The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 08, 1916, Image 6

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Thousands of Lives Lost In Greatest
Nnvnl Enflagement In History Zep
pellns Drop Dotnbs on Britons Dur
ing Fight Several Vessels Missing.
London, Juno &, Tlio high bcuh
Heels of (lortimny mid (treat Urltalu
have mot. For tliu llrut tlmu ulnco
thu war began they clitulicii off thu
count of Doiinmrk Wednesday Tho
IlllttlU tllllt Cllfltled Willi tllU greatest
naval engagement In the history of thu
hoi hi. For HI hotirH thu North huh
uhook with thu thunder of thu hattlu.
According to tho iidtiilrnlty an-
iiuutiuL'iuuntH thu HrltlHh hattlu enilsor i
Hunt tnut a uuriuun tluut, with thu re
Bult that thri'u llrltlnh hattlu crulHurM
woro HtmU. tOKclliur with thruu crulu
ura and eight dostroyerH.
Thu hattlu lusted through thu uftur
iioon and thu fotlowim; niglvt.
Thu aiiiioiiiicuiiiunt nddu that of
throe Herman hattlu cruisers, either
thu Derllllnger or I.titzow waa blown
up, another wiib neon to havu huun (11b.
ahled and a third to hu seriously dam.
Onu (lurinaii light cruhsur and six
(lermun torpedo-bout destroyers vyoro
nuiik and at leant two more light erulB
era woro disabled.
Tho iiuwb waa Unshed out In upo
elal cdltioiiB of thu evening nowspa
perH and caused greater consterna
tion in tho West end of London
than had been wltneBBcd on any pro
vIoiih oceaslon hIiico tho declaration of
Tho franknosB of thu admiralty
announcement concerning tho nerl
oub natiiro of tho British losses anil
tho apparently Binall Iobhcb of tho
Qermana In comparison led to tho
uanuiiiptlon in moat iuIiuIb that the
British vesBula muet havo been led
luto a mine Held.
following quickly upon tho ad
miralty announcement caiuu tho Her
man olllclul version of tho light,
which, in general, conllrtnu tho Brit
ish account, but carries tho claim
that the battleship Warsplto uloo
was sunk and other British battle
ships damaged.
Tho (lornian losses, according to
tho German version of tho battle,
wero tho sinull crulsor Wiesbaden,
Bunk by guu (Ire, and tho wurshlp
1'ommern by a torpedo, while tho
crulaer Fraucnlob and a number of
torpedo boats are missing.
; Tho British battle cruisers sunt
down woro tho Queen Mary, Indcfatl
gitblu and Invincible. Tho cruisers
sunk were tho Dcnfensu, Black I'rlnco
nnd Warrior. Fivo destroyers the
Tlpperury, Turbulent, Fortune, Spar
row hawk nnd Ardent wero lost.
Tho names of tho six missing do
Btroycrs have not been announced.
A dispatch from Rotterdam to tho
Itoutor Telogram company reported
tho tugboat Schchlo entering tho now
water way with dead uud wounded
men from the naval battle. A steam
trawler also was roportod on tho way
to Ymulilen with 15 rescued nermann,
Including three oltlccrs.
Tho loss of life in tho engagement,
which probably was tho greatest sea
buttle of tho world war, if not tho
most gigantic naval light In history,
must havo been extremely heavy.
Tho battle cruiser Indefatigable, for
instance, from which the German ad
miralty reports only two men wero
saved, probably had moro than UUO
nion on board, and others of tho ves
sels sunk carried complements of men
equally or nearly ns largo.
Provlous to this battlo Great Britain
had lost during tho courso of the war
10 battloshlps, 11 cruisers and various
smalllor craft.
Germany had lost 18 cruisers, 19
auxiliary crulsors. chiefly converted
passenger liners, nnd numerous small
er vessels.
1270,000,000 Appropriation Measure Ap
proved by Vote of 358 to 4 An
nouncement Is Cheered.
