The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 15, 1916, Image 7

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    & ' M"
Mrs. Sheldon Spent $1900 for
Treatment Without Bene
fit Finally Made Well by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound.
TrloittAI Til
Whila colnjf
iJttltWUUlij All. If 1II1TJ U '
through thn Chuncn of I.lfn I mifTor.
wiui nenaacucs.ner-
vousncss. flashes of
boat, and I Buffered
so much I did not
know what I was
doinc? at times. I
spent 11000 on doc
tors ana not ono did
me any good. Ona
day a lady called at
my honso and said
sho bod been as sick
as I was at ono time.
fttifl T.vIU V. PinV.
uoui o TU(ubnuiv
Via ' ? M a. a M t- 1 A
vompounamaao ncr wen, so 1 took it and
now 1 am just as well as I ever was. I
ronnnf iinrinratnnrl wlW r)nH
seo how much pain and suffering the
would escape by taking your medicine.
I cannot praiso it enough for it saved
my life and kapt me from the Insane
Hospital." Mrs. E. SnELDON, G667 S.
Halstod St, Englowood, 111.
Physicians undoubtedly did their best,
battled with this case steadily and could
do no more, but often the most scientific
treatment Is surpassed by the medicinal
properties of the good old fashioned
roots and herbs contained in Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound.
If any complication exists it
?ays to write the Lydia E. IMnk
1am Medicine Co., Lynn, Muss
for special froo advice.
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when the liver Is
right the stomach and bowels are riant
gently but firmly com'
pel a lazy liver 10
Co its duty.
Cures Con
tipation, In
and Diitreia After Eatiiur.
Genuine must bear Signature
Novel English Church.
A novel church, In tho parish ot St.
Paul, Suuthsca, England, waB origi
nally a stable, and tho cross on tho
altar wob used by tho Rev. II. W.
Workman, vicar of tho parish, whon
ho wu3 a naval chaplain in the Good
Hope, tho King Edward VII, and tho
Irresistible, nil threo of which havo
been lost during tho war. Tho bell of
tho church is an old ship's bell.
Mrs. Knlcker Wo can't keep a
Mrs. Hockor Advcrtlso for a food
As woll bo young at 70 as old
at GO.
Many elderly pcoplo suffer lamo,
bent, aching backs, and distress
ing urinary disorders, whon a
llttlo help for tho kidnoys would
fix it all up. Don't wait tor gravel,
or Brlght'a disease. Use Doan's Kid
nnv Pills. Thev hnvo hclDod
thousands, young and old, and are
recommended by thousands.
A Nebraska Case
Mrs. Wm. Bryant,
GOO South St., Blair.
Neb., says: "My
trouble- was with my
kidneys nnd bladder
and It caused me a
great deal ot misery.
Ilfv wtinln HVfttnm
Tallm a
seemed to be affected
na a rpftult. Mv at
UJ ....... .- -
tAnflnn wan railed to
Doan's Kldnoy Pllli
Will UDCU W.
They strenuthenod and toned up my
kidneys, regulated their action and
acted as a tonic, making mo feel bet
ter In every way."
Cat Doaa'a at Aay Stora, 80s Bex
br Cuttar'l Blatilit Plllt- U'
prtMd. fraab. rtllibli: pnferrad bj
jp-ita awtut lira itlur vimIim fill.
yaT' WrtU for koakM and uuUsonUla.
1 am iV . biumh i pi it
Uh anr t3tr, kul CutUr! btV
Tka raaartofltr t Cutur aroduou U dui to ofir la
Mil at ncUllilag la truiliw a Mrunl Mly.
Ililtt ! Cutt-r'. If uukUluU. ord.r. direct
Tka Gsttar Uiarttinr, rkalcjr, Ctl.i r Ciltm. III.
Nebraska Directory
1, Hadlcall a. Snrflcall 8, Obatatrlcali
Laboratoryi O, X-lUy Dapurtmenta.
Trulnlng iodooi lornoriu in coqukuod.
