The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 15, 1916, Image 3

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No bother to
get summer
meals with
these on hand
Vienna Style
?J Sausncre and
Potted Meats
open and serve.
Excellent for sandwiches.
Imltt on Lilhi)' at
your grocer .
Libby, McNeUl & Libby, Chicago
Lt jraMMMi
Write for free booklet "Points to be c onsUereJ before
puichailnc a be inc Midline." Learn Hie facts,
VTatinn K. Coleman,
I'ttem lJtw;ir.Vajtilii(Hin.
II II. At1tlr and liitnklk f m.
tUlei reasonable Illghc.trtterenc. limtterrlccs.
Alfalfa H, Sweet CloTer SM. Farm)
fur hi In nnl rent tin ertip payment.
J. MUI.I1ALI., Boo City, Ian
Why It Is Supposed to Indicate Diges
tive Disturbance Never Has Been
Just why a furred tonguo Is sup
posed to bo an Indication of a dis
turbance of tbo digestive apparatus
has never been explained. Tho Medi
cal Record calls to mind "tho respected
(and feared) spinster in our commu
nity a good many years ago who had
her own opinion about doctors. Urged
to consult ono of their fraternity
when a llttlo indisposed, she would ro
pel tho suggestion with scorn. 'All
they do,' sho would say, 'is to say,
"Lot'B seo your tongue. Ilow'a your
bowelB? Two dollars, please
Tho editor says ho has known physi
cians of tho old school who could dl
agnoso a case by looking at tho
tongue, Just as ho has known a physi
cian who could "dlagnoso" a case
of pneumonia in a child ho had novor
seen boforo when ho got ten feet away
from tho bed. And what la more, ho
could tell which side it was on and
even deslgnato tho lobo affected in
Bomo cascfl."
Of courso this Is sarcasm. Tho ed
itor Is ridiculing tho furred tonguo as
a symptom of trouble in tho digestive
Her Champion.
Miss Gabble I think you wcro pres
ent when she remarked that I had a
big mouth.
Miss Knto Yea, and I took occasion
to set her right.
Miss O. That was very nlco of you.
Miss K. I told her your mouth
wasn't really so big, it only seemed
eo because- you kept It open bo con
stantly. Hoston Transcript.
Most of tho light rays from metallic
filament electric lamps aro radiated
at right angles from tho filaments.
A Man's
depends upon his power to
produce what the world
recognizes as of value.
And when you skirmish
around you'll find that this
power which i8 just power
of mind and body depends
to a remarkable degree on
the food one eats.
For highest accomplish
ment one must have the best
values in food food which
builds well-balanced bodies
and brains.
has that kind of value. It
contains all the nutriment of
whole wheat and barley, in
cluding the important mineral
elements so often lacking in
the usual dietary.
Grape-Nuts comes ready
to cat, is easy to digest,
nourishing, economical, won
derfully delicious a help in
building men of worth.
"There's a Reason
ciibjrl ju
Items of General Interest Gathered
from Reliable Sources Around
the State House.
Western Newspaper I'nlon News Service,
(overnor .Murclund has issued com-
t missions to tho following iiniwrslty
' cadet ollleers, all of whom becomu
second nontenants in the Nebraska
reserve nillltlu:
Majors Archer lowll tturnhnm.
, Stanton county; William Calvin
I Chapin, Lancaster county; Charles
I Albeit lliiu'ittimn, Uodgo county;
I I.eon Archibald Hickman, Seward
Captains Wlllnrd Miller l'olsom,
Laneiibter county; Irving Karl A.
Frost, DoiIro county; Vincent Colum
bus George. Custer county; Raymond
Clifton Leach Greer, Hamilton coun
ty; Howard Hartley, Lancaster conn
to; Walter Hall, Johnson county;
Clinton Steele HoUoinbo, Lincoln
county; Richard Vitus Koupal, Lan
caster count ; DarreH Thomas Lano,
Thomas county; James Llod Mc.Mas
tor. Lincoln county; Loon Martin
Palmer, Lancaster county; Franz
Homy Paustaln, Douglas county;
Melvln Henry Schlcslngor, Lancaster
count ; Paul Nathaniel Temple, Daw
son county.