Washington, Juno 5. Tho naval ap
propriation bill carrying $270,000,01)0
for sea preparedness, waa passed on
Frlduy by the Iioubo by a voto of 3G8
to 4. A wild outburst of enthusiasm
from both sides of tho Iioubo greeted
thu announcement.
Those who voted ngalnst tho bill
on Its llnal passage wero Representa
tives Browning, Hepubllcnn, Now Jor
soy; Graham, Hepubllcnn, Pennsyl
vania, ltamlull, Democrat, California,
and London, Socialist, New York.
Tho building program Includes llvo
battle cruisers, four scout cruisers, ton
destroyers, CO submarines and K!0
Triplets Born In Nebraska.
Lincoln, Neb,, Juno C Tho birth of
triplets, averaging over eight pounds
In weight, to Mr. and MrB. Anthony
llelmcr of Hartlugton, Nob., was re
ported to tho vital statlBtlcs bureau of
Fire In Brockvllle.
Urockvlllo, Ont Juno C Flro de
stroyed tho big block of tho Senntor
Fulford catato on Friday morning nnd
for a tlmo threatened tho heart of tho
business section. Thn loss waa esti
mated at $100,000
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This map shows (lie approximate progress of the allied (on cm hi Kant
Africa according to recent reports via Iondon: 1 British report capturo
of Lnngcnhurg from Gorinans in Knst Africa on north end of-Lako Nyussn.
2 British advauco against Aborcorn InveBts Marcma, 20 miles northeast of
that town. 3 Bnlglnn forces cooperating with British In Knst Africa defeat
Germans east of Lake Klvti. 4 Tho main German force In Knst Africa is
falling back along the Central ralluny towurd tho west. Last reports placo
tho British advance at Kllimntlndo. Bolglan forces from tho Congo nro
threatening tho Germans from tho west or northwest.
Former President Urges Universal
Military Training and Hits at
"False Prophets."
Kansas City, Mo., Juno 1. An open
pocket knlfowaB thrown apparently at
Col. Theodora Boosovclt hero on Tues
day as his motor car turned Into Twenty-third
street In tho Momorlul day pa
rade. Tho knife struck tho rear of tho
automobllo and was found later In tho
Btrcot. Colonel Uoosovelt was not told
of tho occurrence nnd tho pollco had
no report on tho matter. No nrreBta
aro expected.
A man who tried to forco his way
Into tho colonel's suite at tho Muehl
bach hotel wns placed undor arrest.
Kansas City gavo Colonel Uoosovelt
a real western recoptlon. Before noon
ho had delivered two short addressuB
ono to n group of children who greet
ed him In thu lobby of his hotel and
tho other from tho hotel hnlcony to
hundreds grouped In the streets. In
both tnlks tho colonol continued to
preach of preparedness and to warn
his llstenurs to ho ready to protect tho
country by arms, If necessary.
A great crowd greeted tho former
president In tho Union station plaza.
One hundred automobiles were In lino
In tho paradu to Colonel Uoosuvolt'a
Universal training based upon uni
versal scrvlco was urged upon the
youth of tho nation by Uoosovelt In a
Memorial day address delivered ns "a
message to tho Americana" before
Civil war voterans of tho North and
tho Confederacy.
Colonel noosovelt said his address
was directed with equal emphasis "to
the soul qualities of tho mon who fol
lowed Grunt and of tho mon who fol
lowed Lee," but thnt ho made no ap
peal "to tho memory of tho copporhcad
pnclflsts who put peace above duty."
Tho colonel urged tho nation to "bo
waro of tho fnlnu prophets" profes
sional paclllsts who, ho declared, do
not sorvo high Ideals.
Approves U. S. Armor Plant.
Washington, Juno 2. Tho proposal
to establish n government plant for
tho manufneturo of armor pinto at a
cost of 111,000,000 was approved on
Wednesday by tho Uoubo, sitting as
tho committee of tho wholo, by n vote
of 180 to 120. Tho house adopted, by
a voto of 129 to 103, an amendment
Increasing tho appropriation for avia
tion from $2,000,000 to $3,DOO,000.
Kaiser Honors Delbrueck.
