The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 01, 1916, Image 7

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I v&rk 'r
' I
The Big Special Train, bearing one hundred
members of the Kansas City Commercial Club, all of whom
are prominently identified with Kansas City's big business
interests, is headed your way at "full speed ahead.
We Want To Meet You
We want to convince you that Kansas City has a message
of Good Will, Hearty Cooperation and Mutual Interest that
Will Dngnien ana ugnujii uie uvea
and work of every citizen in this
wonderful section of our wonderful
country. You will be interested in
learning what is being done to make
the ball roll faster in the progress
and developement of the land
all about you.
... To Still
wwanto ir
Want to Meet as Many of Our
Business Men, Farmers and
Families As Possible.
' 7,' ..v-
Tin Kansas Citv Commercial Club Special Train will
arrive in Red Cloud at 4:35 o'clock, p. m., on Friday,
. n m m a m B
June 9th, via C. B. & Q. R. R. Everybody invitea.
$60.00 IN GOLD
Given Away In Corn Prizes!
$30.00 to the first; $15.00 to the second;
$10.00 to the third; $5.00 to the fourth.
Any person living within-eighteen miles of Red Cloud, who does exhibit the
twelve largest ears ol any kind ol corn Flint corn excepted) according to the opin
ion of the judges selected, and at the time and place set for such exhibition, will be
entitled to the first prize of $30.00 in gold, second largest $15.00, third largest
$10.00 and fourth largest $5.00. Time of exhibit will probably be about the time
of the Farmers Institute.
The following conditions mro part of the contest:
FIRST- To avoid the possibility of anyone getting the pumpkin prize offered by Messrs
Turnure Storey and the Malone-Avery Co.. as well as the corn prize offered by Piatt and Frees,
t must be understood that no one who competes for this pumpkin prize either directly, or indi
rectly will be allowed to compete for this big comprize.
SECOND: The corn rausi oe raiscu uumm ii.
THIRD: The corn must be entered by the grower and under his own name.
FOURTH Twelve ears of corn shall constitute the exhibit.
FIFTH- The size of the ear will be decided by measuring from the first kernel of corn at
the butt to the last kernel of corn at the tip and adding thereto the circumference of the ear at
the largest point The owner of the twelve ears of corn awarded the prize by the judges as
measuring the largest in this way will get $30.00 in Gold. Get your seed corn anywhere and if
you decide, after your crop is made, to enter twelve ears, you can do so. subject, of course, to the
foregoing conditions and have a chance for the prizes of 560.00.
SIXTH: In case of a tie, prizes to be divided.
Not more than a single entry allowed by one person.
Not more than one entry allowed from each farm.
Ask us for any further particulars.
Moro than 100 members of the Kan
sas City Commercial Club, represent
ing tlin business Interests of that city,
with Mr. E. M. Clemlenlnf. General
Secretary; n. D. Sangster, Transpor
tation Commissioner, and Mr. W. li.
Beucnlft, Chairman Trade Extension
Committee of tho name organization,
will visit us next week to renew old
friendships, make new ones unil to
tell us something of tho progress of
that wonderful city at the mouth of
the Kaw. Tho occasion that brings
them will bo tho twenty-sixth annual
trade extension trip of their Commer
cial Club. They are accompanied by
llllev's Military band. Everybody In
town Y cordially invited to como out
and welcomo them.
Kansas City Is tho pioneer In trndo
extension work. Other largo cities
have seen tho advantages and fallen
In line. This annual Junta creates
and keeps ullvc it spirit of fellowship
between Kansas City and tho towns
of tho surrounding rtatcs that results
In a big Increase In business for her.
nut Kansas City gives as well as
takes. Tho Itinerary of each trip Is
changed In such a way that In tho
course of a few years tho entire South
west territory has been visited. About
J200.000.000 of Invested capital Is rep
resented by tho Kansas City Commer
cial Club membership.
The special train that carries the
visitors will leave Kansas City at 10
o'clock Sunday evening, Juno 4. Jt
will be out one week, returning Satur
day, June 10th.
