KID CLOUD, NZB1AIKA, CHIEF 1 I; I? '. 3 Pianos and Musical Merchandise i UNDERTAKING LKDY KTTENDKNTl Calls Answered Day or Night ED. AMACK I ALL TH PHONES McFARLAND BUILDING 1916 A National Park Summer This is Kulii(f lo lie ii gu!a season fur Ituclcy Mountain l'atks, (ilncler, VYllowstoiio mil Ivtes P.irUs till on tlio HiirlltiKtonVt throiiKh-srivli'o IIih'h These I'arlts, with their wualth of scenery, their tiinniflcluiit "ont-of iloorh," lmvo gotten their fjrlp on ICusteru ponplo. Thoy Imve noiii-liy, tho lllack 111 Us with their forests anil Hot Spilngs, tl o UIr Horn Mountain'- about Sliarldan, with their picturesque old ranches fjlvon over to modern tourists, ulso the riinuti resorts uoymul Coily in tlio Alisnrokus. Tlio whole Kooky Mountain country luts so many vacation spots to offer, unci the Ituillngton has so many attractive cluuilt mountain tours, that It is impossible liuro to ileserlhu them in detail. Send for booklet of the locality ami the tour you have in mind. Shalt it he Yellowstone, with its ninety-mile auto tour via the Cody IGatewn? Shall it be Glacier l'ath, the clinmx of the scenic grandeur of the Rockies? Tho Burlington Is Essontlally tho Circuit Tour Route of all Rocky Mountain Park Ttavol. Lot tho May Show You. N. B. Bush, Ticket A writ, Red Cloud, Nebr. L. W. Wakclcy, General Passenger Ajjeiit 100 J Furniim Street, Omaha, Nebr. rV.V. '."..-.J Farmers Listen! i s Stock Raisers Stop! Clean out and clean up do not be dcceived-WORMS DO KILL 1 Farmer's Friend Remedies DOES REMOVE THEM Give us a chance to show you, that's all we ask. Demonstrations made free. Results GUARANTEED. Writk or PlIONK TO W. H. TABER INAVALK, Nf.iik. H8 will endeavor to show you that they are all the name implies, FARMER'S FRIEND i tV.V.-AV.VV.V.V.VV.V.V.V.V.V.V.VV.V.V.V.V.V.V-V. IF YOU WANT hoiwhekt oh a pmer IWade KiQbt, Lettered Higbt And Erected Right SEE: OVERINC BROS. & GO. I Makers of Artistlc'Monuments Red Cloud, Nebraska I .nnnntiniuHuiEKianpniiniTncKBiiniijaiiouiKitniKniiunirai'miiinuwRsr. IB m HEHRY COOK, M. D. UKAI.CII IN DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES jt Kansas City Market Kansas City Stock Yards, Muy 122, 1!M0. Cattle prices advanced around 2i cents last week, and closed firm. The supply today is 10,000 head, same as on last Monday, and strong con ditions are again effective. In addi tion hellers got a heavy fill on every thing, trade was active and cattle went over tho scales carrying the whole fill. The feature Unity was n train of 20 cars of cattle and hogs from Uroken How, Nebraska, which made tho .'170 mile run in 22 hours, nud crntained steers at $I).(55 and SD.8B the latter price toji for the dny. Col orado pulp fed steers were not as unin- erous as on recent .Mondays, most oi them at $!).0 and S'J.tiO, a few at $9. Jf. Hulk of the beef steers range from $8.75 to $'J.r0, there being no loiiger anything that can be called cheap. Idaho pulp fed steers hi ought Sil.-lO today, a record price, and Mon tana barley fed steers brought $9.20, highest price on record for Montanas by '15 cents. Quarantine receipts amount to scarcely anything, North Texas feeders observing with pleas ure the trend of the market with ref erence to their own cattle, icady in Juno, South Texas shippers with very few cattle suitable for market, and Oklahoma grasscrs not yet ready. Stockerhand feeders held up strong last week, and arc firm today, and if there is to be n seasonable break in prices this month there are no signs of it yet. Sales range from $7.50 to $8.75 in most cases. Hogs closed last week with almost a complete recovery from tho break early in the week, but a good run at leading markets today sent prices down again, supply here 15,000. However, order buyers bought some hogs here early at sternly prices, top, $!).!)