The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 15, 1916, Image 5

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    , rfr&as
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Injure your I inn Propel ty with
Frank T. Hoon, Fieldman
i ! iit
Farm Central Mutual Fire
Insurance Co.,
Hastings, Nebraska
Flioxt, "1' I. Kt-sifli'iioo. iTv'
A villi1, "-lift', sntiiiil mill econumieiil
plan of fiu Il'li'i mr ntitl toiiiiulo
Will your policy smiti expire
Write mi' uirt let me eplnin. No
olili'iitioiioii your pa it.
lttiv vour Groo"tie of Minor Ilros
C L. Cottlni! was in iliistiiik's,
Mis. U A. Cox returned from Uowles
Friday evening.
The Board of Initialization is in
session this week.
Hammocks at 2." par cent discount
nt Foil's harness shop.
Now Summer Dress Goods now be
lii shown by Miner Bros. Co,
Fl. C. rrett hns had n cement walk
laid in front of lii- residence.
Coming: "I'egO' the ItinR." Hepltib
FridHy, June 10th, ut the Orpheiim.
Who was the first limn to pay spot
casli for cream. J. O. Caldwell.
Charley Schult was in Guide Hock
and llurr Oak on business Wednesday.
Prof. 1 M. Whlteheiid is home from
Omaha where, lie hud been on business.
Mrs. Win. Dene, of Atlantic, Iowa, is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. E1 Han
son. A largo line of hammocks to pick
from at 23 per cent.dlscoimt. Fogel's
harness shop.
K. M. Ego has moved his 3, 10, 2"c
store into the Peterson building on
Webster street
Stickney Coombs is home fiom Day
ton, Wyoming, where he had been
teaching school.
Mr. and Mrs. W. X. Thompson of
San Diego, California, mo visiting at
the home of .Mrs. Simmon-.
Jhiuos O'Connor, who had been vis
iting Charley and Oliver Powell, re
turned to Emuiett, Wednesday.
Mrs. S. L Chaplin returned to Lin
coln Saturday morning after visiting
her daughter Mr-. IS. W. .Stewart.
Ml-s Madge Cassil of Salinit. Kansas,
arrived in the city Tuesday evening to
visit with her brother, F. II. Cassil.
Mrs. W. A. riliarpuaek and sou Znia
and wife of Alma were guests of her
daughter, Mr-. F. H. Cassil, .Sunday
Mr.s. Ella Parker of Oberlln, Kansas,
arrived the hut ot the week to spend
the summer with her son, N. 15. Uush
Sim Robertson lias lml a cement
walk laid in front of his icsidenco
which improves its appearance very
Mis- (iladys Dawson returned to
tJiiide Kock Wednesday alter spend
ing a lew days with Mr. and Mrs.
P.ube Schult z.
L. L. Cory returned to his homo lit
Crete, Wednesday, after a short visit
with his nephews, Dr. 15obt. and
James Mitchell.
Miss Coplen alter vl-itini! at
the homo of Mr. and Mrs. P.. W Cop
len returned to her homo at (Snide
Hook, Wednesday.
Andy Young fortncily of this city
but now of Hosalio was in the city the
last of the week vi-itingrolathes while
euronto to ScUt- HI nil-.
Mrs. Djt Poison and children re
turned homo Monday fiom McCoolc
wheiu she ha 1 been vi-iting her broth
er, Curt Wil-on and t unity
lltij ,our drocei es.-f Miner Pros. Co
llnu'li Mini ot Kiv, i ton -pent Sun.
d iv in town
All whiN'Mimniei .'o.i I- at Albtighf"
nt '-! or U's-
Utv, J M. l!.U"s was a passenger to
X -'son. Monday
Mi-s Ntdlieii sham va a p.i-nnger
to 'Vanillin. Mon lay.
Mis Lulu Ma'heA- ,if liiav.ilo was
a -i.iturday isitir in to Ml.
Mr and Mr-, Ut-e-e Tnonip-on weie
oiiutv oHt visitor-, rrilny.
Miss Ei ma Iiatinev is home from
Cottier university at Llnco'n.
Miss lieitrude Coon returned home
from Lincoln Saturday evening.
Mrs. Oriu Htdgciiud children weie
passengers to Guide Hock, Fthltty.
