The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 08, 1916, Image 8
l BSD CLOUD. NEBRASKA, $ H 1 1 F Pianos and Musical Merchandise UNDERTAKING LRDY RTTENDHNTl Catls Answered Day or Night ED. AMACK i ALL THE PHONES 1916 A National Park Summer TliN Is koIiik to be a (fiiln hcas ii for Rocky Mountain Pinks, - (ilueler, Yellowstone mi I Uttos IMilis -all on the HiuliiiKtonV tlinmti sol vice lilies These I'ailis, with their wealth of scenery, their inip;iiltlcle.iit "out-of iloors," liuvo Kt'oii tlu-lr jjrlp on Kas'ern people. The have iieuiby, tin- llliick Mills with tlu-lr foio-ts anil lint Spiini, tl o I)iK Horn M niu'tilii aliout S'liirlilim, with tlu-lr pli-tun-xpu- ild ranches jjiven over to iiuhIi-iii tourists, also tin; runt-li resorts beyond lid. in the Absaiokns. Thu wholu Koelcy Mountain e nuitiy has so many vacation spots to offer mill the Iturlltijjton has so ninny iittraotlvc circuit inoiiniiiiti ,toui.s, that It is Impossible luie to describe tlii-iu III detail. Koiitl for booklet of tin- locality and the tour you liuvt- In mind. Shall It be Yollowsto-ie, with Its ninety-mile mito ncer.lM tour via tin- Coily GutcwHj? Shall it he Glacier I'aik, the cllmix of thu soctile grandeur of thu Rockies; The Burlington Is Essentially the Circuit Tour Route of all Rocky Mountain Park Ttavol. Let tho May Bhow You, fAV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.".V.V Farmers Listen! Stock Raisers Stop! Clean out and clean up do not be deccivcd-WORMS DO KILL Farmer's Friend Remedies DOES REMOVE THEM Give us a chance to show you, that's all we ask. Demonstrations made free. Results GUARANTEED. i White oh Fiionk TO W. H. He will endeavor to all the name Implies, VAVVAVAV.V.V.V.VAV.V.VVAV.VAV-VUVy,VW IF YOU WANT A PNUPNT OH fl PMER Made Right, Lettered flight And Treeted Right SEE: OVERING BROS. & CO. Makers of Artistic Monuments Red Cloud, Nebraska I HENRY COOK, M. D. IIIWI I DRUGS, HOOKS, STATIONKRY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES l II Mlmr Dt s. s. luard.-it.M H ' M mam r Yeli miar In i Imriso C. H. Miner Serum Co. -I'ltiUM i u- Artti Hog Cholera Serum Uctl Cloutlr Nt lir.isku Wire or Phono nt Our Expense U. S. Veteilnarv License No. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVER STATE BANK Red Gloud "' Nebraska, I McFARLAND BUILDING N. B. Bush, Ticket AKdit, Red Cloud, Nehr. L. W. Wakoley, (iHiicrul l'assenKer Atfeiit KKi I Kuriiiiiii Street, Onialiu, Nehr. m i AW TABER "Sir- show you that they are FARMER'S FRIEND I IS IN lull lul KODAKS neiter Kodak Finishhm And Developing. A Full Lino of Supplies KOI.I.S HKS KI.OPKP ldc MAIL tOlll! OlIDEil 10 US Stevens Bros. Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED -omccovEi; auhuquvs sroRB SOME GOOD IN VIVID COLOR 1 Frenchmen Found Their Red Capti Useful In Signaling to Their Alert Comrades. Tho French have, with the oncom ing of wlntor, put into ubo tho recent ly adopted groat coat for Infantry. It Is not, an heretofore, a dark blue, but a bluo-grny. Tho French havo left to their IJrltlsh allies the khaki color, innd they could not mlopt tho gray gri'on hue which had already been by tho Germans. So they m cepted a blue, which Is neutral and ifrom a distance scarcely visible. It blends with thn fog of tho morning and tho smoke of battle. As for red, it Is now definitely pro scribed. Tho vermilion