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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1916)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ;" I I tt rsw .,... ... rfl ML C Ml ,,.,, asi"). OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR RIGHT NOW WELCOME IT f'jK mfam Come Hear the Jdost "Lovable" jay of Home Pianos Without doulit the world's richest and ten detest piano music conies (turn the heart of the HADDORFF PFAMO ' ' I , i t ThijPlano with 1!iq "Jlomo'Vibrattng .Sounding Board. A PIANO PLAYER PIANO TALKING MACHINE Whichever One You Want, Now Is The Time To Make Your Selections At Opening Sale Of THE LeROY MUSIC CO. At Their New Location In Peterson Block Red Cloud, Nebraska 10 Days satuS June 17 Special Exhibit Features - Big Money Saved If You Buy Now A Square, Fair, Straight-Forward Purchasing Opportunity Read The Following Carefully: The ReaSOIl '''or M,vcl'a' yoarH past I have devoted all my liiuo and cnorny to the Musio ltixiness haying taught music, lioth String and ISrasn in several of the larger cities and have had charge of Musical Organizations which liave lieen of credit to mo and of great satisfaction to the eoniinunity. I be Iiovc with my past experience, 1 am well qualified to enter the retail lield and I am in position to not only judge the quality of instruments, lint can assure my customers of the most possible "value for their money. To give them the benefit of such tecuical experience as 1 Hliouhl naturally have that the customer might not possess, in shoit, to stand for a sqi are deal, a "Satisfaction, or your money back" proposition. The policy will make personal friends and boosters for me from my customersI will not step at selling an aitiele, but will guarantee to sell SATISFACTION with it. The OpDOrtUnitV fm 'l"l"'()VI"y '"J' location and in- creasing my business came this spring and has been under wav ever since, i have succeeded in es tablishing connections with the famous II ADDOHFF. t'LAUKN I)()N, W'KAVKH, and other leliable Factories in the east, and with tho opening of our now store have the very substantial advantage that naturally follows the making of these high grade connections. The Goods 0,Il,u,, "hiring this bH'CI Ah Ol'KNINt. SALK will include the veiy latest stylo in cae, design, rare woods and tinish"s. The best Pianos money can buy, the most Koliablc and Din able Pianos that yeais of i perience, backed by un limited capital, can produce. It will be well worth your whiio to come and see these whither ymi expect tn buy or not. The Price Concession onv,'l,,, J1"4,1 ',mv on l,ICHe is envered by a Special Factory Adveitising Allowance to me on the lirstten Piano sold in formally opening up my Piano business. Wo write you to call and examine these special ofTcriiM's and suggest that "VACATION TI.MK I.s.Ml'.sh' TI.MK"' and this is a ery opportune time to install a Piano or Player Piano in your home. Quality Economy Service Write If You Cannot Call LeROY MUSIC CO. Red Cloud, Nebraska FREE Fill in the following blanks with the mimes of two or three friend or neighbors whom you think niny be intcrcstcd-in getting n new Pinno or PInyer-mnil or bring it to our store and receive a tfift copy of a new popular piece ot nhcet music free. Name Address Name ' Address ,,., , ,,,,,.,.,, Name , , , Address Your Nnme Address rHE RED CLOUD CttlEF Red Cloud, Nebrnskei 'L'DIjISHED BVEHV THURSDAY Enteric! In the I'f.f-tc.ri 1 1 nt Id d ( loud, Sub, rut Strom! Clnss Mntti-r A li. McAliTIIUH l'l Ilt.ISltKlt HE OM.Y IlKMIH. KATIC I'AIT.K IN Vl;ll.HTKKCOfNTY While we are loveis of .shade trees, and welcome their protection from the scorching my1) of old Sol, during the hot summer month", and know that they add to the s;enlc bounty of the street" of our city, still they have their disadvantages when not properly tit-tend'-il to. We note that some of their nvei hanging branches nie not of n suf tloieut heighth from the walk for the pedestrian of average stature to pass oencath without having his head pear brushed oft" by them. The removal of these brandies would not only add to the convenience of passersby, but would albo improve the appoartince of the trees. Now while nil the talk is about war and foreign relations, it Is refreshing to note that Congressman Sballen burger of this district Is keenly alive to matters of home Interest. Iu a re cent address before the House on the consideration of tho provisions to be made for Hood control, which has de manded so much care elsewhere, es pecially In the Mississippi valley, and iu connection with a bill which he had previously introduced providing for the usoof the Hood waters of tho He publican and Platte rivers, he secured favorable attention for n movement