The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 25, 1916, Image 6

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MILL WILL COST $1,250,000
$760,200 Appropriated for Immediate
Improvement at the Arsenal Large
Sums for Fortifications and Public
Building Work.
Washington, May 22. Rock Island
mcnnl In to ho mado ono of tt0
great munltloiiH fnctorlos of tho coun
try under appropriations made by tho
houso committee on appropriations,
tho plan to ho perfected by tho war
'A Held artillery ammunition plant
costlnK $1,260,000 Is to bo erected at
this arsenal, an Initial approprlnti
of $500,000 being mado for tho pur
pose. Increased facilities nro to be mado
for tho manufacture of field urtlllcry
vehicles at a cost of $90,000.
In all, $755,200 Is appropriated for
Imnicdlato Improvements at tho ar
senal. In addition, tho secretary of wnr
Is authorized to locato and havo con
structed a new powder plant at a
cost of $500,000. This now plant may
go to Hock Island arsenal becauso
of tho existing facilities thoro and
tho doslro of army authorities to havo
a mlddlo West factory located In tho
Interior of tho country, and beyond
reach of a posslblo enemy.
Thoso appropriations woro carried
In tho greot sundry civil appropriation
bill reported from committee, carry
ing n total of $127,237,221 and provid
ing for thousands of miscellaneous
Items not covered In other appropria
tion bills.
It carries Increased appropriations
for all tho government arsenals and
for tho Panama canal, Hawaii and
Phlllpplno fortifications.
Among tho appropriations for Im
provements to old and continued
work on public buildings carried In
tho bill are:
Illinois Cairo, $2,B00; Carllnvlllo,
$2,000; Carrollton, $2,000; Chicago,
mall conveying machinery, $10,000;
East St. Louis, $50,000; Qalcsburg,
$2,600; Mount Carmcl, $5,000; Olney,
$500; Peoria. $1,000; Qulncy, $1,000;
Savanna, $19,000; Taylorvlllo, $25,000;
Woodstock, $10,000.
Iowa Roane, $1,500; Carroll, $600;
Cedar Falls. $500; Charlton, $500;
Charles City, $30,000; Chorokco, ft,
900; Davenport, $1,600; Dos Moines,
$600; Grlnncll, $30,000; Kookuk, $1,
r.00, Marquoketa, $24,000; Washington,
Wisconsin Antlgo, $30,000; Reaver
Dam, $500; Fort Atkinson, $5,000;
Morrill, $25,000; Milwaukee $15,000;
Neennh, $33,000; nhtnolandor, $1,000;
Tomah, $3,500. ' '
Michigan Albion, $18,000; Ray
City, $2,000; Calumet, $8,000; Char
lotto, $25,000; Dowaglac. $22,000;
Flint, $3,000; Hastings, $500; Hough
ton, $500; Jackson, $3,000; Marquotto,
$1,500; Muskegon. $20,000; Saginaw,
$2,600; Ypsllantl, $20,000.
Makes Three Addresses and Shakes
Hands With Thousands Falls
to Meet Henry Ford.
Detroit, Mich., May 22. Theodora
Roosevelt urged thorough military
preparedness for tho United States
and pleaded for truo Americanism In
three addresses horo on Friday, dis
cussed "social Justlco" beforo tho con
vention of tho Rrotherhood of Rail
way Trainmen and shook hands with
several thousand persons at a public
reception In a downtown hotel short
ly beforo dopartlng for New York.
Speaking at a luncheon at tho Do
trolt Athletic club, Mr. Roosevelt de
clared that truo Americanism "meanH
unity of tho nation without regard to
the lands from whlcl. our fathers
came; without regard to religious di"
forences, and without regard to tho
dlfforent sections of tho country In
which wo llvo."
Tho set speech for tho day was de
livered nt tho opora house. Thero,
aB at Chicago, tho demand for uni
versal servlco provoked n patriotic
demonstration, which ns tho colonol
Tomarkcd, "gives mo added proof that
tho mlddlo West Is sound."