(), but bulk of sales at $!Ui0 to $9.80. ranges 5 to 10 lower. The supply last week was 15,000 head more than previous week, but packers acted like it was a boon and not a hardship, which points to the extra ordinary capacity -of consumptive channels, and incidentally offercs in couragement as regards future mar kets. Sheep and Iambs sold stronger every day last week, and are firm to day, some .sales higher, fat goats a quarter higher. No fancy wooled lambs are offered today, but same are worth around $12.50. Clipped West erns weighing 88 lbs. brought $10.75, a new high record, and native spring lambs, medium class, sold at $12.25. Texas wethers of second grade bro't $8.50, choice ones worth $8.75 or more, Arizona clipped yearlings to day at $9.10, 88 lb. average. J. A. RICKART, Market Correspondent. Khiisiis City, May 2'th. Cattle '.'()l)0, 10 to l."ic higher, numer ous suit's Native steers 10. H) to 10.2.1 Hogs 8000, r, to 10e lower, top tl s:, bulk H3S. July corn opened sternly nt OT'rf, tetidnncy weak,' July wheat opened ? higher, 1 03 1-8, tendency highor. Natlce Of Referee's Sate Of Real Estate. Notice Ih hereby lvcn that, ly virtue of nn order of the District Court ot I'rnnklin Coun ty, Nulminkti) m.'ido and cnti red In snltl mrt on tliu'.'iiih dny ot April, unit, In mi action thnrcln pt'iiillliK. wherein Cum Mel Miami Is iiliiltitltr. mill Mary Mo lilluiul, Mario Met kllaml, .lotcph MM Icllntul. 1 1 114I1 Mc- (.itiianu nini .M'liic .mm ii-iinim niu (icii'tui mils, lor tlio partition ol Iho lollow lug k scrllml rtnl estate1, to ult: 'Die Noilh.wit tlwirtcr of thu Northwest (mirttr (nwl-l 11 w l-l) ol c.ftloit l-'lvu (), In Tonhlp One (1 1. N'orlh. Itiinuu rilleen ill), unit the '-oath wtst tjunrlerol the .southwest tjunrtLT s'v 1-1 kw l-li of seel mi J")ilrt-tw ,2 Inl.un ulilp I'wd 1 J . Norili. Iluimi' nttun 1. Wist ol the.Slxth rrlnclpal Meridian, In franklin County, Net)rasl:a; ami the follow limili (.rll ul pruiiiNcs, hltuati il In U thsUr ( ount . Ni. Iirnska towlt; Lot Olio di, In llluck lino h in Williams Addition to the 1 Ity ot Itul rioml. according to the ncordi I plat there of; whlt'h said order illrceteil the uiultrsUii i'it referee In said eauso to ell alil real citato at puhllctileas 11)1011 i'vlcuIIou; Now, Hurt-lore, I. the said rultree. will, on the&'.h day of June, IDIC. at thu hour of 'J o'clock '. M. of nald day. at tho houth front door of tlio court tiuitsc ol Wchster county. Nehraska. In thet'lty of Itcd clood, In sad county, sill the followlmt described real estate, situated In Webster County, Nebras ka, towlt: Lot one (I) In Iilock 0110 (li, In. Williams Addition to tho City ol Itcd Cloud, according to the recorded plat thcieof, to tho highest bidder, subject to any IIciih oreiuuiubrauceiexlstlui; against Hie same. Suld Halo will bo held open one hour. V. v. IJoitsKV, (iKoitoK W. IMt.M, Attorney. lteferee. !'. K. M xriiitlt, (uarillanad litem I 1 . m 1 SPECIAL! "ITH Each 50c Bottle of Wizard Floor and Furniture Polish, we will, for FffrK'iF a Limited Time, Give You Absolutely lK.C.Ci One Chemically Treated Wizard Duster, with Handle, for Dusting Furniture. We also have Wizard Floor Mops at 50c SI $1.50 Wizard Wail Dust Mops, for clcani'fjwalls 50c Estimate Of Expense The Annual estimate ol Kxpciihcs for the II sea I yearendlnir May 11117 and revenues for the year endlnxMay lUlilol tho City ol Ited Cloud, Nebraska, as adapted by the City Council at Its regular mectlni; held May Und, 1 1)1(1. OlllcersSaiary &00 00 Salaries Waterand bight Department 1000 00 .NUscelliuicouK salaries l'Joo 00 Cross Walks, Water Ways and .streets :M00 00 rrlntlnuand Supplies lijo on Olllce Kxpenso 1,7) 00 l-'uel, I'relKht and Drayayu llettermeat Water and Might Dept . Oil and Waste SIllklUK I'uiid ... .'