The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 01, 1916, Image 10
IIP OLOUD, W1BIAIKA, Qirif t H: tf flf: i i n I'M St 9 ii V 0 ' i' I I, I' 4 I I w j e A lit i i I f. i I, I? f I ' bi ) Pianos and Musical Merchandise UNDERTAKING IIL.7SDY KTTENDPCNTl jk Culls Answered Day or Night ED. AMACK ALL THE PHONES 1916 A National Park Summer TliN N go'iiitf to Ih h f.'iilu henion for lloeky Mountain I'ntks (Jlaeier, Vellm.stniio nn 1 Lites P.uUs all on tho RurlliiKtoiiV IlirotiKli-Heivlec lines These 1'rttltH, with their wealth of scenery, their iniinlllulent out-of ilooih," liuvo Kotteti their tfrlp on Lastein penp.e. Thoy Imvt! nearby, tin- It luck IlilN with their foroiU ami Hut Spiing!, tl o Bltf Horn Monntiiln about Sliiirlilmi, with their pli-tn tt'st) tio old ranche jrlven over to modern tourist", uNo the r.inuli resorts buy on d Coilv in tint Absiuokiis. The whole Roelt.v Mountain eoiintty litis so ninny vni'ntimi .pots to oilVr mid the, liiirliiifiluti has .so ninny nttiaitlve eiit'iilt inouiitiilii .tour.s, tluit it Is Impossible hero to tleserilie them in ik'tull. Send for booklet of the locality and tho lour , on have in mind. Shall ft ho Vellowbtone, with its nlniity mile itittUM'ei.'.i: tour via tin- Cody Gateway? Shall it be Ohu'lur I'atk, thu climax or Urn scenic grandeur of the Cookies? Tho Burlington Is Essentially tho Circuit Tour Route of nil Rocky Mountain Park Ttavcl. Let tho May Show You. immB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 fiBfl f.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v..v.v.v.v.v.VAl ii Farmers Listen! Stock Raisers Stop! Clean out and clean up do not be deceivcd-WORMS DO KILL Farmer's Friend Remedies DOES REMOVE THEM Give us a chance to show you, that's all we ask. Demonstrations made free. Results GUARANTEED. i Wkitk or PlIONK TO W. ti. i He will endeavor to all the name implies, j T www IF YOU WANT A- PlWlVIEflT OR A PMER JVIade Right, Lettered Right find Erected Right SEE, OVERING BROS. & GO. Makers of Artistlc',Monuments Red Cloud, Nebraska I xxz: "w 'M1 ' rreip " v , i: ;': - 'I !. i I!! ', HENRY COOK, M. D. iiii.M.r.u is DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES o 'iiiiiiiiiriiiiiaairjiiii'ii'iiiiir !' l II. Miner Dr. . K. Ihardort, M. I). ( Manager Veterinary In t'lmmo C. H. Miner Serum Co. -pituncuuts- Anti Hog Cholera Serum Red Cloud, Nebraska Wire or Phone at Our Expense D, S, Veterinary Lltense No, 45 DR. CHAS. E. CROSS OKNTI9T OYER STATE BANK Red Cloud a - - Nebraska McFARLAND BUILDING N. B. Bush, 1'fckft Agent, Keel Uoiid, Nobr. L. W. Wakclcy, (ieneral Passenger Agent loi'l Kurniim Street. Omaha, Nebr. TABER s show you lliat they ate FARMER'S FRIEND ' I JlS .L Kl'Ii I KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:. A Full Line of Supplies ROLLS DKVKLOl'KD-lOo NAIL YOUR ORDER TO US Stevens Bros. Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED ISyOKFicu OvKJt Autitioiit's Stork Kansas City Market KANSAS CITY STOCK YARDS, May 'M, I'.llfi Under the impress of MUDO cattle hcto and 'J 1000 in Chicago buyers attempted today to force u re ducton here lrom the strong close of tht! inurket lust week, lid to 60 higher for the week. Hut they had littles suc cess, closing sales stronger. There were several fentuies, among them the sole of heavy beef steers at .$10.01) fed at rutin, Texas, in the Panhandle country. Odd head of natives brought ? 