Mr. Roosevelt did not meet Henry
Ford, tho local automobllo manufac
turer, although early In tho day It
was said tho colonel planned to visit
Mr. Ford nt tho lattor's factory.
All Die on French Ship.
Marseilles. France, May 22. Nono
of tho pnssonBors or crow of tho
French coasting steamer Mlra wero
Bavod when tho vessel was mink ua
a result of a torpedo atnek In tho
Mediterranean May 1G. Tho Mlra was
a vessel of 3,050 tons and was owned
In Marseilles.
Say Cymrlc's Boilers Exploded.
Herlin, May 22. Amsterdam dis
patches stato that members of tho
,crow of tho Cymric on their nrrlvnl nt
Liverpool reported tho White Star
liner had been sunk by an explosion
of Its boilers.
Prisoners Flnht Fire.
Salem, Oro., May 22. Prisoners In
tho Oregon stnto penltontinry suved
tho structure from bolng totally de
stroyed by lira on Friday uftornoon.
Nono of thorn attempted to escape.
IThc loss was not heavy.
(fllTOntA) Cz&SS&rwlrMW
I. Purls reports French forccB at Halonlkl havo pushed In tho direc
tion of Monastlr towards PoroJ. 2. Allied Infantry has shelled enemy
encampments and organizations. 3. Army of East advanco forco occu
pies Devctopo, northeast of Lako Dolrun.
Cabinet Given Scott'a Report on Un
written Agreement at El Paso,
Approved by First Chief.
Washington, May 18. An optimistic
viow of tho Mexican border situation
was laid beforo President Wilson and
his cabinet on Tuesday by Secretary
Ilakor, after a long conference with
Major General Scott, chief of staff.
General Carranza and his advisers
now understand the motives of tho
Washington government mora fully
than ever beforo, as a result of tho
conference at El Paso botwecn Gen
erals Scott and Funston and Obro
gon, Mr. Dakcr was able- to tell tho
cabinet, and tension along tho inter
national lino has greatly relaxed.
General Scott believes that tbo
wholo situation is less acuto than it
hns been at any tltno since tho raid
on Columbus, N. M.
Measure Authorizes the Expenditure
of $45,000,000 on the Mississippi
and Sacramento Rivers.
Washington, May 19. Tho flood
control bill, providing appropriations
for tho Mississippi and Sacramento
rivers, was passed by tho houso on
Wednesday by a vote of 180 to 63.
Tho bill now goes to tho senate It
would authorize tho oxpondlturo of
not exceeding $15,000,000 for flood con
trol and gcnornl Improvement of tho
Mississippi river under tho Mississippi
river commission, and $5,600,000 for
flood control, removal of debris and
general improvement of the Sacra
mento river, Including coutlnuanco of
tho California debris commission
Conference Report on Reorganization
Measure Passes Without
Roll Call.
Washington, May 19. After a live
ly discussion of tho Mexican situation,
tho National Guard and the proposed
government nltrato plant, tho senate
on Wednesday adopted tho conferenco
report on tho army reorganization bill
without a roll call.
Tho hill provides for n regular army
of 211,000 oinccrs and men at peaco
strength, and approximately 260,000 nt
war strength, and for a federalized
National Guard of 457,000 officers and
men at maximum strength.
Republicans generally and n fow
Democrats expressed their hostility at
tho retention of tho provision for tho
nltrato plant.
ws i
London, May 20. ISrltlsh warships
and aeroplanes havo bombarded tho
town of HI Arlsh, In Egypt, near tho
border of Palestine, it waa announced
Sioux City, Ia May 20. Miss Jon
nlo Jones, holder of tho woman'B golf
championship of lawn, was Instantly
killed when tho automobile In which
sho was riding collided with a police
patrol wagon.
Irish Poet Is Arrested.
London, May 22. Darroll Figgis, well
kuown Irish poet, bus been arrested
In Ireland In connection with tlio po
litical disturbance. Figgis wus taken
in custody Thursday and la now eon
lined In a military barracks.
