The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 15, 1916, Image 6

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elv fltyhcs tfUK Fairbanks
Story of the Chicago Convention
and Its Numerous Interest
ing Twists and Turns.
Efforts for Harmonious Action Wltn
Progressives Amusing 8cenes
In tho Coliseum and Among
the Boosters In Hotels.
(Copyright by Wrattra Ncnapaprr
Chicago. As exclusively predicted
by 497,865 persons, the Republican
party In convention assemblod In Chi
cago solected Assoclato Justice
Charles E. Hughes as Its standard
bearer In the campaign of 1916.
Contrary to Uio expectation of al
most everybody and to his own de
sires, Charles Warren Fairbanks of
Indiana was chosen for the second
r If that Is not a safe and sane ticket
, (or presentation to tho sovereign
' voters of the nation, the Republican
t leaders who dovlscd It don't know how
i to mako one. They put It forth In the
' full confidence that it will command
the suffrages of a majority of tho elec
tors next November and that it would
recolvo tho indorsement of Colonel
Roosevelt and most of his Progressive
followors. At least, thoy assorted that
thoy had tho aforesaid full confidence.
Tho nomination of Mr. Justice
Hughes, which waH accomplished on
tho third ballot, was received by the
throng In tho Coliseum with a demon
stration that was as safo and sano ns
tho candidate. Everybody stood up
and cheered.
Saturday afternoon Mr. Hughes sent
a telegram to Chalimnn Harding ac
cepting tho nomination, and at tho
same tlmo ho resigned from tho Su
premo court of tho United States.
Justice Hughes' letter of resigna
tion, Font to tho White House by mes
uouger, contained ono brief sentence.
It snld:
"I hereby resign tho olllco of asso
ciate Justice of the Supremo court of
tho United Statos. I am, sir, respect
fully yours,
Tho solcctlon of Mr. Fairbanks for
tho position which ho once before
tilled with distinction required only
one ballot, and soon thereafter the
convention adjourned sine die, leaving
tho Indiana delegation glued to tho
long distance telophono endeavoring
to persuade tho Tall Sycamore of Uio
Wabash to accept tho honor thus sum
marily thruBt upon him.
Final Sesilon Was Interesting.
The story of the final Besslon of the
convention, on Saturday, Is rather In
teresting becauso of tho way In which
Its devolopmonts wero concerned with
tho courso pursued by Theodore Roobo
velt und with tho doings of thu Pro
gressive convention In the Auditorium.
All night long tho conference commit-
toes of tho two conventions had been
closeted In a room of thu Chicago club,
and tho llrst thing Chairman Harding
did was to call for a Until report from
the Republican committee Mr Smoot
of Utah Informed tho convention that
his commltteo hud submitted to tho
Progressives tho name of Justice
HughcB, oven as tho Dull Moosors tho
day beforo had submitted that of T. R,;
that tho Progressives had then re
ceived from tho colonel a long tele
gram, which ho read, earnestly plead
ing for harmony and united action,
and suggesting that thoy offer to unlto
with tho Republicans on Senator Hen
ry Cabot Lodgo of Massachusetts,
whoso character and record ho warmly
eulogized. This recommendation,
Senator Smoot said, had been received
by tho Progressive convention and luld
on tho table.
Of courso that put nn end nt onco
to tho hopes of picking a nominee on
whom both conventions could unite,
and Chairman Harding directed tho
call of tho roll of states for tho third
ballot. Friday evening two trial bal
lots had been taken for tho purpose
of giving the fnvorlto sons their
clianco, and no ono of them had shown
tho strength necessary to win. Hughes
advanced from 253 votes on the llrst
ballot to 328 on tho second, and If
tho managers of tho favorite sons hnd
not forced an adjournment, tho Justlco
oould havo been nominated that eve-
Ballot That Nominated Hughes.
So, when tho third ballot was begun
Saturday morning, thero was no doubt
of the result. Alabama, first on the
list, started the flop with Its 16 votos,
and the others followed suit with an
almost unbroken regularity. Now and
then thero was nn Interruption as
someono rose to withdraw tho namo
of a candidate. Sherman, Fairbanks.
Cummins, Root and the rest followed
ono another Into tho discard. Weeks
of Massachusetts withdrew himself,
and a Roosovolt delegate from the
Southwest pulled down the name of
the colonel, speaking for all theRoose
volt men In tho convention.
