-vnpraw-- i imiiifMti"!"1" . i i WJ,! BID OLOUD, RKBIAIIAl OITI-r Pianos and Musical Merchandise UNDERTAKING IIL.KDY nTTENDKNT Cas Answered Day or Night M INAVALE ED. AMACK Atl. THE PHONES McFARLAND BUILDING 1916 NATIONAL PARK SUMMER The Yellowstone Park I want to U'll you about the, wonderful inutile- tuoiintalu tour you can inalo on tlio fill 50 rail excursion ticket to Yellowstone Park. You can no to Cody, tho Kust and Scenic au'otnublle entrance You can return f i tun Ourdlner, north entrance. S'lV.'O aclilltlonal covers the cost of a two ami one-fourth day tour of Yellowstone! this includes tho ninety-mile scenic uutotnoliilc ride from t'ody over the Government road through Sylvan I'.iss one of tho world'H most zniiKtiillciciit view points to tho l,alo Hotel iiii'ltulliiK hntnh at tho l.nUo and the Canyon, and park transportation to (iardlner. Or, you can buy a complete through ticket emhraclnj; tho rail fare, the Cody scenic auto jotir itdy, I'urlc transportation and hotels for .sojourns of from three to seven days At a total or from 0."i to 8W. Hereii's somethitiK uioi o! You can make this mighty mountain tour from Eastern Nebraska via Denver and enjoy Scenic Colorado Estes Park Hiid Colorado Springs Lot the undersigned toll you tho "Toiirlng-t he-West" pos sibilities of tho lltirliuglou and what the I'ark tour via tho Cody-Scenic gate -way is going to moan to you. N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent, lied Cloud, Nebr. L. W. Waholey, tiencral Passenger Agent , lllll . .. A X , . . (Kjiyuugimil linn r aruam nireei, wmaua, ieor. , - Farmers Listen! i Stock Raisers Stop! Clean out and clean up do not be dcceivcd-WORMS DO KILL Farmer's Friend Remedies DOES REMOVE THEM Give us a chance to show you, that's all we ask. Demonstrations made free. Results GUARANTEED. VVKITK OK kj XJ TARFD INAVALK, PlIONK TO ff 111 1 .n. JL JL4 1A. Nkiik. Me will endeavor to show you that they are all the name implies, FARMER'S FRIEND - I Mr. I.add is on the sick list this week. A.slilv Watthcli was In Ued UliUid, .Saturday. Mrs. Claude Con ley ami family auto ed to Med Cloud Saturday. Chas. Hunter, who has been vet' sick, Is reported somewhat better. Mis. UiirgeHi and Mr. and Mr". l-Ill Stion' were in Ued Cloud. Monday. Mrs. Howard DeNley ami daughter. IMa, drove to U'.mI Cloud, Satuidiiy. A large eiortd atti'ti led the mlsilon ary sermon st the M. K. Church (sun day night. Mrs. Hull Smith and baby of liber ty. Missouri, arriveil Saturday tuorii IliK The Union Music Club will meet ut the homo of (icnevievu Miller Friday night. Mr. and Mf.s. II Petty arc the proud parents of u baby boy bom June 1!) K. K. Hunter was called homo from the Sand Mills on account of his fath er's illness. Hay Harwell and wife visited in Wotuer, Kansas, Sunday, with the Vandevot family. Mrs (luy Harkcr and daughter, Mayetta, were pus-engeiH to Ited Cloud Saturday Mr. Simeon Thomas of Cowles will preach at the M. K Church, Sunday night at S o'clock. Hoy and Dewey Uutledgo went to Hastings Saturday to visit their moth er, who is In the hospital. Mrs. Karl Iturwell went to Hustings Wednesday, to visit her brother, (Juy Stlckney, who is in the hospital at that place. Mis Charley dHYcry came home from Lincoln Saturdav evening, where she had accompanied her sister, Mis. Hoy Copley, who went with her hus band for an operation The M. !:. Ludies Aid and a few friends met at Mis. Ktnina Smith's Tuesday afternoon for a farewell a1 Mrs. Smith expects to return with her daughter Mrs. Dr. Phillips to tin Sand Hills. Notice On and after uly 1. lOtfi the bunks of lied Cloud will refuse to u'Unv OVKKDHAITS Itecent ruling prohibits ovtrchecking and same is not permitted by law. Statu Bank ok UkoCi.ouh Pkoi'Lks Ua.nk ok Ki:i Ci.otn U'Kll-IEn COL'Nl v Hvnk. UGAt NOTICE. In The District Court of Webster County. Nebraska ISIItka ('' nml 'ii'iina M. Howard. I'lalntllK v. William I. Ilowar.l. Alice Howard. Mary I'. Mlteliul. .ritin Mltiliel. Ktlicl I,. Cur. KtMttM.I. Howard. Allte I.Uhtlout. -anniel II. I.UhUcM.l. Harold II. I'iie. Ilojd W. I'ope. (lltnu I.. I'llpC, t'luri'iici'M. I'npe. and Wlnfrctl l'oie. uiinntliin