The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 29, 1916, Image 3

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    - - Mv..
jiAr -.rT,
0 U D , N K B R
nv K. o. BRI.LEHS. Actlnp Director of
tho Sunday School Cotirno In tlio Moody
Wblo Instltutf of ChtrnKO.)
Copyright by Western Newspaper Union.)
' liKSSON TttXT-Acts 17:1-15 (cf. I
Thess. 2 1-12).
U01.D1JN THXT-ltlm illil God exnlt
with lila rlKlit hand to bo u prince and
a Savior. Acts 6.31.
To plnco n modern war mnp by tlio
Bldo of tlio (indent ono will help to
mnko tlio plnccs Paul visited moro
real. In both of tho events of thlB
lesson rofereneo Is nmde to tlio rend
ing and use of tho Sculptures, nnd
teachers should use that to emphasize
the rending of the Illblo by both old
nnd young. There Is real patriotism
n8 well ns Bnfcty nnd a llhcrnl educa
tion In Blblo study. Paul reached
Thessolonicn nhout twenty years nfter
tho establishment of tho Christian
church, remained perhaps five or six
months nnd then went on to Keren.
Modern Salonlkl tins been since tho
Ilomnn days o Thessalonlcn nn Im
portant center, thriving nnd prosper
ous of later years till the recent Balkan-Turkish
I. At Thessnlonlca (vv. 1-9) (1) Rea
coning (vv. 1-5) (a) Tho plnco. On
this second Journey Silas nnd Timo
thy (v. 14) woro Paul's companions.
Recently driven from Phlllppl (I
Thcss. 2:1-2) they nt onco repaired
to tho synagogue upon reaching the
city, knowing that there they could
gain n foothold with both Jew nnd
Gontlle. It wns Paul's usual means
(v. 2 Am. n. V.). Doubtless during
tho two weeks the disciples used every
opportunity for discussion. Paul mado
iiso of the Sabbath day of assembly al
though Christians met on tho first day
of tho week for their own distinctive
nervlco (Acts 207). Ho also reasoned
from tho Scriptures which tho Jews
bo highly revered. Tho best ngent
for doing personal work Is the word
of God (Eph. 0:17; Jer. 23:29; Jas.
1:18; I Pet. 1:23). (2) Tho method.
Paul employed three, (a) He rea
Boned thnt Christ must suffer. Why?
(Seo Isa. r.3:fi; Math. 20:28; Heb.
9:22; John 19:30). Paul had only tho
Old Testament. Wo hnvo also tho
Now to bring to our aid. (b)Thnt
"Christ must rise from tho dead" llko
Peter nt Pentecost. Paul proved this
from tho Old Testament. If wo will
allow tho Holy Spirit to "open tho
Scriptures" to us wo will find things
new and old nnd exclaim that where
as "onco I was blind now I see." (c)
Ho "alleged and affirmed" (sot forth),
c. g gavo testimony that "this Jesus
whom I proclaim unto you Is tho
Christ." Paul knew thnt the histor
ical Jesus was the glorified Christ, for
ho had met him "In tho way" to Da
mascus. Paul's mnnncr of llfo In tho
city ns ho lived nnd preached Jcsua
was much that It contributed greatly
to his success. Ills "manner of llfo
was blameless" (Acts 20:4); ho sup
ported himself (I Thes. 2:9; II Thos.
3:8); (2) Reception (v. 0-10). At
first theso men were received as from
God by largo numbers (v. 4. Seo
I Thess. 1:0-10). But tho gospel then
ns now causes divisions. Not all pro
fessed followers of God know or ac
copt tho gospel. Paul's success
aroused tho envy of tho Jews Just as
every successful servant is envied by
thoso of lesser light. Tho charge
brought against Paul and Silas (v. 6)
was In largo measure true, and It waa
n good teBtlmony and tribute to their
effectiveness. It was also In accord
with Christ's prophecy. (Math. 10:34;
Luko 12: 63). It Is tho business of tho
gospel to accomplish Just such re
Btilts. We need more of such as shall
turn tho wrong side down and tho
right Bldo up. These men were ac
cused of "saying that thero Is an
other King, one Jesus."
