Music Co. Peterson Building : Red Cloud, Nebr. REMEMOER When you buy anything Irom the LEROY MUSIC CO., you buy SATISFACTION TIRES GUARANTEED 6S00 MILES Absolutely Punctureproof Buy your tires direct from our factory and save from 20 to 30 percent ' I 'HESE TIRES are twice at thick through the tiradns ordinary makes and are a combination of the Dcit Brandt, such at Goodrich, Goodyear and Firestone. They are strongly built and reinforced by a new, superior method, making a finished product uneijualed for hard usage and pleasure purposes. Used by individuals and business concerns. Don't delay but order today and do away with jour lire troubles. To introduce in your territory we offer the following prices: JOjJ 32x3', 34x4 37x4'., $ 8.50 11.50 17.25 24.50 S 8.75 14.25 17.50 25.25 30x3 ' 33x4 35x4.' i 37x5 $10.75 16.25 'J2.50 . 27.50 All other sizes alto furnished. TERMS: -Cash with order. Make remittance by certified check, draft or l O, money oider. When ordering be sure to state which clincher, tjuick detachable or straight tide bead is detired. For five daysw oiler fiteprr cent discount where two or more lues are rrdercd at one time, PIQUA TIRE & RUBBER CO., PIQUA, OHIO ME RED CLOUD, CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebr nukes.' PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered an the I'cMofJUe- nt Hid Cloud, Neb. m Second ClrtM Mutter K . McARTHUR 1'UIII.IHIIKII .'UK ONLY IlKMOCKATlU PAPKK IN WKIleJTKH COUNTY President WIImi The Democratic party goes before the American people with a candidate i whose wisdom and ability In a period of unparalleled storm nndjstressentltle lilm to support In tbc Ditiue of a patriot Ism which dwarfs all tmrrow partisan tshlp. His record of achievement baa won the applause of his fricndi, the admiration of his political foes, and the gratitude of the natiqu at large.. He has given the country a currency system which on the eve of uuiverMil upheaval enabled finance and industry to stand unshaken. What the eoutll lions would have been under Republi can rulo may easily be imagined by recalling the disaster of 1U07. He Las proved himself a better pilot in a storm than tho Republicans In an era of pro found tranquillity. t Under his guidance a Democratic. Congress has written upon the statute books a tarlir law which has brought prosperity to every class of tho Ameri can people. The familiar shibboleths of the Old Guard, the propheoieiof Im pending calamity have become tho butt of mockery and derlsiou in the light of cold facts. The noisy forecasts of evil arc drowned in the song of the harvest and the hum of loom. He lias passed unscathed through a crisis in internatlo'nal affairs that would have scared tho soul and para lyzed the mind of a weaker charastor. Charged with the welfare of a hundred million people, whose destiny was ex posed to all the cross-currents which blew from the earth's four corners, he has maintained peaco while giving the world a new and inspiring vision of the moral grandeur of the nation, jeal ous of Its honor, but devoted to the in terests of mankind. In the highest sense he is the em bodiment of a splendid Americanism. The best traditions of the republic are wrought into the very Uber of his be ing. He loves peace well enough to fight for it, If need be. He has made It doubly clear to all the nations of the Newnnd Old World that the Unit ed States covets nothing which is not legitimately its own. In trying ordeals he has shown that the American people, ask nothing and concede nothing, ex cept to work out their ownt destiny under the free Institutions which ar their peculiar heritage. Rut with it all, the candidate of the Democratic party Istio.vlsionary.'grop , ing in cloudland. Ho is a-stir'iu a world of realities. Ho has taken measures which insure the safetyvof his country. If, out of. this welter of war, this riot of mad passions, should come a menace to the liberty, peace and prosperity we enjoy, the forces he has maishalled with an unvaunting but determined etliclency will be ready at hand, waiting only to be quickened into Mi'ttoi by the word of command Strong, alert, tried and approved by experience, he lias won the c?ntldeiiee of the people, and this will be their verdict nt the polls. Methodist Mention School Districts Engage Teachers The followiug is the list of names of the teachers who will teach in the rural schools. y Laura Hedge. 