The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 15, 1916, Image 1

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When You Write A Check
You write your own receipt at the sap if time, because
the payee cannot tfet the money until he has written
his name across the back of your check, and the check
is returned to you by the bank after being paid.
This is one of the many advantages of having a bank
account in this strong bank, and our service costs you
nothing. We do all the bookkeeping and furnish every
thingall you have to do is to deposit your money, pay
your bill by check and we render an accounting as
often as you please.
If you call upon us. we shall be glad to talk the mat
ter over with you and show you why a connection with
this bank will prove advantageous to you.
Deposits in this Bank are protected by the Depositors'
Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska.
CAPITAL 825.000
Are going to be harder
to get than ever before
I have them from a
Hart Schaffner & Marx
to a
Sweet-Orr Overall
It Is Quality First Here
Our 2" Cypress steel bound tanks are
the beft on the market. They have double
the life of a galvanized iron tank and are
much cheaper.
1 i
4 Nmnapcr That Gives The News Fifty
UED CLOUD, NBHKASKA, ,irXI3 13, 1 !!!.
More Cash Given Away I no ineiiti in cf 'tii'.ii' i.uu"
was mink' i h tin- pt omnia nt ients
f ii fit? uwniiliug t.f tin weeUI. cash
pt" t'". by llif progressiva uicicliaii's
cf lli-rt (' mil), ii lit ill f M't'iiis to favor us
Willi I bo ii- nit 1 shower nit S.iturduy ol
each wceb. Nevtrtho les this does,
iioMii (tiy way intei-Teio with Hair,
plans or beep the uiteicstcd content I
ituts at home, :ts it gooil eiowil was.
pteseiit l'nr tlio event on last Saturdaj.
Attoi nt'y F II Maurcr was in chaigc
of ul In i'-s and made a wry good tails
which was highly appi eclated by those
A now ticket loci ptaiie bail built
constructed during tlu wooU, as the
ont used liming the proceeding w'oeh
was not large enough to take caio of
the evor increasing number of tickets.
'l'ht' ciish was awarded to I lit follow
iti),r: U K McFailand, $10; Mrs Lama
Klllott. S."; Mrs. II. M Dedrielc, S.I and
MiUe Finkoublndcr, $'.!.
The later, Mr. FinUctibinder now be
lieves that SI f)U paid for a year's sub
scription to Tin: CliiKr, is a good in
vestment, us it few minutes previous
to tlio drawing he called at our place
of business ami had himself credited
for another years subscription to The
Chief, and in t-xchango for the tickets
he received from us pulled down one
of the prizes.
The prizes listed for the coming
Saturday, Juue 17th, will be: 1st, S."i;
2nd, s:i;';ird,$-2.
A Fine Photo Play.
The big ten-reel motion Picture,
"The battle Ciy of Peace," showu at
Orplieuin theatre on last Friday, Sat
urday and Sunday, was one of the
finest motion pictures evor .shown in
this city. It was tecelved by u good
house ou each and eveiy pciforinaueo.
(v Ing to the continued bad weather
during the engagement, many people
fioni out of ton ii. who had reserved
their seats, wete unable to attend.
Music, composed especially for this
pictuie, was handle I in a Hue nnu
nor by the Orpheum otchestra. Many
persons who witnessed the peiform
htiee have been heard to say that it
was well woith the price ami a little
more Manager Ua-sil issiuely giving
the theater goers of this community
the very best obtainable In the motion
pictuie line and Is descivlug of the
compliments and patronage of the
K. C. Boys Visit Red Cloud.
The special train on the C. It. X (.
It. H., carrying one hundred members
of the Kansas City Comnierial
Club, arrived in our city on Fri
day of last week. The object
of the trip was to become better ac
quainted with the merchants of the
vicinity. F W. Cowden, secietary of
the local Commercial Club, had pre
viously made arrangements with the
auto owners of the city to furnish
conveyances for the visitors, both to
and from the depot. The baud, which
they carried Willi them, rendered Er
eral choice selections, while the gen
tlemen, idoutlflod with the business
Intorests of Kansas City, called on the
local nieiehiiiits and distributed var
ious souvenlis bearing their adver
tisements. -.