U. S. Flyer Drops German.
Parts, Mny 22. C'oipornl Klffon
Rockwell of Atlanta, tin., u member
or tuo American nying squadron, at
tucked a German aeroplane. Tliu (lor
man machine wus brought down In
Deemer and Payne, Americans Cap
tured by Outlaws, Are Rescued
by the 8oldlers.
Marathon, Tex., May 19. Tho Moxl
can bandits who raided Glen Springs
oovcral weeks ago and killed half of
tho gallant llttlo band of American
troops that garrisoned tho town were
captured near Laguna del Fresno,
105 miles south of tho border, by tho
troops undor Major Langhorno and
Colonol Sibley. This word was brought
hero by soldiers returning on truck
Six of tho Mexicans were shot as
they tried to escapo. Tho others, num
bering about 76, laid down their arms
and surrendered without a movo, ac
cording to best reports on tho affair.
These are tho samo Mexicans who
captured Jesso Deemer and Monroo
Payne, Americans, during tho Glen
Springs and Uoqulllas raids. Deemor
and Payno wero rescued by Major
Langhorno beforo tho clash with tho
bandits occurred.
Elaborate Series of Exercises at th
Opening of New Hostelry at
Chicago. .
Chicago, May 20. With an elaborate
series of exorcisos extending over a
period of threo days, and In which
many men prominent In religious and
philanthropic work participated, tho
now Y. M. C. A. hotel of this city haB
been dodlcated.
Tho building is probably tho largest
of its kind in tho world. It occupies a
ground apneo of 96 to 16C feet, is 19
stories high and contains over 1,800
sloeplng rooms In addition to tho of
fices, writing and rocreatlon rooms,
dining rooms, tollot and bath rooms.
Tho construction of tho building was
mado posslblo by donations from n
nurabor of leading business men ol
tho city, and Kb cost hns been abovo
$1,350,000. Tho Intention 1b not to con
duct it as n charity, but to mako It
solf-supportlng by nominal charges to
its patrons. It Is oxnoctod thnt If will
offer an attractlvo homo to hundreds
of young men from tho country visit
ing tho city for a fow dayB, or thoso
Booking to gain a foothold In Its indus
trial or business lifo.
Merchant Vessels That Fall to Halt
or Turn Toward Submarine Will
Be Attacked.
Washington, May 18. Germany in
a noto presented to Secretary LniiBlng
warns neutral governments that mer
chant Bhlps Hying neutral flags must
oboy tho provisions of international
law in regard to their conduct when
stopped by a German submarlno, and
that they Insur In tho direction of a
that they Incur danger should thoy
turn their ship In tho direction of a
Blrdsall Dies Suddenly.
Clarion, la., May 18.D. P. Ulrdsall,
former congressman from this district
and successor to Col. D. Ii. Henderson,
died suddenly nftor a brief lllncsa nt
his homo hero. Mr. Dlrdsall, who wns
well known throughout Iho stato,
served in congress from 1902 to 1HUS.
To Modify Taxes.
Washington, .May 19. Consul Rod
gors at .Mexico City reported that Car
ranza had announced hlu Intention of
modifying tho "confiscatory" taxes
lovled ognlnst all mining property In
that country.
Mrs. Franklin MacVcaoh Is Dead.
Chicago, May 19. Mrs. Frunkllu
MacVengh, wlfo of tho former secre
tary of tho treasury and for many
years u leader In tho exclusive circle's
of Chicago society, died in Wabhlu:r
ton on Wednesday.
New Batch of Troops Mustered In on
Mexican Border Expect
Friendly Reply from
Western Newspaper Union News Service.
Washington. Attempted frauds and
evasions of the income tax law, ag
gregating $8,380,185. have been fustrat
cd by the treasury department during
tho first nine months of the current
flscnl yeur. Tho $8,380,1855 has been
added to the Incorrect returns, as
sessed against the delinquent corpora
tions and Individuals and will bo col
lected. Whatever additional evasions
and omissions may bo uncovered In
returns yet to bo Investigated will bo
similarly treated. More than 80,000
Individual and corporation returns
have yet to be examined before tho
total of tho amount withheld can bo
Expect Friendly Reply From Carranza.