Hofore half the states bad been
called Mr. Hughes had the necessary
494 votes, Now Jersey giving him 27
that carried him past tho mark. Hero
and thero a recalcitrant was found,
but they wore few and far between.
As announced by the chairman, the
ballot stood: Hughes, 949; La Fol
letto, 3; Lodgo, 7; Roosovelt, 18.
Alexander P. Moore of Pittsburgh
moved that the nomination be made
unanimous, and Senator Lodgo, who
had voted for Roosevelt, seconded the
motion. Tho quostlon being put, thero
waB a roaring chorus of "ayes," and
Chairman Harding smilingly an
nounced that thero wero no "noes."
Former Sonator llurkctt of Nebras
ka was Mr. Fairbanks' only rival for
second place. Unliko tho Indiana
stntesman, he had been making an
earnest campaign for tho honor, but
tho result did not Justify his hopes,
for Mr. Fairbanks was given an over
whelmingly largo vote.
Moose Nominate Roosevelt.
At tho tlmo all this was taking placo
In the Coliseum, tho Progressives In
tho Auditorium wero Joyfully nominat
ing Theodore Roosevelt. At tho very
moment when thu news of Hughes'
nomination by tho Republicans was
Hashed to tho Hull Mooao convention.
Chairman Robins was announcing that
tho colonel had been unanimously
nominated, by acclamation, as the
standard bearer of tho Progressive
Tho convention wont wild, nnd it
was some tlmo before It could bo
calmed down enough to be told what
bad been dono In tho Coliseum.
Tho ardent ndmlrors of tho Man of
Sagamoro Hill did not tako kindly to
his suggestion that thoy comblno with
tho Republicans to nominate Lodgo.
"Namo Roosovelt today," had been
their shout from the early morning
hours, and when tho colonol's appeal
to them to back Lodgo was laid beforo
tho convention It was mot by a storm
of hisses and cries of "No, no." The
Moosors wero determined to nomlnato
Roosovolt, and nomlnato him thoy pro
ceeded to do, with a mighty shout.
After a recess, tho Progressives
nominated John M. Parker of Umia
lana for tho vlco presidency, by ac
clamation. Govornor Johnson of Cali
fornia and Raymond Robins wero pro
sented for tho nomination, but both
withdrew In favor of Parker.
First Day Deadly Dull,
"I'm representing a paper In Tomb
stone, Arlonu," eald a man at tho en
trance to tho press section of tho Coli
seum. "Como right In; you will bo right at
homo," said another man on tho in
aldo. And thero is tho llrst day of tho
Republican nntlonul convention in a
nutshell. It had all tho uspectB of a
well-conducted funoral, except that In
stead of llowera thero was tho pro-
fitflc decoration of tho grcta building
with llngH and bunting No marked
enthusiasm, no lively processions of
delegations seeking thulr seats, no
spontaneous demonstrations when tho
notabilities of the party entered.
Senator Warron 0. Harding, selected
an tho temporary chairman, evoked up
plauso when ho stepped forth to uc
cept the gavel.
Mr Harding had been chosen to
sound tho keynotes, and of courso tin
did sound several for tho party at
large, notably on adequate national
preparedness, protective tariff and
straight AmorlcanlHin. Hut llrst and
foremost ho sounded what was meant
to be tho keynoto for the party In con
vention assembled and for the Hull
Moosurs Bovcrul blocks north In tho
Auditorium. That koynoto was liar
mony. I
Hurmony fairly radiated from Mr.
Hnrdlng's countenance; It oocd from
his outstretched lunula; It Mowed In a
stream down among tho delegates
hut thero It seemed to stop, lie spoku
no harsh words of tho "erring broth
ers" of 101", but exuded enough har
mony to tnuku It perfectly easy for
them to slip back into tho party with-I
out u bit of friction. Ho didn't swat
Hut flnll Mfincu ii'IMi n ntnli ir unnlil '
It, but stioked Its ears and sought to
remove painlessly Its horns and mas-1
sago Its snout Into the semblance of ( ture of story, Joko and old time patrl
nn elephant's trunk. How well ho sue- f otlsm. Then Senator Iloiah was In
reeded tho closing events of tho two troduccd, and some real fireworks
convontlons demonstrated. Truth to
tell, thero vas every ovldenco that
Senator Harding had no dcslro to stir'
uti anything much witli his nildress,
for tho old-lino leaders had not yet
discovered Just how they could save
tho party by accomplishing tho defeat '
of tho Democrats next November.