First lieutenants Walter Elsworth,
Ilutler county; Ulysses Sevorin I lark
son, Lancaster county; Glenn Kugcno
Miller, liuffnln county; Harold Jacob
Schwab, Hod Willow county; Wilmer
LaVorn Wright. Hamilton county;
Geno Forest Lichondorfor, 1'awneo
county; Ij6uIh Frederick Sanmann,
Jefferson county; C. II. Epperson,
Clay county.
Second lieutenant John Fred Nel
son, Scottsbluff county.
Will Reduce Baggage Rates
Tho Rock Island railroad has
agreed to comply with tho request of
tho state railway commission to re
duco Its rates on excess baggage In
Nebraska. Some of tho officials of the
road denied, at first that It had in
creased such rates. They alleged that
tho charge had been 16 per cent
of the passenger faro ever since 1007.
This amounted, however, to a confes
sion that an Increase had been auto
matically mado when the federal court
allowed tho company to increase lta
passenger faro from 2 cents to 3
cents a mile. When tho 2-cent faro
law went into effect in Nebraska the
railroads were charging fixed rates
ffor excess baggage. Then they
changed to a percentage basis of tho
passenger fare. The Rock Island
since that time has been charging
16 per cent of tho passenger fare.
This rate was not changed when tho
federal court recently permitted the
Rock Island to increase its passenger
fare in Nebraska, and tho percentage
basis of charging for excess baggage
consequently caused nn Increase.
How Dry Ballot Will Appear.
After conferring with representa
tives of tho Nebraska dry federation
and receiving their approval, Attor
ney General Reed has certified to tho
secretary of state tho title and word
ing for tho prohibitory constitutional
amendment as it will appear on tho
ballot next November. Tho law pro
vides that initiated propositions shall
be printed tit tho top of tho ballot,
preceding party circles.
Here Is the way tho proposition will
show up on tho bnllot: "Proposed by
initiative potition. Constitutional
amendment prohibiting thomanufne
turo, salo and keeping for sale or bar
tor, malt, spirituous or vinous liquors."
Attorney General Heed, tho stato
railway commission nnd Attorney J
A. C. Kennedy for tho railroad com
pany have agreed on Frank II. Gnlnea
of Omaha, as refereo to tako testimony
and mnko findings to tho fcdornl court
In the Missouri Pnclflc 3-cent faro in
junction suit. Tho federal court Bomo
tlmo ago issued a temporary injunc
tion enabling tho rallrond company to
colloct this rato from its patrons, nnd
It is now doing so, except between
competitive points, whoro It charges
tho samo as other lines.
Distribution of Harvest Hands,
Tho stato department of labor is
sending out blanks to wheat raisers
and tlioso In a position to mnko a
fairly accurato cstlmato of tho con
dition of grain. Theso blanks aro sent
to each county In tho state. Informa
tion is requested as to condition of
grain as compared with last year dur
ing tho month of Juno, tho number of
harvest field workers used last year,
tho probable number of oxtra men
needed this year, tho prevailing wngo
last year and tho probablo wago this
Treasurer Hall Defendant In Suit.
Food Commissioner Harman, whoso
department has chargo of tho Inspec
tion of weights and measures all over
tho stato oxcept In tho larger cities,
believes that, as a general thing, tho
measuring pumps by which oil firms
sell gasollno to nutomobllo owners nnd
users glvo purchaser tho full amount
that ho pays for. Thcso pumps, says
Harman, hnvo been under Inspection
right along. Occasionally ono Is found
thnt runs short meneuro, and In every
such instance it is either corrected or
University Alumni Elects Officers
Frank II. Woodland, class of 1D01),
of Omaha, was elected president of
tho University of Nebraska alumni at
Its recent swtdon hold in Lincoln.
Ho succeeds N. '.. Snoll of Lincoln.
Other ollleers elected were:
Francis Gere, '98, Lincoln, vlco
president. Leonard Flansburg, '04, Lincoln,
Annls Chnlkln, Lincoln, socretnry.
Fred M. Hunter of Lincoln was re
elected alumni representative on tho
student athletic board.