Open to all ii-puuble ptajtlclani.
fur t uriber lufoimaUun addriu
A. A. SMITH. M. D., lurtfioa
Ilkry Lannlna; Memorial lloaplta,!
r .-. lrtal llwat mmad V sT aTh T aT'
t. hi. Tlloo of Troth and lacu To-Hr.
f c!yCi.J)iLC.M4IISi)tirWraSl..CUcita
W. N. U, LINCOLN, NO. 25-1916.
v-11 K mwtmmWjmWi
vn'4 Q.vrf 7 if v.
kkWfkkkT kW iJmwZ
kmMWEmMmMmMr ihius-bW
.jbBbbIIVjBbV mm v aUmai
V sW.
JLt W m .
Kw. r mm
Juno 19-20 21-22 American Union o!
Swedish Singers, West. IMv., con
certs ami convention at Ouinlia.
Juno 20 to 2 1 Statu Stockmen's con
vention at Alliance.
Juno 21 to 23 Frntoinnl Onler ot, state meeting at Lincoln.
Itino 28-29- Intel national Auctioneers'
Association Convention at Oinaba.
July iM-fi Mid-Summer Itaco Meet at
July (5 to 8 Statu Golf Tournamont
at Omaha.
Inly 10-1 1-12 Northwestern Hoto"
Men's Association Convention nt
July 10-1 1-12 Missouri Valley Veteri
nary association convention nl
July 17 to 22 Nebraska Stato Tonnli
Tournament nt Wayne.
July 25 Nebraska Democratic con
vcntlon at Hastings.
Aug. 7 to 11 Tractor Week in Fro
Aug. 7 to 10Stnto Press Association'!
North Platto Valley oxcurslon.
Aub- 17-27 Sevonth Day Advoiitlsts
Conference nt Hustings.
Aur. 21-25 Mo. Valley Photographera
Association Convention nt Lincoln
There Is a possibility that tho
Omaha-LlncoliiDenver highway will
bo changed fiom Uh present route
f i oin Holdregc to Oxford to include
instead Luomiu and Ilertrand, going
southwest from tho latter town to
Edison. Tho reason that a change Is
contemplated is that there Is n strip
of bad road through clay hills be
tween Atlanta and Oxford, which
those responsible either cannot ot
will not keep In shape for travel, es
pecially during wet weather.
A very distressing nccldcnt happen
ed nt tho farm homo of Charles Wll
Hams, near Cook. Williams had drlv
en his team into thu yard from Hit
field, harnessed to a disc. Ho left
tho Jiorses for n moment nnd thej
ran away, knocking his 7-year-old
daughter, Dorothy, over and runnlnf
the muchlno over her, cnuslng a long
cut through her face, dividing tha
nose, ami other injuries. It Is
thought the child will live.
A Jury In the federal court at Lin
coin hns returned n verdict agalnsl
the Otl3 Elevator company for $10,-
000, In the $00,000 domago still
brought against tho company by Mor
ris W. Folsom, administrator of th
estate of Harry D. l'ettlnglll, a young
brick layer who was killed whtlo at
work on tho Miller & Tallies building
last hummer.
One ot the most elaborate dedlcato
ry services that over occurred In Ne
braska took place In Otoo county
recently when tho new St. John's
, Catholic church, located nlno inlloj
from Nebiaska City, was tletllcated.
The church Is one of the largest rural
edifices In the state, and cost nearly
$r,(i.000. Illshop Tlhcn attended tho
Damages of $11,200 awarded Wil
liam Ilowers, formerly of Cliadron, nn
engineer on tho Northwestern, for
the loss of an eyo due to tho bursting
of a lubricator on n Northwestern
engine, were nfllrmcd by tho supremo
court of thu United Stntcs.
Eleven dollars per hundredweight
for cnttlo was a new record establish
ed at the South Omaha market when
a lono steer sold for that amount a
few days ago.
Breeders ot pure bred livestock ot
nil kinds In Fillmore county have
perfected an organization for tho
promotion and protection of their
As a result of tho exceedingly large
demand for fresh vegetables, the de
mand being greater than tho supply,
Holdrege will not establish a market
for school garden products this year.