4 Homer Foutz. 5 Joan Laird. 0 May Dicker&on and Elizabeth Overman. 8 Josephine Johnston, 0 Dewey Adams. 10 Fnye Farquhar. 11 Muriel Henderson. Ii Golda Robinson. 13 Druolla Walker. 14 Marion llloorn 15 Dewey Ilutchlns. lG-Orville Richard. 17 Iven Robinson, 18 Ruby Ooble. SO Mildred Doyle. 21 Laura McTaggert. 22-Auna Hubatka. 3.1 May Scott. SI Edna Swlgert. sr.-Ethel Teterson. SO Anna llrommer. 27 Anna Mcl'artland. 38 Joe Springer. 39 Vera Hurley. UO-Hazel McKeighan. .13 Anna Loughran. 33 Lenore Springer. 3J-W111 Bruner. !).l Charles Perry. 30-Nettie Drake. 37 Trena Rose. 38 Ruth Householder. 39 -Grace Keagle. 40-Vestie Hubatka. 41 Frances Nolan. 43 Bessie Thomas. 43-Bcrtha Chaplin. 4.r.-Clara Miller. 10-Oriu Foutz. 47 Inez Fetty. 49-Gladys Wilson. 411 Floyd Holmgraln. 50 Fred Siebrass. Gl Nettie Springer. .V.'-Harold Fey. 53 Emma Beuscher. Ot-Stella DeMurs. r.5 Millard Stevens. 50 Ida Armstrong. 58 Ruth King. 59-Fern Hall. 00 Alice Fowler and Grace Shcrer. 01 Lucile Coplen. 03 Helen McTaggert. C'l-Emly Walker. (11 Verna Chaplin. 05 Homer Fetty. ,k . . . Ojl Kmnia Peterson." 08 LeRoy Spence. G'. Helen Johnson. 70-Zclma Wonderly. 72 Hazel Johnson.- ' ' 75 Veva Boren. 77 Harold Sbeppard. 78 Paul Reed and Jennie .Campbell, 80 Marguerite Fogel. 81 Anna Huppert. 82-Ola Largent. i 83-Clara Uoerig. a 84 Phllena Fawcett. 87 Gladys Wlnne. 80-Ora Grunt. r Xe.t Sunday even'ng we will open the doors of the church Hgain and read certificates of transfer. The last quarterly conference will eonvgtie on July llth. It is expected that eerv member of that body will be piesetit. Very important bu&iuc.v. Make your plans to attend tho annual eonfeience which will be held at Hustings September llth. Ladles Aid Socii'ty will meet for hii all day quilling Filday. Come eatly and bring your dinner .Miss Grace Davis gave a teport of the Lengue convention last Suudtiy evening. There will soon be mote graduates fr-iin the (list yeitri woilt of the Inter mediate League. Miss Xi-lle inn who sang so beauti fully the eonti alto sdo Sunday morn, ing will sing again In the near future. The yearly b'etmvolent offering is coining in nicely. Patriotic service Sunday morning. The evening sermon subject, "The Suffering Savior" 6ood Farm For Sale My farm two miles east of Cowles is for sale. My price is SUi.OOo, Terms, $1000.00 cash and mortgage for balance at 0 percent. Oiler good for .')() days only. J. H. Haii.kv. Bright Prospects From the present Indications, we are led to believe that Nebraska will make another record for herself, in the production of wheat during the coming year. A bumper crop is as sured, providing nature continues to stulle ou us nnd favor us with contin ued sunshine; that moisture and hail does not destroy it. Here's hoping for the best. The Nebraska soldier boys are in camp at Lincoln preparing themselves to go to Mexico if war makes it ueces ary. The Llncolu Journal will make a special feature of the news about the Nebraskans, following them wherever they go and priutlng pictures of inter est Every Nebraska family should be a reader of tho State Journal on tie count of its safe and sane policy, its accuracy and its enterprise. Its situa tion as the morning paper in your capital city gives It special news ad vantages. Why not become a Lincoln Journal loader now." A special trial oiler t iniulo of 2 a whole year or SUu including the Suuday paper with its special features, stories and comics. Older It today. Notice On and after July 1, lOlii the