Members of tho alumni board of
directors aro: Newton K. Buckley,
North Platte; Boss Smith, Schuyler;
H. B. Landls, Seward; R M. Pollanl.
Nehawka; H. M. Tlbbetts, Hastings;
Amos Thomas, Omaha.
Holds Serum Law Unconstitutional.
Because the hog cholera serum law
passed by the legislature of lfMfi tendi
to create n monopoly and because It
porvontH a farmer from treating his
own hogs or a veterinarian from pur
chasing soium with which to treat hogs
of those who employ blni. tho not has
boon declared unconstitutional and
void In an opinion b tho supremo
court of Nebraska, announced Satur
day. Tills decision Is given In the test
suit fiom Douglas county, whoie C. C.
Hall was lined $.10 and costs because
he sold serum without llrst obtaining
a federal license from the department
of ngrietilturo of n stale penult from
tho llo stock sanitary board, and with
out having given n bond for ?r.,000 as
requited by the state law. Another
count of the Infoimatlon alleged that
the salo was unlawful because tho
bottle contained no price mark.
In construing the I'nlted States
serum lam, tho opinion by Judge llnmcr
bays It is apparent that government
licenses aro required, not by poisons
who may bo engaged merely In the
salo of scrum, but by those manufac
turing It. The Nebraska law, by limit
ing the sale of serum to those holding
government licenses, is construed to
glvo the maniifactuiers a monopoly on
the business, and for that reason Is
declared to have the effect of fosterinp
a monopoly.
Expenses Were Less This Year
In tho first flvo months of 1016, tbo
state government nnd institutions of
Nebrnska wcro administered for $217,
000 less than in tho s.imo period n
year ago. The 1015 period included
tho outgo for legislative salaries and
expenses, but docs not account for all
of the difference.
The policy pursued by stnto ofllclals
in holding down expenditures nnd giv
ing tho people tho benclit In tho way
of reduced stuto taxes Iiub cut down
tho disbursements of tho state treas
ury about $12,000 to 115,000 per month,
in addition to the money saved by not
having a session of the legislature this
State Auditor Smith's statement for
May shows that In that month this
year tho warrants Issued by his oirice
totaled $370,481, while in May a year
ago the amount was $455,775, being a
dlffercnco of $85,000 in favor of this
For tho first five months of 1915
tho warrants issued came to a total
of $2,286,013. In tho first five months
of tho current year, tho outgo has been
held down to $2,069,340.
Chancellor Announces Awards
Chancellor Avery of tho stato uni
versity has mado tho annual an
nouncement of awards for proficiency
in scholarship as follows:
Elections to Theta Kappa Nu, hon
orary legal scholarship frntornltl,
Guy C. Chnmbcrs, Sidney; Otto Per
rln, Sargent; John Polk, Louisville;
Raymond Smith, Lincoln.
Brigadier General John Pershing's
gold medal for proficiency In mili
tary science was award.-' to Major
Archer L. Burnhuin, Stanton, of tho
cadet battalion.
W. J. Bryan's prize for essay on
International relations wns awarded
to William II. Line, Diller.
Attorney General Reed has filed nn
nnswer in the supremo court to an
application of the Standard Oil com
panv nnd other oil companies for a
writ of mandamus to require the stato
treasurer to permit tho uso of $12ri,
000 of fees In tho treasury for tho pay
ment of oxpenscs of the oil Inspection
department before newly collected
fees aro used for such expenses. Tho
nttornoy general, representing Stato
Treasurer Hall resists tho application
by alleging tho fees have not been ap
propriated by tho legislature for such
uso; that tho stato treasurer does not
know what pnrt of tho $125,000 was
derived from oil Inspection fees nnd
what part from food, drug nnd dairy
fcos; that tho food and oil commis
sioner has sovcral thousand dollars of
fees In his hands which will bo miffl
dent to pay running expenses; that the
companies hnvo no legal right to mnln
tain this action.
Rebuilding tho Union Pacific bridge
over tho Loup river at St. Paul will
enable Joint uso of tho structure for
railroad and wngon traffic, according
to word reaching the stnto engineer
Tho Btnto game warden 1b conduct
ing a campaign of law enforcement nt
Curtis, a western Nobrnska town
whoro tho fishing is ono of tho chief
attractions to both local and transient
Bportsmcn. Spoclal Gnmo Warden C.