An Undercurrent of Fear.
Beneath the smooth surfaco of events
In tho Coliseum wns ainmrcnt to tho I
close observer u distinct undercurrent invitation was accepted gladly by tho
of fear-fear of what tho Progressives I Republicans, for they earnestly de
would nnd would not do. Tho latter h'"-''1 I,eaco nni1 ""ltv- Somo wiseacres
had gono Into convention with tho ,
frankly and loudly expressed Intention ,
of nominating Colonel Roosevelt and
no ono else. Moreover, they intended
to forco his nomination on tho Repub
licans Tho Republicans wero split ,
Into two great enmps. One, tho "al
lies," was mado up of tho forceB sup-1
porting tho dozen or more "favorite
sons." Tho other Included tho sea
soned men whoso purpose seemingly, ,
was tho prevention of Roosevelt's
nomination. To bring this about, they
wero willing to support Charles E.
The "alllos" wero ready to give oach
of their candidates a fair chance, and
then proposod to comblno on ono but
which ono they couldn't determine.
Meanwhile, in tho Auditorium, the
radical Progressives were clamoring
to nomlnato the colonel at once and
let the Republicans Indorse him or go
through the exporlenco of four years
ago, and only the strenuous efforts of
George W. Perkins and a fow other
wise ones held them In check to await
tho peace negotiations that were to
come later, and como in vain.
No wonder that fear ruled. It looked
as though tho man down at Oyster Bay
held In tho hollow of his hand the
fato of both parties, and ho sat there
nearly as silent as the associate Jus
tlco. To bo sure he did send word
that ho would bo pleased to come and
address tho Republican convention if
It desired to hear him, but no such de
sire was manifested.
So the first session moved quietly
to its conclusion, and tho only really
spontaneous burst of enthusiasm was
that which greeted tho announcement
by Sergeant at Arms Stone that u
thousand automobiles, provided by
Mayor Thompson's commltteo, wero
waiting nutsido to convoy the Uc le
gates to their hotels.
What the Women Won.
On Thursday, though tho rain con
tinued unabated, tho convention added
a touch of color to Its mourning gurb
stnto of mind, In recognition of tho
progressive platform that was pre
sented by tho scholarly Senator Lodgo
In behalf of tho commltteo on resolu
tions. To bo suro thero was nothing
startling In that platform, nor any
thing very unexpected, If you except
tho plank on woman suffrage. And
thero was where Senator Lodgo de
veloped nn unoxpected vein of sar
donic humor "Tho Ropubllcan party,"
he read, with somo nourishes inserted,
"faors woman suffrage" ho puimcd,
and many of his hearers, especially
tho womon, cheered loudly for a mln
uto "but recognizes tho right of each
state to settle this question for Itself,"
concluded tho senator. Louder than
ever was tho shouting that greeted
this, but It was doriBive, and all clut
tered up with laughter.
And yet tho women had won a gen
ulno victory in obtaining even this
qualified Indorsement of their causo,
and felt well rewarded for their effort
of tho day boforo. That effort, their
parade down Michigan boulevard, was
an exhibition of nerve unequaled dur
ing the week, unless ono except thu
candidacy of certain of tho presidential
aspirants Tho rain iuuI wind swept
across tho boulevard until tho march -
orB could scarcely keep their feet, to
say nothing of carrying their numerous
banners, and yc. they marched un
daunted, over ilvo thousand strong,
leaving a trull of wrecked umbrellas
and banners nil tho way to the Coli
seum. It was u much moro Impres
sive exhibition of tholr faith than If
ten times ub many had mudu tho
march on a fair day.
Strong Platform Adopted.
Returning to tho convention nud Its
platform, it should bo noted that tho
plunk devoted to preparedness called
for nearly all thu moBt ardent ndvo
cato of national protection could nsk
a navy strong nud ready, an adequate
army and a systom of military training
for reserves and this plank was re-
u 'I veil with manifest approval, no
too, wob tho reference to tho Demo
eratlc plan to relinquish tho I'hlllp
pines. Altogether, It seemed the plat
form should enlist tho support of al
most any Republican, however pro
gressive ho may be.