Work will soon begin on Hold
rodge's auditorium, which will have a
seating capacity of 2,800 to 3,000
Tho plans for the dedication of tho
new I'ranclscnn Monnstry at Lindsay
on Juno 21 are progressing favorably.
A homo coming will be tho mnln
An old-time picnic Fourth of July
colebrntldn will bo held in Beaver
City, tho business men having raised
$500 for that purpose.
Members of tho North Platte
Mothqdlst church at two meetings
raised $17,055 of a needed $18,000 to
cover tho cost of additions to be
mado to their church.
Herman Kunnorman, living nenr
Sehuylor, had his right arm blown oft
nnd ono eye destroyed whllo trying
to blow stumps out of tho ground on
his farm with dynnmlto.
Lyons Is making extensive prepara
tions for an old time Fourth of July
celebration. Over $700 has been
raised for tho occasion.
Colonel John a. Maker of Lincoln
was elected department commander
over Leonard Hoblnson of North
Platto during the business meeting of
the United Spanish War Veterans at
North riatto.
Tho contract for the reconstruction
Dt tho First National bank building nt
North Platto has been awarded. Tho
cost of construction Is estimated at
(15,000. Tho building will bo ready
for occupancy about November 1.
The county treasurer at Columbus
took in $140,000 during May In taxes
to run public affairs.
All Chinese Provinces Recognize LI
Yuan Hung German Casualties
of War to Oatc Are
Weatmi Newspaper t'nton Nows Service.
Laredo, Tex.- Many Americans liv
iiiR In thu illslrlet bordering the Hlu
Grande liavo begun arriving hero with
tho intention of reuinlulug until rumors
of new danger from bandit raids had
boon quieted. Tlio women ami children
from a number of outlying ranches
have been sent hero as a measure of
HI Paso, Tex. Uneasiness as to the
icsults of the anti-Ainericaii agitation
in Chihuahua are manifest In almost
every quarter hero and In Juarez. A
number of American refugees arriving
from Chihuahua City said that they
wcro hooted by Moxlcuns at nluiost
every station on tho way to the border
but no violence was attempted.
German Casualties to Date.
London.- (Jerniany up to tho end ot
May had lost 2,!)2irSii soldiers, ot
whom 7:11.412 were killed, accoullng
to a British oltlclal tabulation ot tho
Gorman casualty lists given out hero.
The compilation did not Include Gor
man losses in naval engagements or
in tho lighting In thu Gorman colonies.
Tho British olllclal statement uotos tho
Gorman casualty list for tho month of
ay as placing the German lossos In
klllod, prisoners and wounded nt 102,
507. This number, it is pointed out,
brings tho Gorman total losses, ex
cluslvo ot naval ami colonial casualties,
to 2,294,580.
Alt the Chinese Provinces Recognize
Li Yuan Hung.
Wnuhmctou. Willing acceptance
by nil of the Chinese people of tho
new president, LI Yuan Hung, is Indi
cated in olllclal dispatches reaching
the state department. They said all
of tho northorn provinces had recog
nized him. Tho southorn provinces
some tlmo ago designated him as the
legitimate presldont but dispatches In
dlcaio they probably would demand
some changes In tho cabinet. Presi
dent Wilson has received a cablegram
from President LI Yuan Hung reply
ing to a message of condolence on tho
death ot Yuan Shi Kal.
Editors Will Tour the State.
Grand Island. Through tho efforts
of tlio executive commltteo oC the No
braska Press association, n special
train of Pullmans will lcavo this city
on August 7th, and will during tho
week cover the greater part of west
ern and northwestern Nebraska. Tho
train will be made up exclusively of
editors and their families. Stops will
bo mndo at many ot the cities and
towns en route and tho principal ses
sions of the association will bo hold
nt Scottshluff and Gerlug on August
Out of Politics.