military cap 'Is covered with blue. So the foot sol diers hereafter clothed in shaded 'foggy wear will uttract less attention 'from tho enemy. "Hut," says I.o Crlo do Paris, "If red offers In time of war greater danger to the wearer, it may on occasion present some advantages., Tho other day a wounded Boldler re counted how ho nnd several of his icotnrades wandered Into a position In mdvnnco of tho French lines. As they were taken for Germans every tlmo 0110 stuck his nose above tho trench they drew tho fire of our soldiers. All nt once nn Idea came to them. They put on tho ends of their bayonets ithelr red caps from which thoy had removed tho cover. Tho firing censed land they were enabled to return to their countrymen. This tlmo It was ,tho red that bavod them." PROPER CARE OF TIMEPIECE Delicate Mechanism Will Give Better) Service If Never Vound Up to Extreme Limit. Thousands of excellent timepieces .aro damaged by being wound too tight ly or permitted to run until they nrq 'almost run down. Thu mechanism of n watch or clock will wear longer and render morej valuable service if not placed under; a strain. Tho best timepieces will bo more nearly accuruto If they nro wound not' too tightly and never nllowed to run completely down. Tho most satisfactory way to wind1 an eight-day clock Is to wind It twlco dn thnt many days, and to wind it only. Uinlf or a llttlo more than half way each tlmo. This keeps tho machinery free from nny unusual strain, and thu works will conttnuo to render effi cient work much longer than when thn clonk Is permitted to run tho tlim limit and then wound up to its ut most capacity.' A watch that Is wound twice in twenty-four hours will give moro per fect satisfaction in tlmo than if th. watch Ib wound up tight onco every twenty-four hours, as most persons d.. Do not permit tho watch to run .down, and only wind It a part of tho amount needed to wind It up com pletely. Famous Woman Inventor. Miss Margaret E. Knight, who died recently, Ib an exaraplo of woman vUiom) brain could work as readily on mechanical lines as on household lines. It Is said that Miss Knight patented 87 Inventions and that her picture has been hung In the patent oftico In Wnuhington. Miss Knight may havo been tho youngest Inventor among women, as she invented, when she was twolvo years old, a stop-motion device for preventing the steel-tipped shuttles of mill looms from falling out and in Jurlng the operators. Ono may Invent hourly, and yet pro duco nothing practical, but the truo test of Miss Knight being a success ful inventor Is aiitwered by tho fact that most of her patented inventions wero taken up by manufacturers. A machine she Invented fcr making and folding square-bottomed paper bugs In 1S71 is still in use, and a tin can which she Invented only n few years ago was at once taken up by several can nors Most of her Inventions related to rubber, cotton and shoe machinery. Women Lawyers' Journal. ' Oone Two Years, Dog Reappears. The happiest fox terrier in the world today is Gyp, but he Isn't any happier than tho household of his owner, Kdwurd Sayre, of Orangeburg,! X. Y. ir the family had been given! to wall mottoes It would have hung! up ono that read: "What Is homo) without Gp?" but after the call of al thief two years ono tho homo was without Gyp. The family was at dinner tho other day