MIhs- Fhiiciiee Maloncof Lincoln,
Is visiting her sister, Mrs. CIibI Gelat
ley. Miss Flossie MoKlmmey left Satur
day for Wheeler, Kansas, to visit
Mrs. Chas Woods and children left
Friday for llellevllle, Kansas, to visit
Xew Queen Quality Shoes and Low
Shoes are now being shown at Mluer
Pros. Co.
Miss Josephine Sherer is visiting in
lunvale this week at the home of
Cecil McCall.
Edwin llroodmarkle of Lebanon,
Kansas, visited at the Koy Stevens
home Friday.
Just received a new Hue of lly nets
at Fotrul's harness shoo Come in ear
ly and get yours
Mrs. Joe Tophtim spent Sunday in
Inavalo with her parents, Mr. and
Mr.s. Bert Leonard.
Miss Bertlm Carter of Nelson was
visiting at the home of Ceo. Hadell
the last of the week.
Mrs. J. F. Hartwell, and Miss
Sarah Tilley of lunvale were Ked
Cloud visitors Satutday.
When in need of printed matter of
any kind call nt the Chief otllco tlio
home of "Quality" printing.
Wan-1 1 1) 50 to So lbs., thrifty stock
Iioks. Will pay premium over market
price. C. II. Miner Serum Co
Mrs. II. E. MorauviHe returned to
Guide Hock, Sunday, after a few
day's visit hero with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs I'.alpli Long left Sun
day for St. Francis, Kansas after a
visit ut the tie o. Clauson home.
L. II Means and family returned
homo from Ilarvaul, Monday, where
they vl-ited his brother, Walter.
Mary Pick! ord
fc k -A
in the five part drama
Monday, June 19
Abounding humor, action, intensity
of plot, dramatic situations, and
scenic splendor the lenownod subject
makes valuable photo-play material all
of which is converted to the screen ad
vantageously by the Paramount pay
ers in general and Mary Piokfurd in
You will enjoy every foot of the tllin
for littlo Mary is at her best.
i wueru .nss .tiuruii'ui
Mr. and Mrs. II. V. Sciivner of Ben- the state un versity.
Fresh Fruits and tSreen Vegetabl
at Miner Bros. Co.
Mrs. Walter Warren was in Hastings
Tuesday of this week.
When in need of printed matter let
us iptote you our prices.
Miss Hazel McKoigliatl returned
homo from Guide Kock Sunday even
ing. Ladies Trimmed Huti. Large num
ber to select from at SI each. Model
Variety Sloie. adv.
The leader of its class "Hell's
Hinges," at tlio Orpheuui, Tuesday
night, June 2o. A-lv
Miss Until Whlstleman returned ".to
her homo at Ft. Collins. Colorado.
Monday, nfter u visit at the Dave
Kaley home.
Mrs. W. V. Ileal and dnugther. Mil
iaret. returned from Lincoln Friday.
gradu tied
kleman, arrived Sunday for a visit i Mrs. Fred Gund and son, James,
with their son, Cash, and other rela- ' returned to her homo at Blue Hill,
... i Friday, after u week's visit at the
mcs' ! home of Dr. 1-2 A. Creighton.
Mr. and Mr.s. hcoit Hr-zelett, who I Some shoit runs of Low SI o .s for
have been visiting John and Ed lv.l. ' Womeii-IIIaeks and Tans in Kids,
, , f. n, , ! r n it i Patents and Calf. Wine thy last Tue-day morning for "H-, yVmr choice SI.1H -Miiht Uros Co.
fo,ai"- i The Democratic party of Wob-tet
Ml.. Mo..,. U'..(t.. I.jc .n'nrn.,,1 ' I'OU II t V Will 1)0 Oil ti tied tO t Wfl VO (U'lo-
her homo at Womer. Kansas, after h
week's visit at the Chas. StelVons
Mrs. C. L. Myers and daughter re
turned homo from Lincoln, Thursday
evening, whero they had been visiting
The (Suido Kock Hardware Co., of
(Suido Itock, has for Srile cine seed at
Tin! per bushel, mid millet seed at 00c
per bushel. adv
Notlee-Evangelical Lutheran .ion's
congregation There will be services
Sunday m iriiing, June Pith, at 10 li()
o'clock. liev. A. Schaal.