10.50, sales from $10.00 to $10.25 weie numerous, nnd native steers sel dom got below ?!). Knngu on the -10 cars of pulp .steers heie was '.).70 to If 10.10, except ! cars of 1000 lb. htoera at i',).'i'y. Hutcher grades took on the full strength of the situation last week, and letnined today, stiictly prime cows up to ?S.75, and mixed yearlings $10.00. A run of 25 cms arrived in the Quarantine division and sold (iiiickly nt good prices, compar isons being difficult, account of small suppiy in mm suction recently, me straight grass steers from South Tex as brought $8.15, South Texas steers caked a little, $8.50, North Texas fed steers $8.85, Oklahoma grassers $7. Stockers nnd feeders held steady with the close of last week, but again there is a feeling that a break is imminent. Pastures are full as a rule, and the demand shows signs of decreasing. Most of stock steers range from $7.50 to JfS.OO, choice thin steers of all weights up to $8.85, although the puckers pick up practically nil the feeders. Hogs bold 5 to 10 lower today, receipts 17000 head. Demand was excellent from nil sources, nnd local prices showed more strength than prices at any other market, top $0.75, within 5 cents of Chicago top, same ns St. Louis, fi cents above St. Joseph and 10 cents above Omaha. Hulk of sizes ranged from $9.1o to $0.70, nnd light hogs stopped ut $0.00. The inurket has been weakening since Tuesday of last week, although there were signs of a failure of the effort to bear prices ut the close of lust week, (iood runs nil around tills morning gave the situation over to buyers in a measure, but opinion Is still divided ns to whether or not we will get u very severe break with the usual June runs. Sheep nnd Iambs have been slipping for a week, and took a big slide today, prices off 25 to 50 cents, and about 75 cents lower for the week. Receipts included Ari zonu spring lambs at $11.25, only 25 cents under top in Chicago for spring lambs today, clipped Westerns here at $iu.(iu. lexus clipped wethers on the revised tiding prices going at $7.75 to $7.00. J. A. RICKART, Market Correspondent. Kansas City, .tune 1st Cattle HOOD, strong, beef steer-, f.0 to 7fB hinder this week, top Wedne.sdhy 10 80, nothing strictly prime today. medium steer 10:10. H04S8OO0. strong 10 r.c Higher, '. w to'.itf.i.tnii'.i ' lights liM.I dosed weak. Early wheutoiiened 1-Se higher, 1.1)0 .'1-8. tendency lower. July coin tide opened 1 8 lower, tend ency lower. INAVALE Joe Topbnm nnd wife of Red Cloud were irtiots at the Bert Leonard home Sunday. Sinifoii Thomas piddled Metuor nil seitnon ut the M. K. cliuieh sum- ilny Hi Dunn and family spent Friday night in lltooiuiugtoii' ' .1. Iviii'iiner unit V. Mnrtin are ilo lug the enrpenter work in llarrv Cloud's bouse. Ill M.i't initde a business trip to St Joe t.litl Kansas City the latter Pint ol the ui'cU. Or I'aekiMioil of Riverton was culled MdiiiIii) to si- luy Stiulcuey who wits very --u'k iiti i -naieuhMt hetter. MIks Ulaiii he Darker went to lleil Cioud Siuidny. The l.ihi'olll Teb'pliuiie Co., lltve inovi'il llielr liomli fioin the post tdlK'i' to the nii'.it uiiirkei on aecoutit of the pilstotllee e'o-ili' lit 7 p. 111. Mi (..rtt'i,ii mid son Malvern arrived -Mimhiv evening, lie is doing the cai- penter Witikon Mr Haivkln's house. After .Sunday school and church, hiiniliiy, Mis S. K. Iloliliedge and her class itccoiupitnii'd by Mrs. I'. II. Myers look their lunch mill went to the nver. Mesdaines ('. Hunter and Strong went to Hustings, Ki iday. The M. K. Ladle. Aid met with Mrs. Matkins on Wednesday of last week and surprised her with a .sandwich lunch. Tent Show Coming Rink's Big "Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. ' Will Kxhlblt at Red Cloud Weduesday Juno 7th. This is the tlrst time that .the public have hud nn opportunity of seeing the "New Version" of "I'ncle Tom's Cabin," the greatest drama ti.ntion of this popular play ever written. Mrs. Stowo's Historical play has ever been a favorite with the women and children and they always go to see it whonever an opportunity presents Itself. Bark's Big "Undo Tom's Cabin Co." has tho distinction of being tho largest organization of its kind on the road, they carry f pedal train of their own cars to truisport their People, Horses, Hon