Berllu, Juuo 2. Dr. Clemens Dol
bruock, former minister of Interior,
Iibb been elevated to tho nobility by
tho kaiser In recognition of his war
Will Borrow $6,165,000,000.
London, Juno 0. According to nu
official statement by tho chancellor of
tho exchequer, Reginald McKonna, the
deficit for 1910-17 will bo made good
by borrowing an amount estimated at
Rate Unreasonable,
Washington, Junu 5. Tho Interstate
commerce commission hold thnt tho
rate of 22 V cents n hundredweight on
wheat In carload lota from South Chi
cago, 111., to Virginia points by way of
Louisville, Ky., Is unreasonable.
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First Chief Declares There Is No Rea-
son for U. S. Soldiers In Hie
Washington, June 2. Uemands that
tho United States withdraw Its troops
and intlmutlons thnt tho American
government Is not nctlng In good
faith aro contained in n 12,000-word
noto from General Carranza, deliv
ered to tho Btato department on
Wednesday by Ellsco Arrcdondo, Mexi
can ambassador designate.
An explanation of tho actions of
tho Wilson administration ia re
quested. Added to this is a wolldellned sus
picion in tho mind of Curranza and
his ndvlsers that tho American gov
ernment, while making protestations
of good will and frlondllncss, is pro-
paring for any emergency In Mexico,
nnd to prove this contention Carranza
cites tho practical embargo on arms
and ammunition, ho having received
no shipments for weeks. It also Is
declared that machinery which was
ordered weeks ago for Carranza ur
senilis Is held up by ordor of Wash
ington. "Tho Mexican government there
fore invites the United States to
bring to an end this unsupportnblc
situation." tho note concludes, "nnd
to support Its protestations nnd dec
durations of friendship by an Inimedt
ato ylthdrawal of American troops,"
Stnto department olllcinls regnid the
noto not ns an ultimatum, hut as n
continuance of tho negotiations with
tho Carranza government.
! !AM
London, Juno 1. Tho economic con
ference of tho allies In 1'nrls will open
on Juuo 14, It was aunouucod In com
mons, Ixindon, Juno 2. Italian troops havo
evacuated tho fortified town of Aslogo
before tho Austrian advance, according
to the Rome correspondent of the Lon
don Times.
Wnshlngton, June 1. Col. John S.
Mosby, tho most famous Confederate
raider of tho Civil war, died hero
on Tuesday after a long Illness. Ho
whb a nntlvo of Virginia and was
eighty-two yearn old. Colonol Mosby's
death, his physicians snld, was duo
solely to old ago.
New York. Juno 3. Receiving his
death sentence In tho same unllluculng
manner In which ho heard tho Jury's
verdict of guilty, Dr. Arthur Wnrrcn
Wnlto was 'sentenced on Thursday to
dlo In tho electric chnlr at Slug Sing
prison during tho week beginning July
10 for the murder of John 13 Pock of
Grand Rapids, Mich.
Prosecute Llebknecht for Treason.
Copenhagen, Juno 3, A Berlin dis
patch says that tho court which con
ducted tho preliminary examination of
Dr. Karl Llebneclit.the Soclnllst lead
er, decldeu that ho should bo prose
cuted for treason.
Up for Skefflngton Death.
Dublin, June 3. Thu court-mnrtlnl
of Bowen Cathorpe, thoolllcor who or
dered tho shooting of F. Skeflington,
following tho revolt, convened here.
The nccused olllcor la an Irishman
who has been at tho front.
Items of General Interest Gathered
from Reliable Sources Around
thb State House.
Western NcwFpnper Union News Service.
The stnto board of assessment bus
partially retraced Its steps In tho mnt
ter of the assessment of railroad prop
erty. At a recent meeting It decided
to mnko an Increae of 36 per cent In
the valuation of so-cullcd main Hues
uud make no Increase on branch lines,
Owing to criticism that one-third ol
tho counties of tho state would receive
no Increase In tnxes paid by railroads,
the board has changed tho method ol
distributing the increase. It has de
elded to spread the 3Vj per cent over
the entiro mileage of each system In
stead of adding It to main lines only.