Washington. The state department
has been otllclally ndvised. that It
might expect soon a new note from
General Cnrranza regnrdlng the border
sltuntion. Indications nre thnt It will
be of a frlcndjy character and It ia
thought possible General Cnrranza may
propose tho farming of a definite un
derstanding along the lines of the un
written agreement reached by the mili
tary conference nt El Paso between
Generals Scott Funston and Obregon.
Should this foreenst be borne out, the
delicate situation created by General
Corranza's request for withdrawal of
tho American expedition would be a
closed Incident.
Thousand New Troopers Mustered In
First of Week.
San Antonio, Tex. Almost 1,000
men will be ndded to the border pa
trol In the Big Bend district, where
bandits raided Boqulllas and Glenn
Springs two weeks ago. General Fun
ston hns given orders for tho Sixth
cavalry, commanded by Col. Joseph
A. Gaston, that have arrived at Co
lumbus, N. M., from service with Gen
eral Pershing's column, to report im
mediately at Marfn, Tex. From thero
this regiment will be apportioned to
Sierra Blanca, Alpine and Marathon.
Colonel Sibley Is expected to reach
the border near Boqulllns, and Major
Langhorne will arrive with his troops
of the Eighth cavalry, bringing to an
end the little expedition movement be
gun after tho raid on Glenn Springs.
Fears of Leather Famine.
Philadelphia. Pa. The National
8hoo Retailers' association, with head
quarters In this city, has called a
conference of allied industries from
all pnrts of tho country to consider
abnormal conditions, making for an
acuto shortage of leather and shoe
fllndlngs generally, as well as mater
ial price advances on shoes nnd tho
outlook for a real merchandise fam
ine by fall.
Preparedness Parade at Lincoln.
Lincoln, Neb. A movement backed
by tho Commercial club and other
civic organizations to hold n prepared
nesa parade on Decoration day with
the purpose of demonstrating to the
country at large that the people of
this city favor udequate measures for
national defenso has been launched.
A referendum vote by the Commercial
club resulted 5 to 1 for preparedness.
Potash Beds at Hoffland.
Hoffland, Neb. From a little sid
ing a year ago with two or threo cars
standing on tho track, this town has
grown until today it hns been placed
on tho Burlington railroad map ns a
full-fledged town, shipping out thirty
cars n day. Hoffland promises to
grow still more and Antioch now as
pires to becomo a slllmar Industrial
center. It Is all on account of potash
nnd lis by-products. Tho fields hero
nro tho only ones In tho United States
where tho almost pure article Is to
bo found.
Bandits Killed In Skirmish.
Lake Ifascntc, Mex. Three bandits,
Including Julio Cardenas, the VUUata
leader, wore Killed in a skirmish with
an Amorlcan detachment near nublo
ranch, 20 miles oast of here. Tho
Americans, twelve strong, under tho
command of Lieutenant George S.
Patton, comprised nn automobile do
tnchmont sent to purchase, forago.
Tho bandits fired upon LJoutcnnnt
Patton and his guide after "they had
alighted from the machines nnd wero
approaching the ranch house.
Pittsburgh. Inability of local mills
to assure deliver for nearly n yenr
has resulted In failure to place $1.
000.000 worth of business hero dur
ing tho past few days. The foreign
trndo commission of Pittsburgh ro
eolved n cnbla Inquiry from Japan for
12,000 tons of wire rods worth $720,
000, but no manufacturer in this dis
trict could accept tho order. The
commission also has received an In
quiry for 00 tone of stool plntcs on
a cash basis anil for steel wlro valued
at, $200,000, but neither could be
Annual Eevent for Boys and Girls
Early In June.