Tho southern destination of the
Kansas City Trade Extension trip wll'
bo tho Oklahoma oil fields around
Cushlng, Tulsa and Jennings. Kan
sas and Nebraska will bo visited also,
rtnn litimlrnil and one towns, with a
total population of 21G.G50 will be vis
ited. Tho entire territory In which
the trip lies has a population of 5,000,
000. It is the desiro of tho Commer
cial Club members to meet as many
of our business and professional men
and farmers personally, as possible.
The route of the trip Is as follows:
From Kansas City to Muskogee on
the M. K. & T. At Muskogee the spe
cial will transfer to the M. O. &. O.,
and go through tho following towns:
Walnrlght, Kusa, Dewar, Henryetta.
A transfer will bo made at Henryetta
to tho Frisco and tho special will go
to Tulsa with stops at tho following:
Okmulgee, Preston, Dcggs, Mounds,
Klefer, Sapulpa and Red Fork. At
Tulsa the special will spend the night
and continue on tho mi mo road to
Jennings through Keystone, Mtnn
ford and Terlton. At Jennings a trans
fer will be made to tho Oil Fields and
Santa Fo railway, over which road
they will go through Ollton and Drum
right to Cushlng. The special takes
tho M. K. & T. again at Cushlng and
goes to Guthrio through Agra, Tryon,
Carney. Pallia and Meridian. At Guth
rio the Sauta Fe Is taken to Newton,
Kas. The towns passed through will
bo: Mulhall, Orlando, Perry Ponca
City (overnight here), Klldarc, New-
kirk, Arkansas City, Wlnfleld, Udall,
Mulvane, Derby, Wichita, Valley Cen
ter and Sedgwick. At Newton the
special transfers to the Missouri Pa
cific and goes to McPHerion through
Hesston and Mound Ridge. At Mc
Pherson they transfer for Colby, Kas.,
going orer the Union Pacific through
these towns: Llndsborg, Assarla, Sa
Una (over night here), Brookville,
Kanapolls, Ellsworth, Wilson, Bunker,
dill, Runell, Qorban, Victoria, ayes,
Ellis, Wakeeney, Coliyer, Qulnttr,
Gralnfleld, Orlnnell aad Oakley. At
Colby the special goes over'the'C, R.
I. to P. to Norton, where a transfer
la made to the C. B. 4brQ. TMsy go
to Nebraska from Norton. Tkt first
Nebraska town Is McCook. Here the
retura Journey Is made oa the C. B.
Q. The following towms are visit
ed: Indlanola, Hartley, Cambridge.
Holbrook, Arapahoe, Eslaon, Oxford,
Orllais, Alma, Republican, Naponee,
Franklin. Rlverton. Inarale. Red
McCleud, Gutde Rock, Superior,
Hardy, Byron, Chester, Hubbell, Rey
olds, Endlcott, Dlller, Odell, Wymore,
Liberty, Burchard, Pawnee, Table
Rock, Humboldt, Dawson, Salem, Falls
The firms represented and the In
dividuals In tho trip are as follows:
Abernathy Furniture Co.. W. Tt. Lamnson.
American Type Koundors Co., Irani
American radiator Co., A. C. Downer.
Ash Grove Lime & Portland Cement Co.,
jno. P. rouocK,
n.ptavrr indemnity Xxchanf. Haroia
Kvana-flmlth Fru Co, Jno. T. Kennian
Korrrter-Nae Dox Co., Bruc FotrUr.
Fidelity Trust Co, D. A. MePoV.iA.
Foael Co. rail! M. foel.
Frunkel-Flunk A Co.. T. l. JlrltUln.
Faxon-QelUthfr D. Co., J. A. OjJIUgheA
Oreef. A. H Realty Co., A. M. Clreef.
Uexlrlch, B. F. Co.. F. A. Operhue,
llcltnera tt. Co., W. C. Belrnere.
Holland fihoo Co, Frank R. Holland.
Independent E. M. Ce.. J. K. Launder.
Interstate National Hank,
lola 1'ortUnd Cmnt Co., It. C. Iloch.
J. W. Jenkins Music Co., B. J. Flefce.
Keystone Typa Kdy Co, Fr Cornall.