ies, Donkeys, Dogs, Chariots, nnd other paraphernalia necessary to pre sent the only Grand Speulnenlar I'ro- duction of this, the most successful tlratna ever written. Hie charueteis of Undo Tom, Hllzn, Llttlo Kva and Marks are all ably presented by a competent cast, anil the largo Con tingent of Singors and Dancers, Blood Hounds, etc., give a realistic and sensational naturalism to the per formance. Tho scenic uud mechani cal elTects arc good, and tho pictures que transformation scone forms a fit ting fliiislt to the whole. So carry the news uud toll your neighbors. The only Big Show Coming will exhibit at Red Blond Wednesday night, June 7th. Notice OT Referee's Sale Of Real Estate, Notice In hereby iflvea Unit, by virtue of nn ulikTiil tlje District ( onrt ol t'rnlikllu ( 01111 ty. NbbrnikUi made 1111.1 1 iilcreri In :ill ' "ft 011 lln'illi iluy ot April. I.iiii. In all aitlju tlicrvln iKiiilliiK. uhuii in I'.iinim MU Ii imntt Ii il:ilntlll, mill Mitry Mci Uil.'iiul. Mnrle l( lellnmt, liMipli Mc( li-llnml H'uH Me ('lellniiil nuii Nellie Mci Irlliiml an ilednit mil. Uit the iiirtltl'iti nf thi' folliiuliiK ilt Kcilln'il rial i-itutf, to wit: Tito Nortluvnt (Jiinrler ol Hip Nortlmett (jnartcr uwl-l nw l-li of Section Hu (). In lonihlp One Mi. Nortb.ltiliui riUccn il"r. :iiii llif null iit (iiiincr ( tin -iiitnweit ijinirii r i 1-lnttM nf -i- 1 'ii l'hlr.j-t"i li.lnl' un ililplM, . NnfUi. It time rittii-n '', W fit ot tlicftlMM I'ilm Mi iMInii. lit 1 r:i 11k 1 111 'oiinty, S' ' niil.a: Mini 1I111 lflliMiiL!ili-'rlli' il prinilioi". iitimli'l in Wibiirr 1 utility, Nv litniUt toult: l.oiniii .Ii. In Illock muc'Ii. hi Wllll.tiiii Ailitllluu to the 1 Ity of lltil ( louil. nti'iinlliii; to tin-ricunli'il pint Uteri ol: tvblcli t.tlil onlur illnrUd the 11 4 n cit rt'Iurn In s.i M (itiisi- to suit vih! citatu nt pnlilli a'e 111 upon 1 XL-rtittoit. Now. thi'ruforo. I.tliu iitlil ri'furi'i) tvlil 011 lite ijth ilny of .lime, l'.'Ki. at the hour ol 1 o'cloik I'. M. of alil thu soiitti front iloorof the court luitisu of Webster county. Ni-liraika, In IbuClty of lteI (loud, In k:iI county, sill the follotvtiu di-Hcrlbcil real 'State, itltuntud In Wlnter County, Nuliriti ka.towlp I.otune M) In Iilocl. one (1), In Williams Addition to the City of Ited (loud, act'ordlin; to the rtcoidcit plat thu eof. to the blvhi'st lilildcr for citsh, itibjict to any liens or 111 umbrauct'S existing artlitHt the n:xv. Snld H'tlo will be held tipeit one hour. W. C. DollsKl, (iKOItllt: V. I'll VlilKIt, Attorney. Itcfirce. I', i:. M M IEKIC. (luardlauad litem SEGAL NOTICE. In The District Court of Webster County. Nebraska Uht.iK .11 Mini (iiori;e M. Howard, lialutllN. . Wllllatn I. Howard. Alli'e Howard, Mary P. Mltchi I. John MlU-'htl. Ctlii'l f,. tni'. Diihmh.I. Howard. Allci- Multifont, -anuii'l II. l.liUitfoi't. Harold It. Pope. I'loyd W. I'ojx. (.knii C. Pope. I'lon nee M. Pope, and Winfrid Popi. (itiardlau of said Harold II, Pope and (luardlnn of I'loyd W. Pope and Guardian of (.lli'iiti I.. Pope and Ciiardlau of I'lori'iit'c M. I'ope, Dcfi'iidants, 'i'hi'almw named 11011 riMciit defi'iidautH, Wllllatn J. Howard, Allif Howard, Mary P. Mltiiiil. .I11I111 Mltchi I, Kihul U Coe, Ihunia .1. Howard, Allot' l.lshtfoot. Sainiiil II. I.lyhl. foot, Harold II. Pope, I'loyd W. Pope, (llciui !:. Popi-, and Winfrid Pope, Ctiardlan of said Harold II. PoK'aud (iiiardlau ol I'loyd W, Pope and liiiardlan of (ileiin 10. Pope and (itiardlau of rioreiiee M, Pope, will take notice that on thu 17th day of May I'.Hll. tho alios fiiaiuiil plalntlllit tiled tlit-ir petition in the district court of Webster county, Nebras ka, anuliist you and the residua defendant, l-'loreni'i' M. Pope, Impleaded with ou. the object and irayer of which Is toconllrm the Nhait'Nitnd IntcrtNtHof the si'mth! parties to said action, In and to