The nnnunl stato Junior short course
In agriculture and home economics
will bo held nt tho university furm,
June B to 9 Inclusive. Any boy or girl
In tho state between the ages of 12
and 21 may enroll. Instructions will
bo offered to tho boys on soils, crops
and manual training. Instruction for
the girls will consist of lessons on
food, clothing and house furnishing.
Tho girls will be cared for at tho
home economics building nt tho uni
versity farm and tho boys near the
farm. The expenses' at Lincoln, ac
cording to those In charge, need not
exceed, $4.
Inventory of State's Industries.
What part Nebraska can do In fur
nishing supplies for tho army and
navy In case of war will soon be
known as the result of an Inventory
of the state's industries, begun by
the Nebraska members of tho navy
consulting board, authorized by Pres
ident Wilson and Secretary of tho
Navy Daniels. Every Industry In tho
stato which can possibly be turned
to use for war supplies Is to be listed
nnd reported to tho navy department.
Long lists of questions, answers to
which nro deemed necessnry Informa
tion for war heads of tho country,
are being answered. Among tho
topics covered are these: Nationality
of officers nnd owners of the plants;
floor plans; possible additions; possl
mlllty of night work; period of slnck
production of regular output; mater
ials used for regular production and
whnt production Is; number of la
borers, nationality, etc.; shipping fa
cilities; what wnr munitions or army
or navy supplies tho factory Is best
fitted to produce.
Apportionment of Government Funds
Stato Superintendent Thomas has
apportioned $1,401.15 of government
funds to the counties of Blaine, Cher
ry, Grant and Thomas. Tho money
was derived from government lands
withheld for forest reservo purposes
and goes to tho counties In which for
est reserve lands nre situated. Blalno
county receives $58.64, Cherry $817.94,
Grant $4.59 and Thomas $519.98. Tho
counties must apportion thoso funds
ns follows : One-fifth to the county
road fund, one-fifth to school districts
nnd three-fifths to school districts on
a basis of school population. In tho
case of tho smaller sums tho countleH
mny have to apportion the fund In
tho form of postage stamps becauso
some school districts will receive only
a few cents.
Stock Feeders Elect Officers.
Z. F. Leftwlch, of St. Paul, wob
elected president of the Nebraska live
stock feeders' association at tho an
nual meeting hold at the stato farm
Wednesday afternoon In connection
with beef products and live stock
feeders' day. Tho vlco presidents
chosen wero C. N. Beaver, York;
Heber Hord, Central City; L. W.
Leonard, Pawnee City; Robert Mous
el, Cambridge; J. J. Lutz, Papillion;
E. B. Gould, Kearney. Charles B.
Lee of the university farm was elect
ed secretary and treasurer. About
200 live btock men were In attend
ance nt the day's program. Dean
Burnett gave the address of welcome.
Refuses Increase In Rates.
Tho Nebraska state railway com
mission has Informed the Rock Islnnd
Railroad Co. that tho commission can
not acquiesce in an Increase of ex
cess baggago rates by reason of tho
restoration of tho 3-cent faro on that
road and tho application of a percent
age basis to the Increase. The com
mission asks the road to nmend its
haggngo tariff to a basis not exceed
ing the baggage rato of 1907, and un
less the company docs this tho com
mission will Issue nn order requiring
tho company to show cause why It
docs not do so.
Tho attorney genernl's department
has given nn opinion holding that a
county treasurer Incurs no liability In
acting In conformity with the law of
1916 which authorizes him to cancel
tax sale certificates which are more
than five years old. Tho attorney gen
oral says the tax sales purchaser
sleeps upon his rights If ho falls to
perfect his title under tho tax sale
certificate within tho Btatutory porlod,
and tho county treasurer Is relieved
of liability for subsequent taxes paid
after tho tax sale was made by the
person purchasing tho tax certificate.
"Nebraska Is out of debt, has $10,
000,000 loaned out, owns many thou
sand acres of school land nnd Is
proud of its showing." This was the
answer Governor Morehead gave F. II,
Long, "asslstnnt secretary" to tho
governor of Massachusetts, who Is
writing to nil of tho governors, col
lecting their autogrnphs on offlclnl sta
tionery. Long wroto to Governor
Morehead that tho Massachusetts of
flco boasted of seven rooms, with
eight men on tho governor's personal
staff. Nebraska holds $24,000 ol
Massachusetts' bonds.