D. Ilaydon has reported to Chief Gamo
Wardon Gust Hutenbock tho prosecu
tion of twenty-flvo persons for viola
tions of tho gamo laws and tho collec
tion of a total of $230 fines nnd costs
Imposed by Justices of tho peaco. The
exponso of tho prosecutions to the
Itato was about 3,
We Even Form Clubs Over Question
of Teething Rings Vs.
Our passion for getting up associa
tions Is n bad symptom of tutellectunl
feebleness. Every trade and profes
slon among us, every Interest and
prejudice, every asplratlrn, hypothe
sis or question about a question has
a gang of club members at Its buck.
Tho fashionable mothers get up so
cieties to determine what plays their
children shall seo during tho holi
days. I know of ono woman who was
not able to decide whether she should
glvo a rubber ring or a coral to her
teething child or should leave him to
nature and tho thumb. Sho according
ly formed n society. It Is called tho
King and Coral association nnd moots
twice a month. It has recently split
Into two organizations through tho so
cession of tho untiring and comities
By means of those two societies any
mother may today escape the mental '
anguish of making a decision for her
self upon this toothing matter. John
J. Chapman, In Atlantic Monthly.
That Itch, Burn and Disfigure Healed J
by Cutlcurn. Trial Free.
Bntho with plenty of Cutlcurn Soap
nnd hot wntor to cleanso and purify.
Dry lightly and apply Cutlcurn Glut-1
incut to soothe and heal. This stops
Itching Instantly, clears away pimples,
removes dandruff and scalp Irritations, j
and henlii led, rough, soro hands. .
Fieo saninlu each by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcurn, Dopt. L,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
His Identity.
Wo met a mnn with tho most an
toundlngly lugubrious cast of count o
nnnco that wo had over seen. Gloom
sat on his brow liko a brooding con
dor on her nest nnd no abysmal sad
ness seemed devouring him.
"Ah!" said wo, "wo parcel vo that
you aro a celebrated wag, for, In sooth,
wo hnvo never boforo In nil of woo's
appointed wnyn beheld such a personi
fication of wretchedness."
"No," ho replied, "I am not n humor
ist. I feel ns sad as 1 look. I am n
pacifist, and believe thnt preparedness
will inevitably bring on war."
"You do well to mourn your awful
condition," wo returned. "If you woro
a humorist you might get over tt. But
you aro n dad-burned fool, and thcro
ts no help for you!"
Buffer -with ltlicuiimtlNiu or Nrurltls, acute or
clirmilr, w rite fur mjr FltKK BOOK on Ilbeuina
Usui Hh Cauao anil Cure. Wont wonderful book
erer written, It'a nlmolutrly FKKK. Jtue A.
Cane, IXpt. C. W., Ilrocktoo, Ma. Adv.
A Regular Attendant.
"Do you go to church rcgulnrly?"
"Yea, regularly onco a year."
Except along tho Caspian coast, Per
sian agriculture Is dependent almost
entirely on Irrigation.
If a spinster Isn't as tall as she
should liko to bo sho should gat
riTB. FPir.FPST. faixtno bicknrim
topped UulcklT. Flrtr win of on nternipted
accM or iir, Hiinn npiiepiT wrairinn in.urv
tin 1
remit j.auuii 1111. i)in-rL rum. un,
K COMFANV, lUU Uanlc, M. J. -Air.
Lifo isn't always a Joko for tho chap
who lives by his wits.
4Tr-nnnf.-apnn.cENn I
siinflaUngtueroodanuBcduU 1
4:nAtfu.HnmvfinndlwtrtL' a
tw .. iiMpO (nn Cheerful'
j jafZmuzuMr(rl7R
TJBW iigl
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
At s. x j
VgLiJ'jy' ffm4A "VkChaWH"
is simply delicious
KG Baking
Pure Healthful Economical
The highest grade of baking powder pos
sible to buy nnd your money refunded
if it fails to satisfy. Ask your dealer.
Jaques Mfg. Co., Chicago
T'WflfA2aE2flBK"r S
New Absorbent In Surgery.