when a whining and scratching was heard at the door. Dorothy Sayre. six years old. opened It and in w allied Gyp. The dog was gaunt nnd too weak to hark In his Joy. He wero a license Issued In Mechanlcstown, (') miles from there. Europe's Population. People are In th' habit of thinking of China as tho n.ont densely j opu lated laud In the woild. The great loss of life whli h iibiinlly atimdi Hoods tn I'hlna hilp to uulnfiii tli's Idea IVw peopl realize that Ha rope's population Is lightly denser than that of China. According to census, the Inhabitants of China number KIO.OOO.OOO. As China Is about one-tenth larger than Europe, tho density of population of tho two slightly favors Europe. Flagrant Dishonesty. A nugget of gold has been found In tho crop of a Mnrylund chicken. Will It never bo pobblhle to keep dishonest farmers fn-m weighting. their fowls In this tuaiine: 7 Weather Report For May Temperatnie: Men" 01; maximum OS 011 the Oi h; minimum :io mi tin- t. PlfcCijiltliti 11: Total S"jJ liiehe. Number ol (lay-Oii-ur 18, purity uloiiih .'I, cloudy In. I n i") ot fmt I, 'ght mi tt Ditebof -Tliiiiiiler-toitii- 10 Prei'ullli'K wtii'l -I Ireeiioii N W In duvs. Ki'iiiailc: Kalnfitll since .1 hi. I t inches l hit. S Ijiiil'iiw, (ili-e ci LEGAL NOTICE. In The DIM riot Court of Wi list it tloiint . Pti.liraska Klliku ( i.i'tuul (.coruM. Ilmvunl, l'l:ilntll!i. v. W I llhi tn I llounnl. Alice llowurd. M:ir l. Mllchel, lnliti Mllcliel. r.thil I,. Coin Ciuitit.l, llnwanl. Alice; UkIiWooI, Saniile II. Harold II. Pope. l'loil V. Pope, dkiiii C. Pope. I'lorcnce M, pnn, nml Wlnfrul Pope, lliinrdliin nt siiltl Unrolil II. Popciiiiil (luarilliin of I'lo.wl V. I'iiie Mini niinntliiti ot (IU1111 K. I'M" ami (licirillau ot I'loreiiei M. Pope, Deli mlniits. Tin atiuvi naiiieil 11011 resilient itHleiulntils, Wllllafn J. Ilnuiinl. All.e llouiiul. Mary P. Mllcliel, John Mllcliel. Cthel I., foe. Kintiia .1. Ilowanl. Alice l.lijlitfoot. Mituuel II. I.k'lil toot. Unrolil II. Pope. I'loyil V. Pope. Illeini I:. Pope, ami Wlnfrul Pope, (liinnllaii of Mild Harold II. Popeamt uiiardlnn of l'lo)il V. Popcaiid liiiaritliill of lilt nil K. Pope and (luarilliin of I'loreiice M. Pope, will tnkc notice that on the ITtli day of May 1 11 fi. Die ahovc named plalntlllsllled their petition In tin- district court of Webster county, Submit ka.nualnst ou and the resident defendant, t'lurrliie M. Pope, ItupUniled with )ou, the ohji et nnd prayer of u hlch Is to conllriii the Nharesand Intertttsof the seveml parties to Hald action, In and to the follouliiK descrlliul real estate. I., lot thirteen anil foiirtten In lllock fmiriti n In Sinllh ami Moore's Addi tion to Red Cloud, Welister county, Neliras. kn.aud for a partition and dhlslon of xal n al esta'e. iiiiioiik the parties entitled tin re toaccordliti; to the respictlve shares of hiilii parties, or, It a partition cannot he had with out Injury to the rlhts tn the parties In Inter. (Ht, tin 11 for a sale of said premises, and a division of 'he procci ds of n:iM sale milium tho pm lies thereto entitled, according to Hit Ir respective rUhtN, alter pay tin lit of the costs of thlsncllon, You nrorui Hired to answer said petition on or before tin- 17th day of .Inly. Ililii, or the same will be rendered In tin reof. Hatul Mil) taken as true and Judgment accord:! me with the prayer :o. nmi. Kllska ( oeaud (ieorue.M, Ilowanl. Plallitllts. Ily I'rauW.I. Muttday, 'llulr Attorney. -'j;i Report of the Condition ofi'iif-: Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Chartir No. Iiil.i. Incorporatid In theStaleot Nebraska. ut the close of business May 'Jlth 1 1Mb'. Ilhsnf-Ks: Loans and IMscoiints iXj.Wi.'O Overdrafts, sictned nnd imsi cured . 