Senator I.odgo concluding, forth
camo a bravo young man from Wis
consin, of the name of Cross, and pre
sented a minority report. It contained
tho well-known views tt Senator La
Folletto on economic and social ques
tions, and especially did It contain a
plank calling for an embargo on the
shipment of munitions to the warring
nations of Europe Mr. dross was
plucky, but didn't get very far. for his
report received only a few scattering
votes from his own Wisconsin delega
tion. Closo under tho leo of the speak
er's roBtrum all this time sat one Wil
liam .Jennings Hryan of Nebraska, and
at each strong point mado by the sen
ator from Massachusetts ho would
crane his neck around for a good look
at that gentleman, and sink bark In
his chair with a grim grin. Just what
ho thought ho refused to say out loud.
During n pause In tho proceedings
"I'nclo .Too" Cannon and Chaunccy Do
pew wero brought forward, one at a
time, to entertain tho audience, and
they did It with a characteristic mix-
wero expected, but while he spoke well
and Insplrlngly, ho held himself well
In command.
"What aro tho Progressives doing
and going to do?" was tho question
heard continually, and now It was an
swered In part by tho reading of tho
invitation from tho convention In tho
Auditorium for tho appointment of a
conferenco commltteo to meet ono to
' nppolnted by tho Progressives. Tho
snook their heads when tho chair op-
pointed four gentlemen who had been
clusscd ns ultra conservatives, but
tho namo of Borah was looked on ns
a saving grace, nnd tho commltteo
went to Its delicate task, tho conven
tion adjourning until Friday.
Hopefully assembling again next
morning, tho dclegutes wero told Uint
the Progressive commltteo had been
ablo to suggest llttlo more than the
nomination of Colonel Roosevelt by
both conventions, becauso the leaders
Mrs. Charlr.s E. Hughes.
could not deliver nnythlng llko tholr
full strength It any other man wero
named. To this tho Republican comt
mltteo mado no response, only asking
that It be continued.
Candidates Are Named.
Time wp.a growing short, nnd tho
leaders now proceeded to tho presenta
tion of candidates. Mr Hughes was
first on tho list, because Arizona yield
ed to New York, and Root followed.
The demonstration for neither was up
to expectations, und Weeks received
no moro applause. Illinois and Ohio
und Indiana woke things up a lot for
Sherman, Hurton and Fairbanks, re
spectively, but tho nudlenco wns wait
lug, becauso tho word had gono around
that Senator Fall of New Mexico was
to placo Roosovolt in nomination, and
ovoryouo wns eager to seo what would
happen then. Fall mado a stirring
speech, and tho galleries roso to tho
occasion, though most of tho delcgntca
1 merely looked on curiously. It really
was tho big noise of tho convention to
Hack In 1912 when tho handsome
Mrs Dnvls acted as cheermastor for
tho Roosovelt demonstration sho sot n
fashion which every candldato seemed
to think It necessary to follow this
year. Each of them hud a lady yell
leader In ono of tho galleries. Some
of thorn wero pretty and somo of them
wero only energetic. Mr. Root's
checrmnster Just opened her mouth nt
frequent Intervals In fact, when she
got tho signal from Job Hedges and
let out u series of piercing shrloka.
Later sho "changed her voto on tho
Bccond ballot," for thon sho was found
to bo emitting similar screams in be
half of Colonel Roosevelt.
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Mr. Fairbanks ha.J, perhaps, tho
handsomest of these shoutern In
tho pcreon of Mrs English of Indian
apolis, daughter-in-law of W. II, Eng
lish, who was Hancock's running mato
long years ago Wrapped In ono Amer
ican Mag, nnd waving another, tie
mnde a striking llguro, nnd her early
stage training stood her In good stead.
Among the Boosters.
To ono who had frequented the
Michigan boulevard hotels during tho
evenings of tho convention week It
was not surprising that thero was not
an enthusiastic demonstration nt tho
Coliseum when Hughes wns plnced In
nomination. Never beforo was thero
so llttlo boosting of n leading candl
dnto on the surfuco. "Thero comes tho
man with the Hughes badge," said ono
onlooker, nnd thero was llttlo exag
geration In tho remark. Everyone else
had headquarters, bands, gleo clubs,
bndgo distributors, and nil the rest of
tho machinery of boosting, but not so
Hughes Tho work for him was being
done quietly behind closed doors.
