n :& RED CLOUD, WJSHKAMK.A, CHIEF i a a i i mi Mm : 'i ,1 I Children aWassAsaaW' JsssslMLsflLi VKaVK JHHgRttgL mu& V H HKHbwKXr- K3sjjL. ( M k tm f $x. 'ssssssssssssssssssssssflsssssssssssssssssV ssssssB H MHE Ff HjHItHJeJ I lljsisssssssa BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBAasssssssssssssssr v sK ssssW. ''ssaaaM A 5(Lfc sssssssssssssssar V sssssssssm bsbvW sssssssaBBBBBBBBBBBBBsssssssLaBsL.JaBsssl -ssssrlsssssssn ' srwtauTlTIsirTsTT fj SJr Children, on this Memorial day, Go scatter flowers where sleep the Blue and Gray, Under one flag, a strong, united land, An inspiration to the world we stand. DENIES THAT GENERAL GRANT WAS UNFEELING One Who Knew the "Silent Man" Well Tells of Instances That Prove Rumor's' Falsity. GRANT did not select the Wilder ness as the sceno of bis ilret engagement; he was com pelled to take It, writes Sam uel H. Beckwith, chief cipher operator to General Grant, 1862-65, But he was not caught unawares, as some un friendly writers havo argued. We well knew that tho "Johnnies" wero pome whero beforo us, ready to oppose brisk defense to our forward movement, and evory possible precaution was taken to protect our troops against surprise. When tho flght started wo wero pre pared for them, so far as an army could bo prepared for tho strugglo up on such a field. During tho first day's engagement General Grant was not idle. Ho want ed to learn first-hand what was going on about him. A porsonal inspection, therefore, was necessary, and Cincin nati, that magnificent war horse, was drafted into Bervlce. Thcro havo been many horses that havo gained con spicuous places in caulno history, but thiB noble animal deserves place among the beBt. Ho was a chestnut gelding of rare mettle, and when in action upon a smoke-covered field ho certainly was an object of admiration. I was tho general's only companion on that ride, and for one excellent rea son, nmong others, my mount could keep paco with bis. Thero wero a few moments during the rido in which I was reasonably Bure that our tlmo had come. As we penetrated a thicket of dwarf pine and emergod Into a small clearing a lino of Federal troops groping their way along clashed, in our Immediate front, with a detachment of Confederates who wero pushing through tho tangle of wood, A fusillade of bullets was tho result, and several sang an ominous song about our heads. Wo reined up, and then, as our men drove the enemy back to cover, he continued on his way with this comment: "When our time comes, Beckwith, we'll go, and not beforo. There's no use trying to avoid it." And avoid it ho did not. UNDI8MAYED BY TIDINGS. As was lnevltablo under such condi tions as prevailed in tho Wilderness, reports of tho vicissitudes ot too en gagement wero numerous and con flicting. To headquarters, where Grant awaited tho outcome of tho second day'B flght, camo courier after courier bringing nowB of the progress of tho contest from various portions of tho field. Somo of these wero alarmingly in correct. But tho evil tidings didn't disturb tho silent Grant. Several times during tho night I viBltod his tent to recelvo .or deliver messages, and found him apparently unmoved by tho direful ru mors. Ho had dono all that any command ,er could do to insuro victory; tho re sult was with Providence Even with isomo of theso diBQulotlng talcs unro futed, ho retired to his cot to snatch much-needed rest, the least ruffled lot the group about headquarter, Honor Nation's Dead Tho morning of tho 7th broko upon a battlefield strewn with the wreckage of terrible fighting, but the, two for midable opponents had flnlBhed writ ing into history the Battlo ot tho Wil derness. Tho forces of Leo had re tired behind their intrenchmcntB; tho Federal troops were unwilling-to at tack them so protected. Orders wero issued lato in the after noon for a night march of tho cntlro army toward Spottsylvanla. Early in the