Tho monthly report of tho activi
ties of the state food, drug, dairy and
oil commission shows tho Inspection
of 2,028 separate establishments. Ol
the number 305 woro scale and stand
ard Inspections under tho weights and
moasures law. A total of 739 care
of gasoline wero Inspected nnd 250
grocery stores and meat markets.
Thero were only 132 sanitary orders
Ibsuoil ns a result of theso investlga
tlons. Tho receipts from all those
sources totaled $11,852 for tho month.
Need Only Trust to Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound,say& Mrs. Kurtzweg
Buffalo, N.Y. M My daughter, whose-
picture is herewith, was much troubled
with pains in her
back and sides every
month and they
would sometimes be
so bad that it would
seem liko acuto in
flammation of soma
organ. Sho read
your advertisement
in the newspapers
and tried Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vege
table Compound.
She praises it highly as sho has been
relieved of all theso pains by its use.
All mothers should know of tills remedy,
and all young girls who Buffer should
try it" Mrs. MATILDA KURTZWEG, 62
High St, Buffalo, N. Y.
Young women who are troubled with
painful or irregular periods, backache,
headache, dragging-down sensations,
fainting Bpolls or indigestion, should
take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. Thousands have been re
stored to health by this root and herb
If you know of any young wo
man who Is sick and needs help
ful ndvlce.ttskhcrto write to tho.
Ijydiu E.Plnkham Medicine Co..
Lynn, Mass. Only women will
rccelvo her letter, nnd it will be
held in strictest confidence.
Too Much for Him.
She Can you manage n typowrlter?
He Not tho one I married. Dostom
Prevent It by Using Cutlcura Soap and
Ointment. Trial Free.
If your Bcalp Is Irritated, Itching and
burning and your hair dry and falling:
out in handfuls try tho following treat
ment: touch spots of dandruff and)
itching with Cuticura Ointment and
follow with hot shampoo of Cuticura
Soap. Absolutely nothing better.
Free sample each by mall with Boole.
Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L.
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Couldn't Waste Them.
"How would you liko to go with mo
on a fishing trip in a fow weeks?" the
fnt plumber asked his friend, the thln
"I'd like It all right," tho carpenter
returned, "but I am afraid It 1b out
of the question."
"I couldn't think of an excuse to
give my wife for going out of town at
this time."
"Haven't you any good oxcuso at
"Yes, but I don't want to use them
Just now."
"Why not?"
"Well, to tell tho truth, I nm saving;
them up for houseclcanlng time."'
If You Want White Clover.
Most of tho clovers are biennials or
perennials, but not bo whlto clover
It Is annual and propogates Itself only
by Boed. Therefore It ono wlBhoe
whlto clover In the lawn he must not
cut It so short that no ripo heads will
be formed to provldo seed fe- tho fol
lowing year. Some people are always
sowing whlto clover In their lawno
and wondering why thoy havo to re
peat the proccsB every year.
Fruit Farming In South Africa.
Fruit farming la making rapid prog
rcRB in South Africa. A good orchard
tractor 1b ono of tho things ncedoA.
The New Idea.
"Isn't Joy riding against tho law?'"
"Yes, except for model prison con
victs." "He who has health
has hope.
And he who has hope
has everything."
(Arabian Proved))
Sound health is largely
a matter of proper food
which must include certain
mineral elements best de
rived from the field grains,
but lacking in many foods.
Grape Nuts
made of whole wheat and
malted barley, supplies all
the rich nourishment of
the grains, including their
vital mineral salts phos
phate of potash, etc., most
necessary for building and
energizing the mental and
physical forces.
"There's a Reason"
Sold by Grocers everywhere.
re? v. , jj.w&iw
- --, mw-.j .
"""" W" WMiwNiJfaftgi