Ono medical nutcomo of tho war Is
tho discovery that sphagnum moss nnd
lino snwdust aro excellent substitutes
for absorbent cotton as dressings for
wounds. Tho moss is tho long-llbered
kind commonly found In swampy
places In this country thnt florists nnd
nurserymen uso for protecting tho
roots of plants during shipment. It
takoB up moisture better than absorb
ent cotton and docs not grow sodden
bo quickly. Of courso both tho moss
nnd tho sawdust aro sterilized before
they aro used for dressings. Youth's
Carnation 8lie.
A society dcbtitanto Is bemoaning
tho loss of a perfectly ollglblo beau.
Sho can't think why. A certain florist
to whom sho turned back $20 worth
of orchids a couplo of weeks ago on a
refund of $10 might bo able to throw
a llttlo light on tho subject. You see,
ho thought sho looked liko orchids,
but sho and bcr mamma know sho
was only carnations. Ho knows it
now, too.
I K 1 wfl vtVTMl r55
i v. i I u.xrwj .---
Lr-iw a - -. :r i rni. -1 . n wr?.v rvv-
wl kdjsm
Costorla Is a Imrmlcss Bnbstltuto for Castor Oil,Par
Boric, IropH and Soothing Syrnps. It is pleasant. Ill
contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotlo
suhHtanco. Its npo Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nnd nllays Fcvcrlrihncss For ntoro than thirty years it;
lias been in constant uso for tho relief of Constipation.
Flatulency. Wind Colic, all Tccthlup; Troubles ana
Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates tho Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Who Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend,
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
caiahuiial rr.vr.rt
Cures tho elck nnd acts as a proventatlvo for otliors
Liquid el von on tho tonsiie. Bafo far brood mnrej nnd
nil others. Host kidney remedy. 60 cents a bottle, IS u
dozen. Hold by all driiffKlsts nnd turf Roods Iiouhuh. or went,
expresM paid, by the manufacturers, llooklet, "Distem
per, Cause and Cure," free,
POUN MEDICAL CO.. Chemists, Geihea, lad., V. 8, A.
Nut Cake
when made with
a.Ki r vf
Ml 'Ik V
Low Round Trip Fares
New York, Boston
and all Atlnnllc Coast anil New England Points !. dally lWo.ti..t Ik. ii.ur
NewYork&ntral Railroad
St.p.vcr prl.llt at atl p. lit. rt
Circle Tours "" n-nil. Ukln In Nlwira FIIn
Uotlon. New Yurk. Allude City, W.ihlntoo
ml nil Intrrmrdltle point.
Sulfation to dnlribtt trip, with InloraUloo
tfg. tiling Urrt ind route, itJly given.
Apf4r lo your W.I HHit for llrkM. nd lpf ctr 111111. ff to
cvapM. lAfDiniMtos Oil Ml or J4rtwr
OMAHA OFFICE, 32S Cllj NUont Dli BMf.
A S. WHIiIm.Ii. Cmnl At Ml FMHaiM IhHrtMH
Analogous Cases.
"Ono of tho most porsuaslvo man I
hnvo ovor met," romnrkod Mr. Jngsby,
"Yes," replied IiIb friend.
"I hadn't been with him two min
utes boforo ho persuaded mo lo take
a drink."
"Why tho cynicism?"
"I was Just thinking thnt It doesn't
requlro much coaxing to mnko a hun
gry wolf pounco on a pleco of raw
"I road today," Bald tho young man
besldo tho girl on tho sofa, "that the
chanco of two finger-prints being allka
Is not ono In 04,000,000,000."
"That's awfully disappointing news,
dear," replied tho sweot young thing;)
"I thought wo bad overythtng In com
Ono can't always) moasure a good
tlmo by tho cost.
Often tho woman In tho case la
caso In hcrsolf.
Cry For
Signature of
is constantly growing in favor because It
Docs Not Stick to the Iron
and it will not Injuro tho finest fabric For
laundry purposes it has no equiL 16 os.
package 10c. '4 more starch for same money.
DEFIANCE STARCH CO., Osaaba, Ntfcruka
r 1
t a