Oyster Bay N. Y. Theodoro Roose
Telt reiterates that ho Ib "out of
"I want to tell you newspaper men"
bo said, "that It Is of no use for you
to como bore to soe mo. I will have
nothing to say. I will onswor no ques
tions, so please don't ask mo to. I am
out ot politics."
If the formen presldont has any
plans for the lmedlate future other
than to continue his literary work he
has not mado them public.
Suffrage Defeated in Iowa
Dcs Moines, la. Completo unoin
clal returns from all counties Indi
cates that the equal suffrage amend
ment was defeated at Monday's pri
mary by 4.C55 votes. Tho suffragists
now concede defeat for tho amend
ment. New German War Credit
Amsterdam. A Berlin dispatch
states that the relchstng has passed
tho budgot at all stages and had
adopted the new war credit of 12,000,
000,000 murks.
Germans Launch General Attack.
Paris. Tlio Germans havo launched
a general attack along tho entiro
front on tho right bank of tho Meuse
and havo penetrated the French line
at one point, but were repulsed olso
where with heavy loss, according to
an olllclal statement Issued by tho war
aepartment. 'ino point wnoro mo
Germans entered tho French lines is
in tho neighborhood of Thlaumont
farm. Tho Germans also mado two
email attacks southwest ot Hill No,
304, but theso attacks, tho statement
says, wero repulsod.
London. Americans domiciled horo
who aro subject to tho Income tax,
must sell to or doposlt with tho Brit
ish government tholr Amorlcan .se
curities under penalty of an extra two
shillings tax. This Information I a
given to tho press by an olllclal of
tho Amerlcnn dollar security commis
sion. Tho ruling holds whether tho
securities aro hold horo or In Amor
ica. Tho tax of two shillings added to
tho Income tax will apply to Ameri
cans who havo resided horo long
enough to become subject to the regu
lar Income tax.
(By I-: O Hin.l.KHH. Acting- Director of
the Hiimliiv Hi'linol t'e irso In tho Moody
Hlble Institute of (Mill mm )
(Cop) right by Western Newspaper Unloa)
LDSHON Ti:.T-Actfi 16:16-49.
CiUl.DDN Ti:XT-llrlleu on the loird
Jesus nnd thou shall bo n.oil, thou uiul
thy limine Acts 16 31.
Dean Vaughn hns said of this lesson
that in It "wo havo an epitome of tho
wholo history of tho gospel." Tho tlmo
was A. D. 50 or 52 nnd tho placo was
Phlllppi. an Important city, as buforo
I. The Damsel Delivered of Demons
(vv. IG-IS). On their way to tho pray
Inc iihicii where thoy had met Lydia,
tho disciples mot this maid who "had n
Bpirlt, a Python." Greek soothsayers
wore supposed to bo Inspired by Apol
lo, who killed a grent simko at Mt.
ParnassiiB and left It to rot. Tho girl
was probably possessed of hysteria
nnd thus spoku strange words, and hur
condition brought much profit to her
masters, who professed to Interpret
her words. This evldonco of evil pus
Hcsslon awoko a sympathetic response
in l'aul'B heart. "Her misery and
degradation woro a symbol of tho
degradation, ns Lydla'H sweet nnd be
nevolent Christian character was of
tho transllguratlon of womanhood "
Stalker. Her cry nfter Paul was per
haps that they wero tho ulaven orsomo
nod. oven na sho wan tho Bluvo of Apol
lo. Tho Gadarono (Luko 8:28) used
Blmllar language. Paul did not at onco
stop her (v. 8), perhaps to avoid a con
troversy, but hlu deliberation mado
more profound tho tlnnl deliverance
wrought Worn out nt last with her
cries, but taking no credit himself,
Paul spoko tho namo of Power which
had forotold Just such acta (Mk..
16:17; Lk. 9:1; Lk. 10:17).
