-if RUSE I A L d 'r Insure your Farm Property with Frank T. Hoon, Fieldman for tlio Farm Central Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Hastings, Nebraska Phones: Oillcc, .'SOI. Residence, 17M5 A sane, Mife, sound mid economical plan of tiro, lighti.lng "tul tornado Insurance. Will your policy soon expire? Write me and let mo explain. Xo obligation on your part, ::k..:..:..x..:.x..jxxx::..m. I AS TOLD TO US I :x:::x:"::":"Mxx:-x-:: Next Tuesday Is Decoration Day. Will Hunt was In Hastings, Friday. Uuy your Grocerlos of Miner Bros Co. Pure silk gloves 37c to 13c at Al bright's. Ous Holmgralu went to Hastings. Tuesday. Dale Montgomery went to St. l'anl, Tuesday. R. W. Co pi en is enjoying a vacation this week. Bob Garrison of (5uidc Rock was in town Monday. Mrs. Bernard MeXeny spent Tues day in Hasting'). Mrs. Nancy Green returned home Friday from Omaha. Better reserve those seats for "Tlio Battle Cry of Peace." Matt Doyle of Amherst is in the city visiting relatives and friends. New Summer Dress Goods now be ing shown by Miner Bros. Co. Who was the first man to pay spot cash for cream. .1. O. Caldwell. Buy it today as you will need it to night. French Flashers at Fogel's. S. H. Johnson and Ed Payne of Cath erton precinct were in the city Satur day. A good 8 hole kerosene stove for safe. It is in tlrst class shape. A. U. ;,','Bagley. " Joe Fogle went to Columbus, Tues day, to attend the state harness dealers -' meeting. , James Peterson and son, Frank, were in Hastings, Tuesday, transacting business. Miss Alveno Renfro left Sunday for Peru, where she will spend the sum mer with relatives. Mrs Ida Hayes of Superior was the guest of her brother E. S. Garber and wife the first of the week. Mrs. F. II. Cassil and children re turned home from Alma, Friday, where they had been visiting relatives. Mr. amfMrs. W. P. Medlar left the last of the week for Clay Center where they.,will visit relatives and friends. Ml4s Gwendolyn D.uneroll returned to Hastings, Tuesday, after visiting a few days at the E U. Overman homo. Olivor Wright, who U employed in the Cook blacksmith shop at Riverton, spent Sunday in the city with his folks. Miss Mary Chi istian returned home the Hist of the week from Funk where she closed a successful term of school on Friday. The Senior Class of the Red Cloud High School were in Guide ltock, Mon day evening, where they put on their play "A College Town" in the opera house at that place. Rev. Clarence Eshelman will speak in the Brethren church next Sunday afternoon at three o'clock on the tem perance issue. Rev. Eshelman has been appointed by the Brethren church of Nebr.isk'i to canvas the state and Is giving his whole time to tills work and knows whereof he speaks. Give him a lull house. After July 10th- We Will Discontinue Giving the Green Trading Stamps Get Busy! Get That Book Filled and Receive Your Premium c Before July 10th F. G. Tur nure & Son oond : Mrs. C. C. Cox spent Monday iti Cowles G C Bailey was m (initio Rock, M unlay Beach Robcrtsju wc.it to Inavale. Fiidnv. Long silk gloves TUo and i'.V at Al brights. MNs Margin et Miner went to Super ior, Sunday. Claienco I-Mielnian went to Kear ney. Monday. Ii. K. Giaves of Grand Island was in town Friday. Warren NeUon was down from lua vale. Sunday. Simmons kid gloves flXu values at $1 "7 at Albright's. Burl Dickcrson leturiicd to Guide Rock, Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs Glen Walker spent Saturday night in Inavale. Mrs. Robt. Avery went to Supeiior, Tuesday, to visit telativos Rev. J. M. Bates returned home from Valentine, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Silver Longton, of Al ma, were in the city Monday evening. Mrs. Frank Starr went to Lebanon. Sunday, to visit her parents. Mesdnmes Ed Amack and Fred Stau berry were in Hastings, Monday. Miss Allison Cowdeu left Sunday for Superior mid Lincoln to visit friends Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Goer