Mr. and Mrs F.J. ISititunck return
ed home from Hastings Fildiiy bring
ing their son liome with tliem, who
had been in a hospital there.
Miss AUa and Ethel Cnon and John
I'liou leturnod home from Lincoln,
Satutday evening, where they attend
cd the short eouise of tlio stato agri
cultural school last week.
I gate-to attend the state convention
I which convenes in Hastings on July a 3
I Mike Mclnerney returned to Webb
I City, Missouri, the last of the week
I after snondinir two weeks here with
his mother Mis. Molnornevuud family
The season of Lightning and Torna
does is nppi Ditching. Don't delay too
long for the Insurance you may need.
G. M. VanCuiup, General Insurance.
We are in tno market for 100 to
t pounds Shouts at market prico deliver
; ed at Serum Plant. Will pay for do-
livery to plant. I. II. .Miner rteruni
Mr. and Mrs. (Jeoige llollister and
daughter Miss Mario roturne I home
fi nut Lincoln Satuiduy evening wiieic
they attended the of his broth
er in-law.
Messrs II A. Le' ion. Gunge. l!l.
lister, Fl.tve Gricc. Dr. H. A Cieigh
ton and Carl Joruburg nut nod to
Concordia, Kansas, this mo niii.- to
attend it Shriner's meeting.
The Children's Day eveivso-. at lb,
S hi th Mission last Sunday '- ne ot
tlie pleasaiitost mid interest ig eiitet
tainuienis over given theio I nd vcrv
one ink n p trt isio be-o .i;. i.neiitel.
tiMMt ran fcxvMuu
After July 10th -
We Will Discontinue Giving the
Green Trading Stamps
Get Busy! Get That Book Filled
and Receive Your Premium
Before July 10th
F. G. Tur nur e & Son "cud
Mrs. F II Cassil wasiu Alma Thurs
Miss Leli.i Walto I- home from Sup
oiior. Miss Edu l'ust spent Suinliiy in
Mr- Frank Autaek was In Hastings,
Miss llaiitiah White siumt Sunday in
Hoy MolVett of Kiverton was In the
e ty Mindiiy.
Father Fitgerald was in Superior
over Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. X. B. Bush spent Fii
;ln, in Hastings.
Wssri.ti Load of cobs. Phone either
UiIITl'. or Inil. ,Vi.
C'.iuk Ciow sjient Sunday in diiido
Kock with relatives'
M. A. Nye of Kearney, was a lied
Cloud visitor Friday.
Miss Loin Coplen toturtied homo
from luuvale Sunday.
Jack Pogg started Wednesday over
land for Shawnee , Oklahoma.
Hurry RoBts shipped six carloads of
cattle to Kansas City Sunday.
Mrs, ,1. A. Ilurdeii spent a few days
in ltladen with relatives last week.
Dr. U. V. Nicholson spent Sunday In
Cuido Kock witli Dr. and Mrs. ilrook
miin. Mrs. Bessie Anderson of Burlington,
Iowa, is visiting her mother, Mrs.
Miss Helen Loinmon is homo from
Lincoln where she had been visiting
Mrs. Edgar Cowden went to Alliance
Tuesday to attend tlio P. 10. O. state
'Hell's Hinges" Big special at tlio
Orpheuui next Tuesday night. Don't
miss it Adv.
Miss Carrie Ilolswortli spent Sunday
in Guido Kock with her sister Mrs.
Win. lturdlck.
Mrs. Nora Vcirs of Superior, spent
the weekend with hor mother, Mrs.
(ieorgo Drake.
Mr. and Mrs. James Silvoy and Mr
and Mrs. Fied Morrow of Inavalo spent
Sunday in the city.
Miss Mabel Bailey accompanied hor
ueieo Miss Ethel Waller to Cowlos Fri
day for it few days visit.
Mrs. F. A. llllilebmndt and (laught
er are home from it two week's visit
at Alma with relatives.
Wilbur Hamilton returned homo Fr
lay from Omaha wheio lie attended
the Masonic grand lodge.
Sidney Cox. of Denver, is visiting
his mother, Mrs C. C. Cox and bioth
er, Chile, who is (uito sick.