destined to be of great benefit to this part of Nebraska. Ills proposition lb that the govern ment shall take tho control of these Mood waters as part of Its problem and so not only prevent a tecurrencc of the disasters of last year, but arrange that the waters shall be spread over the table lands for use and so become a blessing ltibtead of an injury. This is a really a great movement and, tnoveover, iu view of what has already been done In tho far west, is practical and feasible. Mr. Shallenberger calls attention to the millions of money spent in the Philllpines. Alaska and Panama, and says that lie is glad to vote for a pro position to spend a little money at home to encourage the development of American homes nnd civilization upon American S ll. We think he is right Obituary bast Fiiday, Nunc I.eKoy Campbell, son of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Campbell, who resided eight miles northeast of this city, parsed away at his home after an illnesi of M.veral months dur ation. U y, as he was known by his fiiends, was born in Cage county, Ne biaskn, August ItOth, iSs'l, and was Xi years of age at the time of his deatli besides the parents, one sister, a wife and one son are left to mourn his demise. The funeral services were hebl .Sunday afternoon and interment took p'aoo in the Flui Creek eeiuutery. To Our Customers After .Inly 10th we will discontinue giving THAMN'ii STAMPS. Get busy! Hot your book tilled and receive your premium bel'oie .luly 10th. K. II. Ni:wiuii:, Mils Uariiaiia Pii am:-", Tin: Hi. i. is SiiocSioiu:, P. A. Wl'U.IIHANDI, Tin: Mom. i. Vauii t Stuu. Strawberry Jelly Strawberiii-s alone do not make good j.-lly, t lie;, do not contain enough pectin. To in.kf sliawberry joi:y, uic I'oiugi-i! j-iviirriv says to boil the whit- pm i.f in orange peel until tt-inlt-i and u i! M.c J ilce to the stiiiwberri-s. ToiU-t.-imin.- ivhetb or or not ptv'in is present in the Juice of any fruit, place t.vo titlilcspounsfuls of tho friil" juice in a clear u'lass and add an upial quantity of tl." j eroent gwiin alcohol. Carefully tmn the gbis over on one .side. If pectin is present a huge amount of it will bo in the foi in of a clear lump. If this is the ease, it is safe to mid as much sugar as Juice. If the pectin is pres ent in small lumps, use IcbS sugar than juice Methodist Mention The Childro i's Day Program given last Sunday morning was qiite credit able A large number of people were present and thoroughly nijoyed the e.ercies. Those in charge of both piogratuand deer rating me entitled to great credit for the success of the entertainment. The District Missionary Convention of hist week was a very profitable and Interesting meeting About forty dele gates were present. Tie nddress of Miss Ilarge, of Delewaie, was of spec ial Interest. The mid week prayer service is tak ing on new life and you are given n special Invitation to meet with us next week. The Ladies Aid Society will have an all diy meeting on Friday. Plenty of work for all. Ladies are requested to bring dinner for two and invite their husbands to eat dinner with them. The boy's orchestra of the Intermed iate League are rendering some sood music at the Sunday evening meeting. Two now names have recently been added to the roll of membership in tho .Men's Uible Class. Miss Pearl Hines has been elected president of the Kpworth League. Next Sunday will be another 6peolal day for Methodists, as the Kev. J. J. "iKHHin.oi Tuticor, India, will be With US !U tl. morrillltr rnlntlnrr .. perienccs as a missionary in the great umiiit m ft.. 1t . -"U""J u niuia. in ine evening, we are to be entertained by the Kpworth League. At this time, the newly elect ed officers will be installed. Fourth Quarterly Conference will be held by Dr. Marsh on July il. neing the last meeting of the year, all mem bers of that body should be present. The young people's chorus will meet on Thursday of this week. A POINTER "CTSl IWOTnWBWWI ON SHOES! ran 1NAVALE Mrs. Minnie Phillips spent Tuesday in Ked Cloud. There will be Missionary services at the M. K. church Sunday night. Guy Stickney was quite sick again Tuesday but is somewhat better. Mr. Cole was obliged to quit the section on account of poor health. John Murlowand family arrived Fri day night to visit relatives and friends. Mrs. Will Tophaui and children visit ed her sistur Mrs. C. H. Joyce Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Uay Harwell visited with Mr and Mi-b. (.Sorgo Matklus Tuesday. Clarence Heed and family of Guide Hock visi'el relatives here the liistot the week. Mrs. Guy liarker and children spent Fiiday in t lie country with her cousin, Mrs. M. Pur man Quite a number attended the school meeting .Monday night. Clyde Wick