bunks of Red Cloud will refuse to allow OVERDRAFTS Recent ruling prohibits overchecking aud same is not permitted by law. SrATK Bank or RkdCi.oui l'hoiLi:.s Bank ok Ri.D Ci.ot is Weiimkh Ciii-.n Hank. Orpheum Tonight, June 29 Xtra Special Feature "From the Valley of the Missing By Grace Miller White r On account of the length of .the Iirogrnm there will be one show only starting at 8:15 SPECIAL ORCHESTRA Women's Shoes WHEN a woman puts her foot into one of our shoes it, at once, looks handsome and she has a reason to feel proud. Our Women's Shoes are particularly well made, are particularly well shaped, particularly well styled, and they are Particularly Well Liked The selection of a pair o? sloes here is attended to easily. We have so many different shapes, styles, lasts and leathers that no normal footed woman need go away dissatisfied. We desire to call special attention to our Women's $2.50-$3.00-$3.50-$4.00 SHOES and LOW SHOES Moderate prices, surely, but the shoes are correct, handsome, stylish and thoroughly good. It's not necessary to pay high prices here to get good shoes. We mention the above styles because they have so many admirers. We have plenty of other choice shoes. New Goods In All Departments The Miner Bros. Co. GENERAL MERCHANTS A Nighty Safe Place To Trade i ANNOUNCEMENT TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS We have installed an Electric Tire Vulcanizer and are now prepared to repair your tires in a first-class manner. QGive us a trial. tJlAll work guaranteed. HAVEL & CORNER i Agents for Puick and Ford Autos '.' . - I J CHAUTAUQUA PROGRAM Red Cloud. Nebr., July 22-29 FIRST DAY. 7::)0 Prelude K. Cnrmeliny's Old Colonial Band. 8:00 Concert E. Cnrmeliny's Old Colonial Rand (10 people). SECOND DAY. 2:30 Prelude Mr. Lewis nnd Miss Carver. 3:00 Lecture Morris G. Hindus. "Russia of Today." 7:30 Prelude Mr. Lewis and Miss Carver of Dr. Gunsaulus' Choir. 8:00 Lecture Dr. Frank W. Gunsaulus, "Shakespeare, the Great Modern After Twenty Centuries." THIRD DAY. 2:30 Prelude Jnmes Butin and the McDowell Trio. 3:00 Entertainment Pamnhasika nnd His Pets. 7:30 Prelude James Butin nnd the McDowell Trio. Lecture Prof. C. W. Wassam. FOURTH DAY. 2:30 Prelude The DcKovdn -Male Qunrtette. 3:30 Lecture Geo. Lamont Cole, "The Navnjos, Children of the Desert." v 7:30 Concert DeKnven Male Quartette. 8:30 Lecture Geo, Lamont Cole, "Before You, Who?" illustrated) FIFTH DAY. ( 2:30 Prelude Maud Scheerer Shakesperean Plavers. 3:00 Lecture L. G. Herberjt, "A Man Among Men." 7:30 Prelude Maud Scheerer Shakesperean Players. S:00 The PLAY "Taming of the Shrew." Maud Scheerer Shnkc- spereim Players. SIXTH DAY. 2 :30 Prelude Sibyl Sammis-MacDermid Company. 3:00 Lecture Sen. E. J. Burkett, "Government Ownership of Rail roads." 7:30 Prelude Sibyl Sammis-MacDermid Company. 8:00 Concert Sibyl Sammis-MacDermid Company. SEVENTH DAY. 2:30 Prelude Kachel's Metropolitan Singers, 3:00 Concert Knchel's Metropolitan Singers. 7:30 Prelude Knchel's Metropolitan Singers. 8:00 Entertainment Ned Woodman, Cartoonist. EIGHTH DAY. 2:30 Prelude Victor's Florentine Band. 3:00 Concert Victor's Florentine Band. 7:30 Prelude Victor's Florentine Band. 8:00 Concert Victor's Florentine Band. A.dults 15x3 Children 10c Wo are in tin- market for 100 to 125 pounds Slioats at market price deliver ed at Serum Plant. Will pay for tie livery to plant. I' II. .Miner Scrum Co Mih Herb Ludlow and daughter, Either, returned liwuie Ftidny morn ing from Croighton wheie they had been visiting n few dayN with her son, , Clarence, 1 he season of Lightning and Torna does Is approaching. Don't delay too long for the Insurance you may need. (1. M. VanCamp, General Insurance. We are here to give you a newspaper. Our ambition is to let no item oscapo us. However, we can only bo In one place at a time, so If you sec an Item getting away from us please capture, It and deliver it at the ofllce and groat bhall be your reward, 4 T