The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 22, 1916, Image 1
I N 1 V O J f &r"5 tit'ft '! i'il ''y-gyfjB-MF wBtFMj Jicr3J3f,''''f' 'wiS'lliEl- iLYiiP'nwfeipTSrvP-'. Biw"KM'-- ""'ljB VOLUME 4 1 When You Write A Check You write your own receipt at the same time, because the payee cannot get the money until he has written his name across the back of your check, and the check is returned to you by the bank after being paid. This is one of the many advantages of having a bank account in this strong bank, and our service costs you nothing. We do all the bookkeeping and furnish every thingall you have to do is to deposit your money, pay your bill by check .and we render an accounting as often as you please. If you call upon us. we shall be glad to talk the mat ter over with you and show you why a connection with this bank will prove advantageous to you. Deposits in this Bank are protected by the Depositors' Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITA I, ftiiS.OOO Fashions E NO" LONGER WEAR W Clothes to nuui nijuiy uy mc cicmcuu, nor from motives of modesty, except iucidentaly. fl The present stage of the evolution Coilly tSy habit tt thy putte cin buy -Shileipeife V of clothes is the recognition of that in dividuality which marks us as human beings, J Fashions, at any time, have myriad forms, varried designs, hundreds of shades and color combinations, any of .which is "fashionable," provided it be ap propriate to the individual. Appropriate Clothes sUch as are found in Our Sore are Good Investments. J Where is the man who does not experience renewed en ergy and cheerfulness, caused by the presence, on his back, of a perfect fitting coat, that is in harmony with his person ality? i When you want wearing apparel that's fashionable, also serviceable, and at moderate prices step into Our Store. PAUL STOREY THE CLOTHIER T A N KS Our 2" Cypress steel bound tanks are the best on the market. They have double the life of a galvanized iron tank and are much cheaper. THE M 4 LONE-A VERY CO. "TALK Will IIS AMVf TANKS" protect our bodies A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. .1 U X 13 Si'J, l.)l. District Meeting Held Here.1 The Kebekali Lodge of Distt'et 'J-i comprising Ued Cloml, Superior, Nel son. FianUlin, Guide UoeW, llutilyi I'owles mill KiisWin met in this city, Thursday, Juno r, and tit their after noon session elected the following olllctMs: President SUter Uhitwood, ot Franklin. Vice President Sl-Ur Done, of Su potior. Win den-Sister Warren, of lied Cloud. Secretary Sister Kdgehill, tf Frank lit). Treasurer Sister Jensen, of Nel.-on. Marshall Ktcr Watt, of Guide Hook. Chaplin Sister Kogel, of Red Cloud Conduolor Sister T It o in p s o n, of Superior. Inside Guatd Sister Wololi, of Hod Cloud. Outside Wat eli Sister Kinney, of Nelson. Approximately fifty out of town numbers were present at this meeting. The Mute president, Mis. Florence Wagoner, of Omaha, gave a very In toreMlng lull; on mutter:, pertaining to the lodge mid also the I. O. O. F. home at York. Dinner was served at six o'clock, the same having boon prepared by the local members. The evening session was given over to the installing of the otllcers elected during the afternoon session, and to the initiation of two new members this work being in charge of the Do gree Staff of Superior. ' Ice cream and cake were served tit the close of the session. Their next meeting will be held in Guide Hock. m m Local Masons Co To Riverton On Monday evening, the following member-, of Charity lodge No. G'l, A. V. & A. M , ttutotd to Hlvertou and at tended the Masonic lodge at that place: W 11. Iliunilton, A. K. Saladcii, T. J. Diamond, F. W. Cowden. A. U. Kaloy, F. K. Mhiirer, C. I), llobinson, O. 1). Hedge, Hobt. MoBride, II. A. Let son, A. V. Duoker, W I). Edson, F. J. Munday, H. S. Harbor, (i. W. Hutchi son, N. B. Hush, U. V. Nicholson, Roy Suttley, Flave