The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 08, 1916, Image 4
-f BED CLOUD. NZBEA8KA CHIEF THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rd Cloud, NebraaWo. FUBL1SUKD EVERY THURSDAY Entered In the ronloltlce nt Keel Cloud, Noli M Hcrund (.'lam Matter A H. MoARTHUR I'tJltl.lHIIKlt TUB ONLY DKMOCHATIC I'AI'KK IN WKI1BTK11 COUNTY Treasurer's Statement .him- (i, HUH. Mayor and City Council, City Red Cloud, Neb: Gentlemen: I submit statement covet ing receipts and llHlnirrvtiteiit8 of my nice for the period from April 25, lblG, to June G, 1110 Occupation Fund Amount on hand April 25, 'lit 8 13(1 81 Jtccipts ll'i 00 Ualancc 8 ''! Bl Water Fund Am'nton hand April 25,o'draftl .121 15 Itecuipts r,H7 01 Italanoe -05 5!) Water Levy Fund Balance on hand April 25, '11 221 05 No receipts or disbursements Ualanco i!2l 1)5 (lencrnl Fund Amount on hand April 25, M0. $ 'J3H 17 Disbursements 110 r7 Balance 118 ft) Electric Unlit Fund Amount on hand April 25, '1(1.5 IK) 28 Receipts 1740(10 I an at Disbursements "Ill Hit Balance $ 1223 t!i Electric Light Levy Fund lliilnncuon luind April 2r.,'i0.. 27! 15 No receipts or disbursements llHlllllCl! . ' B Flretneti'it Fund Amount on hand April 25, '1(5. .'.!) (In Recuipts I'' l,() llalaueo 71 (X) Recapitulation Occupation Fund $ fifil 81 Water Fund SO.-i r.u Wiiter Levy Fund 22 1 05 (lelieinl Mrt 00 Elfdrlu LlKhl Fund 12211 ir. Hlcuttlo LIkIiI Levy 27! 15 Fliemen's Fund 71 0U Total 27:i7 HB No registered warrants outstanding 3 R Floranco, City Treasurer. 1NAVALE i - . .i Dr. T. H. Myers returned Thursday morning from Denver, Colorado. Charley Martin left Monday even ing for Scotts Uluirs. Miss Grossman la assisting Mrs. C A. Waldo with her household duties The O. W. U. M. met with Mis. Earl Harwell Thursday. Ray IJurwcll Is carrying mail for Will Carpenter during his absence. Mrs. Guy Darker and children went to Red Cloud Wednesday to attend the funeral of Will Topham's nephew Itnllie Crow. Malilo, Irtnii and Lois Carpenter left Monday morning for Cowles to spend u few weeks witli their aunt while their parents are away. Wednesday morning, Mrs. Will Tab. or accompanied Mrs. John Rutledge to Hastings where she will take medi cal treatment at the Sanitarium. i I I TIRES GUARANTEED 6500 MILES Absolutely Punctureproof Buy yaur tlraa dlraet from our factory and aava from 20 to 30 per cant ' I "HESE TIRES ire twice at thick through the tiead as ordinary make and aie combination ol the Best Brandt, such aa Goodrich, Goodyear and Firestone. They are strongly built and raiafotced by a new, tuperioi method, making a finished product unequaled for hard uiage and pleaiuie purposes. Uied by individual ard business concerni. Don't delay but order today and do away with your lire troubles. To introduce in your territory wa offer the following prices: 303 $8.50 32x3 8.75 30i3K' $10.75 32t3j , 11.50 3U4 14.25 334 i. .16 25 344. 17.25 35x4 17.50 35i4J 22.50 37i4K . 24.50 35i5 25.25 , 37x5 27.50 All other sizes alio furnished. ; TERMS: Cash with' order. Make remittance by certified check, draft or P. O. money order. When ordering be sure lo state which clincher, quick detachable or straight side bead is desired For five days wa offer five per cent discount where two or more tires are ordered at on lime. PIQUA TIRE & RUBBER CO., PIQUA, OHIO I ..J tLeRoy ii We shall open the store located on East Fourth Ave., in the Peterson Building Saturday, June 10 with a full line of fine Pianos, Talking Machlnea, Guitara, Vlollna, Etc., and all other Musical AcceaaorUa i" Our lifetime of experience in music makes us fully qualified to select the BEST there is in the music line All Sheet Music 10c per copy, on Satin day Call and see our Mock before purchasing elsewhere Music Co E. FOURTH AVE. RED CLOUD, NE3R. raVEEl m l CD C1 C D& D l Red Cloud CHIEF Sl.fiO Tho Year "Quality" Printing J) l u fts lit?3 t! rzvi er fesj O reach the Person who has both the in clinalion and means to buy there is no medium !2 effect iye as lHe "CHIEF11 Our Ads attract attention and produce results for You !BB D D Mr and Mr. Will Carpenter Teft Monday evening for Omaha where Mrs, Carpenter will