II. At Berea. r. 10-15). Tho dls
ciples' departuro by night was an act
of prudenco (Math. 10:23), and Paul
continued his great Interest In the con
verts ho had left. Seo tho two letters
nddresscd to that church. Reaching
Uerea Paul began ns usual to preach
Jesus first of all to tho Jows. Tho
citizens of Berea wero "more noble"
and havo continued to this dny as a
great Inspiration to Blblo students
(witness tho Bercan series of lesson
helpB), (l) They "received tho word
with readiness of mind." Thero wns a
hunger for spiritual food and they
pnrtook of it with a relish. Sorao re
ceivo truth under compulsion while
others hunger for It. (Seo I Thcss.
1:7; 3:10). (2) "Searched" (exam
lned) tho Scriptures dally. (2) Each
day they sought tho mind of God.
Much of our present day Blblo study
Is Interesting and enlightening, but Is
not energizing nor evangelistic bo
causo It looks upon tho Blblo merely
ns literature.
Wo need to study the Bible as did
tho Boreans to know 1 ' and obey
Jesus ns our Savior and King.
Wo need to study It as our guldo
ond counsol through llfo.
Thoso who "believed" ns tho result
ot such preaching and study wero
well grounded (I Thess 3:10).
After soveral weeks of such blessed
ministry tho Thessalonlan Jows in
terfered, "stirring up nnd troubling tlio
multitude" (v. 14 Am. R. V.), and
Paul again moved on, this time to
A Athens In Greece while Silas and Tim-
othy romalned for a further ministry
In Boron.
luly 3-4-5 Mid-Summer Ilacti Meet at
luly 5 to S State Golf Tournament
at Oinnhn.
luly 1011-12 Northwestern Hotel
Men's Association Convention at
luly 10-11-12 Missouri Valley Veteri
nary association convention at
luly 11-12. Annual convention of Ne
braska Variety MerchnntB at Kear
ney. luly 17 to 22 -Nebraska State Tennis
Tournament at Wayne.
July 1'5 -Nebraska Democratic con
vention at Hastings.
luly 25 -Nebraska Republican Con
vention nt Lincoln.
luly ::o-AtiguM (!. -Summer Assembl
of the Church of Brethren nt Beat
rice. Ai'g. 7 to 11 Ti actor Week In Fre
mont. ug. 7 to 10 State Press Association's
North l'lntte Valley excursion.
ugust 10. Second annual baibecue
at Sewnrd.
Aug. 17-27 Seventh Dny Adventlsts'
Conference at Hastings.
Aug. 21-25 Mo. Valley Photographers'
Association Convention at Lincoln.
Tho Nebrnskn Sunday School asso
:lntIon at their annual convention in
Falls City last week, decided after a
spirited contest that ns Omaha was
the birthplace of tho Nebraska Sun
Jay school convention forty-nine
years ago, it was a llttlng plnco to
bold tho golden jubilee there next
year. New otllcers nro as follows:
President, J. S. Dick of Crete; vlco
president, H. Lomax of Broken Bow;
recording secretary, K. II. Mathers,
Falls City; L. C. Oberllcs of Lincoln,
treasurer, and these wero unanimous
ly chosen.
As a sensational sequel to the Luff
assault trial wJilch wns concluded
Just recently nt Aurora, a claim lint
been filed with tho county commls
slonere of Hamilton county by Lufl
for the sum of $15,505.25, which he nl
leges is due him for expenses nnd foi
damages due for false arrest, false
Imprisonment nnd malicious prosecu
tlon. Tho sum of $3,505.25 Is asked
for expenses and attorneys' fees. Lufi
was tried for assault and wns fount
not guilty on the first ballot.
A fifteen-acre field of daisies, lo
:ated on the Goosen fnrm, flvo nnd
ane-hnlf miles west of Beatrice, hat
lttracted hundreds of visitors the pasi
tew days. Tho daisy seed appears tt
havo been mixed with grass seed or
iered by Mr. Goosen, nnd tho llowcn
tind n healthy growth. Tho sight It
i beautiful one.
Colfax county has spent $10,00(
cutting down and grading the rone!
between Dodge and Howells. Hills
nave been cut down nnd the dirt used
to fill In the low plnces, making the
Highway that connects tho Albion
branch towns almost ns level ns a
prairie road.
Eleven women's organizations and
every fraternal order in Hastings hnvo
promised to participate in tlio Fourth
of July parado which members of tho
committee declnro will be the longest
and most attractive ever held In cen
tral Nebraska. Every town in tho
county will assist In tho celebration.