Grlco, Geo. Hollister, M. A. Albright, Roy (Mtmau, Aaron Hedge, Geo. Atkinson and I'. M. Whitehead. The Klvcrton lodge con ferred the third degree on a candidate and afterwards a very dainty lunch was served to which all present did justice. All the members from here report us having spent a very enjoy able evening. m Continue to Give Prizes Saturday our merchants, for the third time, drew up the old band wag on, onto the principal street corner and staged thereon, the third big event of the season, the awarding of the weekly cash pries. As the day was an ideal ono, a larger crowd than usual were in attendance. Kev. C. L Myers was master of cerumen Ics. Those securing the cash were as follows: Mrs Maude Renfro, lli IM Slickman, 8.1. and V. A. Sherwood. $2. Surprises His Friends Some time ago, Dr. 10. K Lollcr, in spector at the C, II. Minor Serum Company's plant west of tho city, quietly left town, going to Ft. Dodge, Iowa, to spend his vacation, I'pon his return to Hod Cloud, we Hud that ho is no longer a bachelor, having been united in marriage to Miss Emma Drahein, of that place, on June 11 They will Immediately go to house keeping in the Frank l'eterson resi dence In the northwest part of the city. Tho scenes showing the rcllgous rites, ceremonies etc, of the Indians are truthfully portrayed In the "Yaqui" and the locations of this production were taken on the border line betwoen the United States and Mexico. This picture is la five reels and will be ahnvn fnniuht. PThnrfula.vt nt. tho Oit. ' pheutu at Gc and luc. adv - two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. Methodist Mention The Ue .1. .1 Klngham and wife, missioniities of India, spent Sunday tit the puroMuiiro Uto. Klnglititu ad dressed the congregational the eleven o'clock h.'itr lie give a mokt Inter esting address on the wotk in India. Mts K -poke to nuu of the classes of the Sunday -ohool and to the Inter mediate league at night. You can support a native preacher in India for a whole year for the price of ti single automobile tire The pastor is out hunting up the benevolences for this year. If lie misses oti, please call or phono. Five young ladies woie baptized Sunday mottling and joined the chutcli. The olllcets elect of the Hpworth league wete installed hiinday evening after which the following program was given Piano Duett Missei Cowden and Fugle Vooal Duett, Misses Sctlvnor and Slterot Exorcise Christian rtico- Mury Myets, Happy lladell, Nellie Kuilcy, Jennie Uceley, Ila Bar- ret, Ruth Fty, Beth Hanson, Hello Joy, Matoolla Stockman, Jessie Crabill Iteudlug "Aux Italions Miss Nettie Springer Vocal Solo Miss Saladcn Pnutomine "Rock or Ages' Miss Mildred Mercer Regular meeting or the L idles Aid Society Friday afternoon. The quilting and dinner given by the Aid Society hist Friday was enjoyed by a goodly number of people Tho Kev. John Crews of Henson, Nebr , mftdo a short visit at the par sonage Tuesday morning in the in teres t of the Methodist hospital at Omaha. Quarterly Conference will be held on July eleveuth. Tho usual midweek prayer service each Wednesday evening. The Social helpers will hold a Ken sington at lite homo of Matgarel Fo gol on Thursday afternoon with the Misses Fogel and Wonderly as ho tosses. The annual Conference will be held lu Hastings this year on Sept. tenth. Government Printery Busy Postmaster Letson lias received a let ter from the Third Ass't Postmaster General requesting to notify patrons that there will be temporary discon tinuance of "otllce request" envelopes This is due to unusually heavy requis- tions and difficulty in obtaining a suf ficient large force of operatives lu the existing shortage of skilled labor. Hy "oflloe request" is meant envelopes bearing return card with line left blank for tho name of the party send ing the letter. The department haw on hand an ample supply of "uiiprint cd" stamped onvelopes and also enve lopos can still be