dI naM Harold II. rope and Ouurdluii ot I'lojil W. I'opi'aud Oiiarillanof llenn I:. Pope and iliinrdtnu o( I'loreure M. Pope. I f 'ml:i II tH. 1 liualxive named linn rultli-nt itcfciittauK William J. Howard. Allif Howard. Mary I' Mltclicl. Jolui Mitelul. Ctltcl i. Coe l.mttia I. Howard. Alice MicIiKihiI. .imuel II. I.luht loot. Harold II. Pope. I'loyd W. Pope lllciiu I':. Pope, and Wlnlred rope. Ouarillilii of Haiti Harold II. Popt-and (luardlan ol I'loyd W. PoponudHuardlau o( (llemi H. Pope and luardlan of I'loreiiee M. Pope, will take notice that mi the lilli day o( May I 'Jill, Hie alioxunaniuil plalullllnlltj-d llielr petition In the district court of Wuhster county. Nuhras ka, aKaliHtyminud the resident defeudaut, Florence M. Pope. Impkadetl with you, the object and prayer of which Ih to ronilriii Hie sharmainl Intere'ttK of the several parties to wild action. In and to the follmvlnit described real ettate. vl.. lot thlrtien and fourteen In lllock fourU'cn In Smllh and Moore'rt Ailiil Hon tolled Cloud. Welnter county, Nhra. ka. and fur a pirtltlon and dlvhlou of ald real estate. auuiliK the parties entitled there to according to the respective shares of Haiti parties, or, If a partition cannot he had with out Injury to the rights to the parties In Inti r est. then fur a sale of said premises, and a division of the proct ids of Hald sale aniony the parties thereto entitled, aet'ordllit; to tin lrresptt'llerUhls. after payment of the costs of this action, Vtui are required to answer said petition on orhc fore the 17th day of .Inly, Hill!, or the same will tie taken as true and Judgment rendered In accordance with the prayer thereof. Haled May :w. I'Jin. Kllska roe and (curve M. Howard. PlalutllN. Uy I'rauk .1. Munday, Tin Ir Attorney. (i-Jli IF YOU WANT A: IV10NU1V1ENT OH A MARKER Made Right, Lettered Right And Erected Right SEE. I OVERING BROS. & GO. Makers of Artistic Monuments Red Cloud, Nebraska I a 1 'ras'iiEiM"'! r."!. vjamiiaznnituj'.iiu v: u w, i an a ' i inii'jiMw Charles Ilichards and Mrs II I) Morit. and tlmuhter, (leiievicve, re turned to Lincoln, Tuesday, after visit ing a few day's with their sister, Mrs. H. C. I.etson. Kwrtou Koe left Saturday for Minne apolis. Minmsota, wheri he will be marrieit to Miss Ha.el Stoneberg. Tlioy wi I return to (ir.-ybu'l. Wyom ing, when- they will make their futuie home Notice of Final Report. In the County Court of Webster county Nebraska. In the matter ot the estateof John llasel, tleeeased. All persons Interested In said estate, are hereby notllled that the i:ieutor has tiled a Una) account and report of his administra tion, and a petition for Dual settlement of his account and a decree ol distribution of personalty and a discharge Irom his trust, which have been set lor hearing before said court on the 1st day ol Jul). IHIi!. ut 10 o'clock A. M , when all persons Interested In the premises may appear and contest the same. Hated this r.'th day of June, lliifi. fsKW.l A. P. ll.NNl,, County JuiUc. HENRY COOK, M. D. lU'.At.K.II IN DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES . i it: ininiR'ffi!' C. II. Miner Dr. H. S. Deartlorf.M. I. C. MaunKcr Veterinary InCharuo C. H. Miner Serum Co. -PHonriKits- Anti Hog Cholera Serum Red Cloud, Nebraska litre or Phone at Our Expense I), S. Veterinary License No. 45 DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DKNTI9T tVER STATE RANK Cloud ' " Nebraska KODAKS Hotter Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:. A Full Line of Supplies ROLLS niCVKLOl'KD-lOc NAIL YOUR ORDER TO US Stevens Bros. Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED larOrritK Ovbk Ai.nitioinr's Siouh Notice o? Chattel Nortdafte Sale. .Sutlcelshirib) clvch that b virtue of a chattel morUa,:i dated on the hub da of April, l!lfi, and du't Hied and recorded In the olllctiof ibticounl ( lerk ol Wulwter ( nun t. Nidir.iska. on tbeJllh day of April, PJI5, and executed by V. II. Moore to Henry li lleurtiis, ciud sold. asHluiitsl and net over by the Haiti II i.ry llleureux to the I'ancerN State hank of t amp'iell. Nebraska, on the JBtU day o April. HUM insecure the pa wont of thusuui of trim) 0J, rind upon which there Isiiowdiie theHiiui of Vili.iV,. default lutlni; been made In the payment of s:tld sum and no milt or other proctedlnt! at law haxlnu been Instituted to retoer s:ild ilebt or any prt thereol. therefore the imdtrsUued will sell the properly then In described, i I stttilllon aed 111 yrs tnuw IT yrs Color lllack, named "Pjrasol", I Mitre ii vts I 7 yrs (now 8 yrsi Color Hay, n limit "Maude", t llorne axed ft yrs (iiowllyrs) color lllack, named Sial". I -Mare lined 1 yrs (now :t yrs) color lllack, at public auction, In 1NAVAI.K, WKHSTKlt CiM'M'Y, NKIIItASKA, on the 7th day ol .It'l.v, nun. t a o'clock P. M.oisald Hay. farmers Slate Hank ol Campbell. Nebraska. Aksltimcof Mnrtt:ai;(c IMtcd.luuc'JlHt. ItUll. c. It.StaHcnka, Attorney. Notice to Creditors In lite County Court of Webster County, Nebraska In the inttter of the estate of Alfred II, Kim;. Heeeased. Creditors of said estate '.till take notice, that the time limited for presentation and llllut! of claiiustKalust said estate Is January I. Itli, I'JIT, and for the payment of debts Is June :d,jl'Ji7, that 1 III sit at the county c url room in mild county on the Ifiiti day of Inlv. A. I. IIUil. to examine, hear and allow all claims duly llled which are a first or sicuud lieu upon said estate, ami on the 15th aay of January, mil, to examine, near, allow and adjust all claims and objections ot ucuor al creditors duly tiled. Hated this nth day of lime. A. I)., pjirt. ("call A. Ii. It vnn'ki, Couul .ludsic. Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures E. S. Ga-rber THE HOOSIER SAVES MILES OF STEPS Mat KmmL-- -j - rz , riiumx . iiv iJ)KRRRMMf- fTl1 j i flr L lav -"haaalSU r 771 FamouM Rati Am J'HooiierBtauty" , Come in and let us demonstrate them to you For Sale by ROY SATTLEY -!- Fnrnitiirr Dpnlpr I Licensed Embalmer Musical Program and Children's Day Exercises Sunday Evening at the Orpheum IX JPLj JafT-JlL - - -ZrT' - s,a,wT e FIRE THE ALARM is ii dreadful tliiny OF" FIRE for the man without Insurance. Kvery time he sees the engines racing along his heart come.s up In his throat if the fire is anywhere near hU place. WliHt folly, what mis taken economy. , THE C09T OF is so small that it INSURANCE need hardly be considered. The freedom from worry alone is worth it many times over Have us Insure you to-day. O. C. TEEL, Rtllmbl tnsuranc. Dr. A. E. Boles OSTEOPATH Physical Diagnosis Labaratory Cos.sL'r.r.vTioN and Examination I'ukk 'Osteopathy tho Sulenco of Mealing y Adjustment." (liven to the World hy A. T. Still, A. I). H7l. OFFICE OVER SNIfH SHOE STORE Komi I'iiones KKI) CI.OLM), N'KBIt. Mr. Hoffman will lead the Men's Bible Class, Sunday at 10 a. m. Preaching Sunday, June 25th 11a. m., at the Christian Church fcVs'V'V'VV FARM GATES CANT-SAG" FARM GATES (I T - It r I dv.. l m rf-x -9 w n lfja h.. A a. .1 vc uuiicvu uiciu is uu uuuui uuie at any price j than the "Cant-Sag" and there is no gate that can be bought for less money. Come in and let us convince you that, in this lliaiUllUC, IIIL' LCJt t." LllU llCUliU.IL. Please pay particular attention to this word CANT It spells the best. R. E. CAMP, D. C. Chiropractor Phones l'eii.lent2l2 ) Dell lied HU PLATT & FREES : COL. J. H. ELLINGER 'i AUCTIONEER ! , Ib now retitly to place your Rale ilalci, m Ask any oue as to my iuallllc:itlous , ." for wlitim 1 liavcerleil Hales. Inilept - .1 U....1II O.I ...... " s iviii j'liiiiiro mi n'. ii i uu' i n i' in viii .r s Kkd Cioun, Nkiik. Farms For Sale Three Rood farms in Marian county adjoining tho town of Huntley. A M. CAUi'ENrEit, Aent Whoa in need of anything in the llae of printing como to the Oiiikk. Have Started to Handle BREAD FRESH DAILY IN THE SANITARY WRAPPERS FROM HASTINGS DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME WALTER W. MARSHALL ' ! ' iflT INSANITARY GROCERY, IN RED CLOUD Wew tttc m Farw Leans l an uoyr pinke you a lower rate on Farm Loaa't than woa ever made in this county before. Best option given and money always ready. I also have private money to loan on reasonable terms. Plea9e write me or call for me at State Hank, Red Oloud.U. P. gather. jn. 't