Nearly $1,000,000 is Involved in the
recent transfer of 139 quarter sections
Df Kansas land, In which A. L. Clarke
md William Dutton, Hastings men,
aisposed of their holdings to tho Gar
den City Sugar company at $40 an
acre, or Just twico tho purchase price.
David E. Adams of Beaver Crossing,
who was thrown from an auto four
miles northeast of Exeter two weeks
ago, and sustained a broken back,
Jled from his injury.
About twenty-flvo young men hav
organized n band at Genoa, nnd with
the help of tho merchants of the town
they expect to keep it a-going.
Press Martin, former editor of the
Odell Wave, has purchased tho Liber
ty Journnl and will take possession
Tho Rnndolph school board has Just
yoted to install a course in domestic
science In the public schools of the
July 2u, -? nnd 28 arc tho dates for
Tckamnh's annual race meeting.
Secretnry Campbell of tho Tecum
sen Chautauqua announces thnt John
L. Kennedy of Omaha and Edgar
Howard of Columbus will discuss po
litical Issues ono day of tho assem
Dly. Tho dates of tho Tecumseh Chnu
tauqua are August 12 to 20.
Improvements thnt will Increase tho
Btnblo room by tho nddition of twenty
moro stalls aro being mnde by the
Fremont Driving Park association to
accommodate tho horses that will bo
thero for the annual race meet, July
11, 12 and 13.
Glenn Klopplng, 9-yenr-old son ot
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klopplng, living
nnr Wayne, wns killed in an nutomo
bllo accident near his homo a fow
days ago.
At tho annunl school meeting tho
Wcstervlllo ''school district, Custor
county, voted unanimously In favor of
i two-teacher, two-room ninth and
tenth rural high school.
Arthur Skelton, a well known younR
farmer living between Elmwood and
AIvo, was instnntly killed whan hl3
auto turned turtle nnd landed on top
of his body near Elmwood.
President Authorized to Draft Militia
men Into Regulars Mexicans
Fired the First Shot
at Carrlznl.
WeMfrn Ncwdpaprr Union Mown Servtcn.
Washington. A demand for tho Im
mediate release of the American Hoop
ers taken prisoners nt Carrlznl,
coupled with a stern notification thnt
the United States expect an early
statement of the purpose of the Car
rnnzii government has been telo
graphed to Mexico City by Secretary
The note discloses thnt the statn
depart inent received n communication
from the do facto government stating
that the Carrlznl fight was the dliect
result of orders to attack American
soldiers moving otherwise than to
wards the border, pcisonnlly Issued
by General Corrntmi to General Tro
vino and by the latter communicated
to General Pershing.
In reply Secretary Lansing request
ed that tho le facto government trans
mit n dolltiito statement "ns to tho
coun.0 of net Ion It bus determined
upon" through the usual diplomatic
channels, "and not through subordi
nate military officials.
Mexicans Fired First Shot.
Ran Antonio, Tex. Mexican troops
fired the first shot on the troopers of
tho Tenth United States cavalry at
Carrazal, but not until tho American
forces, fearing nn ambush, had nd
vnnced In battle formation, according
to a letter written on the dny of tho
fight and forwnrded to General Fuhb
ton by General Pershing.
Resolution Authorizes President to
Draft Militiamen Into
Washington. Congress has been
called upon to do its share toward
facilitating tho organization of the Na
tional guard nrmy rapidly preparing
for service. A resolution wns intro
duced by Chnlrmnn liny of tho houso
military committee authorizing tho
president to draft into tlio federal
service all members of tho guard who
iako the new enlistment onth and to
hold them for tho duration of tho
emergency for which they nro called
out. The words "duration of the wnr"
worn altered after a conference be
tween Secretnry Baker and Mr. Hay.
Tim resolution provided that incom
plete units of the guard may bo con
solidated and mustered In.
Troops on Way to South.
Lincoln. Adjutnnt General Hall re
ceived the following telegram from
the wnr department at Washington:
"Hushing of troops to border an Im
perative military necessity. Expedite
muster of Infantry nnd other lino
units. Wire, giving how muny Infnn
try will he ready for field service."
Tho sending of tho message followed
Major General Leonnrd Wood's report
to Secretary of War Baker that troops
were In urgent need on tho border.