furnished bearing the return card of the purchasor. An nouuectuent will bo made later, just when the department will again be prepared to to furnish the "ofl!ce re quest" envelopes. Install Officers On Friday craning, Charity lodge No. rl, A. F. it A. M , met and Install ed the following otllcers who will pre side over the destinies of that order for the ensuing year: A. R. Saladcn-W. M. T J. DiHmond-S. W. P. E Matirer-J. W. R. V Nicholson -S. I). Aaron Hedge J D. II. C. Oollatly Secretary. G. W. Hutchison, Treasurer. United in Marriage At the homo of Mr. and Mrs E. L. Morhart on Weduoadar mornlnir at six o'clock occurred the marriage of her bister, Miss Miunie Iluerstetta to Mr. Leslie K. Prior, tho Rev. 0 G Ware, of Kearney, ofliciatlni;. Both tho brldo and groom arc residents or Kearney. After a bounteous wedding breakfast the happy couple left on the Haptiugs passenger for Kearney where they will resldo. mM THE PEOPLE OF THIS COMMUNITY "B UEVE" IN OUR JEWELRY STORE FOR JUST ONE BIG REASON--WE HAVE NEVER, DECEIVED A CUSTOMER. WE HAVE BUILT UP OUR BUSINESS, FIRST, BY CARRYING ONLY JEWELRY AND JEWELRY STORE THINGS WE KNOW TO BE SUPERB IN QUALITY AND CORRECT IN STYLE, AND SECONDLY, BY ASKING FOR THEM ONLY A REASONABLE PRICE. WE SHALL NOT CHANGE OUR METHODS, JEWELRY MAY "LOOK" THE SAME BUT NOT BE THE SAME. WE MAKE THE "QUALITY" RIGHT; THEN THE PRICE RICHT. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and B. & Q. Watch Inspector lire. ;v-vvv.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.vjj,j,j,u,y Try Weesner First Best C. & H. Cane Sugar, 100 pounds for . . $7 OR WiUi lit dollar cih of Jtr J anything in the woenr liar. IpllWw Com petition Cannot Meet Fancy RedSockeye Salmon, per can 20c Fancy Sifted Peai 3 for 25c, pet can 8;fc F.F OG. Peas "Better than freih onei, pet can '8c Extra Standard Corn, regular I2'c per can.... 10c Naptiia Soap Chips, 7 package!.. . -5c FRESH FRUITS Hood River Strawberries, per box.. 18c California Blackbctnes, per box . . . . I'c Large Bananas, per doz '-i'c Oianges- Naveli, per doz 30c Celery, per bunch 10c White Loaf All High Patent Riverton Diamond FloWS $145 sack and 0. K. Flour may be cheaper, byt at this price now, we defy competition. R. P. Weesner & Co. Mr. and Mrh. II. C. Gellatly returned home from Hearer City tills morning I.. Klnjr of (iibbon whs tho (,' of his brother Ilert this week. Mildred and Thelma Mercer left for Gibbon this morning where they will visit their grandmother. Mr. and Mrs, J. V, ISoROnrlef de parted Saturday morning for Oberlin, Kansas, where they will rlsit their daughter Mrs. Orville Ferguson and family. Tho Misses Elizabeth Overman, Ger trude Wullbrandt and Grace Darib re turned home the kut of the week from Clay Ceuter where they attended the Epworth League convention, The many friends of Allan Black ledge will be pleased to learn that he successfully passed the final examin NUMBER SO ffllH Optometrist 1 Quality Coffee Navarre Brand- Beit Quality, per lb. 35c Karex Blend-Very Popular, per lb. 30c Giieltian--Fancy Santoi, per lb ... . 2c Paxton's -Gai Roaslad, per lb 30c "Full Valua" Brand, per lb 30c AND VEGETABLES Canteloupei, largt size, each I. 1c Fresh Tomatoes, per lb 15c New Beets, per bunch 0'ic New Turnips, per lb 03c New Onions, per bunch 0'c ation and has boon admitted to tho academy at Atinapolh, Muryltuul, Jacob Allen of lllrcrton Is visiting with his daughter, Mr.. Win. Ovtr 1, today. Attorney F.J, Munday, Barney Sut ton Hiid daughter, Mrs. Pearl Arnold, are In Hastings today. J II. Hailey accompanied his son, GranJ, home from Omaha the first of the week where he recently underwent an operation and we are pleased to note that he getting along uicely. Vernon Zeiss and Meredith Butler, who enlisted in Co. K. of Blue Hill, were called to that place this morning to report for service. The company received orders to mobolize and left for Lincoln today. d H mi mm f M