evening tho lioutcnant-gencral and Meade with their staffs started out upon tho way. When wo reachod Han cock's corps, tho bravo fellows wero lying behind their works most ot them asleep, and wo picked our stops care fully along In tho darkness to safe guard tho recumbent soldiers. Grant sought a brief interview with General Hancock and tho twain crawled into an ambulanco wagon and hold converse for somo time. I had been riding close behind my suporlor and now I dismounted and threw my bridle rein across tho limb of a fallen treo nearby, while I flung myself down upon a pllo of brush to await tho re appearance of the general. I was pret ty well fagged out and a few mo ments rest was most welcome. It wasn't long beforo tho boys sensed tho presence of Grant, and al though orders had been given to re train from cheering, owing to tho prox imity of tho enemy, when they learned that bo was facing southward, they sprang to their feet and tho rocks and woods Bont back tho echo of their boisterous shouts. Somo rather harsh criticism has been directed at General Grant for tho tremendous sacrifice of lifo in tho Wil derness campaign, and his alleged cal lousness at tho wholesale slaughter of his men. 8TOICISM OF GREAT CAPTAIN. Let mo, who was his constant com panion during three years of tho Civil war, bear testimony to his possession of a genuino humanity and manly sym pathy. His waB a most pocullar nature. Whore others would fret and griove, manifesting their anxiety In words and actions, ho preserved a stern si lence. But 1 am certain ho felt as keenly and deeply tho barb of misfor tune and sorrow ns did thoso about him. During tho bloody days of relent less attack aniT stubborn defense In tho spring of 1861 I noticed an almost Indefinable- sadness in Grant, a sort of moody reticence, that convinced mo, who understood the man, that he was SimeGutj IF ' LJJ TTTT U!sY f fcWfe " r &c ?xfHH ?V1,few'Kjal P"?f"Y"pvV Photo by Ftsnk roumlcr. suffering at the destruction of bo many gallant troops. It was after tho battlo of Cold Har bor that 1 went to tho general's tent to deliver a clphcrgram, and found him sitting alone, smoking a cigar and evi dently burled, in thought. His faco bore a care-worn oxprcssion that in dicated sleepless nightB and weari some days. For a moment ho wns oblivious of my presenco; then ho nodded to mo and I entered, hnndlng him tho message. After reading it bo turned to mo with a sigh. "Beckwith," ho said, "tho hardest part of this general business is tho re sponsibility for tho Iobb of ono's men. I can see no other way out of it, how ever; we've got to keep at them. But It is hard, very hard, to sco all theso bravo fellows killed and wounded. It means aching hearts back home," And ho lapsed ugain into ruminating si lence. There were two occasions when I saw Gcnoral Grant actually shed tears. Tho ono was in tho forepart of July of 1864, whilo wo wero in headquarters at City Point In the operations beforo Petersburg. A telegram camo in from Gon. W. T. Sherman, who was grap pling with Hood at Atlanta, Ga., con veying tho painful intelligence- of tho doath of McPherson, tho beloved com mander of tho Army of the TennosBoe. WORD OF M'PHERSON8 DEATH. This rugged and gallant leader, by his Intrepid and cavalier bravery, had won for himself tho enthusiastic sup port of his men and tho unreserved confidence and admiration of Grant and his generals. It was a telling blow, just as this time, to tho hopes and aspirations of tho North. I took the dispatch to tho general, and ho read It silently. Ho was hard hit, I could readily sco that. His mouth twitched and hlB cyos closed ns if ho wero shutting out the baleful words. Then tho tears camo and ono followed tho other down his bronzed cheeks ns ho sat thero without a word of comment. It was most eloquent silence. Tho other occasion was in October of tho Banio year, when the news of tho