take medical tieat. ipeiit. ' The Methodist Sunday School visit ed the Christian Sunday School, Sun day morning, and enjoyed their Sun day Sohool also a Children's Day pro Kintn after Sunday School Tliu funeral services for little Doris Uurwell, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Hay Uurwell, was held at the home of her grandparents, Mr. ami Mrs. Sllus Hnr well, on Friday, June 'Jnd. Kev. Myers of lied Cloud pi cached a very ttppro prlate sermon. The pieent home of tho parents is nt Powell, Wyoming, hikI they have the sympathy of this community. KANSAS PICKUPS (I'rom Smith County) Tlie people of this vicinity are work ing in their alfalfa. The corn looks good and has made a big growth these last warm days K. K. Spurrier Hnd family spent Sun dny with Leo Abbott and family. D. K. Orewell and family visited with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Mon ford. Mrs. Emma Scrivner of Red Cloud spent a portion of last week with her parents on the farm. The young people of this vicinity were very pleasantly entertained at the home of Karl Miller last Saturday evening. Dennis McCartney has returned to his home after completing the first year's work in the high school at Smith Center. The Misses IjIb May, Kdith Orewell, Dorthy Crocker, Dulcla Payne and Ktnlly Million have gone to Smith Center to attend Normal Karl Abbott and Melba Spurrier at tended the high school play at Leban on, Friday evening. The school clos ed with n graduating class of nineteen in number aud the mujority were boys. Mrs. Hobt. Lannigan entertained the young ladies of Oriole last Saturday afternoon in honor of her neice Miss Mattie Lull who soon leaves for North Dakota where she expects to make her future home To The Pdblic We have purchased the Millinery Stock of Mrs. C. W. liarrett and wil. continue the business in our store. We will furnish you the latest and best in its season. We solicit n share of your trade. MODEL VARIETY STO'ttE MiVnnrt Mrs 0. H tftisV ' Dandelion Extermination A dandelion day fs being observed b, many towns. The merchants and public-spirited citizens tt.'e donating prizes to to given out to the town children who gather and turn in to a central commi'.tee the greatest n umbel f pounds of dandelion plants. The .results are amazing. Why not tty it here? Meat Annual Prices Th Unite I States Bureau of Crop Estimates says: Hog prices per 100 pounds averaged to prodiiceis of the United States 88 21 (in April 15, com pared with SO Is u year before. Beef cattle, Sil llll, as compared with ?.V9ii in 11)1:.. Sheep, Sli.Ol, as against S.VtlO a year ago The total average from March 1.1th to April increased t.Il percent. Advertised Letter List The following is the list of uuclaim ed letters at the post olllce in this city for the week ending ,liin 8th: Mildred Coon C. Clark Win. Hat Held Arthur Martin Mrs Ellen Wilson A. .1. lVter-on If not called for before .Mine y.'nd . they will lie sent to the dead letter iitJloe 11. C. Lit. is. P. M r . & Ml. .V sC .Itl'iS? 5ffi3& imi a.nwi m u 1 ti iNubnioce B 3'Tnr sicTs's gpNr $i WORE LOCAIt ITEMS Mrs C. .1. Pllth and children return ed to their home nt Saioiiville tho Hist of the week after spending a few days here with her sister, Mrs. It F Oat man. Mrs. May Le Maire has returned to her home at Huillngton. Iowa, after u three week's visit with her slsU-r, Mrs. Itobt Damerall ami brother, t2. L'. 0,'etman, Miss LaVaughn Moranville returned to her home at Amherst Satin day morning and her father, .lames Moian vllle, returned Monday aftr visiting with his father, Dr J W. Moranville. Some people seem to be of the im pression that all of the desirable scuts for the Itattle Cry of Peace are already sold. There are scores of seats left but we are unable to tell how long they will last. ndv Nine young girl frionds surprised Luclle Robinson in honor of her birth day Tuesday evonlng. They bad a very enjoyable time and. part of the even ing's entertainment was spent in tak ing in the show at the Tepee. C. W. Kaley left Friday for Chicauo to atteud the Republican Nutional convention and will also visit an aged uncle at, Culver, Indiana. He also