Following receipt of tlio order Gen
eral Hall announced thnt the first bat
talion of the Fourth regiment would
bo sent Immediately, together with tho
field hospital corps and signal corps.
Tho first bntallon is made up of com
panies A, B, C nnd D. nil of Omaha,
nnd is In command of Major Elsasses
of Omaha. Tho field hoslptal corps of
Lincoln is in command of Major J. F.
Spealman, and tho signal corps of
Fremont Is led by Cnptaln Henry Jess.
Food Riots In Amsterdam.
Amsterdam. A riot attending tho
munlclpnt distribution ot potatoes In
the mnrket quarter hero ended only
when the pollco chnrged tho crowd
clearing tho section. Several of tho
carts in which supplies wero being
hauled were upset.
Mndrld, Spain. The Spanish Press
association has recoived a cnblcgram
sent on behalf of tho Spanish colony
In Mexico City, urging King Alfonso
to take action to prevent war between
tho United States nnd Mexico.
Red Cross Tenders Services.
New York. Activities of tho Amer
ican Red Cross In preparation foi
eventualities in Mexico include tlio
placing of physicians and nurses at
tho disposal of tho government, as well
as plans to forward supplies and gifts
from relatives and friends to soldiers
on the border. More than COO nurses
have been enrolled In this city and aro
avallablo for immediate service, it was
announced by Jefferson R. Knno, di
rector general of tho military relief
department of tho Red Cross.
Government "Safety First" Special.
Lincoln, Neb. Tho United States
government "Safety First Special,"
which started from Washington, D, C
Mny 1 for a tour through tho states,
will reach Nebraska eqiiio timo in tho
middle of August. Tho treasury, war
and navy departments, department of
interior, department of agrlculturo,
Interstate, commorco commission and
tho American Red Cross society aro
represented on tho train. Tlio object
of tho trip is to show tho peoplo tho
methods adopted by tho government
to further poruoual safety.
Wfllp (nr fro tillAt"iYlnH to tvcondJcreJ before
putiluslng a Scwlns Machine." team the Uy
Kill All Flies! TT.ot
ftd nTwhf,DiUy Ply KllUr ftltnirta andfclltiatl
onrrnitnt, and cbarv.'i riliM
Up Mf Will e Oil P
bwi. ntu, ciun, oraunf mi, ronrrnitix, od tb
Daisy Fly Killer
tr aspr. ittu. ii w.
HAMOIOSOMEHS, 1WDeKlt Ave., OrooWyn.N. V
OlTl0 AtfsHft Sfl. Swrct CloTPt K Knfnn
rr 11 fur li mill rnium cwiuijiyiiH'iiifc
VLtLlUiJ ,, MIII.IIAI.I., hoo atj, limn
ItiKlon.ll O. limit tree Hull
ed ti'lornioi'i. lliui trsuu.
EvcryWomun Waiiti
Ditiolved In water for douches stops
pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflam
mation. Recommended by Lydia E.
Pinkhnm Med. Co. for ten years.
A healing wonder for natal catarrh,
ore throat and tore eye. Economical.
Hit titnonlinary clnniina ami tirmilckUl wrr.
Samnla Free. 30c til ilnJijim, cr ttij by
.nuJ. ThPitimToiMCminy. Uotlon. NUm.
Dutch Establish New Mark.
The drainage of the Inland lake of
:ir.(KK) ucres-fonncd north of Amster
dam by the disastrous Hoods of .Iiinu
nr.v last has been completed, save for
one or two of the deeper "polders"
or basins In the urea In question. Tho
construction and Installation of the
giant pumping plant on the restored
Zuyder Zee dikes was carried out In
four weeks, nnd the actual pumping
took another four, so that the problem
of removing something like 'JlK.(KX),tKHl
cubic meters of water was dealt with
In a matter of two months only. So
far as Dutch engineers are aware, this
Is an unequnled feat In tiny other coun
try In the world. The advance made
by modern bydrographlc engineering
may be gathered from the fact that af
ter the Hoods of February, 18J.r, the
draining took until July, lS'JO. lasting
thus u period of seventeen months.
From Our New Dictionary.
Cipher Something one can always
get for nothing.
Ignorance Sometimes It's bliss, nnd
sometimes It blisters.
Clove A scent frequently used to
disguise the breath of suspicion. Something u hen lays simply
because she can't stand it on end.
Compromise An agreement by
which two parties get what they
don't want. Indianapolis Star.