K. C. Home Tele. Co, II. TV. RltterhorJ.
K. C. Home Tele. Co., A. B. Clark.
K. C Stock Yawls Co. W It. Weeka
K. C. Journal. Celbo C Cllne.
Kansas City Har. Hnlpli Morrison.
I.aKua Printing Co., (I. A. iMflue.
Ler Live PtoWt Coin. Co., Tho. B, l.e e
Tho H. Mmpe.
Lure Trunk Co, L. Lure.
Md'IKn uruc uo , A. u. ajcriKe.
Marwlfk, Mitchell. Peat Co . A. J. Watsea,
Maxwell A Co. a. A., M. K. Fletoner.
Mo. Kan. Tele. Co., Val. B. Mlntun.
Mo. A Kas. Telo. Co., J. F. nratney.
Mo-tntrtata Papr Co., J. T. BaokUBi
Murpliy drain Ca , Wni Uurhy.
Mo. pae.'-Ry. Co., L. D. Knowlet.
Mofrl A C.. K 8. I.ullarl.
New En..Nat'l Rank, Harry Lelbermaat
Kat'l ReiMva Bank, W. O. Catroa.
Nafl Surely Co.. T. M. Murphy.
NertonJewtlery Co.. C. B. Norton,
hu.LhJLMA,iiB ?.& hi Tlf tlmaa-
uf.iimi1pwV VT' -" -------
ikutw uibsj (.o., ii. v. iiiisinK
avi A Co. B. A. rareorm. '
mite Hosflac Co., r. J. mo
uiniey:? rv ... .. ,V! tv
i'oiiHTurnuuu aqv. vji . n. u. igiis.'.
Polndextef, H. T Francla Polndexter. t..
I'eppurd Seed Ce. J. O.. J. L. reBarew
lll.ryiiourjBaker tiro. Co. fl. 11. Nhpop.
illchards A Conover Ildw. Co., Jehu A.
ConoVer. A '
Itoyal Ublen Mutual Life Insurance 09
J.' P.r Miller.
Ilyan Mff. Co., J. leo Kyan.
rZlint Vull
HolmielzSr Arms Co.. A. A. TrostUr.
Srhoolay.Sla. A Pts. Co., A. Hchooley.
M.tVal raint A Cllass Co.. A. C. Bale,
uldlnts1 Commercial Colleso, Geo
ilth-Itea A Lovltt. Frank fi. Rea.
Sunflower Portland C. Co., W. F. Fague.
Htowe. Supply Co., Clias. K. snomo.
Southwest National Hank of Commerce,
W. r Biiechle.
Swift Henry L S Coin Co., J. P. Swift
Snlft A Co., F. W. Crane. ,.'
Sniltli-McCortl-Towiiseiid D. Q. Cft,,
A. R. Beal.
Hllvor Laundry Co.. F. W. Porter.
Thompson I.tir. Co. A. O.. A. O. Thompaon.
Townluy Melul & Hardware Co., J. M.
Volker ft Co. Win.. H. J. Alexander,
Wailvrn l.'lilrlo I.. V. n. Uhrla.
Western U. Tele. Co., O. W
Wrnurlilnn Oliver. CUunhlc All
Call To Arms
Against War!
Onco In n Konunitloii or so a
hook llmls Us way Into history.
Onco In n decade the populace of
n world of power Is stirred.
The Battle Cry of Peace
an inspired revelation written by
.1. Stuart Ulncktoti, shows Am.
orlcn's defetifielesinosH.
You soc the most benullful sky
linn in the world lu Haines.
The metroplls of the western
hemisphere devasteil.
The fall of New York.
The enemy approaching.
Tho defeat ot tho meager Am
erican forces.
Tho lauding of the Invaders.
Our forts destroyed.
Our dents beaten lu battle.
with It nil Is n heart Interest
drain a so vivid, so real, so touch
ing that It makes it lump rise In
your throat and makes your
heart pulsate faster.
This Is
The Battle Cry of Peace
ta A Cred
! .V-AV J ilV. ' -------
Wltto Kntlne, WUs., B. M. pucker.
Seo tho Kansas City Commercial
Club's regular 'announcement 1 in this
Issue for the tlmo and, date that the
special train will be here. Everybody
Is cordially invited.