were In Franklin, Saturday, attending the wedding of a relative. W. II. Thomas went to Aurora, Tuesday, to attend the funeial of his brother-in-law, Clias. Brandt. Miss Elsie Gather returned homo from Lincoln, Monday, where she had been sponding a few days with friends, Frank Starr and Charley Woods de parted Monday for Montana, where they intend to buy several carloads of Western horses. Mrs. C. E. Hill, who had been visit ing her mother, Mrs. Hassinger and family, returned to her home at Hast ings, Friday. The book "The Battle Cry of Peace" by J. Stuart Blookton and Albert E. Smith, is on sale at Cotting's drug store at 10c per copy. Mr. and Mrs. Will Miksch of Kelly, Kansas, arrived in the city, Friday, being called here by the death of his father, Rufus Mik6ch. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones returned to their home at Franklin, Saturday, after sponding a few days with tier fa her, C. N. Lovcrcheck. Miss Marie Uollister, who is attend ing the state university at Lincoln, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hollister. Prof. Otis Fraler, who has been superintendent of the public schools at Strouisburg the past year, is in the city visiting relatives and friends. Howard Yost, who has been teaching school east of ltladun, returned home the first of the week, after having closed a successful term of school. Weesner and Koontz shipped 1 car of hogs to Kansas City, Sunday, Jalso Be lauey Bios, .shipped 1 ear of hogs and W. L. Koontz Sou shipped ,' cars of cattlo. Prof. A. A. LeRoy went to Geneva tlio first of the week to accompany his fatnllyheie. They will reside in C. A. Schellak's residence in the west pait of this city. We are in toe market for 100 to 1:25 pounds Shouts at market price deliver ed ut Serum Plant. Will pay for de livery to plant. C. II. Miner Serum Co. " .Miss Cecile Thornton, who hus been teaching her chosen profession, flint of instructing the girls in the art of domestic science, the past two years, in our high school, left Saturday for Lincoln where she will spend her sum mer vacation ' French Flashers at Fogol's. Buy jour Giocerlesof Miner Bros. Co. .1. I). C runs Is home from Kansas Clt . W A. Kent went to Dunning. Satur diy. Frank Cassil was in Hastings, Wed nesday. Gem White pent the weekend In Cowles, Howard Hunt of Rlveiton was in the city Friday Miss Hannah White spent Saturday in Bostwlck All hose at Albright's are guaran teed fast colors. R. C. Shctlerof Rlvortou was In the city Wednesday. Don Fulton returned home from Lincoln, Friday. Fresh Fruits and Green Vegetables at Miner Bros. Co. Mrs. Carl Llndstriim of Oxford was in the city Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bloom returned to Hajstiugs, Monday. Chester Baker and Dale Turner went to Grand Island, Friday. Mr. Gray of Riverton was transact ing business in the city Tuesday. Dr. R. V. Nicholson returned home from Lincoln, Tuesday evening. Brakeman John Burns of McCook was visiting friends in the city Satur day. New (Jiieen Quality Shoes and Low- Shoes are now being shown at Miner Bros. Co. Mrs. A. 11. Bagley returned from McCook, Thursday, where she had been visiting friends. Miss Bfiihili Terry of McPherson, Kau at, arrived Friday to visit at the E. U. Overman home. Harry Peterson left Friday for Ilea trlccjwhere he will reside. His family left for that place this week The W. R. C. will hold a special meeting to plan for Decoration day on Saturday afternoon at 2:30. Mrs. John Keuuard returned to Hastings, Saturday, after atteuding the funeral of Mrs Soderlin. ' Mr. and Mrs. Rube Schultz went to Guide Rock, Saturday, to visit her brother Art Roblnsou and wife. J. E. Throne and son, after visiting with his brother, Edgar Throne, left Saturday for Shenandoah, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wren and son left Saturday for Lincoln and Farnum where they will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Grimes