The total, Increase In the usseased vulu
utlon of nil rnllroud property at the rate
of Ub per cent Is $1,010,591. This in
creased value Is spread over tho entire
mileage of the roads, amounts to only
$33 a mile Increase for the Northwest
ern road. $30 a mllo for tho St. Joe
road. $290 n mile for tho Union Pacific,
$175 a mllo for the Burlington, $110
for the M. & O.. $170 for tho Rock
Island, nnd $125 n mile for tho Missouri
State Treasurer Made Defendant
State Treasurer Hall was made de
fendant In a mandamus suit com
menced in tho supremo court by
tho oil companion doing business In
this state, who applied for a peremp
tory writ commanding him to permit
tho uso of about $125,000 In fees ac
cumulated during 1913-14 and part of
1915 for the payment or current ex
penses of tho oil. drug nnd dairy com
mission. This money has been lying
In the trenaury untouched, ns It wns
not appropriated by the 1915 legisla
ture for any purpose. State Treasurer
Hall had In mind to turn It Into tho
general fund Inasmuch as It came un
der n blanket provision in tho 1915
general appropriation bill which
authorized him to so use "funds not
otherwise appropriated."
State In Good Financial Shape
There Is now a cash balanco amount
ing to a quarter of n million dollars In
the state gcnoral fund of Nebraska, as
compared with less than $75,000 n
month ago. This fact nppcars from the
finnnclal statement issued by Stato
Treasurer Hall at tho close of busi
ness May 31. Tho state treasurer's
policy of requiring county treasurers
to remit once n month Is bringing In
money at n rate fast enough to pay all
tho state's bills and accumulnto a
surplus besides. The balance will prob
ably continue to grow during tho first
half of June, ns a lnrge amount of real
estate tux was paid during May and
the stato's sharo thereof Is now being
sent in.
Wants Data on Harvest Work.
Labor Commissioner Coffey Is send
ing to farmers, county clerks nnd Com
mercial clubs In Nebraska a request
for Information ns to how many har
vest hands will be needed In their re
spective localities this summer. Ho
and tho lnbor commissioners of other
states are cooperating In tho effort to
secure work for tho harvest hands who
migrato annually from south to north
during tho wheat gathering season.
Thirty-one graduates of tho Tomplo
high school wero given certificates at
tho commencement exercises In tho
Temple theatre Thursday evening, and
fourteen otherB woro given elomentary
state teachers' certificates.
Treasurer Hall Defendant In Suit.
Food Commissioner Hnrman, whoso
department hns charge of tho Inspec
tion of weights nnd measures all over
the stato except In the larger cities,
believes that, as a general thing, tho
measuring pumps by which oil firms
sell gasoline to automobile owners and
users glvo purchaser the full amount
that he pays for. These pumps, says
Harman, huvo boon under Inspection
right along. Occasionally ono Is found
thnt runs short measure, und In overy
such Instance It Is cither corrected or
A. L. nurnhnm of Stanton will be
tho cadet colonel of the university
battalion for next year, nccordlns; to
an announcement made at the annual
competitive drill hold on the athletic
fiold Inst week. A. J. Covert of Lin
coln wns made lieutenant colonel, J.
Li. McMaster of Llucoln, major, execu
tive and delinquency officer; B. Nye
of Kearney, major of tho First bat
talion; K. Y. Craig of Omnhn, major
of tho Second battalion, and C. S. Hoi
combo of Mnxwoll, major of tho Third
battalion. D. T. Lane of Seneca was
announced ns major of the band.
If tho soclnl nnd oronomlc burden
of enro for Insane Is not reduced It
will ultimately become unbearable, ac
cording to Dr. L. B, Pllsbury of the
stnto hospital for the Insane, In an
address on "Clnsslflentlon of tho In
sano," heforo the second nnnual con
ference of officers of Nebraska state
Institutions. Hn recommended lesson
ing tho procreation of tho unfit through
segregation and otherwlso as ono aid
to reducing tho burden. Dr. J. P. Lord
of Omaha presented a paper on "Uo
cent Tendencies In Orthopedic Prac-
Farmers Union Suggests Changes In
School Methods.