II. The Disciples In Prison (vv. 19
Ol nt nn furllinp rntnmnrelnl vnlllO.
tho Blavo drlvera Bought rovengo by
Inciting n mob to nttack Paul and his
comnanlons. So todny tho liquor In
terests would sock remuneration for
tho loss of their "business," and
anathematize tholr opponents, whllo
tho underworld trlea to overthrow all
who Book to rostraln them." Pnul and
Silas woro accused of "troubling" tho
city, for tho trado has boon Interfered
with. It, Indeed, went hard with them
thus tn bo unlufltly set upon and dual
ly, through tho connivance of tlio
spineless authorities, to bo incarcer
ated In a illthy dungeon. Still, though
tho majority was against them, yet tho
mob was not right (compare 17:5; 18:
12; 19:28-29), and thoy had Ono on
tholr sldo who was sufficient (Horn.
III. Deliverance and Salvation (vv.
25-35). Christ hoforo Pllato was ac
cused of sedition, and thoso Hogged dis
ciples wcro llkowlBo Innocent suffer
ers. (1) Prayer and praiso (25-20).
Nolo tho circumstances darkness,
torn and bleeding, aching backs and n
morrow tilled with blackness. Thcro
was no sleep for tho disciples nt that
midnight hour, but often strength 13
bettor gnlncd in prayer than sleep.
"Praying, thoy Bang hymns," In tho
midst ot that heterogeneous lot of pris
oners thoy did not, could not, keep si
lent. Tho result wbb attontlvo listen
ing by tho other prlsonora nnd by a
loving Heavenly Father, who shook
tho placo to ovldonco his interest
(v. 2G). (2) Tho jailed dollvorod. Tlio
placo was bo shaken that evory barred
door was opened and tho staples ot tho
Btocka woro bo loosonod as to llborato
ovory prisoner. (3) Tho jailor saved.
Tho brutal ono 1b now tho unxlous In
quirer, and becomes a good typo for
all to follow who aro out of Christ, (a)
Ho saw bo was lost. Ho was subject
to tho same death as bis escaped pris
oners. "Supposing" (v. 27) has dark
onod many lives, and our greatest sor
rows aro pfton imagined. Faco to
faco with death, tho Jailor would
plungo into an eternity for which ho
wan not nronnrcd. Paul's clarion call
brought tho jailor to express his anxie
ty (v. 29), and it was not a trilling nor
ekoptlcally indifferent man who ap
pealed to Paul. Ho was brought faco
to faco with two holy men, with God
nnd with etcrnttv.
Thoso to whom ho camo knew tho
facts, had faith, and could meet tho
emergencies of Ufa with conlldonco.
IV. Tha Humbled Magistrates (vv.
35-40). Tho jailor evidences joy, hos
pltallty and a changod homo, which
news must have reached tho magis
trates. Their early command waa to
"lot theso follows go." Paul hero
rises to his full dignity. Beaton open
ly, condemned without trial and ver
dict, does not allow them to cover
tholr crirao and blunder by stealth.
Tho magistrates wero llablo to loss
of position, goods, and oven llfo, and
hence willingly did all that Paul re
quired. Thus tno Imprisonment turned out
to tho honor of tho apostle and tha
glory of God.
Nor did Paul baston at all In leaving
tho city.
Aftor recovering strength to travel
and oncouraglng tho memberB of tho
Infant church thoy dopnrted, taking
Timothy (17:14) with them.
Thus God gloriously dollvorod thoso
who labored amidst soro trials, and
thero was established In Phlllppi a
church which was dear to Paul and
which was especially kind to Paul, and
to which is directed ono of his most
tender epistles.
first Aid to a
Weak Stomach
Stomach Bitters
Don't Experiment Get
A family remedy for 63 years
Big Sturgeon on Trot Line.
A 400-pound tlsh was caught In tho
Sacramento rlvor by Ktigono Bnrlon,
tho "musical llshormnn." Bnrlon Is
called the "musical fisherman" bo
catiBo his 200 foot trot lino Htretched
across tho Hacranieitto nt Mlddlo
creek In equipped with a chime of
twolvo Swiss bolls ono for each lino
dangling from tho main lino with
spoon attached.