and children spent Sunday in Hastings with his mother, Mis. F. J. Grimes. Miss Mary Sheldon returned home from Kenesa;w, Saturday, where she had been teaching school the past year. I All comrades and their wives are re- i quested to come and march with the G. A. R. Htid W. R. C. on Decoration day. Mis W. A. Sherwood returned home Satuiday from Chicago w lie re she had been visiting her sister, Mrs. C. W. Weisz. Mr. and .Mr-,. Hod Moranville after j spending a few days at the Dr. J. V. I Moranville home returned to Guide I Rock, Sunday. Miss Cope, after visiting a few days at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Oscar Sattley, returned to her home at Trum bull, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Kellough of Mt. Clare arrived in Hie city, Friday, being call oil here by the death of her father, Rufus Miksch. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph GourJey, after visiting a few days with her mother, Mrs. L. Alles, returned to their home at Wymore, Saturday. Lore u Matthews, editor of the Rivei ton Review, was in the city Wednes day alteruoon and while here he made this otlicu a visit. Ho states that in his community bitslnoss is good and evoryone happy. : G. W. Llndsey went to Lincoln this morning For bargain wall paper buy It at Cotting's. adv Attorney . I. S Gilliam is in Hebron today A. 1). Grubcii of Blue Hill was in town today. Mis. F. a. Hildebratidt was In Hast injs, Wednesday. (Veil Crowe 1 1 leturuel home front Kansas City this morning. Allan Blaekledge ictuiucd home from Lincoln Mouilay evening. Mrs. M. M. Frohneu. of Hastings, is vfsitlng with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Btad ford. Henry Pharos of Central City is visit ing his mother, Mrs. Barbara Pharos, today. Robt. Pease of Beatrice spent the weekend in this city with Mr. and Mrs. I'd G arbor. The W. C. T. V. will meet with Mrs L. P. Albright, on Wednesday after noon, May !)lst. The best paint is Sewall's mixed paints at Cotting's drug store. adv Stickney Coombs, who was called here by the illness of his mother, Mrs. E J. Coombs, left Saturday for Day ton, Wyoming, to resume his school duties. G. N. Blankenbaker of inavale, Neb., sold a carload of l.l.'Vl pound steers at S!.7."i. hi a feed of I 'Jo days these cattle added II.IO lbs., in weight. Monday's Kansas City Daily Drovers Telegram w hat sin a nanier All cohl creams are called cold cieaius There's a dllT eieuce when you try to find it out. The best Is A. D. S. Peridlxo Creams at Cotting's drug stoie. Manager Cassil has Installed a Wur- litzor unit orchestra in the Orpheum. it is on the plan of an electric piano, iiid has base and snare drums and other attachments, and Is oporatcd by eleotrlc power. On Monday evening of this week, a number of fi lends of Mark McConkcy surprised this gentleman by gathering at his home, in honor of his birthday. A light luncheon was served, and at a late hour they departed wishing him many happy returns of the day. All those present report a very enjoyable evening. The advance sale of tickets for "The Battle Cry of Peace'' have ex ceeded all expectations of the man agement of the Orpheum up to this time. The Friday night seRlA are pretty well picked over. Manager Cassil is expecting a record run of this great production and has an ex tensive advertising campaign under way for the surrounding territory be tween Superior und Oxford We have this week, installed anoth er press in our olllce. Tlio new ma chine is a 11x17 Gordon job press, and will handle a larger "form" than the one now in use. We will now be in a position to handle "rush jobs" to a better advantage, as- heieto wo weie compelled to finish one job of press work before heglmilpg another, our order also Included more new typo and material, that was required, in order to give our patrons the very latest in printed matter. Tlio Battle Cry of Peace photoplay ed at the People's theatre in Smith Center the first