death of Gon. T. E. G. Ransom reached us. Ransom and Grant had been comrades in arms 1l 'ho West in tho early days of tho war, and a strong friendship bad grown up be tween them. Tho loss of tho young ofllcer struck homo with peculiar force and none felt that Iobb inoro deeply than General Grant. jNHENfflONAL stiwsaiooL . Lesson inv i: o HKLLtillS. ActliiR Director of Sunday School four of the Moody Whir Iimtliiitf. ChlinKo.) tu HkIU, 1SUC, Western Niwspsper Union.) LESSON FOR MAY 28 THE COUNCIL AT JERUSALEM. l.KKSON THXT-AotM 15.1 Si. OOM)i:X THXT-Por fterilom did ChrlHt eit uh frec.-Uiil. f 1. Tho events of this lesson nro out standing In Christian history. Paul's appeal to tho Gentiles and the largo number of them who accepted tho Gos pel made most acute tho question, ' Must (lOtitllo believers become Jew ish proBclytcs upon accepting tho Christian faith and be governed by Jewish law and customs?" It would bo exceedingly Interesting to dlvldo a cIubh and let them debate this con troversy stated as follows: "Resolved, That tho Mosaic law should not havo been Imposed upon Gontllo Chris tians.' The dato of thin council was A. 1). HO or 61, and the sceuu is laid first In Antloch of Syria and then in Jerusalem. I. A Division of Opinion (vv. 1-G) I.uko does not nanio those who ngl tatcil and precipitated tills contro versy, but clearly indicates how the Holy Spirit dealt with tho situation "In a man Justified by fath, or by the. works of tho law?" is a similar ques tion with modern application. Tho Holy Spirit, to avoid a rupturo in tho yet wenk church, directs that Paul, Ilarnnbas, Titus (Gal. 2:1) and "cr tain others" who nro not named, should carry tho question to tho apos tles and elders In Jerusalem. Thoso to whom they went wero "of reputa tion" (Gnl. 2:2), tho "pillars" Gal. 2: it) and they received tho delegation from Antloch in public (1DM), also beard Paul In private (Gnl. 2:2). II. The Argument, (vv. 6-18). It will not do to bo harsh In condemn ing Pnul'B accusers. Tno Pharisees felt deeply their position. As God's chosen peoplo they wero marked by circumcision. Jesus, tho promised Mes siah, was a Jew. Social, religious, and racial dlffcrcncec nro bard to rec oncllo In ono church today. But little was asked of tho Gentiles In contrast with nil they received. Entranco to church membership would not bo too cnBy if circumclBlon wero Imposed ns a test of their sincerity. Peter brought forward tho plea beforo tho council that God had givon the Holy Spirit to tho unclrcumclzcd Christians, "and put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith" (vv. 8, 9). God bears tho samo wltnoss today to thoso who rcfuso to be bound by Mosaic traditions as regards tho seventh day and other such details. Paul's argument was that God had wrought signs and wondors among the Gentiles and thus set his seal upon his prnachlng of salvation as npart from legalistic works (v. 12). Read In this connection Gal. 2:16, Ti tus 3:20, 8:3, 10:4, and Phil. 8:9. Tho npostlo James presented tho third argument In connection with tho ver dict ho pronounced. It was that It Is according to Old TeBtnmcnt Scrip ture that God will tako a peoplo for hla namo from among tho unclrcum sized Gentiles as well as from among tho law-keeping . Jcwb (vs. 13-17). With Paul this waB a vital question, and wo can at least lmaglno his feel ings ns ho puts forth a llfc-and-dcath strugglo for tho truth. As Peter re minded tho peoplo of tho occasion when "tho Holy Spirit camo upon Cor nolius and his household" ho caused them to keep silenco. III. A Wise Decision (vv. 19-29). It wna James tho Just, brother or our Lord, tho writer of tho cplstlo and the bUhop overseer of tho church at Jerusalem, who rendered tho decision. In his argument (vs. 13-18) ho saw In theso tjentilo convortB reported by Barnabas and Saul a fulfillment of tho prophocy of Amos, and to uso tho languago of today