Walt Mason On
Home Patronage.
Keihtnlth Kickshaw deal In wax
and Chinese eggs mid carpet tacks.
They aro good sports In every way;
tlmv coul'Ii on motley every day to
imilcn tho town n bettor nlaco In wliluli
to live and push your.face. They Hire
u couple of clerks or more who wnti
on patrons in the storo.
Our cross-roads burg they would up
liiiild. rind see It with Kind people llltod
And to that end they blow their Heads
like truly patriotic lads. But when we
need of eggs a few we send away to
Timbuctoo, nnd when a carpet tack
wc wish, It'H shipped from l ypslnntl,
Mich. Each tins the notion In his
dome that things are best away from
home; nnd so we order hods and lints
and humming birds nnd maltese cats
from strangers lu some town remote
who wouldn't kuow us from a goat
We ship uway our hard earned kale,
and get our fourth ratn Junk by mull.
Say, are wo seers, or aro we fools?
Those strangers don't support our
sehoolb.or keep tho peeler on his beat,
or help to pave tho muddy street. Thoy
do not paint the villauo pump, or
build a fenco around tho dump. If
our old berg were blown nwny, they
wouldn't cure it whisp of hay."
Well. If we send overytliing nwny,
some tlmo we'll have no tux to pay,
becaubo lilioly we will have no town
our burir will .lust bo out, and down,
Thiil don't sound very good, you say?
Send those orders lu today to Hod
Cloud business men
Plant Flowers
Have you planted a bed of Uowers In
the gnrden this spring? If not, do so
without further delay. If vou haye,
nlant soaie more. The wonderful in-
iluenco of a garden of tlowcrs Is a real
pleasure to the owner, not in material
nroflt In dollars and'eents, but in hop
piness from tho satisfaction you will
obtain and that is what you spend
moner for. Help to make the world a
little brighter for yourself and your
By the way We are delivering Maitland Lump Coal from the car
durinc Mav for $7.25 per ton, or $6.80 if you haul from the car.
June delivery will be an advance of 25c
B.-n. Electric & Telephone IXtg. Ce K.
O. Rannle.
Bulck Metor Co., 8. B. Lindsay. .
Brier Hill Steel Co., D. . Kettig.
Butler Mfg. Co., it.
uaineaa mi
Tf flmnthere.
tfen'a Accident Assn.,
yr, t.
Breiaax McLlney. J. A. JfcLlney.
tirihan-ifunser-Hoot D. m. Co.. H. I
ntrta C. C. Co., k. j. .juioieraoca
Kr Bcoinaon es co.. tTann . Morgan,
i M
".Tit .
betlK X&e& nawubV.?t.
Truat Co.. K. C HohwlfacabaL
Ceatral Bto Co.. Wallace V. Wllsoa.
MM? rtiaa4 Cement Co., A.Tj. fra
roTrf NalEaat Bank, H. L. atbea.
war-t.uTm- Fuller JeweleeW Ot
." -" " JIJ4.T-i
TUr ML Am ItI is a dreadful thins
Of FIRK for the man without
insurance. Every time he sees the
engines raclncr along bis heart comes
up in his throat If the Are is anywhere
near his plaoo. What folly, what mis
taken economy.
TMK COBT Of is ao small that It
INBUKANCK need hardly be
considered. The freedom from worry
alone Is worth it many times over
Have us insure you to-day.
Reliable Insurance.
Some idea of the size of "The
liattle Cry of Peace'1 is gained
when it is said that in support
of the company there was intro
duced 10,000 National Guards
men, 800 Q. A. R. members, 5,000
horses and seventeen aeroplanes.
with Zeppolins, sea-planes, sun-
marines, battleships, d r e a u
naughts, torpedo boats and arm
ored motor cars. It brings homo
to the public astounding facts
concerning the unpreparcdncss
of this country In time of war
If you arc a patriotic American
citizen it will be a revelation to
Prices any performance
SO cents
Children under 10 years
25 cents
Seats on sale at Newbouse'a
Read the dates again and re
serve your seats now.
1 I ft
- i
i n