With Cutlcura, the Quick, Sure and
Easy Way. Trial Free
Datho with Cutlcura Sonp, dry and
apply tho Ointment. They stop itch
ing infltnntly, clear away pimples,
blackheads, redness and roughness, ro
movo dandruff and scalp Irritation,
heal red, rough, and soro hands ns
well as most bby skin troubles.
Frco sample encli by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dopt. L,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Bloodless Battfe.
"A soldier homo from the wura, you
"Tlmt'H the num."
"Has he been lighting In F.urnpe?"
"Dear me, no! Fighting Ir Kuropo
Is tho wildest folly. Hu'h been lead
ing n vlco squiiii In n distant city."
Buffer with lUieumiitUin or Neurltlx, ncntror
chronic, write or my FItKK IlOCKon HUeiiiniv
tlHin ItH Cmue and Cure. MoHt wcmilerful book
errr wrltttn. It's nbwilutely FItKK. Jeue A.
CkU, Depl. V. W., lirockton, Mud.. Adv.
"Is it your Intention to offer your
enemy an olive branch?"
"I'm not sure," replied Senator Sor
ghum. "We'll try out the olive branch
proposition; but we'll Hx the thing so
it can bo turned Into un nx handle."
"Hill Simmons sny.s he lived In Cali
fornia for years nod the earthquakes
didn't worry him In the least."
"Nothing strange about that. BUI
used to ride a motorcycle."
"I hate jam."
"Do you rneun on bread or In tho
trolley curs?"
"They sny thnt lightning never
strikes twice In tho same place."
"Well, It doesn't need to!"
Fish abound In tho Kverglades.
Your Grocer
He wants to hold your trade
(ofVyivm unn rrip.Q
aJlIirtja w .a,ww
Visitor, Deceived by Local CiiBtotn,
Rather Put His Foot In It in
The habit In agricultural district
of referring colloquially to it farmer
by the unine of hU farm Is fraught
with dimgcroiw possibilities to u
In such it district u gentleman had
been resident for n few wccUh, and In
conversation one day with u fanner
received u long tnle of the shoitcoiii
Itih'H of Stonepurk, u neighboring
futiuer recently gone to his last ue
count. A few 1iim Inter the visitor
fell tutkliig with lltllbeiitl, another
"I Mippose .von knew old Stonepurk,
who died Intel V" remarked the vlsl
"Ao. I did thnt," replied Illllheud.
slow l.i chewing "a itnnv.
"Iiiifher slippery customer, I hear,"
ventured 'the visitor.
"Wadua vv under," replied lllllhead.
"In fact," continued the visitor, "it
regular daylight rnhticr, and no friend
of yoiitH, I Imagine?"
The fanner IKed his gn7o on the far
horizon, tinil sulil : "Well, yes, wo
vveie Uluil o' friendly. Ye see, Stone
pink wns my father." Loudon Tit-lilts.
Stood Up for His Mother.
Thrce-yenr-olii Shermiiii was visit
ing ii neighbor nnd sat watching her
maUe a cuke. As she put In the In
gredients be kept usklng. "What's
that?" Finally he usked her what
kind of cuke she wns making nnd tho
lady replied:
"An ungel cake. Don't your iiiiiiiiinii
ever make angel cake?"
He studied for u little time niul
then, In n tone of assurance that his
minuuia could not ho outdone by any
one, replied:
"No, she Just makes the Lord's
Silent, but Eloquent.
Otto II. Knhu. who has given his
estate In Kuglaud ns u home for blind
soldiers, was talking about thu horrors
of war.
"The other day," he said, "two men
on u llnhnkcn pier saw u huge cargo
of wooden legs being loaded on u
steamer for shipment to Kurope.
"'Those wooden legs,' said the llrst
man, 'are u mighty eloquent argu
ment against wnr, lire they not?'
"'Yes,' the other man agreed;
'they're what you might call stump
Bluebirds for the Nursery.
Now the charming nnd symbolical
bluebird llutter.s In still another plnco
so many ullghtlng spots lias the
bluebird found within the past twelve
mouths! He skims Joyously over the
brushes nnd mirrors of the children's
toilet table these days and very churm
Ing are the while ivory-llnlsh belong
ings with decoration of bluebirds In
various sizes.
Modest Girl.