All soits of devices wero resorted
to by supporters of favorite sons In
tho Fairbanks region nt tho Congress
hotel women Bold carnations Tor that
tall sycamore. "Can't I sell you n
(lower for n dime?" one of them afked
n husky negio. "What for?" "Why.
for Fairbanks." "I should say not; ho
ain't worth a dlmo to mo," wns the
Thoso negroes wero among tho
amusing features of tho hotel lobbies,
for they were forever getting Into
acrimonious dispute with ono another.
"Don't you try to tell mo nothln',"
snld n big colored Indlanian to ono
from n Southern state. "You darkles
from down there are on tho market us
soon ns you get here, every time."
"Is that so?" was the sharp re
sponse. "Well, you toll inn when did
Indiana over send a colored dele
"Lots of times."
"Hut when, I nsts you?"
"Lots of times, I tells you."
"Hut, I nsts you, when?"
And so It would go on Interminably.
Wednesday night was tho liveliest
In tho hotels, for the boosters wero out
In all tholr glory and as yet uncurbed.
In tho Congress n swarm of cowboy
hatted Sherman shoutors took pos
session of tho lobby and at lntervnls
tho T. R. paradora would undertake to
march through them, cnrrylng largo
"Teddy" signs. Every such attempt
was tho signal for n near riot, and
thoso signs wero soon smashed by
umbrolln-handle blows.
Thon tho Sherman boys produced a
baby elephant and a gont labeled
"Teddy's." Tho llttlo pachyderm wob
as onco banished to the baggage room,
whero Its trunk was checked and Its
manager ordered half a ton of hay
from tho Pompetlan room. As for the
goat, it was run out in a hurry, nnd
tho hotel management Issued an edict
that no more live stock should be
brought Into the placo. So thereafter
the crowds were content to go "mill
ing" about the various rooms, here
watching movies of Roosevelt parades,
thero listening to speakers tell of
tho virtues of Burton or Fairbanks,
and elsewhere collecting badges and
buttons. "For tho Lord's sake tako
them," the boosters would urge.
"They won't be worth a dnrn next
week." Which was necessarily true
of all but one variety, then unknown.
Black Mark for Chicago.
Mention has been made above of
Mayor Thompson's committee, and
credit must bo given it for doing much
to entertain the delegates and other
convention visitors. In addition to big
flocks of free automobiles, thero were
many and varied forms of entertain
ment, parades of firemen, fireworks,
and tho llko, so far as tho wretched
weather permitted, and on Thursday
night thero wero dances In a dozen of
the loading hotels to which all were
Invited. So far, so good Hut a big
blnck mark must bo placed ngaliiBt tho
mayor and his political friends for the
outrage of Friday afternoon. At that
tlmo, just as things wero getting in
teresting, nn Immenso swarm of ward
heelers and political henchmen swept
down on tho Collsoum. armed with
green tickets or sergeant at arms
badges, and so thronged tho building
that tho pollco and firemen finally
closed nil tho doors Tho doorkeepers
wero given orders to honor no tickets
whatever, and hundreds of newspaper
correspondents nnd men and women
who hnd paid as high as $2.r0 for ad
mission tickets wero rudely thrust
aside. Tho order enmo when a great
many wero outsldo tho hall for lunch
nnd they were unablo to got back to
their seats.
To mako a bad matter worse, while
holders of proper credentials argued
and battled with tho pollco In vnin,
shouting tholr Indignation and trying
futlloly to send word to Sergeant nt
Arms Stono, tho ward workers were
slipping In by tho hundred, cntorlng
through tho emergency hospital door,
whero Doctor Robertson, tho city
health commissioner, and his aids
were stationed.
Mayor Thompson appeared nt the
Coliseum shortly after the doors were
"Who ordered tho doors barred?"
ho was asked.
"Sergeant at Arms Stono," ho re
plied. "How docs tho flro department fig
ure In this outrage?" tho inquirer
X askod.
"Mr. Stono asked for protection. Ho
said thoro wero 3,000 too mony people
In tho building already."
"What do you know about tho green
The mayor walked away.
From n casual Inspection of tho
crowds in tho building Friday It
IHueiueu imu uiuro xuusi ue inousanus
of men wcnrlng tho badges of ser
goanta at armB, and at noon one alder
man wns standing In tho alley handing
them out to his constituents by the
acoro. When tho doors wero closed
somo G.000 wearers of theso badges BtlU
on tho outside sot up a mighty roar.