7(1.7!i I'urnlUire and Fixtures I..VW.(Hi Current expenses and taxes paid . 3.&)H.'. Hue from national and statu banks msttcra Checks and Hems of exchange '-.17 77 Currency t.KUiuo (told coin sryoo SIImt. nickels and cents IH1.I1J Total cash 011 hand . W,7.W.!V Total j r.l.7JM.7t i.iaiiii.itiks: Capital stock paid in SJJ.W1 0 Surplus fund ."i.oou.uj Undivided prollU .. 7,!Wt).7l Individual duposlts subject to check 7H,7l(i -li Time nnd Domntul certi ficates of deposit Total Deposits UJ.HIl.:i7 Depositors' mmrnuty fund . SW7.ttt Total f 131,7X71 sr.T:iiFNi:iut.sK., iKH County ol Webster. ( l,S. It. Fi.oiivnck. cashier ot the nlove named hank, do hereby swear that thealMne statement Is a correct nml truo copy of Hurt-port made to the state llaukliiK Hoard. s. It. Fl.nltANCK, ATl'i-si-: Cashier. II. V. MiKii, Hlnctor. C. .1. Poi'K, Director. SubscrllH'd and sworn to before me this mil day of .1 une I'.lll!. (sKM It K It N Mill MlXKV), Notary Public Dr. A. E. Boles OSTEOPATH Physical Diagnosis Labaratory ConkI'U.vtiiiv wi) KwMiNvrtON Km 1. 'Os'eopttliy the SkIlmico of Healing by Adjustment." (JIvhi to tlte World by A. T J-till, A I). 1-71 OFFICE OVER NM5NI .SHOE K10UE itoin piidms liKn ci.oi n. NKHit R. E, CAMP, 0. . Chiropractor mimes l"'li '"''' ai J I Uill l!.-.l K.1 forulunn I ItaNOerled nabs. Indrne J dent pnnneK on ill. Write wire or cal ? Red Cloud, i AV.-.-.-.-.-.-.V.V.W.-.-.V.V.-- : COL. J. H. ELLINGER' ; AUCTIONEER i I J Is now nnil to place your salt datts, . Ask an one an to my iiiiallllralloiis ! ,V.V.V.V.V.V.W.V.W.V.V.M e. THE HOOSIER SAVES MILES OF STEPS m iiyj - .h.1 rrfc -i Wmi IJ ctHLJ iiTOTTTlfllw' iW MviLllpsWslBfcMMM Ix?!joB D HtHiUI Come in and let us demonstrate them to you For Sale by ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer I Hear R. Buell, Sunday 11 a. m), at the Christian Church at 10 a. m. Mr. Cather will lead the Men's Bible Class 8 p. m., at the Orpheum Orchestra and Chorus Will Furnish Music Mr. Buell is an able speaker and the people should plan to hear him - YOU ARE WELCOME FARM "CANT-SAG" lAln l-v rilin(,i V ntn an t yy u uvueve tiiciu is jiu uuiici yuiu UL any price J than the "Cant-Sag" and there is no gate that can be uuuyiii iui less iiioiicy. Come in and let us convince you that, in this instance, the best is the cheapest. Please pay particular attention to this word CANT It spells the best. i PI ATT r1 1 Have Started to Handle BREAD FRESH DAILY IN THE SANITARY WRAPPERS VROll HASTINGS WALTER W. MARSHALL THE SANITARY GROCERY, IN RED CLOUD N.w Rule, on Farm Loans I can now in the yen a lower r.itu on Farm i.oHiis tlmn was evi r miiilo in this county before Uest ojition plven v unoaguaigoofi dOOQ floy tnotuoj tin Furniture Dpnlpr f J GATES FARM GATES n. L n 4 1 a . X A . &r ETDFtrC x 1XLjLjU i nml money always rcmly I also have private money to loan on reasonable terms Please write me or call for mo ntStnteliank, IteaU'oud. C. F. Until- 5c 1 10c J Loaves 1 DELIVERED TO I YOUR HOME I fi 1 tf i