the followiut; described real estate, lr lotthlrtten and fonrtien hi Illock fount en lit Smith and Monre'H Addi tion to Ked Cloud, Webster county, Nebraa. ka. and for a partition and division ol said real estate, ainonn the partjes entitled there to according to the respective shares of said partlcx. or, If a partition cannot be had with- outlnjiiry to the rltjhts to the parties hi Inter, eit. then for a sale of said premises, and a dlvUloit ot the proceids of said sale amoiu the parties thereto entitled, according to thejr refpectlvcrUlit", after pay mint of the c istsof tills action. Vou are required to answer said petition on or before, the 17th day of duly, 11)10. or the hiuiic will l)e taken as true and Judgment riudei ill In ai'cordanie with the prajer tin rent. 1 'and. May :tl. ism;. Kllika t'oeand lit iirKf M. Howard. Plalutltls. Ii I'rauk .1. Munday. I liflr Attornej. (i-ii Order To Show Cause. Mate of Nebraska.' r,-i. ....i . , Webster oimiv I '" u,e l ,,ull tourl Ara L'ouiuy ourt held at the County Court room In and lor said county Maj Itn . luiilfl". Is the matti-r of the estate ol Alfrtd II KIiik Diciasid. Ds readlue and lllhit; the petition of It.illlu II. and John I:. Klin,- prayl.ig thai ad ministration ol said estatt may bo uranted to lohn i:. Klnif. as Administrator. OiuihitKii, That 1'rlday the Jnd .day of .lune. A. 1).. P.lin, at 10 tilock a. in., Is assigned for hearlut: tald petition, when all piTMins Interested In said matter may appear at a County court to be held hi and for said county and show cause why prayer of petl- Hutu r should not be xranttd; and that notice of the pondi ncy ot said petition and tho hear- Ini! thereof be ijlven to all persons Intenstisl In said matter, by publishing a coiiy of this order la the Ited Cloud Chief, a weekly news paper printed In said county, for three con secutive weeks prior to said day of.heariui;. Iskai.1 A. I). Kan.nk, County Juduc. Dr. A. E. Boles OSTEOPATH Physical Diagnosis Labaratory COXsl'LTATIilX AM) Ks.VMINATIO.V I'lUlK 'Ostoopatliy tho Scienco of Healing by Adjustment." Given to the World by A. T. i-'till, A. D. Is7l. OFFICE OYER SMITH SHOE STORE lloi it I'iiom RRD CLOL'H, 'I,,BIt. R. E. CAMP, D. C. Chiropractor Phones lulepemlcut 212 ) Bell lied 101 U now riady to place your sale dates. Ask any one as to my iiualltw-atlous for whom 1 have cried sales. Indopo dent pnuuoSuiiPJ. NVrltowlrer cal Rep Cloud, Nebh. : COL. J. H. ELL1NGER 3 l' AUCTIONEER l rfVV.V.V.W.V.V.V.V e. THE HOOSIER Rnau SAVES MILES OF STEPS Famoui Ro Hoosier Beauty Come in and let us demonstrate them to you For Sale by ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer Fuss, Fashion V rm " i Subject Sunday night, 8 p. m., Orpheum Hear the Orchestra and Chorus E. G. Caldwell will have charge of the Men's Bible Class Sunday at 10 a. m. at the United Church m COME! V FARM GATES "CANT-SAG" FARM GATES S We believe there is no better fate at any price f than the "Cant-Sag" and there is no gate that can bo s bought for less money. ' f Come in and let us convince you that, in this S instance, the best is the cheapest. f ' Please pavy particular attention to this word S CANT It spells the best. I PL ATT&T FREES I W-VsN'WVWN"vWV Have Started to Handle BREAD FRESH DAILY IN THE SANITARY WRAPPERS FROM HASTINGS WALTER W. MARSHALL THE SANITARY GROCERY, IN RED CLOUD New Rate on Farm Loans I can now inalte yon a lower rate on Farm Loans than was ever made in this county before. Best option pivon nM .. 1 1 1 IV 1W Door HMiiB&JE II r t t Furniture Dnlmr I and Feathers" .oaves DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME anil monoy always ready. I also have prlvato money to loan on reasonable terni9. Please write me or call for mo at State Bank, RedOloud.-U. V. Catli-er. t s" ILL. .jA" ? u. vr . r- -- - -"- .A - W-fcA.j , Orr5w?''TffT&