ho "rondo a mo tion," viz., that theso Gentiles bo not disturbed except in such matters as would tend to moro fully separate thorn from tho heathon idolatry they had Just left, (a) "Pollution ot IdolB," I. o flesh offered in tho sacrifices (b) "from fornication," tho immorality connected with tho pagan worship of Aphrodlto and Cybelo which actually consecrated vice, and (c) "from things strangled," for tho heathen did not, ns tho Jows did, look upon tho blood na life, tho scat of tho soul. Tho church readily agreed to this motion and took such precautions as wero needed that no misrepresentations of their decision bo carried back to Antl och. This consisted of a spirit-led choice of messengers and in a written statement of their decision (vs. 22, 23). IV. The Result In Antloch (vv. 30-35). Great Joy grested tho conclusion of this question. It produced pleasant harmony in place of discord and in place of tho irksomo bondago of tho law It gavo tho Joyous Itborty of tho Gospel. Jowlsh legalism gavo way to Chris tian liberty. Judas and Silas, Spirit Hllcd, gavo much profitable exhorta tion and Instruction. Silas after reporting to tho Jeru salem church (v. 32) seems to have roturnnd to his now-found frlondB (v. 34) and later bocamo, along with Paul, a missionary (v. 40). Thus tho evil Paul's enemies thought to accomplish worked out to tho good of ull (Rom. 8:28) Ik . a. i w iini.i.,i.nii,ninm mi. NKet Content 15 FloM Drachm ( I I joG alcohol- a van cxnt inC AVcjJclHlilcPa'iwnllonlorAs- 4 siiHilalinvilhKHHlinJtK'vJii- $ A, JnrthVSI(micjwnndJknvclof Ifi Ql B PftMiotes Dit!csttoit,fliccrfiil ncs5 nml Rcat.Ccnlaiiu neither Ojiiiiin.Morpliiiicnor.Miitanl. wot Narcotic Mkj tfOUDr.si.WU mtXff lklD Alv ,Sw AotAflif Sattm CO ftvxz&so.: iii r A rwrfal Renurily rorCoiiMTfw lion. .Sour SloinocliDinrrlHtat, Worms, rcwrisluicss nnd LoSSOl'StliEP. Facsimile Slrfnnlmv or Tmu Ckntauii comiwot; NEW YORK. X-ift ffl tnoO IVU a J.tt -TN N Bud Cc;y of Wrapper HAD HER BEAU IN CLOSET Girl's Statement Alarmed Mistress Somewhat, But Developments Made Everything All Right. Ring Lardncr colloquialisms of tho mlddlo West tnko queer shoota somo times. A norvnnt who had had sev eral beaux about whom sho talked a great deal wns asked by hor mistress about ono Honry, ho of tho mild bluo oycB nnd fair skin. "Whero Is ho now?" "Him? Oh. I got him up In my room, locked up snfo enough In n closet," replied Mary. "Locked up Mary, you don't mean to say you've got a young man in your room?" "Oh, yes, ran'am. llo's handsome, Honry Is. Come. I'll show you." They went upBtnlrB. Mary marched to n closet and throw open tho door. The mistress stepped backward ex pecting sho knew not what. All that happened wns that Mary opened n trunk, nnd from bonenth a pllo of clean handkerchlofs took out a photo graph. "There," said she, "that's Henry. Ain't ho Just hnndsomo?" The Easiest Way. Tommy bad a cold In bis head, which confined him to tho houso, ho ho wns allowed to Invito his young friend, Jack, to tea. Afterward tho two small boys com menced playing hide and-scek, nnd Tommy rushed Into tho dining room nnd nuked his father to conceal him. This father did, behind a big arm chair. Prosently In camo Jack, nnd Instead of boginulng his senrch, calmly throw hlmsolf down on the rug boforo tho fire. "Come, Jack," said Tommy's father, "aren't you going to look?" "No fear," was tho small boy's calm retort. "I'm waiting till ho sniffs!" Vain Search. Mr. Paeon Do you know, dear, 1 havo only two suits of clothes to my namo? Mrs. Dacon Yes, John; I havo no ticed that you have very llttlo change In your clothing. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Too Much for Him. Sho Can you manugo a typewriter? He Not tho one I married. Boston Evening Transcript. Matrlrnonlnl packages are not al ways what they aro tied up to bo. k TTTrriTrTTIBD rrn-MTTTTTTTBBBB The Wheat Yields Tells the of Westirn Canada's Rapid The heavy crops in Western Canada new records to be made in the handling of (trains by railroads. For. while the movement of these heavy shipments has been wonderfully rapid, the resources of the different roads, despite enlarged equipments and Increased facilities, have been strained as never before, and previous records have thus been broken in all directions. The largest Canadian wheat shipments through New York ever known are reported for the period up to October 15th, upwards of four and a quarter million bushels being exported In less than six weeks, and this was but the overflow of shipments to Montreal, through which point shipments were much larger than to New York. Yields as high as 60 bushels of wheat per acre arc reported from all parts of the country; while yields of 45 bushels per acre are common. Thousands of American farmers have taken part in this wonderful pro- auction, l-aml prices nre still low and v in cnotl lnf alitiea. convenient In -- ,wv -- r -"- '. V Thero la no war lax on land fAr Write for illustrated pamphlet, reduced railroad rates and other JIBl information to Superintendent Immigration, Ottawa, -"lusa" wanaaj, or t)JttlrV W V 2r-7 ISPiP1. HoonM,BeeDldg.,umiu,i 'K3& 't'riutkf tl&n i. NK Canadian n, 3r.nw.L1 t CASTORIA For Infants nnd Childron. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMI CIHTHUK OOMMNV, NIK TORK BlTT. In Luck. "Wo'ro In luck, boys," remarked Noah. "In what way?" Inquired Jnphot. "Wo can go ahead and build thin ship ourselves without asking for au appropriation." FRECKLES Mow It th Tim Out Rid of TtiM Ugly HpoU. Thrrn'a no longrr tho illchlrit nred of frtllrrK nihametl of yuur frrcklri, (ha prescription othlnr double. trrnnth la uirantred to remove thein homely poli Hlmply net an nuncn of othlne dnubl trenith from your drucglit, nnd Apply a little ot It night and morning and you (hould aonn leo that even the wont freckle have begun to disappear, while thn lighter ones have vnnlahed entirely. It la aelilom that morn than one ounce la needed to com Pletely clear the akin and gain a beautiful clenr complexion. Tie aura to aik for the double strength othlne, aa thla la aold under guarantee of money back It It falls to remove freckles.. Adv. Quite Familiar. Sho (thoughtfully) Did you oyer think much about reincarnation, dear? '18 (othcrwlso) Think about It? I eat It nearly every day only wo call It hash. Tiger. RESINOL SPEEDILY HEALS ITCHING, BURNING SKINS Usually reslnol ointment, with rbs Inol soap, stops itching at once, quickly and easily heals distressing cases of eczema, rash, ringworm, totter or simi lar tormenting skin or scalp eruptions, and clears away plmplch, redness, roughness, and dandruff, when othor treatments havo proven uboIcbb. Physicians have prescribed reslnol for twenty ycarB, while thousands whoso skins havo boon healed say, "What reslnol did for us it will do for you." Try itl All druggists sell real nol soap nud reslnol ointment. Adv. Many a man who takes himself seri ously Is considered a Joko by hlB neighbors. ALIEN'S rOOT-ISASn FOR THE TltCfOI'8 Many war znno lionpltuls liavo ordered Allen's Foot-Knur, tho antlicplla powder, for use nmoriB tlio troops. Hhakon Into the Bhofs ana used In tho fool-butb. Allon'R l'ost-I'iiso gives rout and comfort and maUcB wulklni; a delight. Sola every where, 35c. Try It today. Adv. When a man says a bright thine ho nearly always forgets tho quota tion marks. FITB. Krir.FPBT. FAI.T.INO 81CKNKM Htopped Uulrklv. Tlfty years of uninterrupted snrres of T)r. Kline's Kpllepar Medicine Insures lasting remits I.aiuisTiiui. llonx KKB. DR. KLINE COMPANY, Ued Hank, N. J-Adr. Man may bo tho stronger, but wom an's tonguo is moro facllo. Story Progress have caused tree homestead Unas are easily secured churches, schools, markets, railways, etc ' ' and no conscrlollon. BENNETT Government Aff Mb nl tx.r ntJf' Use TO i( !( m