Child Seriously Injured.
While engaged in a game of horse
shoes with her older brother, Jose-
1 phlne, the seven year old daughter of
' Mr. and Mrs. I! A. .lohnson, lesiding
six miles east of this city, was stiucU
on tlio head by one of the shoes pitch
ed by her brother, and her skull frac-
' lured. Drs. Creighton, Mitchell and
lloxey were called and stopped the
tlow of blood and removed the pieces
ot skull which weie pressing on the
brain to sucli an extent that the little
girl's power of speech was etrectcd.
(At the present writing, she is doing
as well as can be expected, and un
less further complications 'arise, she
will recover.
Mrs. lid Aoiaclc departed Friday for
Caibondale, Illinois, where she will
visit her sister, Mrs Clarence Gumtn
- two Weeks Each Year For $1.50.
Boosts for Good Roads
A n. ei ting was lielil bt tue Chamber
of Conitiit lee lust Tlmrsibi, cM'
Among the tn. my siljtt'ts dlsciissid
at tills meitlng, was the malting of
preparations for the holding ol the
Soiilhi'tti Nebraska (bio I ibi.n's Con
vention in Wed Cloud. Tins orgaijia
tion ts cuiiipii-t'd of men wot king in
the Intel est of establishing what is
known us the lied mid White Pole
Mue fiom Faiiburv to 0foui. Uy
cooperating with then, Red (.loud
would del ho a heiietlt, not onh by
lituing a guild east ami wist load in
ami out nf the city, but this load
woit'd also have a tendency to give
Ued Cloud llieii sluueof the transient
F. W. Cowden also wtnt into details
concerning the meeting of the Nubias
ha State Commeiclal Clubs, held i.t
Omaha, May '.Mill and '.'Mb. His ie
port contained many valuable sug
gestions, also gave sutlleieut pioof ot
what had and could be done along the
line of public imptovemeuts, the main
object being to "get down to brass
tacks", and 'do .something instead of
taking up valuable time discussing
what they could do and just how it
could be done.
If everyone would show as much
enthusiasm as Mr. Cowden, it would
be but a matter a short time until this
improvement is under way. It is
hoped that the interest shown by those
attending this meeting will continue,
for Tied Cloud lias never yet attempted
anything ot which they have not
mado a Miccess.
Mayor Damerell was present at this
meeting and said the county was will
ing to contribute ?-30 towards putting
the road between here and the Kan
sas line in first, class shape, if the
citizens would contribute tlio Mtme
amo'iul. County Commissioner Stor
ey stated that they would be willing
to do this, and a committee, composed
of Messrs. .Jell' Diamond, Paul Stmvy
and Dr. Damciell, weie appointed to
solicit Jhe clti.i'iis to lalse till
amount. At the present writing, we
learn that the amount has been pledg
ed. At this meeting the Chamber of
Commeiee also made a donation of il't
to the Ktil Cloud ISaud. the amount to
be med lor thu pui chase of a tuba
horn, a much ncidid instiument in
this organization. The new members
of the band have made considerable
progress in the past few months, under
the supei vision of l'rof A. A. LeKoy.
who is an artist in this Hue.
To Regulate Traffic
The Bppearanco of three red lings on
the piincipal thoroughfare of our city,
tlio llrst of the week, created consider
able interest among the residents of
this city ami vacinity. If you have
thought that they wore advertisements
for an auction sale, you liavo missed
your guess. Tho fact of tlio matter ist
we arc beginning to adopt the ordin
ances of the metropolitan cities, re
garding street tn Die. The mayor and
council have decided to adopt the
'safety first" methods used by our
sister cities. Hags remind driv
ers of autos and vehicles that on Jgo
lug north that they are to keop to tho
Fast of thu maiker, and on going
south, to thu opposite Hide, also that
souaie coiners must be turned at the
end of each block, and not any place
.in the block as heretofore. If di Ivors
, wish to remain in the good graces of
the city maislial tiiey will bear these
. facts in mind, and thereby avoid a re-
' in Ifimml.