. Interest on llomls Amusements nud l':utertalnments Mlscellaueoiis TOOO 00 1000 00 aw oo 17)0 00 l'JOO 03 two 00 isoo oo ?2l..-) 00 The reveauesol tho (lty ol Ited loud, .No braska, for tho year eiullni; May mill a-t shown by tho City Treasurer's Annual He- port on llle wltlithoClty Clerk are as follows: Wizard Polish-Thc best for floors and furniture. Once tried always used. 3 sizes 25c 50c $ I Wizard Carpet Sweep cleans and brightens the color in your carpets, per box 25c Purchase New Engine. Last week the city council held a special meoting,- the purpose or which was to reach a decision on the matter of purchasing a new engine, to lie used to deveiope power for the pumps and electric generator in the munelpal power plant. The Pneumatic Tool Co. had tlieir represenatlve present at the meeting, and lie gave a detailed ex planation of the workings of the en glne, and sold it to them under a ifUarantiv that it would save the eltv S200 a month or more, in fuel. It bej ing the first engluejof this class in this section, very liberal terms were secur ed. It Is to h operated in connection witli tlnv steam engine now used in the plant, and will furnish power during eighteen hours of the day or may be used in eon junction with the steam engine during the hours in which they have tho heavy load It will be housed in an addition to the pieseut building. A llfteon thousand gallon concrete fuel oil tank will ao lie constructed. Snpt Ziiglur is of the opinion that the engine will bu installed and in op era1 ion not inter than July Hist FARM LOANS Don t monkey with Loun Companies that hrenot ready lit any and all times to idoso your loan without delay. I have -ome piivate money to limn mat an unlimited ainountof eastern money. I Imve the lowest rate in the staie with your choice of live tliiVerent plan for making loans. I can make any loan that can be mHd by any Company, and I can malc loans that no other Uompatlv will make. .1. H. Uailev. l'hone, lilack ll Olllce over l'aul Storey's. Want ki GO to 80 lbs., thrifty stock hogs. Will pav premium over market price. C. II. Miner Serum Co. LiraiKmcniira'iifi:!:: I.I'UY JiraiiiiiMiii V. II. Miner Manager Dr. S. S. Dr-ardorl, M. D. C Veterinary In t'lmriio C. H. Miner Serum Co. Anti mom ti'.us- Hog Cholera Serum Red Clouil, Nebraska Wire or Phone at Our Expense I), S. Veterinary License No, 45 DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DKNTIBT OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud ' ' ' Nebraska KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:. A Full Line of Supplies ROLLS DHVKLOPKPlOc NAIL VOIR ORDER TO US Stevens Bros. Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED ta'OrFicE Oveu Ai.umotiT's Stohb F I PE (encral I'unil fcDim.10 Kleetrle I.Uht Cash 1'iiiut iiT.J7.52 llleetrle I.Ulit Levy I'unil llrJJ.41 WatorCash I'unil ... . 17U1.12 Water Levy I'untl irwi.Tit Occupation Kuiiil . iiS-j.15 t-'lrmnan's l-'unit n:,W) Judijiuetit Kunit! if it. (119.70 liitereit on llomls 81 percent Levy ivri'.UO jlnklin! (und 83 percent Levy I.Uj.OO SU,I8X70 Adopted and approved May 'J, l!)l(. Attest O. C. TKKI., ItOIIT. I)MKKKI. (Seal.) City Clerk. Mayor. School Building, Red Cloud. Scaled proposalH will ho received by the school board District No. 2. Webster County, Kid Cloud, Nebraska, up until noon, tho lith day of June, I91fi, tor tho furnishing of atl material aud laUir In tho construction of a llliih School Ilulldlaij. Illds will also be re cflscdatthc same time and placo for the plumbing, heating and electric wlrlni; nud In aciordance with the plans and .speclilcattous