ex pects to visit at Toronto, Canada, aud probably attend the Masonic meeting at Buffalo next month. On Sunday morning, M. K. Quigley, foreman of this ofllce, wore a smile that wouldn't come oft, nil because his wife. Mrs. Quigley, aud children ar rived in the city from Denver. They have gone to housekeeping in the Mrs. Day residence in the northeast part of this city. The Misses Fay Tecl, Mamie Relher, Blanche McCartney, Bertha Doyle, (Jrace Sherer, Dessic Taylor and Messrs. Phil Sherwood, Ernil Polnicky, Laird Potter and Leonard Uelher who have been atteudiug the state univer sity at Lincoln are home to spend the summer with their folks. On Monday evening n big debate was held at the Christian church. The subject debated was the "League for the Knforcement of Peace". Messrs. F., E Maurer, J. S Gilliam and A. D. Ranney were for the nflirmative and Messr". F. J. Munday, C. F. Cather and J. L. llcebe were for the negative. The debate created considerable inter est and was well attended and another one will be held Monday evening.; Manager Cassil has installed aventl latiue system In the Orpheum. A Targe opening has been made through thb ceiling and roof of, the bulldlug a'tiu a box. like structure constructed Oh. the roof, high enough to create a draft, and thjs arrangement In con junct. on with the electric fans will remove all the foul air from the theat er and make It the coolest place in the city The interior of tlie theater has nlso been reieeorated and presents a very creditable appearance to the eye. Kansas City Market Kansas City, June 8. Cattle .t.VIO, steady at yestei day's el -e. top HI 70. Ho's l.'iooo, lo to l.'ic higher, top !U-J, bulc 9.10, lights I) "JO. duly corn opened at a shade lower, 0"o, tendency higher, up 1 cent at not n. July wheat opened :i-S lower, i(7c to 93', tendency higher after opening. Card 0? Thanks We take this means of thanking our many friends and neighbors for their assistance and kindness shown during the sickness and death of our beloved son and brother. Mr. and Mis. J. W. Crow and Family. Somber Procession. Somebody in connection with the public health exhibition at tho City club of Chicago has estimated that tho victims of tuberculosis In Chicago, If they marched four feet apart, would' form a procession reaching from Lin coln pnrk to South Chicago. Facts llko these uro being used to promote the battlo .luainst vhthlsb. li srC luB Mafmift IAM WT- at ! Erf 72 i tea 1, m frraa q Orpheum, Wed., June 14 Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING i Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures E. S. GaLrber THE ALARM is n .Ireiulful tliiiiR OF" FIRE fur the man without insurance. Evory time lu' sees the engines racing alone Ins heait comes up in Ins throat it the tiro is anywhere near his place. What folly, what mis taken cci'itoiuy. THE COST OF is so small that It INSURANCE need hardly be e uisidercd. The freedom from worry alone is worth It many times over Have us insure you to-day. O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. The Balance of Our Stock of Spring and Summer Coats and Suits Will Be Sold at 20 DISCOUNT Friday-Saturday-Monday June 9, 10 and 12, 1916 All Our $25 r O A All Our $20 tf 4 Garments . . . . 41 CU Garments . . . . J ID T All Our $10 Garments $8 All Our $5 Q Garments . . . p 3' THE MINER BROS. CO. GENERAL MERCHANTS WE HAVE NEW GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS A Mighty Safe Place To Trade f Special FOR' Saturday JUNE 10 ALL SUMMER DRESS GOODS 20 OFF This otter is for CASH ONLY ' No chips accepted on this offer Mrs. Barbara Phares Agent for Warner, Bros. Corsets Butterick Patterns Owing to inclement weather will continue this sale, Saturday, June 1 0 One day only ANNOUNCEMENT TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS We have installed an Electric Tire Vulcanizer and are now prepared to repair your tires in a first-class manner. CGive us a trial. All work guaranteed. HAVEL & CORNER Agents for Buick and Ford Autos WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COAL ORDERS PLATT & FREES Quality Job Printing at Right Prices 4 X. i - AaVf & "mf-' "Ubr; v