That let many of them In whllo ticket
holders still wero walling In tho rain.
Even "Jim" Preston Locked Out,
Tho nowspaper men hnd a good
laugh at "Jim" Preston, superintend
ent of tho press gallery of tho senate
and In chargo of tho correspondents
quarters nt the convention, for ho wns
ono of thoso caught on tho outsldo,
nnd howled for half nn hour beforo
tho pollco would recognize his right
to enter. Jim Is a favorite with tho
correspondents, but his plight mndo
lighter that In which many of them
found themselves
By the way, somo of tho aforesaid
correspondents wero national llgureB
nud attracted almost ns much atten
tion ns did tho notnblo men on tho
platform and nmong tho delegations.
One of them, of course, wns William
J. Ilrynn. representing the Commoner
lor himself; Sam Illythe was there,
too, nnd so was Arthur Brisbane, and
William Allen White, and AngUB Mc
Sween, nnd many unother whoso
names nro perhaps more familiar ti
the geneial public than their faces, but
who aro usually to bo seen when any
thing big like a national convention in
going on They do not wax especially
enthusiastic over tho usually factitious
demonstrations In conventions, but
nothing gets away from them, and It
Is noticeable that tho statesmen nro.
always glad of a chat with them.
Theso coricspondcnts nro not es
pecially patient when important mat
ters are browing. Often they nre Im
portunate, und It fell to the lot of Jim
Preston to placato them and look nftcr
their needs. This ho did as no other
known Individual could do It. Alwnya
Chairman W. G. Harding.
ready to glvo assistance and Informa
tion, he permeated tho press section,
and earned tho blessings of the news
paper boys as he has done before on
like occasions.
Downtown In the hotels muslo
played a large part in tho efforts of tho
various clans of boosters. Nearly
every headquarters had Its band or
orchestra and tho Burtonites brought
a big gleo club from Columbus. Ohio.
Sherman also had a largo band ot
singers, and "Marching Through.
Georgia" becamo his official song.
Tho Fairbanks men, naturally, adopted
"On tho Banks of tho Wabash," and
its strains could bo heard far Into the
Ono Individual appeared carrying on
his chest a small organ on which an
other played popular airs, und as thoy
proceeded through tho crowds they
soon collected a Btrlng of suako dan
cers. Citizens Were Hospitable.
Tho citizens ot Chicago tried hard
to uphold tho reputation ot tho city
ns the convention city of tho country
and to make up for thu rough deal
handed out by tho weather man. Thero
wero numerous fetes of ono kind or an
other planned for tho pleasure of both,
man and woman visitors, and though
tho continuous rain caused tho aban
donment of somo of theso, most ot
thorn wero highly successful. Notnblo
among tho entertainers was tho Ham
ilton club, which kept virtual opon
house throughout tho week, with fieo
refreshments and tho services of fa
mous singers and vaudeville artists.
On Wednesday night tho Hamlltonlans
Invited all visiting newspaper men to
pnrtako of their hospitality, nnd the
snmo night tho Press club gave a mid
night dinner nnd cntortnlnmcnt fot
tho correspondents.
Tho Progressives oven more than
tho Republicans Indulged In social
pleasures, partly becauso thero wore
a good many women among tholr dele
gates. And tho women's party conven
tion and gatherings ot suffragists all
contributed to tho society aspect ot
tho week.
Before tho convention opened there
was tho greatest doraand for tickets
over known on a like occasion. The
prices soared until $300 for a sot
looked cheap and ofton was retusoa.
The opening day wns so lacking in
popular interest that tho prlco began
rapidly to drop and tickets for the
Thursday session could bo had for
$1,130 each. Then things livened up,
and on tho expectation that a candi
date would bo nominated Friday tho
prlco of the pasteboards jumped up
again. Tho shameful flooding of tho
hall with green tickets by tho local
politicians rathur discouraged thoso
who had paid out consldurnhlo sums
for genuine admission cards, but on
Saturday morning t o trado was brisk
and tho prices good.
It did not tako I ng for tho poople
to find out that thero were livelier
scenes In tho Auditorium than In the
Coliseum, tho early days of tho conw
vontlon, nnd tho demand for MoosiH
tickets was large.