two nights of this week drew quite a crowd from Leba non. The picture is r. contiuous cry for preparedness and undoubtedly fin anced by the I'. S. munition manu facture magnates. However, it was one of thu best photoplays wo ever saw on the screen, and there were sev eral scenes in it that must have cost a lagu sum of money to photograph. The one strong point in the entile picture was, "Power is peace, and re verse the nowspupor slogan: prepare for war, to prepare for peace." It was scieened lour times to an overflowing house and a large number were turned away at tlio door ut the hist perfoim- ance. i.clmnoii J lines. Will Give Away Overland. The merchants of Red Cloud nn- go- ' lug to give away another New 19K5 Model. Five Passenger Overland, on ' Thin sday. September 11th. They aic also going to give cash piizs on eacli Saturday, beginning Juno 3rd. The tickets issued by the merchants will contain fifteen coupons, fourteen that arc for the weekly prizes and one for the giahd prize. Thirty seven of our up-to-dcte mer chants will issue these tickets and aio as follows: -M. A. Albright J. A. Bui den C L. Cottitig Diamond Mill Co. R. M. Rgo E. S. Oarber V. A. IHI.iebraiidt A. A. LeRoy W. W. Murahall Miner Serum Co., J. C. Mitchell K. II. Xewhouse .las Peterson Rope Bros , Red Cloml Chief Paul Storey George Tiino R. P. Weesner Co , J. K. Amack .t Barnes .1. O. Caldwell Cowden-Kaley Co , Rills Shoe Stoic Joe Fogei tirico Drag Co , llutchlsoii'Saladcu Malono-Avery Co , Miner Bios. Co., C. II. Rust Morhart Bros. Co , l'latt A: Kiees Co., Barbaia Phittos Roy Sattley Kianlc Smith .Stevens Bros., Turnure A: hon I'. A. Wiillbrandt Yost Just Two AME inlo Our Store yesterday, who said they didn't see anything 'wonder ful about our Spring Styles They Were Both Blind Everybody else said they never before had seen such a mighty fine collection of the newest, prettiest Spring Styles in nobby garments. Come in this week and pick your spring clothes. This is the ionable suits of big values at The Cowden-Haley Clothing Co. ALWAYS Notice to Parents Reiardln Free Hlfth SchMl ThIUm Free High School tuition application hould bo tiled In the office of the Coun ty Superintendent on before the first ef June In order that the school boarde may be auihorlted by the 2nd Monday In June to make provision for the re quired tuition. Note that non-resident students must make application each year. The town superintendents or princi pals at Bladen, Blue Hill, Rosemont, fVowIes, Guide Rock, lied Cloud, ina vale have supplied all nou resident &BUI J For Week tt Atl Tf HIT or Week Commencing MlilfllMrff H IVI" Commencing Thur.May25 L lJMlill Thur. May 25 Orpheum Orchestra Each Night at 7.45 Prof. C. Shcdboll, Director Pictures Start at fl O'clock Thursday - - Nay 25 Red Feather Photoplays presents J. Warren Kerrigan in The Pool of Flame In 5 Acts Friday - - May 26 World Film Co., in 5 acts, presents Henry Kolker, in THE WARNING Saturday - - May. 27 The Quarter Breed 3 -reel Western The Janitor's Busy Day Drama The Blackmailer Monday - - May 29 The Broken Coin- 12th Episode With Grace Cunnard and Francis Ford Creed and Gasoline L-Ko comedy Oh! What a Shopper2-reel Big U Tuesday May 30 Nature Man 5 -reel Red Red Feather Wednesday - - May 31 Arthur Donaldson and Buelah Poynter in Hearts of Men Thursday - Drugged Waters .iV People home and of fash overcoats little money. RELIABLE. students in their high sohoolswlth ap plication blanks for free high school tuition. Bach eighth grade graduate In this year's class has been supplied with an application blank. If you have not received a card you can obtain It from any of the town .Superintendents or from tho County Superintendent. Oeiuiiudk L, Coon, County Superintendent. The season of Lightning and Torna does is approaching. Don't delay too long for the Insurance you jnay need. O. M. VanCaiup, Getieral Insurance. . June 1 5-reel Red Feather to i. -,i! ,7 f I w m c , ( r'-