Wide and sweeping changes In tho
conduct of grade schools and col
leges of Nebraska were recommended
In tho report of the legislative com
mittee of tho Farmers' Union of Ne
braska, meeting Jointly with the edu
cational committee nt Lincoln, last
Thoso recommendations provide
that tho stato normal schools nnd the
stnto university ho placed under one
governing board to supplant the pres
ent board of trustees nnd tho stato
normal board.
Other drastic changes nro:
Tho election of county superin
tendents on a non-partisan ticket, to
sorvo a term of four years, Btibject
to recall. The county superintendent,
it Is suggested, he allowed actual
traveling expenses only.
That the state publish Its own text
hooks and sell them to the districts
at cost.
That the state .loos not establish
any more stato schools or branches of
the university, but develop those
which It already hns.
That the state law relating to ap
portionment of temporary school
funds he so amended ns to result in
n more equltnblo division of stale
At tho same time a conference on
rural education was held In the olllco
of State Superintendent Thomas.
Some of tho recommnnilatlons mado
1. A more equltnhle distribution of
the temporary school fund.
2. A more equitable meons of dis
tributing the burden of tnxutlon for
tho schools of the state.
3. A reconstruction of the stnto
courso of study with tuiillrlent empha
sis on the essentials of a common
educntlon nnd n due regard for Indus
trial subjects.
Tho stnto superintendent wns di
rected to Issue a call to send dole
gates from each of the 7.000 districts
to attend n mnss meeting on rural
schools to bo held during state fair
Conducting Sheep Experiments.
An Interesting sheep experiment is
now being conducted by the Nebraska
stutc board of agriculture. On April
25, tho board purchased 239 Merino
sheep. These sheep wero placed on
tho state fair grounds, mainly for tho
purposo of conducting an experiment
In keeping grass and weeds short. On
May S and 9. the sheep were sheared
and n clip of about 2,000 pounds of
wool Rceurod therefrom. The flock
now numbers over 390. This experi
ment is also Intended to bring to the
attention of farmers thn splendid op
portunity for sheep production in Ne
braska. The hoard Is considering tho
showing of some of tho Bhecp and
lnmbs at tho stato fair September 4
to S, nnd it Is possible that a part or
all of tho flock will bo sold nt auc
tion at that time.
War Department Asks for Data.
Tho United States war department
has called on Adjutant General Hall
to furnish It copies of the oaths taken
by Nebraska National Guard officers
and privates. Nebraska has two forms,
ono fOr officers nnd one for privates.
Tho olllcors' oath merely agrees to
servo tho state, obey the commander
In chief nnd tho laws governing the
military forces of Nebraska, while tho
prlvato oath says " bear true
faith and allegiance to tho United
States of America and to the etnte of
Nebraska; that I will servo them hon
estly and faithfully against nil their
enemies whomsoever."
It is said tho war department Is In
vestigating whother Nebraska guards
men can be compelled to serve, It
called, and as to whether n stnnd simi
lar to thnt taken by some Texas mi
litiamen might occur in Nebraska.
Injunction la Denied.
The railway commission has declined
to issuo nn injunction restraining tho
Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph com
pany from removing farm lino phones
near Falrbury when subscribers rcfuso
to pay the rate of $1.50 a month.
There Is a complaint beforo tho com
mission, somo of tho subscribers be
lieving that their old rato of $1.25 n
month beforo the local company wns
taken over by the larger concern
should remain in forcV.
A final decree for tho Btato, on
points of law in controversy, was
rondercd in the O'Connor estate caso
at Hastings by Judgo George Corcoran.
Somo tlmo ngo the state won a victory
in this famous proceeding, bo far as
tho facts at Issuo woro concerned, nnd
now, nftcr reading briefs filed by both
aides, Judgo Corcoran holds that tho
court had Jurisdiction to try and de
cldo tho case. Tho decree runs against
all dofendnnts in tho stato's suit, ex
cept ns to whatevor rights John T.