wire was elected Dlrec'or. Dlanche Uarker and Kvhi Hast came up from lied Cloud Saturday night and spent Sunday at J. lUrker'.s. Bible study will be held every Thursday evening at the M. K church. Kveryliody cordially invited. Silvey Stiickllu visited a f.nv days the (list of the weelc iu the country with her brother Frank Strickllu. Sunt. Marsh of the M. K. church lias sent Mr. Simeon Thomas heie for sup ply until Conference. Kvery Sundiry night after June Wli there will be preaching at the Methodist chinch. It is vastly important to every one who is par ticular about Shoes to know the lines we carry The character of Our Shoes lifts them far above the commonplace they are vastly different. The graceful models, the noticeably fine leather and the smooth, shape ly fit, we know so well how to give, add distinction to those who wear them. Women s' Shoes $1.75 to $4.50 Our lines comprise Shoes and Low Shoes that are both durable and dressy. Sftaci Right-Made Right-Fit Right We are at yonr service whenever you are ready for us to show you WE HAVE NEW GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS The Miner Bros. Co. GENERAL MERCHANTS A Mighty Safe Place To Trade 1 ANNOUNCEMENT TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS We have installed an Electric Tire Vulcanizer and are now prepared to repair your tires in a first-class manner. CjIGivc us a trial. tJAll work guaranteed. HAVEL & CORNER Agents for Buick and Ford Autos Notice On and after .luly 1. Will the banks of Hod Cloud will refuse to allow OVi:iU) HAFTS Heceut ruling prohibits overchecking and same Is not permitted by Jaw. Siati: Dank or IU:n Cuuni 1'i.oci.i s Hank or Hi ci.oli Wi:tisii:n Couxiv Hank. Card Of Thanks We wish to thank our maey klr.d friends who so nobly assisted us thru the Illness and deatli of our beloved sou Hoy, al-o our physicians who exerted themselves to the utmost ex tent of tlieii ability. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell. Mrs. Anna Campbell, Mr. ami Mrs. W. II. HeynoUK Ed Amack Elected Delegate PI... V.. I...... I... I. I r-v. . iiv .I'juin-iwi I'liuei.ll uireeioi s i Association held their annual eonvet:- ' tion. iu Hastings- on .Fuiif 7th and sth. j Among the olllceis elected wio George Vollnnd of Hastings, tl.-st v vi president and P. J. Merlon, Jr.. tf uiuc Slip, re-elected secretary, li .tli , these gentlemen are well known n j this vicinity. IM Amack, of this eity was selected as one of the delegates t i , the national convention at Culutnbu-. Ohio, October 17th. Omaha is to t e the next cin volition city. Junior Short Course Seventy boys and girls, ranging from 12 to '.(i years of ago and representing 10 counties enrolled at the annual short course in agriculture and home economies of the School of Agriculture at Lincoln last week. The course was intended particularly for members of tho Hoys' and (Jills' Clubs conducted cooperatively by tho I'nited States De partment of Agriculture and tho Kx teiibion Service of the College of Agri culture. Instruction was given to the boys in live stock, crops, bolls, farm machinery, gardening, and woodwork ing. Instruction was given to the girls iu cooking, canning, sewing, choice of clothing, homo furnishings, and home decoration, as well as in woodwoik. Various excursions were planned for those in attendance. WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COAL ORDERS PLATT&FREES Ma Mi( MaMi MHI utTCiasr.irc&'V Frank Cassll was lu Iloldrege Mon day. Closing out embroideries and luces at Albright's. Uuy your groceries at Albright's and save ten percent. a h. f to TT8 PI & H GUARANTEED 6S00 MILES Absolutely Punctureproof Duy your tires direct from our factory and save from 20 to 30 per cent HTHESE TIRES are twice ai thick through the tread as ordinary nulcei and aie a , combination of ihe Beit Brandt, tuch ai Goodrich, Good) ear and Fireitonc, They are strongly built and reinforced by a new, superior method, maling a finished product unequalrd for hard usage and pleasure purposes. Used by individuals and business concerns. Don'l delay hut ordei today and do away with your lire troubles. To inlroduce in your territory we offer the following prices: 30x3 32x3' t 34x4 .. 37x4', $ 8.50 11.50 17.25 24.50 32x3 31x4 . 35x4 - 35x5 . All other sues S 8.75 . 14,25 . 17.50 25.25 also furnished. 30x3'; 33x4 35x4 37x5 ... $10.75 . 16 25 22.50 .. 27.50 TERMS: Cash with order. Male remittance hv certified check, draft or P. O. money order. When ordering be sure to stale which clincher, quick detachable or straight side bead is desired For five dayjwe offer five r cent discount where two or more tires arc ordered at one time. PIQUA TIRE & RUBBER CO., nUA, UHIU Quality Job Printing at Right Prices