A New Postmistress
Tho many friends and relatives of
Mr. and Mrs, Iloltou C. I.etson, have
received cards announcing the arrival
of a nine pound daughter, at the Let
son home in this city on Monday, June
l'Jth, Jesephluo Richards is the name
selected by tlio proud and happy par
ents for the new member of the house
household, and "Daddy" Letsou In
forms us that she ts a flue healthy
youngster, and that both mother and
baby aro doing flue.
HRyjy"' f VrJiY'7' lmHIH HCvQsvSnI
mSAZA. kL.
-&M ' '
r mp 0-' sSixm rv ; rijv x-r
mLf&'ji iVvv- 'yvr-wV v
Jowoler and Optomttrlt t
I3f C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector
Flag Day Observed.
Flag Day was llttingly obsoived In
our city jestorday, and all honors pos
sible, shown Old (ilory. Tho business
houses and residences weie diaped in
the National Colors, consisting of Hags,
bunting, ete The mojurlty of the
business houses weie closed from 'JslO
to 3:00 p. m
A large ciowd assembled at tlio cor
ner of Fouith Ae , mid Webster Htieol
at two o'clock, where the band render
..l ...1 .!.., .... I.!.. U..I....I 1.... ...wl II. . '
i-u nil iiii ifM inki; tr.viLiijii, uiiii iiiu
line of march was formed, composed of
the (; A. K , W. U. V., Camp Fire (Jlrls,
Hed Cloud Hand, Chamber of Com
meiee, School Children and many citi
zens. This body thou marched to the
Washington school, where Mayor Dam
erell, master of ceremonies opened the
program of the day by announcing a
selection by the band. This was fol
lowed by tho invocation by Kev. Hum
mel, leading of the liovornor's Pro
clamation by Attorney II. S. Foe, rais
ing of Uld Glory by S. IS. and a
short address by K. J. Overlng, jr.
The march was resumed to the court
house, where tho program consisted of
a prayer by Itev. C. L. Myers, vocal
selection by the male uuartclt, com-
I posed of Messrs. Oush, Walker, Friday
j unci Thomas, and an address by Attor
. ney F. .1. Munday.
I They then inarched to the coiner of
l Fourth Ave, and Webster stieet where
, Kev. Fitgerald oll'ered a prayer and
; the band played "America" tlio entile
crowd joining in the singing.
Meeting of City Fathers.
I The city council met in an adjouru
.cd i.ession on Friday evening with
KoouU, llHtuilton, Saladen and Stev
'em present Tho purpose of tlio
meeting was to examine tho bids sub
mitted, for the erection of a concrete
fuel oil storage tank at the power
house. Tlio Malone Avery Co. were
awarded tho contract, their bid being
, the lowett submitted, and iu accor
dance with specifications. This com
pany agreed to wait six months after
completion of the tank before tiling
claim, and should the tank be fouud
' defective in any way during this time,
to repair the same and stand half the
lo$8 of oil by leakage.
S'-tto Historical Society
0WfW"XIVIIl,V1Ilv "
,. a LV
. U ' 1
R. P.
Weesner & Co.
l V
A Spottt Coiturre
McCall Patterm No. 7JJ3-7-7I. two
i the many ntrf dtitf,ni lor July
The striped and plain linens
and some of the washable
sports materials are of these
We arc showing the new Ox
ford stripes and striped Gabardines,
as well as the plain linens and
other spoils materials.
The New Ones
Just Received A very pretty
assortment of NEW COLLARS.
Every one a good one. Ask to
see them.
R. P. Weesner
m i IV
',, M II
fey 'U' Pitt