Cullvnn may havo under the purported
will in his favor.
In comiiany with tho Doticlns county
commissioners, Stato Health Inspector
( o mado a trip by nutomobllo aloiiR
tho abandoned channel of Hawhldo
creek nnd a cutoff from tho Rlkhorn
river, In Dodgo and WashlnRton coun
ties, where fanners havo complained
against the thinner to health duo to
sewage from Fremont which Is dis
charged Into thoso depressions. Dr.
Case thinks that tho solution of tho
dltllculty may bo to shorten tho
sower channel so as to mako It empty
Into tho Elkhorn river nnd enclose It
ill tho way from Frememt.
Some Have to Keep on Until
They Almost Drop, How
Mrs. Conley Got Help.
Hero ia a letter from n woman who
hnd to work, but waa too weak and Buf
fered too much to continue. How sh
regained health :
Frankfort, Ky. " I Buffered bo much
with female weakness that I could not
do my own work,
had to hire it done.
I heard so much
about LydiaE. Pink
horn's Vegetable
Compound that I
tried it. I took three
bottles and I found
it to be all you
claim. Now I feel ns
nm nblo to do nil my
1 own work Benin. I
recommend it to any woman suffering
from femalo weakness. You may pub
lish my letter if you wish. "Mrs. jAMEa
Conley.DIG St. Clair S t,, Frank f or t,Ky.
No woman EUlTerinp from uny form of
femnlo troubles should lose hopo until
the has piven Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Veg
etable Compound a fair trial.
Tliis famou3 remedy, the medicinal
ingredients of which arc derived from
native roota and herbs, lias for forty
yeara proved to be a most valuable tonic
nnd invigorntor of the femalo organism.
All womon aro invited to write
to tho Lydia E. Plukliara Medi
cine Co., Lynn, Mass., for special
ndvlco, it will bo confidential.
The Army of
Ii Growing Smaller Every Day.
responsible they
not only give rch
they perma
nently cure Co
tipatioo. Mil-
lions use,
them for
lodifeiti'on, Sick Headache, Sallow Skin.
, Genuine must bear Signature
alt: Nrat, clfn, or-
nanif nUI, oonf ulfDt.
chfp. Loots Oil
sanaon. Mdr
metal, ruu'tiplll or tip
orrrt will not loll or
I njuro anything.
Ouarantvcl effrctlTe.
eipreea paid for 11.00.
BABOLD 80MZM, 110 L Xalb ., Brooklyn, B. V.
A man may bo lucky because ho is
married or because ho Isn't.
Nebraska Directory
Omaha. Nebraska
Rooqih from $1.00 up Blngle, TBcentx up double.
Ranges, Fur
naces. Steam
and Hot
Water Plants
If your local (Irnli-r trill not anpplr
you, ttrltn u llrvct, Kiting lila lutiuu.
Rooms $1.00 With Bath $1.50
R. W. JOHNSTON, Owner and Manager
Byers Bros. & Go.
Better Try Them With Your Next Business
Wo pay return charges on all
work. Mall us your pacKage.
27th and Main Stn., Kunnna City,
Mo., and 1 322 N St.. Llucoln, Neb.
Wb have one ol the beat equipped ftnlahlnc depart
ments in the country and the films you eend us for
developing, printing or enlaictns will be bandied by
experts who will get the best ponlble results for
you . A trial order will oodvidc you of the superior
quality of our work.
(Bastui&n Kodak Co.)
13 17 O SI.. Dcpt. K. LlDcota, Nebraska)
Hail Insurance
We save you S3 OO on every thousand dollars.
cf hull Insurance placed with us compared with
the rates churned by eastern companies. Losses'
paid In cash ns soon as adjuscd. Drop us a
postal card today and set the name cf our
nearest agent and full information. NATIONAL
and note the increase in
the size of your check.
Ji W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 24-1910.-
cf 4HHriinTrrYr
Hlr llVER
.H iWlk.
wr LWr t V