Miss Frances Olmstead returned to
Cowles the last of the week after vislt
ng at the W. L. Koon home.
If you need glasses or have eye, ear.
nose or throat trouble see Dr. Warrloic,
Tuesday, June 20. Hours 1 to il.
Mrs. Clara Johnston returned home
Tuesday, fiom Blue II ill. where she
has been visiting Mrs. Fiod Morten
Miss Ftiniiio llaller after a weeks
visit with her uncle Albert Ilolverson
left Monday for her homo at Ctilbert-son.
Allan ltlackledgo departed Saliirdav
night for Annapolis-, Maryland, where
ho will attend the U. S. Naval Acad
my. Kev J L. Beohc wont to Omaha
Monday, to accompany ills daughter
home who has been attending school
Mis. J. E. Butler leturnod home
Tuesday, from Dresdon, Kansas,
where she visited her sister the last
part of the week.
Mr-. (Irico and son FIuvc wore pass-
eiigeis to lli.-.!ings Friday to visit her I
daughter Mis John Kitlledge who Is
n a hospital there. '
Dr. I! '-. Cump leturiad home 'J'ues- I
lay from Burlington, Colorado, whole 1
lie as called sometime ago by the 111-!
ness of his tiio'lior.
Mr. and Mrs. K. B Leggett audi
l-tughler went to Franklin Saturday
evening to spend it few d-tys with their
-on. Otis and family I
Mrs. F. L Ilines returned, home'
I uesilay iiioinlug fiom Oberliu, Kan
sas, where she spent tho week end
with her son, Eiuest Hines-.
Misses Matilio and Viola Soreiison
have leturned to their home at Cores
co after a two week's visit witli their
aunt, Mis. Frank ltlchiirdson.
On Sunday, Wcosnor ,t Koont. mid
Duluuey Bros., each shipped it oar of
hogs to Kansas City. Frank Adams
shipped a car of horses to St. Louis.
Kev. S. Lougacro and family of
Lowistown, Nebraska, who were eu
ronto via the Foid oar to Wilsonvillo
were guests at tho Methodist parson
age Wednesday.
Dr. Lolhtr of the Minor Serum plant
loft Sunday night for Ft. Dodge, Iowa,
where ho will enjoy u vacation and we
understand that ho will got married
while there. Dr. Colo of Kansas City
is relieving him.
While working on B. F. Heed's now
barn west of town Earnle Hondrie
son and Gilbert Kecd hud tho misfor
tune of having a twenty foot ficalt'ord
give way beneath them, and both fell
without irijuiy to themselves.
Good Clothes
- a Big Factor Towards Success Good Clothes
May Be Had Here Without Extravagance.
Make it a point of unfailing business
to personally inspect the new Spring
Suits and Topcoats at Our Store
in Style, Fit and Workmanship in Clothes that range
all the way to $25 and suits that are unquestion
able supreme values at each selling price.
Manufacturers have contributed to the magnificent
stocks here that make special points of popular lines
At $15 and $20
IT'S STRAW HAT TIME-See Ours at 25c to $6
The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.
Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers
Orpheum Theater
i- wmammmar mamtek&?ii uw '
Thursday, June 15
Union Suits
In yauzf, we have Union Suits from
to the silk lisle at
Gatie vcsls, in regular sizes, from
Gauze vests, in extra sizes, from
10c to 60c
15c to 30c
tislin chemise, at
Muflin skirts for ladies, from
in chiicirens sizes, trom
in ladies sizes, from
50c to $1.50
iviuslm drawers,
iviusiin drawers,
15c to 35c
25c to 50c
Muslin combination suits, in ladies sizes, from 75c to $1.50
Childrcns Union Suits
Boys and girls bared nainsook union suits, at . . 50c
Butterick Patterns
Arrpnt Warnpr frii'eptc
Orpheum Theater
Thursday - - Juno IS
Violet Mersereau in
une IS
Saturday - - June 17
Greater Courage Bankruptcy Girl Who Feared Dayligl I
Monday - - Juno f&
The Broken Coin, No. 15 Three Other Reels
Tuesday-Wednesday - June 2Q-2f
Big Special! HELL'S HINGES--7 Parts Big Special!
Admission Aflults lfic Children lOo