He And what do you want for your
She Uoully, I' don't want anything.
But I know you'll buy mo something
terribly nice nntl expensive nnd new,
you're such u dear, reckless boy.
Princeton Tiger.
The Proper Place.
"Janet's young mint Is mi aviator."
"Then why don't she entertain lilm
In the sky parlor?"
If you dislike thu rules of tho gamo,
go start a game of your own.
It's a Picnic Getting Ready for a Picnic
If you chooie
Spanish Olivet Pickles Sweet Relish Ham Loaf Veal Loaf
Chicken Loaf Fruit Preserves Jellies Apple Butter
Luncheon Meats
fit m lYMMr
Libby, McNeill & Libby
JTM raKSVaSfc?1 v YvSWiBar . KALI JamCrU aMaiXavlH fiLiifl "I ii " ' !
ii f 1
rr sen rn nrsinnx
.- &swa j w v aKssw
he knows you will like.
He is always ready to recommend
KG Baking Powder -Ask him
soon undermines vour
health and impoverishes
your blood, hut this may
be corrected by careful
diet and the assistance of
Stomach Differs
It tones and strengthens
the entire digestive sys
tem and is a real aid to
Nature incasesof indiges
tion, cramps or malaria.
I'r Cullir'i niicttea PHIt. taw
I'Mci'.l, frnli, rrllti)l turfrrrtil lf
iii.iwni !! kinf n, lift AiMft liny
pretrct hfrt othrr ttcclnti fill.
VVtilv fur I-Mikl. t niul WlmnnltU.
10-dou pkgt, lllaekltg I'MIl 11.00
U-ilow ?. IllltkWj Pllli 4.00
n nj iiUMUir, mii ctiuem 111.
Tin mipcrlnrltr cf Cullrr rrtiilufH It iliin to or IS
friM nt M'M-Ullilnu in ttetlni, and urumt only.
Intlil en Cutttr'i. If urmUnlniMt, oMir illnct.
Tin Cutttr Libonttry, Birkiley, Ctl., er Chleigi, III.
RirlnkliMiiiiuirlwu Allrii'H KimMCiiho iMiltrn
In llm l'mit Until mill hiuiU mill mil tlio fort. It
tuUi'H tlm Nllnir ii ii l uf I'oriiH mill liuiilmin nntl
Hiiiiiitinu.iii'liliiK'i'i't' TIiimi fiirliiHtliiKi'iiintiirt,
hIiiiIu' Allrn'rt Kim1-Kiih Into your hIiuch. All
ilt-uliTH n-ll It, V.V, Humph' pitclmiO' i'UHK.
AililnuM, Alleu ti. Olniuli)!, I. Hoy, N. V.
A tnlUt irrritlan uf mrrtt,
!!lpa lo erfellcatA dandruff.
FnrRaatnrin Cntnr ami
Pl But)r toGrar or Fadsu Hair,
yJ tOo.anill o6at DrurnltU.
VV. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 27-1916.
Reminder of Famous Jester.
In Ilruuuscliweig, u quaint old 3er
niau town, Is pointed out the build
ing still used us it hukoHhop where
Till Kiilcusplcgcl, famous us a Jester
in tho fourtenth century, worked us n
boy. Many who havo listened to tho
musical composition, "Till IOulcn
splegel's Merry Prunks," which en
shrines his mime, have never associat
ed this with tlio merry baker hoy of
Braunschweig, lie Is credited with
having made many little gingerbread
owls nnd monkeys, which ho gave
nwuy to children. The shop nt No.
11 Huckeiilut still does u thriving
business or did prior to wnr times.
Albumen In Wheat.
Professor Dnvvley says that chemical
analysis of different grains shows
wheat to contain a larger amount of
albumen than uuy other grain. There
fore It Is the grain to mnko tho base
for egg-producing food.
"Sly country calls mol" exclaimed
the emotional patriot.
"It shouldn't have been necessary to
call If you huve uuy useful service to
perform. You ought to hnvo been on
tho Job."
Forgot Them.
"What became of that candidate
for your sister's hand?"
"Ho won out. And sayl"
"He hasn't redeemed any of his nu
merous pledges." Kunsas City Jour
nnl. Pork and Beans
Ready to Serve
Food Products
tub! on Lllby'$ al
tour groctr'
jbvt Him t, .gA
H! Y V
VTb "V 10 f X
1 9 1