prepared by It. A. Ilradley A Company. Architects, KxchaiiKe National Hank llullil luu'. HastliiKs, Nebraska. All hlits for this work must be made out on blank forms which III bo supplied by tho Architects. !nU plans and sperlllcatlous w III be on llle with the Secretary of the Hoard and tho .rchtticts on and alter May tlth. uiiii. All bids must bo accompanied by an un conditional eertllled cluck of :mom I'lve llundrid Dollars, on a Ited ( loud Itauk iay. able to the order ol C. .1, I'ope, Secretary. Any contractor or contractors deslrlim' to llKuro on tlio above naiuid building aud tic slrlm; a set ol plans until date of lettlni; shall deposit lth iho Architects a eertllled check for Twenty-live Hollars (JVOOi usa Ktiarantee that tho contractor will not only return plans but submit a bona Mile bid to tho Hoard ot Kducatlouou or before tho date of lettlni; otherwise the deposit will Ik.- forfeited to tho Architects. I'ull InstriictUins will bo found In the sped llcnilons. The srhool lKard rescrvoH the rUht to reject any or all bids. C.J. l'OI'i:, Secretary. THE ALARM is a dreadful thiiiK OF FIRE for tlio man without Insurance. livery time lie sees the engines racing alontf his heart comeb up In his throat If the fire is anywhere near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THE COST OF is so small that it INSURANCE need hardly be considered. The freedom from worry alone is worth it many times over Have us insure you to-day. O. C. TEEL, Rtllabl insurance. Order To Show Cause. State of Nebraska. I lllTI ,, . ,. , Webster Countv. 1 ' e U0Ul" oit At a County court held at tho County Court room In and for said county May 4ta A. D.ISIKI. l.v tho matter of tho estate ot Allred II. KIiik Deceased. On reading and IIIIuk tho petition of Itollln I), and John K. Kim; praylac that ad ministration of said estate may bo granted to John K. KIiik, as Administrator. Oiiiikiikii, That t'rlday tho 'Jnd kday ot June, A. I'., 1UIG, at 10 o'clock a. m Is assigned for hearliiK said petition, when all persons Interested in said matter may appear at a County court to bo held In and for said county and show causo why prayer of peti tioner should not ho Krauted; aud that notice of tho pendency of said petition and tho hear liiK thereof bo l eu to all persons interested In Raid matter, by publishing a copy ol this order In tho Itcd Cloud Chief, a weekly news paper printed In said county, for three con hccutlvo weeks prior to said day ot-hearlni;. sK.vl.l A, I). It NM-., County .Indue. Dr. A. E. Boles OSTEOPATH Physical Diagnosis Labaratory Consultation and Examination Fiikk '''Osteopathy tho Science of Healing by Adjustment." Given to the World by A. T. Still, A. D. 1874. OFFICE OVER SMITH SHOE STORE Iloiti Phones RED CLOUD, NEDR. ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer -:- Furniture Dealer At The Orpheum Sunday Rev. Myers Will Preach the Memorial Sermon at 11 a. m. and Rev. J. L. Beebe Will Preach at 8:00 p, m. Hear the Orchestra and Chorus Watch for the Special Announcement WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COAL ORDERS PLATT & FREES FARM GATES "CANT-SAG" FARM GATES vu uuuuvu uiuru is no oeuer gate at any nnce I ? p iinjLutvuuiviuiaiiu uuiiui yuiu ul any price v '' e than the "Cant-Sag" and there is no gate that can be bought for less money. l 5 "i. : i ii ? ., . - ., . ' s PLATT & FREES Comti in and let us convince you that, in this instance, the best is the cheapest. Please pay particular attention to this word CANT It spells the best. Hare Started to Handle BREAD FRESH DAILY IN THE SANITARY WRAPPERS , FROM HASTINGS DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME WALTER W. MARSHALL THE SANITARY GROCERY, IN RED CLOUD . l ; J " t r &$, ff