Bnrlon'H catch was a sturgeon, a
big tlsh that measured seven feet with
out tho head. Whon tho Hturgeon
grabbed tho hook every ono of tho
twelve bells rang n clatter that nwak
enod him from his afternoon nnp In
his cnbln nshoro.
Tho "musical flshorninn" wns una
bio to land his big catch nlono. Ho
hod to coll In the nslsstanco of two
neighbors. Harlem's catch netted him
JC3. Ilcdding (Cul.) Dispatch to San
Francisco Call.
Apostle of Silence.
"Could I Intorost you In a volumo
which will teach you how to become- nn
oloquont public Bpeakor?" nsked tho
"I'm afraid not," nnswerod tho man
at tho desk. "I mado my roputntlnn In
politics as a pussyfooter and the loss
I havo to Bay tho bettor off I'll bo."
Paper Ib spun Into thread and wov
en into a substitute for Juto textllos by
a procoss Invented In Bohemia.
The Delight
of Children
The aelf-developed, inner-flavour of New Poit
TocUties bear a unique attraction for the kiddies
they even like them dry from the packagefor their
lunches. A box of Toasties provides "eats" that will
delight the children.
New Post Toasties are usually served with cream
and sugar, in which form the flavour is more pro
nounced and the flakes more delicious. These New
Toasties do not "chaff" or crumble in the package,
and they don't mush down in cream both common
defects of old-fashioned "corn flakes."
Then, too, notice the tiny bubbles on the flakes,
produced by the quick, intense heat of a new patented
process of making which imparts delightful crispness
and a substantial body to the flakes.
New Post Toasties are a vast improvement over
any old-style "corn flakes."
For tomorrow's breakfast
New Post Toasties
Sold by Grocers everywhere.
Every Woman Wants
run i biwuivu. iuiuiu
Dmolved In water fcr douchei atopa
taal.. al.l. l.Aft (.. MM.1 IhII.N.
rnu DrticAMil nvrirue
matlon. Recommended by Lydia E.
rtnxnam mra. v-o, lor ten yeara.
A healing wonder for naial catarrh,
ore throat and aorecyei. Economical.
Ilu ilt.nnlin.ty leilna and gtrmlckl.l r-mrr,
SampUfr. 30. all ilmiiitu, r (uipul br ThuPaHwiTwIftCwKBy. Bwtwi.Maw.
Kill All Flies! ".V
riard Twlr.Oalr fir Klllf allraHl and Mill all
alld Ij&aI Iaa akaahI &1 aaabahAam Aatfll akaa
MW Clwaa VIBWmnWi iWHimniiH awwai
Wtm II I anl ul aia
rOalayFly Klllar
. ..... aild. ll.Ha
HAROkOBOMERS, 150DKlllAva.,BraoMjrn,N.V.
., HAHKlll'i
a, toll. I preparation of row! a, to truncal dandruff.
Baaut t toOnr of Fatlad Half,
oo. anil i w at unifl"
Not Available This Year.
Tho Itov. V. II. Book, pastor ol
tho Tnbernaclo Christian church of
Columbus, Is telling a story told him
by a schoolteacher In a county not
far from Bartholomew. Tho teach
er and tho township trustee wora
tnlklng over plans for tho annual
school commencement. Tho ques
tion of n speaker for commoncoraont
"Let's got this horo nip Van Win
kle to make tho spooch, BUggosted
tho township trtistco.
"Who?'' nsked tho surprised
"Why. thlB hero lllp Van Wlnklo,"
tho trustee replied. "I'vo heard a
good donl about him and 1 thought
ninybo ho might mnko a right smart
Tho teachor had to toll tho trustee
that lllp wns not avallablo for com
mencement nddrcsses this year.
I Didn't Think It of Her.
Mother Gladys, you Btood on tha
porch qulto n whllo with that young
man last night.
Gladys Why, mothor, I only Btood
thero for n second.
Mother But I'm Buro I heard tha
third and tho fourth.
The Way of It.
"Havo you finished your shopping
"No; tho trip's finished me."